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"Is this okay? I can leave."


"It's okay. ...I was going to say 'it's a free country' and then I remembered we're not in America. But, uh, it's fine, I don't, like, own the book pile."


"Oh, I kind of can't read. - is that just me? I was hoping it was all of us. I just, uh, wanted your advice on something. If it was convenient."


"Sure. Although I don't know if I know anything very useful. Besides how to read."


"I think you probably know some things about Korva more than I do."


" - oh. I guess that's possible."


"I explained something badly, when we last talked, and I want to explain it better - I think it's just an explaining problem because she has been acting like I'm a bizarre space alien and I thought I was just complaining about how my home society works - but I don't know what I explained badly and it was about a sensitive subject so I'm worried if I bring it up she'd have to explain what upset her so much, and obviously I'm not entitled to that, just, if it was something I could fix I'd want to."


"Oh. Huh. Okay."


Helpless shrug.


" - I don't, uh, really know what you were talking about. Or, well, she said you'd ended up talking about Osirian marriages, I guess, but I don't - I'm not sure if there was one specific thing."


"There is a law that Osirian royalty can't marry women who've - been with a man before."



"Oh. Huh."


"It's not weird for Osirion but it - sucks for me personally. We were talking about why Osirion is like that and - I think she really doesn't think much of me now? And that's - fine if it's because of something I actually did -"



"...I don't think she's mad at you," she says, sort of carefully.


"No, see, when she's mad she snaps at me, that works fine."






...she's really unsure what exactly happened between these two. Or, like, she feels like she knows everything about it except the last piece that'll make it make sense. (It's not that Hagan likes Korva, she has that piece.)

"I think..." She twiddles her thumbs. "I think - I think probably she was already kind of upset about some things about herself, and - maybe you inadvertently said something that reminded her of it. Maybe."


Nod. "Okay."


"Sorry. I just - maybe I could guess better if I'd heard the whole conversation, but - "

(She looks over her shoulder at the little house to make sure nobody's come out of it.)

" - you won't go telling other people, right? If I tell you something about her?"


"Absolutely not."


"Korva was sad about how she's never going to get married. Not even like she would definitely want to if she could, right, and not even for any specific reason, so you can point to it and say 'maybe someone won't care about that', just - a sense that she's never going to be able to offer the bare minimum that someone would need to want to marry her. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. And I don't know what you said. But I think it made her think about it, and - she's embarrassed about going off into the forest, but sometimes you gotta go off into a forest and cry about how empty most of the rest of your life is going to be, until you get over it. I guess."


" - I really did not mean for her to take away from that conversation that no one would want to marry her."


"No, it's not that. She just already thought so."


- nod. "Thank you."

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