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"I observe...none of them, actually. At least once I'm out of spells for Elizabeth."


"You should maybe think about adding some more stuff for people to do, here, Elizabeth. But as long as there isn't, I'd appreciate an intro to wizardry, sure."


"Plausibly I should also be doing this? If I'm going to stick around. That or watching my kids - you did leave them with someone, right, Elizabeth - "


"The world's on fairy time right now. I think. So they should be fine."


"Guess we can see if this works on humans not from wherever you guys are from, then."


"Sure, we can start tomorrow.

For more to do here - obviously you'd need to segregate this very thoroughly from the rest of the plane but if you add a Tyrannosaurus and a dire crocodile and a young white dragon and a greater water elemental - not all at once, preferably - Hagan and I can level and your magic might start giving you combat stuff."


"The last time I tried to make a butterfly I got one that was dead. I guess that was before the better version of conjuring."



Not dead!


"Woooooah. I still don't want to add anything very dangerous until I'm sure I can take it in a fight if anything goes wrong, but I should probably run more tests on this front. - aren't water elementals neutral and intelligent, I don't super want you guys killing water elementals."

Can she make a PARROT.


Yes! It appears in midair and falls and makes a strangled sound.


"Oh dear. Uh. May all in range of this spell be healed of all ills to mind and body?"


Parrot flies off.


"Oh. Well. It seems okay. - Connor, any ideas which other animals we should maybe make? We shouldn't make anything we're not going to be able to take care of, I just figure that the parrot can probably fend for itself in the rain forest. I am kind of curious whether I can make people but that seems pretty ethically dicey, especially if something goes wrong."


"Little frogs, maybe? I don't know if it's nice to be a little frog. I think it's nice to be a parrot."


"It's nice to be a snake. Though they eat other animals."


"And frogs need insects. I guess I can make a lot of insects. I'm kind of curious what my limits are but I'm not sure there's anything smarter that I feel okay testing, parrots are already about as smart as animals get. I guess I could test if I could make any animals with magic powers. I'm not thinking of any off the top of my head. Maybe I could make a pegasus. I forget whether pegasi are people, though. Also Connor would have to take care of it if it couldn't just get by eating grass."


"I could do that."


"Do you wanna do it, though."


"Well, it sounds kinda cool."


"...does anyone have any compelling reasons why I should not make a pegasus."


"It sounds kind of like making a baby after putting thirty seconds of thought into it. Except plausibly not a baby and actually something that is in many ways older than a baby. Not saying you shouldn't do it, but getting rid of people who are older than babies? Frowned upon, in most societies."


"I guess this is true."


"We wouldn't get rid of them!"


"I'm just saying, if you get bored of the weird magically generated pegasus, you're gonna keep having a weird magically generated pegasus!"

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