Hye-jin's head hurts.
For some reason, she's sprawled on the ground. It's a very cold and icy ground, and she thinks for a second that Tae-gun must have caught her, but - no, her backlash isn't being siphoned away. That means he can't be here. Anyway, the ice is shaking in a way that his constructs wouldn't.
She clumsily reaches for her aching head, and finds that it's wet. Is that water, maybe melted from the ice, or sweat, or...? No. That's red. Blood??
A - head injury? And the ground is shaking. A stab of realization and terror breaks through her confusion. Shit, shit, shit, that probably means she's in a dungeon - and it's closing. Like Volcanic Range, like what happened to Tae-hwan. Just - just - stolen from everyone that she loves, and who knows where she'd even end up, if she'd end up anywhere at all. She needs to get out. Where - where is the exit?? Can she stand -?
Getting to her feet is... harder than it would be usually. The ground is slippery (with her blood, she realizes belatedly) and she's - clumsy. Her awkward limbs feel too heavy and it's hard to think and up is such a difficult concept to manage to keep straight when the world is spinning so. But she needs to get out of here. Where's the exit?? Is it obvious, from where she's, uh, struggling to hold herself up on her hands and knees, on this icy floor?