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I wish it was all a dream
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Hye-jin's head hurts.

For some reason, she's sprawled on the ground. It's a very cold and icy ground, and she thinks for a second that Tae-gun must have caught her, but - no, her backlash isn't being siphoned away. That means he can't be here. Anyway, the ice is shaking in a way that his constructs wouldn't.

She clumsily reaches for her aching head, and finds that it's wet. Is that water, maybe melted from the ice, or sweat, or...? No. That's red. Blood??

A - head injury? And the ground is shaking. A stab of realization and terror breaks through her confusion. Shit, shit, shit, that probably means she's in a dungeon - and it's closing. Like Volcanic Range, like what happened to Tae-hwan. Just - just - stolen from everyone that she loves, and who knows where she'd even end up, if she'd end up anywhere at all. She needs to get out. Where - where is the exit?? Can she stand -?

Getting to her feet is... harder than it would be usually. The ground is slippery (with her blood, she realizes belatedly) and she's - clumsy. Her awkward limbs feel too heavy and it's hard to think and up is such a difficult concept to manage to keep straight when the world is spinning so. But she needs to get out of here. Where's the exit?? Is it obvious, from where she's, uh, struggling to hold herself up on her hands and knees, on this icy floor?

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Not the exit to the dungeon, but yes the exit to the boss room she's in. Or at least, it's probably a boss room: there's a huge pile of half-melted ice in the vague shape of the pieces of a golem over yonder, and the room is large and spacious, with a single aperture through which she can see an icy hallway.

(It's cold... but she can't feel it.)


She'll... attempt to crawl that way, then. And try to think through the problem in front of her.

There's a twinge of pain from one of her legs as she moves. Her left thigh hurts. It was hard to tell, because her limbs all feel so numb and she's definitely in the 'active' portion of her backlash, but. ... Yeah, that has a hole in it.

That's alarming. She puts the alarm away, because it's not helping her get out. She needs to stay as calm as possible, and think logically and rationally. Everything is ice, which means worse comes to worst, she can melt it all and try to find an exit that way. The backlash might kill her, though. A last ditch effort, then.

Hye-jin - tries to remember how she got here. Ice dungeon, A-rank, in... it was Busan? That's not useful to her right now, c'mon, brain, do better. How did you get to this physical space? She... thinks she came down that hallway? And. There was a set of spiral stairs... the geometry was Euclidean, it just moved and shifted like a glacier and liked to squish people, there's... comm screen. She has her comm screen. Is there a beacon telling her which way the exit is? She vaguely remembers that there was... something like that, just in case. Along with the bag of extra clothes in case she burned through the set she's wearing.


Yes. Her comm screen works, and can show her the way out.

(Does she need to go? The floor is starting to look so inviting...)

The hallways have pillars, stalactites, and stalagmites, pure solid ice shaped like jagged teeth of a beast trying to swallow her whole. 

(Her limbs are like lead, and each further step is more tiring than the last.)

She's not actively bleeding, anymore, but she's covered in so much blood and she's leaving an obvious trail behind. 

(It's not, actually, that cold. It's cosy, actually, and warm. The rocking of the ground and walls is soothing like a lullaby.)

There isn't dirt underneath the ice floor. It's just ice all the way through, into whatever infinity surrounds the edges of dungeons. 

(Her eyelids are heavy.)

Some of the ice is melted, a trail pointing back the way she came. 



So tired...

(If she doesn't feel cold anymore, that's worse than anything else. She remembers that very well.)

Bad. Bad. Emergency power use time. Fuck finding her way through an ice maze while injured. She carefully gets a 3D heading towards where the beacon (and exit) are, and then very uncarefully begins burning a tunnel directly to it. This is better than melting the whole dungeon, but maybe not by much.

Then when she sees a portal through the gigantic hole in the ice that she's made, she can blast herself through, like a rocket.

Finesse is for people that don't have a head wound.


Dungeon portals preserve momentum. 

She shoots out of it like a bullet, emerging into the chilly late November afternoon air and travelling a good ten metres before crashing into the asphalt and rolling several meters farther before she's finally stopped by a wall.


Her partner is immediately by her side; she can feel him before she can see him but only for a fraction of a second, as he shot after her as soon as he saw her. 

"Kim Hye-jin! Hye-jin-ah! Hye-jin-ah, please—" he begs frantically, not wanting to touch her or move her in case something bad happens but looking to be in a complete panic. "Hye-jin-ah please be alive, please, Hye-jin-ah—"


The landing doesn't even hurt, thankfully. Well. Not thankfully, maybe. It's probably another bad sign in a whole series of bad signs.

"Hi Tae-gun-ah," she mumbles, incoherent. "I think someone shot me. I'm fine though."

And that is when she decides that fixing this is no longer her problem and that her vice grip on consciousness can be loosened.



