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I wish it was all a dream
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Also she has like a billion things attached to her and a giant inflatable blanket, which makes hugs slightly complicated. But Marian's efforts earn a tiny smile from Hye-jin, who appreciates her attempt. Sniffle.

She doesn't reply to Tae-gun. It would come out too sharp to be any good for anyone at all, except maybe Kang Jaeha. She'll just - which of her arms can be moved, uh - the one with the IV is less precarious looks like, she'll grab a tissue with that one.

"Thanks," she says in Japanese. "Gotta put my airways through their paces, and all."

(She can handle the crazy ex, actually, but she doesn't think she can handle her own partner stopping her from stopping the crazy ex, actually, and if he's going to keep doing that - like he's been doing this whole fucking time, then she's done. That's it, she's done, she's out. She doesn't say that. But it's true.)


Her temp is doing really well and Marian can cause her to be attached to fewer things! The NG tube can absolutely go, and she'll at least unhook the irrigation setup from the catheter.

"Sorry, I think we should check your labs one more time before we discontinue the art line - that's this one, it looks like an IV but it's in the artery - it's for blood pressure monitoring, you lost a lot of blood and you're doing much better now," regen!! also blood transfusion!!!!, "but your vital signs were scary when you got here. Can you tell me if you're feeling weak or dizzy?" She did tape the arterial line tubing very securely, all the way up Hye-jin's arm, so she should be able to move that arm pretty freely, and the peripheral IV port isn't in use right now. 


Hye-jin is still extremely not okay and is crying a little bit about it, but she can gamely answer medical questions anyway!

"That's fine. Uh. Weak, yes, dizzy - I think I'd have to stand to tell and probably should not be doing that?"


It's very common for espers to have, well, trauma responses about the situations that landed them in the ICU. Alison at one point gave Marian some coaching on how to judge whether someone wants expressions of sympathy versus Marian ignoring it entirely versus just needing space and quiet. She thinks Hye-jin is - fine with continuing the medical conversation, and Tae-gun is clearly freaking the fuck out now that the emergency is mostly-of-the-way over and would probably benefit from her being here and calm and focused on boring hospital work stuff. 

"Yeah, better not. It's a good sign you're not dizzy or lightheaded at rest, you would be if you were anemic enough. Your blood pressure is fine. ...Do you want anything for pain?" The regen will take care of the injuries eventually but it's clearly not doing anything in the meantime about the discomfort of having been recently shot in several places. 


"Uh. No, thank you. Um. ... I might want to figure out if I can get discharged without having to deal with the horrors of hospital food?"

And also so she can go be extremely not okay in private. And probably scream at Tae-gun after he fails to do anything about Kang Jaeha, again.


Nod. "That's incredibly reasonable. I - think the main concern right now is ongoing backlash, and whether your temp will start dropping again if we stop with the rewarming interventions." She glances back at the base of the curtain to make sure she doesn't see any feet loitering nearby outside the room, and lowers her voice. "...Mainly worried that regen is still incurring backlash. My thought is we stop the warming measures and monitor your temp for an hour with just - cuddling," she is still not recommending they fuck in the hospital room especially if Marian is having to interrupt every ten minutes for temperature checks, "and then decide? But if you have, er, experience with this particular situation, you might have a better sense of - how it's likely to go? Or if you have an existing plan in place for discharge to your guild?" 


Probably Quasar will leave them entirely alone, but then Hye-jin might be incredibly dumb, and tell Tae-gun to get the fuck away from her and immediately die from her own stupidity, so uh. You know what, nice nurse's idea sounds good and smart.

"I like your idea," she says, after a pause. "Stop rewarming measures and monitor things with just cuddling, and then if I'm safe I can be free."


"That seems reasonable," he agrees in English, still without looking up.


"You've got about ten minutes left on the transfusion, might as well finish that first, and start the hour then?" 

She'll page Dr Hulka since she does actually need a discharge order. Hopefully Hulka will be in her usual tearing hurry and down to write a conditional 'discharge if temp stable for 1h' order rather than having to come back. 



"Sounds good. Thank you very much."

Hye-jin has a very sincere and very pretty smile that she can point at Marian! Thank you Marian. Hye-jin appreciates you.


Tae-gun appreciates Marian Daly so much. She has been extremely competent and reassuring and professional and it's been so much better than it could've because of her. He can also muster a genuine smile, for that. "Thank you, Ms. Daly."


Marian does not need appreciation or thank-yous per se, patients having interesting problems she can cleverly fix leaving the ICU alive is enough of a reward, but it's certainly really really nice to have a patient and partner who are this - pleasant and polite and having their shit together. (Admittedly there's been some crying but that doesn't count as not having their shit together, in Marian's mind. There hasn't been any angry yelling even a little bit. Hye-jin was at most angrily muttering and that wasn't aimed at Marian. There has not been even one attempt to ill-advisedly remove tubes!) 


