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this pain pierces my heart like a thorn
I wish it was all a dream
Permalink Mark Unread

Hye-jin's head hurts.

For some reason, she's sprawled on the ground. It's a very cold and icy ground, and she thinks for a second that Tae-gun must have caught her, but - no, her backlash isn't being siphoned away. That means he can't be here. Anyway, the ice is shaking in a way that his constructs wouldn't.

She clumsily reaches for her aching head, and finds that it's wet. Is that water, maybe melted from the ice, or sweat, or...? No. That's red. Blood??

A - head injury? And the ground is shaking. A stab of realization and terror breaks through her confusion. Shit, shit, shit, that probably means she's in a dungeon - and it's closing. Like Volcanic Range, like what happened to Tae-hwan. Just - just - stolen from everyone that she loves, and who knows where she'd even end up, if she'd end up anywhere at all. She needs to get out. Where - where is the exit?? Can she stand -?

Getting to her feet is... harder than it would be usually. The ground is slippery (with her blood, she realizes belatedly) and she's - clumsy. Her awkward limbs feel too heavy and it's hard to think and up is such a difficult concept to manage to keep straight when the world is spinning so. But she needs to get out of here. Where's the exit?? Is it obvious, from where she's, uh, struggling to hold herself up on her hands and knees, on this icy floor?

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Not the exit to the dungeon, but yes the exit to the boss room she's in. Or at least, it's probably a boss room: there's a huge pile of half-melted ice in the vague shape of the pieces of a golem over yonder, and the room is large and spacious, with a single aperture through which she can see an icy hallway.

(It's cold... but she can't feel it.)

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She'll... attempt to crawl that way, then. And try to think through the problem in front of her.

There's a twinge of pain from one of her legs as she moves. Her left thigh hurts. It was hard to tell, because her limbs all feel so numb and she's definitely in the 'active' portion of her backlash, but. ... Yeah, that has a hole in it.

That's alarming. She puts the alarm away, because it's not helping her get out. She needs to stay as calm as possible, and think logically and rationally. Everything is ice, which means worse comes to worst, she can melt it all and try to find an exit that way. The backlash might kill her, though. A last ditch effort, then.

Hye-jin - tries to remember how she got here. Ice dungeon, A-rank, in... it was Busan? That's not useful to her right now, c'mon, brain, do better. How did you get to this physical space? She... thinks she came down that hallway? And. There was a set of spiral stairs... the geometry was Euclidean, it just moved and shifted like a glacier and liked to squish people, there's... comm screen. She has her comm screen. Is there a beacon telling her which way the exit is? She vaguely remembers that there was... something like that, just in case. Along with the bag of extra clothes in case she burned through the set she's wearing.

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Yes. Her comm screen works, and can show her the way out.

(Does she need to go? The floor is starting to look so inviting...)

The hallways have pillars, stalactites, and stalagmites, pure solid ice shaped like jagged teeth of a beast trying to swallow her whole. 

(Her limbs are like lead, and each further step is more tiring than the last.)

She's not actively bleeding, anymore, but she's covered in so much blood and she's leaving an obvious trail behind. 

(It's not, actually, that cold. It's cosy, actually, and warm. The rocking of the ground and walls is soothing like a lullaby.)

There isn't dirt underneath the ice floor. It's just ice all the way through, into whatever infinity surrounds the edges of dungeons. 

(Her eyelids are heavy.)

Some of the ice is melted, a trail pointing back the way she came. 


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So tired...

(If she doesn't feel cold anymore, that's worse than anything else. She remembers that very well.)

Bad. Bad. Emergency power use time. Fuck finding her way through an ice maze while injured. She carefully gets a 3D heading towards where the beacon (and exit) are, and then very uncarefully begins burning a tunnel directly to it. This is better than melting the whole dungeon, but maybe not by much.

Then when she sees a portal through the gigantic hole in the ice that she's made, she can blast herself through, like a rocket.

Finesse is for people that don't have a head wound.

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Dungeon portals preserve momentum. 

She shoots out of it like a bullet, emerging into the chilly late November afternoon air and travelling a good ten metres before crashing into the asphalt and rolling several meters farther before she's finally stopped by a wall.

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Her partner is immediately by her side; she can feel him before she can see him but only for a fraction of a second, as he shot after her as soon as he saw her. 

"Kim Hye-jin! Hye-jin-ah! Hye-jin-ah, please—" he begs frantically, not wanting to touch her or move her in case something bad happens but looking to be in a complete panic. "Hye-jin-ah please be alive, please, Hye-jin-ah—"

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The landing doesn't even hurt, thankfully. Well. Not thankfully, maybe. It's probably another bad sign in a whole series of bad signs.

"Hi Tae-gun-ah," she mumbles, incoherent. "I think someone shot me. I'm fine though."

And that is when she decides that fixing this is no longer her problem and that her vice grip on consciousness can be loosened.


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...absolutely not. He roughly shakes her awake. "Hye-jin-ah, dealing with hypothermia 101, don't fall asleep. Stay awake. I'm here." Fuck this he's going to hug her for the body warmth—they're surrounded by media but there's a medical team so now they're being rapidly carried by his ice towards it. "Hye-jin-ah, wake up—"

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Nnnnnhhhhh that's so annoying she's so tiiiiired....

"Thassa myth. Only matters if I need to get myself out of the cold," she protests, weakly. "'m out now. Shhhhhhhhhh your job is hold me."

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"It's not a myth, your metabolism gets slower when you sleep and if your heartrate goes below forty that can get really dangerous, you need to stay awake, your hypothermia isn't just backlash—" He'll argue all day if he needs to, she needs to stay awake.

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"Lee Tae-gun-nim, please remove her clothes," says one of the medical responders once they're in the med tent. It's heated, since Hye-jin's backlash is public and the possibility of espers getting out too backlashed to do anything is very real.

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"Understood." Precision is his thing.

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"'s'not sleep, it's being unconscious, those are, diff'rnt... cold's weird, not dead 'til 'm warm and dead..."


Yeah no she's out for real.

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"—Hye-jin-ah? Hye-jin-ah!"

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The team has hooked stuff to her while Tae-gun was dealing with her clothes and they're looking at her vitals. "—Lee Tae-gun-nim, is she unconscious again?"

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"We'll need to move her to a better-equipped facility. I'm sending you the location."

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"Yes. Thank you." He doesn't waste time before opening his commscreen and requesting a teleport to the medical center.

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Location is Reno, Nevada. They can go straight to the trauma ICU; they knew they might be expecting her, there's a bed already prepped and a nurse assigned 1:1 for the potential admission, plus the entire unit available to step in and help out. 

(Renown Regional Medical Center is not the top trauma center in the world in general, by any means, but they've taken on a lot of care for espers and dungeon injuries in the past; there's some specialization there. Also they happen to have a relatively low census right now, which put them at the top of the list.) 


Marian has already quickly read the chart on file for Kim Hye-jin. Backlash is hypothermia, so they're prepping for aggressive internal rewarming. Dr Hulka is the trauma surgeon on call and Marian likes her so this will probably not be terrible. 

First priority when the patient arrives is to get her in a bed and arrange the room so, uh, what's-his-name, Lee Tae-gun (he is apparently pretty famous but Marian is really bad at ever watching the news) can be in continuous contact with the patient, and second priority is vital signs and assessing how serious the backlash problem is. 

