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That makes sense. It would also be super weird to make a him who didn't have memories, and she is not really sure how you'd make someone with fake memories. And if she copied one of him then that one would like their Imrainai, not Valentine.

(Has she mentioned that this is a terrible idea. Probably the worst idea ever. Maybe not literally but, like, up there.)


It would make everyone freak out probably. But - the him would like existing. Hims usually do if you don't make them go to school. It doesn't seem like it could actually be wrong to make people who'll be happy about existing.


Well, it could make everyone else really upset, yeah. It could especially make Valentine really upset, if they tried to make a him for Valentine and messed it up somehow. There are probably a lot of ways to mess up making a person, and the process is kind of permanent.


- yeah she might be upset. Even if he was perfect for her she might be upset actually.


She does in fact keep bringing up her moral objections to slavery. It seems like the kind of thing that would probably freak her out.


Well he wouldn't have to be her slave. He could be her ...knight.


It'd still be kind of surprising and upsetting, probably.

(She's really glad she knighted him. Knight is a much nicer sounding word than slave. And she feels like it's better at communicating what he is, probably.)


He's glad she's glad. He likes both, honestly. But he can see the argument that he should've told Hagan to be Korva's knight instead of to be her slave.


She does feel like that would have made Hagan less defensive about it, yeah. Most people don't like hearing that they should be slaves. Knights are a much less upsetting thing to be, for most humans, probably. But Connor can go on being both, then.


He will! And he'll be so happy!


If they could find one for Valentine that might be less screwed-up than making one?


...yeah, maybe. She has no particular reason to believe that these are the only versions of her or of him that exist. Maybe there are lots more, and maybe lots of them are lonely. Although she would be really worried about whether they would like each other if she didn't feel like they were, like, fated. Although maybe they could look for other Connors and other Karens without being, like, obvious about the fact that they were looking for someone for Valentine, even though it would probably be kiiiind of obvious.


Would it though, none of their alternate universe versions seem to understand why it is very important that hers have hims.


Really? Hagan doesn't, but do the others not either?


Well they don't act very much like it?


How would they act if they knew? Like - Alex seems to know that he's important for his Karen. Although that one's kind of weird because he has to help her recover from hell.


Yeah but he doesn't seem to think this is generally true just that it's true for him.


Ohhh. Yeah, maybe they haven't seen the general principle.


So it won't occur to them that they're looking for hims for Valentine. 


What would make a him the perfect him for Valentine.


She's not sure! Probably they should know more about Valentine. She's really scared of lots of stuff, so probably someone who can make her feel safe. And she has kids so he has to be good with kids. - oh wait that's true of all of him. She needs to think of things that are true of Valentine but not true of the other hers, and then she can think of what would have to be true of the him, maybe?


Yeah. Since they'll all, like, be good to her Connor and Zana and all love her and like stories and stuff. 

Valentine doesn't like herself very much? But Karen didn't, either, before she had him.


Yeah. And neither does Korva. Maybe hers who don't know that their Connors like them just don't like themselves very much.


That's why they gotta get Valentine one. And get Korva to like hers but probably that'll happen with time. Hers is objectively cooler than him or the full fairy so.


Awww, Connor's very cool. She guesses so is Hagan. Maybe she just means that being objectively cool is maybe not very important for Karens liking people. She's kind of unclear which things are. She's never liked anyone before and when she thinks about why she likes him she just ends up listing like all of traits.


Hagan is a high-level adventurer from Pathfinder and carries a bow and a quiver full of arrows in different metals and has an animal companion and met Korva when he saved her niece from evil cultists and is, like, a grownup and stuff.


Well, yeah, but she didn't want a Pathfinder adventurer with lots of arrows and an animal companion. She needed someone who would be able to watch her niece all day and help her explore the catacombs and hang around helping her do chores and pay for groceries for however many months that it took her to realize that she was in love with him. Also if he was a grownup that would have been really weird.

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