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"Should've killed him better when I had the chance. How is she now."


"She ran into a fairy. I don't know if you knew that there were fairies. They live in the forests, apparently, and can get really small, and are subject to complicated magical rules about lying and sharing your true name and doing violence. She introduced herself as Cecelia, and you should use a chosen name, too."


"...okay. Uh, Tiffany. What happened with the fairies - "


"He, uh, stole her away with him, and her youngest children too, and they made plans to go back for the other ones. She says she loves him and is happy, and he says he means to marry her. We're not - completely sure everything is okay, and it's hard to talk to them because the fairy rules about lying are very strict, they include metaphors, and sarcasm, and some turns of phrase, and they both get hurt if people slip up. But she's living with him and she was happy last time we talked."


Well this is a weird and horrible future to have woken up to. Not really more horrible than expected, really, but a whole lot weirder. Probably has her under a magic fairy spell or something.



"I think if you are very careful about not lying you are probably the best person to talk to her and help her if she needs help. But we can get the kids, we have a place for her to stay, we'll help her raise them, we can make sure there's an alternative if she needs it."


"I see. And who're you?"


"The full answer to that would sound even more ridiculous. 'm from a distant magical land and I and my friends are teaching the people here magic and self-defense so that Elizabeth, who resurrected you, doesn't get herself killed."


Well, she has approximately no reason to trust any of these people.

"I see."


"The house is over here."


Well, that's a very small house.

" - what do you do, just, yell hello and hope the fairies come out - "


"Yeah. We should maybe leave, I think the fairy's mad at us for lying earlier."


"What'd you lie about?"


"Said something sarcastic."


"I see."

She waits for them to head off a ways.

"Hey," she says. "You in there, fairy?"


"Ugh," he says to Cecelia. "What now -


I don't recognize this person."


She looks out.

She's seen Korva's sister before, and knows how close the resemblance to her own is, but this person is dressed exactly like her sister - dressed exactly like her sister was the day she died, actually - 

" - are you - "


"They said not to use names. But yeah. I guess it's been ten years. You look about ten years older."


"I thought - did they pull you out of heaven - "


"No. Pulled me out of my execution. I'm not very sure what's going on, it only happened a few minutes ago."


"It's my sister," she tells Rana. "The one he killed."


" - huh. Okay. Do you want to talk with her?"


"I - yeah."


"Should we invite her in here or do you want to go be big and wander off and talk with her? I guess if she lies it's better if I don't hear her."


"Yeah. I'll go out and explain the rules to her, I think."


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