...absolutely not. He roughly shakes her awake. "Hye-jin-ah, dealing with hypothermia 101, don't fall asleep. Stay awake. I'm here." Fuck this he's going to hug her for the body warmth—they're surrounded by media but there's a medical team so now they're being rapidly carried by his ice towards it. "Hye-jin-ah, wake up—"


Nnnnnhhhhh that's so annoying she's so tiiiiired....

"Thassa myth. Only matters if I need to get myself out of the cold," she protests, weakly. "'m out now. Shhhhhhhhhh your job is hold me."


"It's not a myth, your metabolism gets slower when you sleep and if your heartrate goes below forty that can get really dangerous, you need to stay awake, your hypothermia isn't just backlash—" He'll argue all day if he needs to, she needs to stay awake.


"Lee Tae-gun-nim, please remove her clothes," says one of the medical responders once they're in the med tent. It's heated, since Hye-jin's backlash is public and the possibility of espers getting out too backlashed to do anything is very real.


"Understood." Precision is his thing.


"'s'not sleep, it's being unconscious, those are, diff'rnt... cold's weird, not dead 'til 'm warm and dead..."


Yeah no she's out for real.


"—Hye-jin-ah? Hye-jin-ah!"


The team has hooked stuff to her while Tae-gun was dealing with her clothes and they're looking at her vitals. "—Lee Tae-gun-nim, is she unconscious again?"




"We'll need to move her to a better-equipped facility. I'm sending you the location."


"Yes. Thank you." He doesn't waste time before opening his commscreen and requesting a teleport to the medical center.


Location is Reno, Nevada. They can go straight to the trauma ICU; they knew they might be expecting her, there's a bed already prepped and a nurse assigned 1:1 for the potential admission, plus the entire unit available to step in and help out. 

(Renown Regional Medical Center is not the top trauma center in the world in general, by any means, but they've taken on a lot of care for espers and dungeon injuries in the past; there's some specialization there. Also they happen to have a relatively low census right now, which put them at the top of the list.) 


Marian has already quickly read the chart on file for Kim Hye-jin. Backlash is hypothermia, so they're prepping for aggressive internal rewarming. Dr Hulka is the trauma surgeon on call and Marian likes her so this will probably not be terrible. 

First priority when the patient arrives is to get her in a bed and arrange the room so, uh, what's-his-name, Lee Tae-gun (he is apparently pretty famous but Marian is really bad at ever watching the news) can be in continuous contact with the patient, and second priority is vital signs and assessing how serious the backlash problem is. 


This is Tae-gun's first rodeo but he's nothing but quick on his feet. A moment on arrival to orient and assess threats and then he can move Hye-jin (on a floating ice stretcher that somehow doesn't feel cold to the touch) wherever he's directed.


Patient: unconscious! Pale. Someone has put a peripheral IV into her arm already. The clothes that were in the way have been neatly sliced off of her, and there is some evidence for the beginnings of a prep for a central line as well, clearly abandoned in favor of teleporting her.

She is covered in blood. There is a visible puncture wound in her chest that has had gauze unceremoniously stuffed into it and then taped down to staunch the bleeding; Tae-gun has been given the task of keeping pressure on it, which he has been doing dutifully ever since he was told to. Being the only one present who would be teleported with the patient, and all.


Ice stretcher is very cool! Marian flashes a quick smile to the man, presumably Tae-gun, and then feels awkward about it because this is clearly not a very smiling-appropriate situation. 

Wow the patient looks very concerning! That's a lot of blood. ...Marian is suspicious that not all of that blood came from the chest wound but she's going in order here. Airway, breathing, circulation. 

She directs Tae-gun - and Elaine and Fraser have showed up to help as well - to very gently shift the patient from ice stretcher to bed, you can send sufficiently hypothermic people into lethal arrhythmias by moving them too roughly.


He doesn't need to shift her to the bed; instead, he floats the stretcher gently onto the bed and starts slowly unconjuring it from under her so that she moves basically not at all for a couple of seconds until the stretcher is gone and she's resting her full weight on the mattress.


(He can do that??? That's so cool!!! Marian is jealous.) 

- focus. 

Is the patient still breathing on her own? If so they'll put her in recovery position because she probably needs to be intubated for airway protection - and so they can ventilate her with humidified oxygen heated to 43 C to rewarm her from the inside - but that will take more than the next sixty seconds, getting her other vital signs and possibly the central line is a higher priority (that peripheral line looks kind of sketch, she's not judging the medics on the scene who probably placed it in like fifteen seconds but...okay maybe she's judging them a little). If she's not breathing or seemed ready to quit breathing any moment then Marian's priority ordering is different. 


Kim Hye-jin is breathing on her own, and seems like she's going to continue.

(And yes, there's a lot of blood, in different locations. One of them is her head. The rest of the blood is more explicable by her... having apparently crawled... in what was probably a puddle of her own blood.)

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