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"No! It, uh - it is easy to be a saint in paradise," she murmurs. "I am not from paradise. And it's harder not to do any bad things, I think, the worse the situation you're in is."


"Oooh! That's a good phrase for it. Well. This is paradise. So it's easy to be a saint."


"Well. That's good, I guess. I'm happy for you."



"This you is really happy," she observes to Hagan.


"Yeah. What do you, uh, do with your time," he asks him.


"Map out new planets after they've been terraformed! Other people like knowing what's where. I dunno why. Ruins the surprise."


"Probably helps to avoid getting lost and starving to death."


"All the new planets have Valian ecology, can't starve to death yet. In another couple decades, probably, if people are really into that."


" - people are mostly not really into that, in my experience."


"Then maybe those planets will be super unpopular and only like five people who really want to win the tragic poetry contests will live on them."


"You can just - terraform new planets for five people?"


"I mean, you can put in a request, and then those get fulfilled in order of how many people say they'd live there, with some adjustments for scientific or artistic merit, so you'd probably be on a long waiting list if only five people wanted to live there."



"I think it's probably good that Elizabeth had us contact this place," she tells Hagan. "I'm not sure we have anything to offer them. - teleportation, I guess. Maybe some other magic."


"We do not have teleportation! It'll be pretty cool! But also you don't need to offer us something, we're not gonna let your evil gods torture people if they happen to not have cool presents for us."


"Oh. That's cool of you. It just seems like it'd be a lot of effort for you to not get anything at all for it."


"Well, we'd be getting the people. Who were not being tortured by evil gods."


"Getting them in what sense."


"They'd be living their lives instead of being tortured. I feel like that's a pretty good reward in itself!"


"Yeah but would they like...belong to you or anything. Since you went to the trouble."


" - uh, two of the worlds we encountered have fairies who are able to magically enslave other people by doing favors for them. So it seems like a thing we should double-check. - we're not fairies. We're just trying to be, uh, considerate."


"No magic slavery. Just like, the thing where when someone is hurt and then they feel better you're happy about it."


"Oh, okay, cool. - one of the you's is a fairy slave owner and one of them is a slave, so, uh, it seemed prudent to bring it up."


"Geez. Uh, if people wanna resettle here it doesn't have any laws yet but we can copy them over from somewhere that worked fine, which will definitely mean no slavery."

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