She gets her conditional discharge order from Dr Hulka, who is gruffly pleased that they're likely to have the bed free before shift-end. (Esper admissions are pretty unpredictable but they do have the advantage of sometimes resolving quite fast like this.)

Ten minutes later she unhooks the blood apparatus, disconnects Hye-jin from all her IV lines (leaving the central line in place, but it's not very in-the-way with just the ports taped to her chest), and removes Tae-gun's blood donation catheter, telling him to keep the pressure dressing wrap on it for an hour. 


Cool. Okay. Can do. And they're still naked and snuggling but that's fine, there's nothing to be done about that here, especially with how actually his mind is super far away from any thoughts of anything else, and in fact he's so exhausted from having run directly from an A-rank dungeon he solo'd to Hye-jin's to here that he very swiftly finds himself dozing off.


Fortunately they're not in public! The curtains are closed and there is, technically, a camera, but it's saving the video to a secure server, and at this point no other medical professionals have any reason to come in and Marian will make very sure they are not disturbed. Except that she does have to discreetly stick a thermometer in Hye-jin's mouth every ten minutes. And watch the monitor. And send a final CBC from the art line to make sure her hemoglobin is all good now. But other than that she can be so unobtrusive. 


Hye-jin's temperature has a mild drop when they stop all rewarming solutions, but from there it's perfectly stable with her partner's cuddly assistance. Her hemoglobin is similarly good. She doesn't doze like her partner, though she does pet him. She's a bit too - anxious, emotionally volatile, scared, maybe, to feel like she can doze off. Even if she is really very tired. But it's a hospital, and she - thinks she thought she had been safe before, in the dungeon (... from assassination attempts, anyway), and, well. Look how wrong that was. Will she get to have any safe places left she is not thinking about that right now.

Right now she's considering how one bridges international social gaps! She's pretty sure that her nurse has been great, but also, she's not sure how to... properly thank her... without it feeling Excessively Japanese and making the poor woman feel awkward. It would involve a lot of bowing, and from her minimal experience with Americans, they don't tend to like that very much. Hm. Truly, a conundrum.

Wait! Wait, she has it. The United States of America has a tipping culture! Ha! Okay, excellent, that is how she will say thank you. She has bullshit S-rank esper money, from a guild that makes truly insane amounts of money selling teleports through a nearly one-of-a-kind system, this is a solvable problem! ... The number converted to dollars looks a little sad and short to her, so she does add a zero on the end of it even if she probably shouldn't. Eh. It's fine. Call it the 'don't get shot, dumbass' tax. And if she does die, well, some of her money went to a nice person that was doing good in the world! Better than not that!

She sends it just before she's discharged.


Marian is feeling good about today! She admitted a patient bleeding to death and severely hypothermic, and discharged her four hours later in - well - tolerable health and her regen will get the rest of it and she's going to be fine. Marian is kind of FRETTING about the assassin thing but that is not actually her business. 

She removes all of Hye-jin's lines and gives her one-line instructions about keeping pressure dressings on and - wishes her good luck? This doesn't feel like quite the right thing to say but she has no idea what is. She'll have to ask Alison later if she knows anything about, uh, Japanese (Korean?) esper culture. 


Tae-gun will thank her one last time, this time while wearing clothes and doing a proper bow, but then Kim Hye-jin and he can teleport away?


Freeeedooooom! She thanks her nurse a normal amount and only bows once, and sincerely promises to be good and follow instructions. (She does not want to end up back at any ICU and be subjected to The Tube again. That takes precedence over all. The catheter and various IVs and lines are annoying but tolerable, it's that fucking tube...)

And then yes: away they disappear.


See! What a good shift!

Marian in the middle of prepping the cleaned room for a new admit (90 minutes before the end of her shift, but Marian is on a roll and she can DO this) when Alison alerts her that she has, uh, a phone call at the nursing station? From the hospital payroll department? 


...Marian is immediately panicking that she somehow...messed up entering her tax information? Or something??? Why would Payroll need to talk to her urgently??????? 

She will, with great trepidation, go answer the phone. 


So, uh.

There's $100,000 that is written to her specifically??? The only note available is that it's a tip?????? From a Kim Hye-jin??????

Payroll is extremely confused, this is not normal behavior. Is. Is this in error, or, like, should they add it to her next paycheck, or send it to her main account, or???? or????


....Alison help please.


Alison takes back the phone from her. 

"- Kim Hye-jin? That's the esper girl we just treated from overseas. Yeah. ...No, I doubt it's a mistake. ...What, you haven't seen her on the news? She's, like, big famous, she's probably got more money than she knows what to do with. ...Yes, sending it to her main account." 

She's booking them a night out at the casino. ASAP. This calls for major celebration. 


Ummmmm okay what if Marian just. Takes report on her admit. And works the rest of her shift. And asks Alison what the actual fuck just happened to her after work

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