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This is Tae-gun's first rodeo but he's nothing but quick on his feet. A moment on arrival to orient and assess threats and then he can move Hye-jin (on a floating ice stretcher that somehow doesn't feel cold to the touch) wherever he's directed.

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Patient: unconscious! Pale. Someone has put a peripheral IV into her arm already. The clothes that were in the way have been neatly sliced off of her, and there is some evidence for the beginnings of a prep for a central line as well, clearly abandoned in favor of teleporting her.

She is covered in blood. There is a visible puncture wound in her chest that has had gauze unceremoniously stuffed into it and then taped down to staunch the bleeding; Tae-gun has been given the task of keeping pressure on it, which he has been doing dutifully ever since he was told to. Being the only one present who would be teleported with the patient, and all.

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Ice stretcher is very cool! Marian flashes a quick smile to the man, presumably Tae-gun, and then feels awkward about it because this is clearly not a very smiling-appropriate situation. 

Wow the patient looks very concerning! That's a lot of blood. ...Marian is suspicious that not all of that blood came from the chest wound but she's going in order here. Airway, breathing, circulation. 

She directs Tae-gun - and Elaine and Fraser have showed up to help as well - to very gently shift the patient from ice stretcher to bed, you can send sufficiently hypothermic people into lethal arrhythmias by moving them too roughly.

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He doesn't need to shift her to the bed; instead, he floats the stretcher gently onto the bed and starts slowly unconjuring it from under her so that she moves basically not at all for a couple of seconds until the stretcher is gone and she's resting her full weight on the mattress.

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(He can do that??? That's so cool!!! Marian is jealous.) 

- focus. 

Is the patient still breathing on her own? If so they'll put her in recovery position because she probably needs to be intubated for airway protection - and so they can ventilate her with humidified oxygen heated to 43 C to rewarm her from the inside - but that will take more than the next sixty seconds, getting her other vital signs and possibly the central line is a higher priority (that peripheral line looks kind of sketch, she's not judging the medics on the scene who probably placed it in like fifteen seconds but...okay maybe she's judging them a little). If she's not breathing or seemed ready to quit breathing any moment then Marian's priority ordering is different. 

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Kim Hye-jin is breathing on her own, and seems like she's going to continue.

(And yes, there's a lot of blood, in different locations. One of them is her head. The rest of the blood is more explicable by her... having apparently crawled... in what was probably a puddle of her own blood.)

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Great! Good job, Kim Hye-jin!

In that case Marian will ask Elaine to make sure everything is prepared for a rapid-fire central line placement arterial line placement intubation not necessarily in that exact order (because Dr Hulka is normally polite but not so much if you summon her to a room for a procedure and do not have everything lined up and ready for her), and Alison can help her get the patient on the heart monitor and put a blood pressure cuff on her arm and a pulse ox probe on her...earlobe, Marian decides, she has the pediatric one in her pocket and she doesn't really expect to get a good reading on a finger...and take her temperature. With the specialized ER thermometer that does not give an error message for numbers below 32° C, because Marian thought ahead. 

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Her temperature is low, at 31° C, but not quite low enough to explain her unconsciousness, but - oh that heart rate and blood pressure sure clear up that mystery. Blood pressure is 80/40, and her heart rate is, in professional medical terms: yikes.

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(...okay while they're busy checking on her, is there a camera anywhere in this room?)

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(There is absolutely not a camera in the room! HIPAA, you know, and if anything espers tend to be more concerned about their medical privacy.) 


That is indeed a yikes heart rate. Hye-jin is compensating really hard for massive hypovolemia and Marian doesn't know how long she can keep up even that much of a blood pressure for - it's actually not as bad as she had been worried it might be given the sheer quantity of blood no longer inside her body - but plausibly not that long, 31 C isn't low enough to be that worried she'll go into V-fib if you sneeze in her direction but it's definitely bad enough to be affecting her cardiac output. 

Oxygen saturation is 95% on room air with a pretty real-looking waveform on the screen. One system is still okay! Probably not for long, now that she's unconscious, but hypothermia will reduce her oxygen needs and her backlash doesn't - shouldn't? - involve any direct fuckery with her lungs. Marian will shove an oxygen mask on her face and put intubation on the bottom of her mental list. 

There are fluids running through the sketchy peripheral IV, by gravity with the clamp wide open, but still not flowing as fast as Marian would like. She sticks the saline bag in a pressure bag and inflates it (and watches to make sure it's actually flowing and the vein is a good enough one to take it, okay looks good for the moment, moving on.) Saline is not going to help for long - pressors probably won't do much at all - she needs blood, they weren't specifically expecting massive blood loss but it comes up enough with dungeon stuff that they prepared for it anyway, they obviously know Hye-jin's blood type, and the entire unit saw them rush past with blood everywhere so almost certainly someone is on that but she should, in fact, check.

"Elaine, make sure blood is on its way?" 

Also, it's a nursing-wisdom fact, which she learned from Alison who's been working here for a decade, that exchanging bodily fluids with an esper partner helps with backlash. And they do have a machine for direct person-to-person blood transfusions, though Marian has done the setup for it exactly once.

"Hey," Marian says to Tae-gun, absently, "what's your blood type?" If it's compatible then she can take ten seconds to try to think of a tactful way to ask if he's been tested for HIV and hepatitis C. 

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"A-negative." He also needs a tactful way to ask them to put some cameras in here if possible and he should be asking it already he should have ALREADY ASKED IT but it's SO AWKWARD and asking for awkward things in English is EVEN HARDER and AUGHHHHHH.

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"...You know the thing where fluid exchange is even better than contact for guiding? Um, we do direct blood transfusions sometimes and you're the same blood type."

Aaaaaaaaaand how does she aaaaaask how certain he is that he doesn't have HIV. On top of everything else, he's not North American and speaks English as a second language and espers kind of have their own culture to begin with, she has no idea which ways of phrasing it might accidentally be incredibly offensive. She should grit her teeth and ask anyway because it could be really important but - 

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Alison can guess what Marian is trying to ask, given that it's a box on the checklist for the somewhat archaic direct-blood-transfusion machine that looks like a robot from an 80s movie.

However, there are ways to get around it, and. There was the whole thing with the lava dungeon. That was all over the news and Alison, unlike Marian, actually owns a television. (And occasionally reads trashy gossip magazines.) 

"You use the standard guiding strategy, yeah?" she says, which she thinks is very diplomatic. 

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What....is the "standard guiding strategy"? Marian feels like she should know this but she's drawing a blank on what, or what it could possibly have to do with blood transfusions. 

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"It means they fuck," Alison whispers to Marian, not quite quietly enough that Tae-gun won't be able to overhear it. 

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(Also did Alison just say that out loud with her actual mouth, whyyyy. Espers have hyperacute senses!!! Tae-gun probably heard that!)

...ohhhhhhh fluid exchange, they can ignore the checkbox because any diseases will probably have been passed back and forth already and it's approximately equivalent to them having already done emergency blood transfusions for guidance already. Right. 

Marian is going to make herself very busy sterilizing Hye-jin's upper chest in preparation for Dr Hulka showing up to place a subclavian central line. 

