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"I think there's, hmm, a 10% chance that Elizabeth will make Valentine a me. I bet she's at least considered it."


" - oh gosh. That sounds like a horrible idea. - no offense."


"No, I agree. I am - withholding judgment on their arrangement but I don't think it represents the general form of a good relationship for instances of me or you. And if she makes him for that purpose and then Valentine doesn't want him he'll be so crushed."


"We should probably point out to her that Valentine is the person on this plane who is most insistent about noting that slavery is bad every time it comes up, then."


"Also I'm unclear on Valentine's religion but it sounds like it might be an incompatible one?"


"Haven't gotten a read on that. I think she's - less certain that devils are going to win in general, than I am. Maybe as certain that they're going to win her."


"Then that's probably a less compelling objection."


"Could be wrong. I haven't talked to her about it extensively. She's still half-sure her masters are going to pull her back if they're unpaused, though."


"It's not the - as long as she would try to make sure her kids didn't go to Hell it wouldn't be a problem.

- for this hypothetical relationship which probably Elizabeth will know better than to attempt to make happen."



"I don't go out of my way to get my kids there."


"- I'm sorry. Every time I talk to you I end up sounding - closed-minded and cruel and - I respect you. As a person. But even if I could escape from Osirion's rules I couldn't - you're a good parent, you're great with her, it's one of the first things I noticed about you, I'm not trying to say -"


" - didn't mean to sound upset. I'm not. Just - I think it's very unlikely she's trying to send her kids to hell."




"I am kind of worried that I keep sounding more upset than I am. It might be habit, or something."


"I think I'm probably just paranoid. Because I definitely - think I said something that really bothered you, a while ago, when we were talking about Osirion, and I just don't wanna do that again."


"It wasn't a big a deal. Or, like - if it was I really wish it would stop."


"'s none of my business."


"If there were a thing to say that would explain it then I would. There - isn't, really.


"I guess maybe your country's gendered double standards are kind of infuriating. Insofar as I find things infuriating."


"Yeah. I don't - have actual political power? I guess it is fair to say I should've tried for it."


"I'm not mad at you about it. Just -  nebulously infuriated at forces I don't understand and might be more or less annoyed at if I did."


Snort. "Story of my life."


Has Elizabeth made any ill-advised people while they were out.




Oh good.


But she is thinking about it! At Connor. She's holding his hand.


She's preeeetty sure she shouldn't make a bunch more people without thinking a lot harder about how to responsibly make people, but she is in fact aware of the possibility of trying to custom-make a Connor for Valentine, even though this is a terrible idea.


Oh gosh that's a terrible idea but then Valentine would have a him and that would be great. 

- he's not totally sure if you can make a him without his family. It feels like they wouldn't totally be a him, somehow.

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