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"That makes sense."


"I don't think she's looking for a boyfriend at all but if there's one, like, running the orphanage and badly in need of prestidigitation yet trivially capable of escaping with her if Wolfram and Hart show up, that might do. Maybe he has orphanage-teleportation powers and recently pulled it out of a civil war? I don't know how many degrees of freedom you have here."


" - I don't really know either. I figured we could try looking at pulling some other alternates here like we did the others, and if none of them got along at all then it wouldn't be that obvious that we'd been looking for one and nobody would be much worse off."


"That's fair enough. Maybe you can send people on expeditions to meet the alts and ask their permission to be pulled here. Both because this seems friendlier than kidnapping and because you can send them with the people you want them interacting with or whatever."


"That's true, I could probably manage that. Valentine's a bit of a weird pick but I guess it's at least true that she isn't doing much."


"And would probably benefit from being useful. Even if she'd also be terrified."


"Pretty sure useful but terrified beats useless and ...slightly less terrified. I should probably send someone else with her, though."


"The obvious person to send on tracking-down-new-Connors missions is Hagan. With the tracking skills and the being a Connor and not a fairy and not singlemindedly devoted to helping the one from Hell."


"That makes sense. Thanks."


"I don't actually know if that was helpful! But sure, any time."


So one problem is that she cannot, actually, currently, get much of any information about alt targets before pulling them, which makes it pretty hard to pick particularly good targets. She can get locations, though, or at least enough of a sense of a location that she thinks she should be able to send someone to them.

After a while of playing around with her materials, she heads back to the group. 

"I was thinking of maybe trying to contact some more me's and some more Connors. Without kidnapping anybody, this time. We're probably capable of sending away parties to explain the situation and get advance consent now. Anybody have any compelling arguments for not trying to contact any new people?"


"I mean, the main reason not to would be that they might be dangerous. But maybe we'd notice that if we can scout in advance."


"We could probably scry them?"


"Oh, yeah, you can just make it rain crystal balls. Never mind."


"I can in fact do this!" She didn't think of it until just now but nobody has to know that.

Here's a crystal ball. She attempts to scry the dimension she's pinpointed. Supposed to have a Connor and an Imrainai. She checks on the Connor.


He is flying! On a winged reptile of some kind, low over the ground of a stunning mountain valley of some kind. There's a very large dog keeping pace with the winged reptile.


"Huh. - I don't actually know how we'd tell if he was dangerous."


"He looks like he's having a lot of fun."


"He does! I think really dangerous concerning people can also fly pteranodons, or whatever that is, though. We could try detecting alignment on him? - I can just make a wand."

Wand of detect alignment. She has no idea what her caster level is but she can try detecting his alignment anyway.


" ...what."


"...well I wanna meet him. Uh, I could go myself but I actually kind of want to spend some time seeing if I can figure out how to give the houses indoor plumbing. I could send you and Valentine to explain?"


" - me?"


"You look kind of like you could use something to do. Only if you're not busy."


"...I'm not busy."

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