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Oh my God are they actually going to make him answer that directly with his facemouth. They are, aren't they.

"Yes, we do," he says, trying not to SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST. "Use it, I mean." STOP SAYING WORDS YOU FOOL.

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"Excellent. There's a consent form for it, I'll track it down once things are a little quieter." 


Elaine hurries in with a bag of hospital-supply blood to cosign with Alison and hang running into the peripheral IV, about thirty seconds before Dr Hulka breezes in with the ultrasound machine and starts donning her sterile gown and gloves to place the central line. She doesn't address Tae-gun at all, she's busy and talking to relatives or esper partners is the nurses' job. 

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Marian is not desperately busy - for the next 60 seconds or so, at least, until Dr Hulka is ready for the procedure - and will make eye contact with Tae-gun and try to convey via eyebrows that she has not forgotten he exists. 

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Oh cool excellent that's an opening yes how does he—business face. Public face. He can do this. He does this every day. Breathe in, breathe out, public face.

He lets go of Hye-jin's hand (not without flinching, but they're still the kind of insanely compatible that he can guide her from a reasonable distance so it's not that big a deal) and walks up to Marian. "Ms. Daly," he says, quietly. "I am not sure if you are the person I should be talking to about this, but I believe my partner was victim of an assassination attempt. The person who attempted it somehow managed to slip through a dungeon portal undetected despite numerous witnesses. I don't know of a way to counter that—but if my guess as to who was responsible for it is correct, then I believe we should want cameras here, ideally uploading their footage directly to secure external servers. If the hospital has any procedures to deal with informational hazards or illusion espers, I would request that you put those in place, or ask someone who could." He bows. "Please."

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Did he just bow to her. Marian has no idea what the appropriate acknowledgement is for that! 

"...Alison?" Alison has been working here for a decade and is generally acknowledged to be one of the best nurses on the unit, and she's been putting herself out there for the Weird Esper Shit for years; she's the person to ask. "Do we have a camera system for, um, dealing with informational hazards or illusion espers? That uploads to an external server?"

She has friends on the Internet who would definitely know stuff about setting that up but they absolutely don't work for Renown Regional Medical Center and presumably the system needs to, like, be HIPAA compliant? 


...Also she's going to discreetly position herself where they can continue the conversation with Tae-gun still in reach of her patient's hand, because it's slightly freaking her out knowing that he's her esper partner and seeing him break contact. 

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Alison does seem to have any idea what Tae-gun could possibly be talking about! 

"We don't have something ready-to-go, I'm afraid, this hasn't come up before. We can figure it out, I'm sure, I'll call the tech support department, but - if it's urgent I can Facetime our colleague who's off today and point the camera at her, and he can screen-record and save it? Not a secure server but I can start it right now." 

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There is no way that's HIPAA compliant!!!!!

...On the other hand, an information-hazardous illusion esper assassination plot also sounds really bad!!!! 

She nods and waits for Tae-gun's response. He is down in Hye-jin's chart as having been granted prior authority to make medical decisions on her behalf and "preventing assassins by bending patient privacy rules" is arguably a medical decision. 

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He nods to her and bows again. "Thank you very much, Ms. Alison—" Why is her last name blacked out on her badge. What??? Why would anyone do this???? "That would be very useful. If there is any way I can help—with this or anything else—please let me know." And then, yes, he can hold Hye-jin's hand again.

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Awwww what a sweet shy man. The gossip magazines did not convey his personality correctly at all.

"Of course." And she'll Facetime Richard, another nurse on the unit and incidentally her boyfriend, very briefly explain the situation, and then attach her phone to a canister of sani-wipes with medical tape so she can have the camera pointed at Hye-jin. 

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"Of course." Marian tries to smile reassuringly at him. "We're going to place a central line for fluids and blood, and a line in her wrist to monitor her blood pressure, and put in a breathing tube, and then we're going to be working on rewarming measures. Please tell me if you have questions, I know it's - a lot." 


Aaaand Dr Hulka is giving her an expectant look so she'd better focus and help with the central line placement now. 

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...Tae-gun does not like this at all. The last time Hye-jin was under life-threatening hypothermia the solution was several hours of—guiding—and didn't involve any of these unpleasant-sounding things. He much preferred that treatment.

He nods, anyway. "No questions. I'll stay out of your way." To the extent possible while he's still holding her hand.

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"You're doing fine." He's remarkably good at not being in the way, really. 

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Dr Hulka is frowning at the hastily-dressed chest wound. "...That's not bleeding much, Huh." Obvious glance at the blood now drying over half her body, and the heart rate and blood pressure numbers on the monitor screaming that it's definitely her blood that should be in her body and isn't. "I was assuming she'll need the OR once we have her stabilized. Anything I missed in the report on her injuries?" 

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"Nnnnot really." There was not a 'report' as such. "I think they moved her here almost immediately, like, all they did over there was an IV." 

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"We need scans but I'm not taking her on a field trip right now. Put in for a bedside chest X-ray stat, please. - Line's in." Dr Hulka ties off the second suture holding it in place, steps back, and snaps off her first set of sterile gloves to reveal the second, fresh pair for starting on the arterial line placement. 

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Marian will put a dressing on it and then carefully pause the blood products and clamp the saline line to transfer them over from the peripheral IV. 


- how are Hye-jin's vital signs holding up? Still breathing okay on her own? Now seems like a good moment to take her temperature again, too. 

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She’s still breathing okay, but her temperature’s down to 30. Vitals are otherwise somewhat stable; the dressing on the chest wound must have stopped most of the bleeding.

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Surprisingly effective dressing given how incompetent hurriedly done it looks. 

...The core temperature afterdrop isn't shocking, but Marian isn't a fan. Hopefully they're setting up for internal rewarming soon? 

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Elaine is bringing in the rapid infuser pump for giving her heated IV fluids very fast; normally they would wait for the central line placement to be actually confirmed before running liters of fluid into it, but this is an emergency and Dr Hulka is really quite sure it's in the right place and gave them the go-ahead. 


Alison is gloved up as well, placing a double-lumen catheter for bladder lavage – it's one of the fastest ways to set up for internal rewarming and actually very effective. They'll do gastric lavage with heated fluids as well but she's waiting to place a nasogastric tube for it until after the patient is intubated and isn't going to throw up into her own lungs if they hit her gag reflex wrong. 

"...Um." She pauses. "I - think we might have an entry wound here." She gestures at the patient's upper thigh, which she had been hastily wiping clean of blood in an attempt to get her nether region vaguely sterile. 

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"Get a pressure dressing on it if it's bleeding, I'll look in a minute." Dr Hulka is going to attempt to intubate this patient without any sedation, she's pretty deeply unconscious already and her blood pressure is marginal even with the rapid infuser hooked up and Elaine cosigning a second bag of blood-bank blood. 

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....Is it in fact bleeding? Marian felt like the blood she was seeing in the legs region was mostly caked on and drying, not squirting. 

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It’s mostly stopped, though there’s still a little bit oozing out; her black tights were probably doing a lot of work to stop the bleeding, and cutting them away for the catheter released the meager floodgates. But it definitely looks like the bullet missed the femoral artery, by how their patient isn’t dead. It looks dangerously close though, this woman is lucky.

