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"I think I feel okay about this, given the size of the demiplane? A pegasus sounds like something we are probably equipped to handle. Especially if Connor's gonna look after it."


"I only get bored of people when they're the human kind of people."



Annnd... Pegasus?




Connor beams and then gentles his body language, somehow; it's kind of a striking change, all the moreso because Hagan does it too.


Awww, they're adorable.

She... mindreads the pegasus in an attempt to determine whether it is a person pegasus.


It sure is and it's kind of freaked out about all these people even though some of them look friendly and it's going to take off and fly into the forest now.


"Okay. I think it's a person pegasus. I guess I can make people. That's kind of freaky."


"I am very glad you have your spellbook instead of someone who is a bad person."


"Yeah. That would be bad. I am definitely not the best person to have the spellbook, but at least I'm also not the worst."


"I think she's okay. She was just startled to have so many people around. She'll be ready to meet us later."


"That's good."


Hagan smiles fondly at Connor.


"Am I wrong?"


"No! You were good to her. It was sweet to see. I mostly think of it as a knack for babies, not for animals, but I guess it's really both."


"I think of it as more for animals but I didn't really interact with many babies until I started looking after Elizabeth's niece."


"He's really good with her. She likes him a lot."


Connor glows. 


"You know, a demiplane is actually a great place to raise kids, if you are designing it with that in mind. You can have so much cool stuff that's not too dangerous."


"I bet Zana'd like it here okay as is. And maybe more once it's bigger and has more areas to explore and stuff."


"And Cecelia's kids'll and Valentine's will probably be here too, at some point. - we had some thoughts on Cecelia's kids, talking about it last night," he says, nodding at Fazil and Mahdi. "We should probably discuss that with her at some point."


"What were you thinking?"


"Cecelia said something to the effect that she expected them to be unhappy to be taken, because it'd mean losing their titles and standing and being taken away from the father who they love.

And that honestly strikes me as - a difficult situation? You really shouldn't take children away from their father. I understand that Scandinavia is such a society that they'll go to Hell, but it's still traumatizing to children, even if it's for their ultimate good, to lose their father and the life they were preparing for. But we have, you know, royalty here, of a stripe whose children don't go to Hell, and we were thinking whether there was any way to use that to get their father's agreement for them to depart and their satisfaction with the outcome."


"This was not my original idea, my original idea was to show up and tell the emperor that we can trap his soul forever in a rock and drop it in the bottom of the sea if he doesn't tell Cecelia's children that he wants them to go with her."


"The revised idea is that he show up and apply diplomatic pressure on Scandinavia to stop the wars of expansion and negotiate permission for Cecelia's marriage and for the children to be raised with her and taught Golarion's magic, and drop souls in the ocean only if this can't be worked out like civilized people."


"I guess that might work.

" - oh gosh, she's from an Earth that's in 1032. They don't have vaccines there. I should plausibly be doing a bunch of cleanup for them before I get around to fixing your world, I bet hers has more metaphorical low-hanging fruit."

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