...Marian does not miss that Tae-gun is very very upset about this.
It - seems best to not make a big deal of it? Or acknowledge it much at all? (Marian certainly finds it antihelpful when she's fighting off an emotional breakdown at work if someone, like, indicates that they noticed, even if they're trying to help.) She'll...keep doing her job as though she's completely oblivious to the fact that he could possibly experience emotions.
Nursing school does cover regen, which - like basically all esper powers - is wildly variable between people, but there are some recurring patterns. This looks like...shit nursing school was a while ago and Marian was very very nerdsniped at the time but hasn't prioritized reviewing terms for this in particular...
This looks like interior-to-exterior healing, she thinks - good for displacing foreign bodies like, uh, bullets, rather than risking trapping them in the esper's body - and...probably focused on critical functions rather than even all-over healing - from the outside, her chest wound looked like a fresh injury, just not as bad as it really was. Marian would consider Regen Internopugnica but Hye-jin is unconscious, and she's read papers on how true combat-focused regen espers can, for example, fight their way out of a dungeon while missing a limb and all their skin and suffering from severe airway scalding. Probably Internotegumenta Critica, it looks like the regen isn't going to leave her with disfiguring scars but it was clearly focused on critical function first.
...Awwww and she can't even nerd out with Alison about whether she's classifying right and then put their analysis and classification in the chart. Because it's a non-disclosed medical fact. Rude
At least she can talk to one person about it. "Regen Internotegumenta Critica," she says, sounding very slightly smug and pleased with herself about it. "Everything looks good, the regen is pushing out some damaged tissue so I expect she'll be out a while longer while it regrows that part of her brain."
Her type clearly isn't smart enough to put displaced brain matter back even if that would go faster, you only see that occasionally with Uniformisystemica (regenerating everywhere at once evenly rather than from the inside out, and focused on the overall systemic functioning of the esper's organs) in the Velox (fast) or Fortis (exceptionally robust and resilient) subtypes.
She should clean up Hye-jin's head a bit; the policy is that if you have time, it's recommended to, you know, tidy up loose ends so the other medical professionals don't have to try as hard to avoid thinking about what the non-disclosed medical fact might be. Also brain matter: ewwwwwww. Marian thought she had exactly two major squicks (saliva and stuff that comes out of lungs) but apparently literal grey matter leaking out of a hole in her patient's head is also up there.
She...will put the bullet in her pocket? So it's not laying around the room where Dr Hulka might see it and speculate.