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(This is so distressing!!!! Why is there so much stuff!!!! If she were awake he'd just take her home and guide her and it'd be fine but this is just making him anxious!!!!!!!)

(He's mostly not showing it, though. He'll be quiet and stoic and, if necessary, useful. Hopefully it won't be.)

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It can get a pressure dressing. Marian does not try to do an especially artistic job of taping it in place since Dr Hulka is going to rip it off in the next thirty seconds and possibly stick her (sterile-gloved) finger in there. Marian is not normally squeaming but seeing Dr Hulka interact with bullet wounds definitely makes her uncomfortable. 

...She's kind of mentally down-prioritized the chest wound because the sketchy field dressing does seem to have mostly controlled the bleeding, but Tae-gun is still holding pressure on it - with a little ice plate, which is very cool - but, still, using his esper power unnecessarily will give him backlash and she doesn't actually know what his backlash is. ...Also the ice is weirdly not-cold but it's still making her feel kind of uneasy having it here her HYPOTHERMIC patient. 

She will thank him for his help and slap a proper pressure dressing over it so he can be relieved of that responsibility. 

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"Catheter's in." Alison steps back from the bed and starts de-gloving. "Be right back, just gotta microwave some saline for bladder irrigation. Should I start setting up for direct blood transfusion or do you think you'll be making an OR trip first?" 

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"...I don't think we can take her to the OR with a temp of 30 C. So, yes, please." It's always so weird to Marian how...low-tech...bladder irrigation is. You don't even technically need it to be sterile - the saline comes in sterile bags but they usually cut them open and dump them into the irrigation kit bag rather than repeatedly connect and unconnect new bags. 

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Patient intubated and on the ventilator! 25% oxygen and minimal pressure support, despite the chest wound she doesn't seem to be having oxygenation problems. Dr Hulka will put on sterile gloves and ask Marian to peel back the dressing so she can investigate the possible second bullet wound. 

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The bleeding has stopped, and it… doesn’t seem quite like a bullet wound, actually? Bullet wounds don’t get smaller the deeper into the victim they go. It’s also free of shrapnel, and while it seems like it grazed the femoral artery, it didn’t puncture it properly. That and the leggings probably saved her life, considering how much blood she lost from the chest injury.

This woman: extremely lucky!

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...That's a strange wound profile but it's not going to cause the patient to bleed out and so it's not currently Dr Hulka's top priority. 

The X-ray tech isn't here yet and there are other patients in the unit. Dr Hulka strips off her gloves again and pitches them perfectly into the trash can. "Call me if anything changes or if rewarming isn't working." And she's gone. 

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Why does she always dooooooooo that. 


...Marian will place a triple-lumen nasogastric tube for gastric lavage; that one she does want to check the placement of before dumping liters of heated saline down it, so might as well get all of it with the same X-ray. 

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Alison is back a couple of minutes later hauling the tubing setup for bladder irrigation. And a heated bag of saline. "Mmmmm. These make great hot-water-bottles. - there's a problem with the transfusion machine, I put Philip on troubleshooting it but it'll be half an hour or more. Hulka wants to give plasma in the meantime and we'll send a CBC to check her hemoglobin." 

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Why this???? 


...It's okay. Hye-jin's BP is holding up and her heart rate is actually down a bit, and they've got everything they need to rapidly transfuse a lot of blood-bank blood if she starts bleeding again. 

(Though, uh, another reason her heart rate might be dropping is if her temperature is; the ventilator heating circuit is on the highest setting and she's now three liters in on her rapid-infuser heated IV fluids and the bladder irrigation is nearly ready, but backlash-caused symptoms can be really stubborn. And they should have a continuous temperature probe but, uh, she would normally do either esophageal or bladder temperature but both of those will be super wrong if they're dumping hot fluids down those tubes. And she's slightly mortified about placing a rectal temp probe with Tae-gun right there even though apparently they fuck shut up, Marian's brain, that's an unprofessional thought.) 

...She'll take her temperature again the manual way. 

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Still 30 C. Not terrible, but, uh, it should be going up, not staying the same. Backlashes sure are a way.

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(Is all of this really necessary. Can't he just hug her. Why is all of this necessary.)

(At least they don't seem to be panicking and she seems to be alive. Their quiet professionalism and confidence is actually doing wonders for his anxiety and he now understands what it feels like to be on this side of it on a visceral level. He's kind of cribbing notes for what affect to project next time he has to do a rescue.)

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And she has bullet wounds, even if she got incredibly lucky she's going to need surgery and the longer they wait on that the higher the infection risk and they can't take her to the OR until she's less hypothermic than this and, in general, aaaaaaaah.

She needs guiding but the blood transfusion machine won't be ready for way longer than Marian feels like waiting. And, um. Even if sex is apparently standard Marian does not really want to suggest that!!! On top of all the other problems there's a catheter in the way!!! 

She could suggest they cuddle - actually, that could work, Tae-gun can do the floating ice stretcher-platform thing, he could support her while they lower the bed without moving her at all and he could slide under her and have full-body skin to skin contact - she can put a Bair Hugger blanket over both of them, now that Dr Hulka is done messing around placing lines... 

Fluid exchange is more effective, though. 

She did hear during one nursing gossip session over drinks after work that any bodily fluids work. Making out is apparently another way, though, uh, that also seems logistically complicated with the endotracheal tube in the way...

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...Marian eyes the bladder irrigation bag. 

Which does not, technically, have to only have sterile contents. 

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...She goes and checks the attached bathroom. There's totally a urine-collection hat in there, on the distant off-chance of a patient who can get up and walk to the bathroom to pee. 

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Thirty seconds later she politely clears her throat to get Tae-gun's attention. 


"Excuse me could I please get you to go pee in this. For fluid exchange." She points at the bladder irrigation bag. She is DYING OF EMBARRASSMENT but her patient dying of backlash hypothermia is worse than embarrassment so. 

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Tae-gun blinks. "For... fluid exchange?"

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"Same principle as the direct blood transfusion or, um. The - standard guiding strategy." Marian is saying this with a completely straight face even though DYIIIING. "I think kissing, um, with tongue," could she possibly have thought of a more awkward way to say that, is she literally a middle schooler, "also works, but she's intubated. We're warming her that way anyway. I think after that you should get into the bed under her for more skin contact, while we're waiting to be able to do the blood transfusion, but I want to see if this helps, fluid exchange is supposed to be more effective." 

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They want to put his pee?? In her????????

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Okay, no, you know what, they're professionals, they know what they're doing, he doesn't, he's going to trust them. He nods and stands up. "Are there any special instructions or do I just need to urinate in this?"


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"Don't, like, touch the inside of the hat with your hands?" She just took it out of its packaging, it's not guaranteed-sterile to the degree that you'd want for IV supplies but it's clean. "- You don't have any UTI symptoms, right?" Normal urine isn't actually sterile, that's a weird urban myth, but it's fairly clean and honestly even if he did have a UTI it's unlikely he would give it to her when they're rinsing her bladder out so thoroughly anyway. "No special instructions otherwise." 

(She's now realizing that she could also ask him to...spit in Hye-jin's mouth? Except that Marian is squeamish about one (1) thing and yechhhhhhhh. Also mouths are objectively much more disgusting than bladders, actually, and she really doesn't want to give her patient a ventilator-associated pneumonia with someone else's mouth bacteria, ughhhhh.) 

