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Okay that's true. But still, like, he's super cool.


Yeah Hagan is pretty cool. Honestly maybe he's too cool. Hopefully Korva doesn't think he's out of her league.


The royalty thing seems bad. Like, bad for him and also bad for Korva being interested in him. The perfect him for Korva is probably, like, an escaped slave or something and is definitely not royalty.


Yeah. It helps that he doesn't seem to want to be royalty, though. If he really liked being royalty that would be kind of weird.


Why would anyone want to be royalty. It sounds like unrelenting torture.


Yeah. It kind of does. She would kiss him right now but they're not in private and Fazil and Mahdi might have heart attacks.


That sounds like a them problem.


But it's meeeean and she's kind of a little embarrassed about people thinking she has no sense of decency.


She could conjure a silk tent around them right now and then no one will see anything but also they could kiss right now.


Okay, but they would know that they were probably kissing or something?

She kisses his cheek and feels vaguely apologetic for being embarrassed.


Yes the thing where they know but can't actually accuse them of indecency is the whole point. But it's fine. She should only kiss him when she wants to, she doesn't need to feel bad about anything.


Eee. Okay. She'll make sure to do that, then. He's very good.


So is she.




- right okay they were supposed to be thinking about Valentine. And what a good Connor for Valentine is like. Maybe they need to know more about this.


Probably they should do reconnaissance. By asking Valentine things.


Oh yeah. Probably. Should she ask Valentine things? Or should he ask Valentine things? Should they get Matt to ask Valentine things?


Matt already did! Maybe they could ask Matt for Valentine insights.


Oh right! Probably not in front of Valentine, though.


Well they've just been standing here telepathying at each other for a while and should maybe leave before it gets weird.


Yeah. They should maybe do that. 


"....okay! Well. I am maybe going to take a break. Everybody be nice to the pegasus if it comes back."

And... where exactly is Matt?


Hanging out talking telepathically with Alex.


Oh. Valid.

"Hi. ...we had some questions but they're kind of silly so if now's a bad time I can come back later."


"Hmm? No, I'm not doing anything important except being around if you need me."


"Oh, okay. We were wondering if you had any ideas about, uh, what might be good for Valentine."

(Nooo she is not going to say out loud with her mouth parts that she was specifically wondering this in the context of how they might find a Connor from another universe to fall in love with her.)


"I think it'd be good for her to be in a situation where she could do...unambiguously good things. Help people. Maybe she can learn some magic from Mahdi and then find herself in some situation where being able to cast prestidigitation all the time makes her really helpful. An orphanage, or something."

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