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"No UTI symptoms," he confirms, and... goes to do as instructed, he supposes.

At least he gets to hide in the bathroom to do it. This is mortifying and weird and it might be medically necessary and if he'll literally jump into lava for Kim Hye-jin he will very well pee in a damn cup for her. While not thinking about it at all or, or about literally anything, actually, he has no idea what the thoughts he's not having are because he's not having them.

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Marian, feeling rather pleased with her clever solution, will take the hat from him and thank him - she appreciates him being so helpful! and calm about everything! visitors who freak out about ICU things are way more stressful for her to be around - and then carefully pour his pee into the irrigation bag. (She makes a mental note to change the whole bag and tubing later if it turns out they need to keep this up for her whole shift, but it's fine for an hour or two.) 

"Right. I do think it could help to have more skin contact. If you're comfortable, er, undressing and using your ice stretcher trick to sort of slide under her, I - can turn my back," she'll still HEAR the monitor alarm if anything happens, "and I'm going to put a warming blanket over her, so you'll both be covered. Is that okay with you?" 

(Marian seems to feel that naked cuddles in an ICU patient's bed is a much bigger and weirder ask than peeing in a cup.) 

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Tae-gun on the other hand finds that one a lot less uncomfortable. One, she's a medical professional, and two, the literal whole world has already seen him naked, he's literally been on the actual covers of actual magazines, at this point he's just kind of inured to it. 

"I can do that. Do you need to prepare her in any way or should I do it now?"

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(Marian hasn't seen him naked! ...Or if she has it was in passing and she completely failed to make the connection that he's the same person. She doesn't own a TV or read magazines.) 

"Give me a second to get the blanket set up and check that all her lines are secured."

And that her vital signs are hanging in there. How are her blood pressure and heart rate looking now? She's only had the two units of blood, but they're running plasma in the rapid infuser now and she's had four liters of saline, though only a fraction of that will stay in her bloodstream rather than wandering off to make her extremities puffy. 

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Hye-Jin’s vital signs: still hanging in there! It really does look to just be the hypothermia backlash that is the dangerous part now, her blood pressure and heart rate are slowly returning to more reasonable numbers.

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Then Marian will get everything ready and tell Tae-gun when she's ready for him to undress and ice-stretcher his way under Hye-Jin in the bed. 

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He strips quickly and efficiently—shoes socks he'd already taken his jacket off earlier T-shirt slacks underwear—and lifts her up into the air at the same time as he uses some more ice to lift himself into the bed under her before unconjuring the ice again. The entire process takes less than twenty seconds.

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(Tae-gun's backlashing, too, but he's keeping a very tight lid on it. He took backlash meds earlier and those are helping some but he'll probably get some more obvious symptoms in a second. He's trying not to think about them, and the nurse will cover him and Hye-jin with a blanket which will make it easier, but they'll still be there.)

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(Marian, if she were aware of this, would be very upset with herself for assuming he was fine to use his power - though she might have asked him to anyway, there isn't a great alternative for safely getting him in close contact with a critically hypothermic patient attached to tons of lines and tubes - and also would really, really wish he had felt comfortable communicating with her about his limits. However, Marian has no way of knowing right now and so will continue to operate in blissful ignorance.) 


Temperature check? Are any of her attempts to intervene directly on the backlash starting to have effects? 

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Yep! 32 degrees Celsius! She might soon graduate to the normal thermometer, if for some reason Marian were going to swap.

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...You know what, yes, actually, Marian will totally switch to the normal thermometer as soon as she can! It takes ten seconds to bring up a reading instead of thirty seconds and when it comes to knowing her patients' vital signs Marian is not a patient person. 

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X-ray tech is here! 

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....Wow, um. Marian. Did not think this through. The part where there's a naked man lying under her patient in the bed and they now need to wedge an X-ray board under her. (Marian decided to be slightly proactive and program an abdominal X-ray too juuuust in case the patient has internal injuries that she couldn't report because she passed out approximately the second she made it out of the dungeon.) Sure, her patient is an esper and this is not even notably weird for the week they're having but!!! still!!!

(Marian has not been working here long enough to get entirely desensitized to the fact that things like this come up.) 

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Espers, man. 

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...She will explain to Tae-gun through the blanket that they need to put a board under Hye-jin's body to take an X-ray. How does he think it most makes sense to do that. 

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"I lift her up with ice, you place the plate wherever it makes sense to do so, perhaps supported by more ice, then I lower her back down. Would that work?"

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“Works for me! If you’re doing all right on backlash yourself.”

She is not going to ask what his backlash is. Espers care a lot about medical privacy for that, understandably! And not everyone even gets medical-emergency-grade backlash. So it's not like she needs to know for professional reasons. 

They shouldn't have the warming blanket on her for this, it's got radioopaque materials in it, but she can swap it out for a sheet and then guide Tae-gun through where the board needs to go. She asks the X-ray tech to wait outside, because sure, he's seen weirder, but - being in the ICU for backlash treatment is a lot and Tae-gun is taking on a lot right now and she doesn't want to additionally make him deal with an X-ray tech staring at him because apPARENTLY he's a celebrity or something. 

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Well, his acute backlash doesn't get medically dangerous until it's very very severe and his chronic backlash isn't at passively dangerous levels* so he's fine, really!

He does look confused when she sends the X-ray tech away, though. "Do they not need to help set up the X-ray?" he wonders.





* Anymore.

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“Not with you here!” Maybe he’s not that bothered but Marian is.

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"So should I... leave?"

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He shakes his head. "Never mind, sorry, I shouldn't be wasting your time."

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Oh no she confused him. She feels bad.

“I - no, if you're comfortable being exposed to a little bit of X-rays, I think I would rather you didn't break contact with her." The patient's temperature is finally trending upward and Marian is pretty sure that all their warming interventions were only managing to keep her from dropping further and it's the guiding that's making actual progress. "You'll be under a sheet and if you sort of move a bit to the side you won't interfere with the X-ray imagery. The tech just needs to line the machine up at the foot of the bed once I have the board in place for him." 

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He nods. "Please just consider me a tool to achieve our goals." He can't bow and English just doesn't have the vocabulary and grammatical constructs for him to convey what he means. "I will do whatever is necessary to most efficiently and effectively help her recover."

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...Marian thinks she gets the message and she really, really appreciates him. She still feels kind of bad but Hye-jin is, in fact, the top priority. 

She can talk him through where the X-ray board needs to go and what angle Hye-jin's torso needs to be supported at and then summon the X-ray tech - who's been having a very enjoyable break sitting outside on his phone checking his social media - to line up the machine correctly. After the chest X-ray she'll want to reposition the board under Hye-jin's abdominal region, with Tae-gun pressed against her side so he's out of the image but still in contact with a lot of skin area. 

And once the tech has departed and they have everything arranged back how it was in the bed, she will go refresh the computer until the imagery is uploaded to Hye-jin's chart! It'll be a longer wait for the radiologist to read the X-rays and put in their note, but Marian is capable of determining if tubes are in the right place (she still needs to wait for Dr Hulka's go-ahead but she does want to know in the meantime) and also can recognize, like, a massive hemothorax, though she would be surprised, Hye-jin's O2 sat is fine. 

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The bullet looks like it exited cleanly, missing both of her lungs. There isn't a hint of a hemothorax building, but her sternum is cracked.

Alarmingly, there's some soft tissue damage around her heart.

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....Marian spends a few moments reminding herself that she already knows everything she needs to about the patient's hemodynamics and the fact that the bullet probably grazed her heart on the way through her does not retroactively make her vital signs for the past hour worse. 

The fact that there's no sign of a bullet in her means there should be two holes. Marian isn't sure which hole the one in her chest is - proooobably exit wound given that it's the one the medics on the site noticed and put a dressing on? Hopefully the fact that she's been lying on her back put some pressure on the wound by itself, and she's not in a growing pool of blood, Tae-gun was under her and he got some blood smeared on him but it looked like drying blood from what was already all over her. 

Marian is going to page Dr Hulka - they probably want a bedside echo to see what kind of shape her heart is in and decide whether to expedite the OR trip - and then she'll explain to Tae-gun that she wants them to roll Hye-jin a little to the side so Marian can peek at her back and slap a pressure dressing on the exit wound that must be there. 

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Sure, he can do that.


Oh he should tell them about her regen.

"I have a thing I need to tell you that requires confidentiality."

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"Oh. Um. Confidential as in I shouldn't put in in writing in her chart? Do I have your permission to tell other staff involved directly in her care if it's relevant?" 

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"Confidential as in you should treat it as if you were under an NDA. Though I can't demand one right now, obviously. But that's the level of secrecy."

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"...Okay. Got it." 

This comes up. Sometimes it's really critically important for a particular fact about an esper's powerset or backlash to absolutely not end up leaking to the public. There's a precedent for secrets on the level that only one nurse should know them; there's even a box in the chart for "there is an undisclosed fact about this esper" which tells the rest of the care team not to worry too much - or think too hard about it - if something doesn't make sense. Marian has never specifically been the one (1) nurse who knew a top-secret-NDA-level confidential fact about a high-level famous esper, but - this is fine. 

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"She has regeneration powers," he says, quietly. "They're strong enough to survive swimming in lava for a while, and they probably mean her wounds aren't that bad." It goes without saying that her using regeneration powers causes backlash and so her healing herself is actively making her core temp get lower.

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"Ohhhhh. That - makes sense of some things." Both the implausibly lucky 'escape' on her thigh wound and the temperature continuing to drop even once she was unconscious and not using her publically-known esper power. "I'll - tell Dr Hulka we should set up the blood transfusion as a top priority, not the OR. Um, do you - have past experience of how long her regen takes for - wounds this serious - I'm wondering if I should expect her to wake up anytime soon, her temp isn't low enough at this point to explain why she's unconscious." 

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"No, I don't have specific experience, but I'd guess it's the blood loss and the exhaustion and the non-acute parts of her backlash."

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“I can see that, yeah.”

They did send a hemoglobin after the two units of blood; Marian should go check if that’s back yet and how anemic she still is. ...And also check the non-disclosed medical information box, so the radiologist knows not to ask too many questions if the chest X-ray comes back looking like someone who was shot in the heart but has had a few days or weeks of healing up from it (at normal human rates of healing.) 

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She's still anemic, but it's not nearly as bad as it would be for someone that did not have regeneration. From the hemoglobin, it looks like the bleeding has probably stopped entirely by now. Marian's patient has stopped leaking.

Plink, something falls from Hye-jin's hair and onto the floor.

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Tae-gun is kind of trapped under her and can't look but, what?

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…Marian bends to scoop it up from the floor under the bed.



“- Well. I guess I’m no longer confused why she’s still unconscious.” A moment later she realizes that Tae-gun can’t see what she’s holding at this angle. “Bullet fell out of her head,” she explains, and - will go palpate Hye-jin’s head to find the wound (exit wound but, like, not in the usual sense) and make sure it’s regenerating well.

(Marian hasn't actually ever had a patient with regen before. It happens ever that they need an ICU but not very often, only if their backlash is such that at some point they can't keep regenerating without worsening their overall condition. Which does seem to be the situation Hye-jin was in before they put some blood in her.) 

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His heart nearly stops.

Head. Bullet. Someone shot Kim Hye-jin in the head?????????????????

Lee Tae-gun's composure has successfully been broken.

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"She's stable," Marian says reassuringly. "Just need to stay on top of the backlash now." She's actually very calm about this. Hye-jin must have healed herself enough to regain consciousness long enough to get herself out of the dungeon, which is a good sign that mostly rules out non-regenerable brain damage, she was breathing fine on her own even once she lost consciousness again, and Marian has all her vital signs right up on that big screen and hasn't seen any of the fluctuations you would expect with rising intracranial pressure.

She still feels like an idiot for failing to notice but, in fairness to herself, the patient secretly has regen and so by the time she made it to the hospital at all there was not, in fact, still a life-threatening problem related to that particular injury for them to notice. Also her hair is really red to begin with, which makes it harder to pick up on bleeding there. 

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The entry (and.... now technically exit...) wound is sneakily hidden in the back right temporal lobe of the cerebrum; just above and behind her ear, hidden by her extremely red hair. There's less blood than might be expected for a head wound, so probably this... came... after the other shots... when she had less blood to lose, despite head wounds tending to be notoriously bloody. And her too-bright esper red hair sure did soak up the blood well, didn't it.

It seems to be healing well, though? Probably?? There's, uh, some skull fragments and small amount of grey matter that are getting ejected after the bullet, apparently her regeneration is just throwing everything that is foreign or too broken for salvaging out entirely. The area would probably benefit from being cleaned, there's a lot of matted and bloody hair in the way.

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She may be stable but whoever did this won't remain stable for long

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Focus. She survived being eaten by a dragon and bathed in lava, she survived being shot—

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Except she was shot in the head which probably made her go unconscious in a dungeon that had been cleared. Which means that if she'd taken just a little bit longer to recover she'd have been trapped after the dungeon got sealed and regeneration can't heal that

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He had kind of hoped she'd have incinerated whoever did this. Even if on reflex. But no, they're probably still alive, and Tae-gun suddenly needs them to not be. Needs it very, very much. 

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...it wasn't Kang Jaeha who did this, but it was almost certainly him who ordered the hit. The, the thing wearing his skin, it had his Hye-jin shot in the head.

Tae-gun pulls himself together. He pulls himself together because he cannot have feelings about Hye-jin and Jaeha at the same time, not in public like this. He'll have feelings later. For now, he'll—deal. Public face on.

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...Marian does not miss that Tae-gun is very very upset about this. 

It - seems best to not make a big deal of it? Or acknowledge it much at all? (Marian certainly finds it antihelpful when she's fighting off an emotional breakdown at work if someone, like, indicates that they noticed, even if they're trying to help.) She'll...keep doing her job as though she's completely oblivious to the fact that he could possibly experience emotions. 


Nursing school does cover regen, which - like basically all esper powers - is wildly variable between people, but there are some recurring patterns. This looks like...shit nursing school was a while ago and Marian was very very nerdsniped at the time but hasn't prioritized reviewing terms for this in particular...

This looks like interior-to-exterior healing, she thinks - good for displacing foreign bodies like, uh, bullets, rather than risking trapping them in the esper's body - and...probably focused on critical functions rather than even all-over healing - from the outside, her chest wound looked like a fresh injury, just not as bad as it really was. Marian would consider Regen Internopugnica but Hye-jin is unconscious, and she's read papers on how true combat-focused regen espers can, for example, fight their way out of a dungeon while missing a limb and all their skin and suffering from severe airway scalding. Probably Internotegumenta Critica, it looks like the regen isn't going to leave her with disfiguring scars but it was clearly focused on critical function first. 

...Awwww and she can't even nerd out with Alison about whether she's classifying right and then put their analysis and classification in the chart. Because it's a non-disclosed medical fact. Rude

At least she can talk to one person about it. "Regen Internotegumenta Critica," she says, sounding very slightly smug and pleased with herself about it. "Everything looks good, the regen is pushing out some damaged tissue so I expect she'll be out a while longer while it regrows that part of her brain."

Her type clearly isn't smart enough to put displaced brain matter back even if that would go faster, you only see that occasionally with Uniformisystemica (regenerating everywhere at once evenly rather than from the inside out, and focused on the overall systemic functioning of the esper's organs) in the Velox (fast) or Fortis (exceptionally robust and resilient) subtypes. 


She should clean up Hye-jin's head a bit; the policy is that if you have time, it's recommended to, you know, tidy up loose ends so the other medical professionals don't have to try as hard to avoid thinking about what the non-disclosed medical fact might be. Also brain matter: ewwwwwww. Marian thought she had exactly two major squicks (saliva and stuff that comes out of lungs) but apparently literal grey matter leaking out of a hole in her patient's head is also up there. 

She...will put the bullet in her pocket? So it's not laying around the room where Dr Hulka might see it and speculate. 

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while it regrows that part of her brain

He did NOT need to hear that sentence, actually! He didn't need to think about the fact that the brain needs to be regrown!!! It's actually really hard not to have feelings when his girlfriend's partner's brain needs to be regrown!!!!!!!

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"I see," is what he says, and at least his voice is perfectly level even if he's having some trouble with the vein pulsating in his neck. "That's promising."

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(It has not occurred to Marian that this might be a distressing sentence to hear. It's good news! Hye-jin may not have the strongest known type of regen, but it's pretty up there, it'll get her back to her previous baseline and it'll probably take more like hours or days than weeks or months!) 


She has time to get Hye-jin's head wound site cleaner and tuck the hair back over it before Dr Hulka sidles in for a bedside echo. 

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And how does the patient's heart look on ultrasound? 

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There's soft tissue damage through it, but... everything important is fine, and the damage is mostly focused around the heart, not in it.

(There's a telling line of damage that would theoretically pass through the heart, but it is possible Dr. Hulka will carefully not be noticing that kind of evidence, considering.)

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Dr Hulka has been a trauma surgeon and ICU physician for twenty-five years. She does not miss the tract of soft tissue injury intersecting the patient's heart. 

However, out loud she just narrates that there's no sign of trauma to the myocardium, cardiac wall movement is normal, septum is intact, valves look okay, there's a small hemopericardium (blood in the pericardial sac around the heart) but it appears stable and there's no sign of cardiac tamponnade. They'll want a followup in an hour or two to make sure the bleeding is stable. 


(She knows that there's a non-disclosed medical fact but does not actually know who checked the box. It might not be Marian.) 

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Tae-gun has managed to recover his composure after a bit. She's fine. She'll be fine. She has bullshit regeneration and she'll be just fine and she won't have permanent brain damage that will alter her personality forever because she's fine. Which means that he's also fine. That's how he is.

At least until they come up with some new extremely alarming thing to tell him she's fine.

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Dr Hulka can also read between the lines. "Hemoglobin's coming up, bleeding seems to be under control," she says gruffly. "What's her last temp? Backlash is our top priority, we'll keep her here for direct transfusion."  

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"Uh, 32 C but that was a few minutes ago." Marian will hastily check again. Still with the low-temp thermometer because it's not inconceivable she lost ground again, what with how the urine fluids exchange was a one-off thing and there's a whole lot of regen going on. 

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It's actually made it up to 33 C!

(The whole lot of regen is still taking a toll, to be clear, but her partner is right there holding her, so. It is, just barely with medical assistance, temperature positive.)

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"33 C. Up most of a degree." 

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"Over, what, half an hour?" Dr Hulka scowls. "Better than nothing but we need to work faster than that. They've nearly got the direct transfusion machine up and running, they'll be over any minute to hook her partner up." 


Aaaaaand she breezes out of the room. She's got other patients, you know. 

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Right. Well, Marian is at loose ends up Alison gets here, then. 


"Tae-gun, do you have any questions?" 

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He twitches at being called by just his personal name like that but reminds himself as he always has to do when this happens that it's a different culture. "No, Ms. Daly." Was that pointed? He didn't mean it that way. ...much. "At least if I understand correctly, I will simply be giving Ms. Kim Hye-jin blood directly, yes?"

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Marian is absolutely going to miss any subtext of pointedness; with the right prompting she migh recall that cultural differences exist around using surnames versus given names, buuuut her entire brain is currently loaded up with ICU context. 

"Yeah. ...Have you donated blood before in general? The process is pretty straightforward, we'll place a catheter in your vein and collect blood, the difference is just that it goes directly to her IV rather than sending it off to the blood bank for processing."

Her voice is absentminded; she's reading the radiologist's note on the X-ray to confirm that A Medical Doctor has put down somewhere in writing that her nasogastric tube is correctly placed and safe to use. She forgot to ask Dr Hulka, there's kind of a lot going on. (...Ugh she needs to go microwave enormous bags of saline for gastric lavage, doesn't she. She is not actually 100% sure how Alison fit them in the microwave and is tempted to delegate this task so she doesn't have to find out.) 

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"I have, yes. If that is all then I have no questions."

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Alison will be there three minutes later, wheeling the transfusion machine!

(It's not that complicated - basically just an IV pump powerful enough to create a gentle vacuum and encourage the donor's blood to keep coming out, and compatible tubing - but it's from the 80s, blood storage and blood transport logistics have reached the point where direct blood transfusions are no longer really a thing outside of weird cases like guiding fluid exchange. Alison thinks the hospital may have literally bought it on Ebay, replacing the frustrating manual syringe setup in use when she was first hired to the unit. Anyway, it doesn't have a touchscreen in sight, and is actually very reliable in general but the troubleshooting process is not one the nursing staff are as familiar with and you can't just swap in a different unit, they only have one.) 

She has the tubing primed with saline and set up with the adaptor for the standard blood donation catheter (and an adapter on the other end for the needleless luer lock port on the central line, the custom compatible tubing is older and still uses the needle port connection that the hospital phased out years ago.) 

"Lee Tae-gun?" Oh he's under the Bair Hugger blanket, good work Marian. "I need you to read and sign a consent form and then I'll place the catheter." She is absolutely unfazed by naked ICU patient bed-sharing. 

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"Yes, ma'am." He summons a floating ice hand to hopefully nonverbally indicate that he does not need his actual hands to sign anything so they don't need to mess with the positioning of anything to free up his hand.

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She's going to need his arm at some point anyway but sure, this way she doesn't have to crouch awkwardly to angle the clipboard for him. She'll read out the consent form to him rather than try to move anything so he can see the page; it's standard boilerplate, in English, and pretty short. When this comes up you often don't want to have to take long for it. 

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Yeah sure that seems straightforward he'll sign it.

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She likes this man’s composure. He’s probably going to be equally stoic about having a needle rather larger than an IV stuck into him to place the access catheter?

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Yeah. He has to override his instinctive activation of his defensive power to allow the needle to break skin at all but he doesn't flinch.

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Awesome! Then Hye-jin will get some blood pre-warmed, even which she needs anyway and should also be great for guiding. Marian has a good feeling! The pee trick got her a two-degree increase pretty quickly, and this one they can keep going for - probably nearly half an hour, the length of time that the slowest transfusion setting will take to transfuse 450 ml, the standard volume taken for a blood transfusion.

Marian is actually hopeful that Hye-jin might wake up before it's done, in which case - uhhh, actually she should get Alison to check in advance with Dr Hulka if the chest wound means they should hold the standing order in her chart that she's safe to be extubated the moment she's awake and her RN is authorized to do it without waiting for the doctro to assess her. Nobody likes being intubated and Hye-jin has zero sedation in her system. 

She'll also beg Alison for another favor and get her to bring over the gastric lavage setup, it's pretty late to be adding it but every last bit helps. 

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Hye-jin begins to stir midway through the transfusion.

Oh, damn it all, she's been hospitalized again. Worse, she's been intubated. She hates being intubated, it's awful. This hasn't happened in years, how embarrassing. Ugh. Okay, where did she fuck up, it's only bad and naughty espers who can't responsibly handle their backlash that get tubed...

... it's all very fuzzy. Hmm. Fuck up to be decided upon more consciousness. She instead takes stock of her surroundings. Hospital - public one, not private, you can tell by the lack of expensive interior decoration, though this is a private room in one, which is fine. Also, she's being guided from somewhere behind her, is that - no, that's not Hideyoshi, the guiding is wrong for him, good, she does not need to commit murder today, that's - yeah, that's Tae-gun.

She makes an unhappy sound around her tube and opens an eye. Can she be free of the tube, please? She hates it so.

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Marian is absolutely ready to extubate her as soon as she's demonstrated being fully alert and GCS 15 and all that. However, she will first ask Hye-jin to blink and squeeze Marian's hand and wiggle her toes, to prove that, so it's going to be a thirty-second wait. 

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She gives Tae-gun an affirmative but groggy hum, then: yes she will blink and squeeze this nurse's hand and then wiggle her toes and then she is going to remember that she has a comm screen and fumble awkwardly with the required gesture to summon it.

Then she gets typing.

plz free me from tube
is what the translation spits out, after a few seconds of staring at Japanese characters and trying to figure out how to make the program do the translate thing.
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He's not going to cry he's not going to cry he's not going to cry in public but he'll ask, in Japanese, "Do you remember me? Lee Tae-gun?"

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Esper tech is really cool and Marian is jealous.

...She has no idea what Tae-gun just said and is going to ignore it. 

"I know! Working on it - let's get you sitting up a little more -" She'll get Tae-gun's help with that one more time, and then - suction catheter ready, Hye-jin has absolutely been through this before and does not need to be prompted to cough when Marian deflates the balloon holding the tube in place and slides it out. "There you go. Better?" There's an oxygen mask hooked up and on the wall hook behind the head of the bed, in case Hye-jin's O2 sat doesn't hold up, but Marian mostly doesn't expect any issue. Regen is bullshit. 

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???? she is very confused by Tae-gun's sentence, but she will cooperate with getting the hated tube out first.

She - uh - oh this is in English, that's a fun and exciting adventure she's not used to having in her hospital experience - nods? Yes? Better? She thinks that was the question asked? She's nodding anyway, it's fine.

And then she can reply to Tae-gun.

"what kind of dumbass question is that," she rasps to her partner.

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He doesn't start crying. He doesn't. He's resting his forehead on Hye-jin's shoulder from behind and hiding his face just in case. Even though he's not going to cry, there's no reason to take risks. 

(His breathing goes get somewhat laboured, though.)

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"'m fine. I told you," she says, and she does, vaguely, remember that she did tell him that. But that's also very fuzzy. Something about arguing with him about not going to sleep, when she was definitely going unconscious and there wasn't much she could do to stop it?? Probably she should not immediately tell him he was an asshole for doing that. He was probably worried.

Okay, okay, enough excuses, she's awake. First order of business - she does not have the mental capacity to do translation. She's going to fuss with the comm screen and have it start - yes, there. Translations of audio into text of different languages. Oh, look, she can give different people different colors! Tae-gun will be ice blue, she will be orange, and the nurse can be, uh, there is no rainbow option to match her tie-dye so it'll just be purple.

She then speaks aloud (in Japanese, still) and makes sure that - yep, goes through just fine. Okay, make it bigger, then turn it so everyone involved can see. She is a competent woman who can make shit happen even in the hospital, everyone be very proud of her.

Kim Hye-jin: Translation!
Kim Hye-jin: Because this is a terrible time to practice my English, actually
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Marian is honestly relieved that they speak a language she doesn't and can have their conversation about Probably Secret Esper Shit be actually private without any awkward having to ask her to step out? 

...Tae-gun seems upset. She is going to continue pretending she didn't notice unless he, like, hopefully makes eye contact with her or otherwise indicates that he would like some form of support. 


Oooh translation! Marian is suitably impressed! 

"You're in the trauma ICU in Reno, Nevada," she said, speaking slowly and clearly because that probably helps with ease of translation as well as being ESL. "You were teleported here about," wow what time is it even, "about two and a half hours ago. You arrived with, er, gunshot wounds and severe backlash hypothermia. - careful, you're getting a blood transfusion from your partner right now for guiding purposes, and you're attached to kind of a lot of equipment." 


"...How are you feeling? I should check your temperature again, if that's all right with you." 

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...can he just hug her. Can he just, just, can he just wrap the arm that isn't getting blood drawn from around her midsection and keep his face hidden in her skin and in her hair and not think about anything other than the way she's still herself, she's still so herself, she remembers him and she's being herself and her brain is fine she's fine she's right here she's fine nothing bad happened she's fine—

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Awwwww they're having a moment. Marian can be quiet and wait. 

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"It's okay," she murmurs to him, softly. "I'm okay." Her limbs are not in a state where she should be moving them, but she leans into him and sort of - attempts to nuzzle. Around tubing.

Her words do get translated, but are obviously not really directed at the nurse. But she does soon start addressing the nurse! It's a weird mix of mostly typing with occasional mutterings out loud as she corrects herself.

Kim Hye-jin: Lots of things hurt, which probably means I'm okay?
Kim Hye-jin: Yeah go ahead for checking my temperature, that's fine.
Kim Hye-jin: Nevada is - America? That makes sense, it's - confluence, yeah? America's been doing better than Europe
Kim Hye-jin: I think. What dumbass thing did I - no, you said I got shot.

At this she makes a face. The next part she says is entirely out loud, and also more than a little dismayed.

"That's not my fault at all, actually." (It is still translated for Marian's convenience.)

Which is unfair on so many levels! Every other time she got tubed it was her own damn fault, for letting her backlash get to dangerous levels, or at least unavoidable, like when she awakened. This is just. Not her fault at all, some horrible thing someone else did to her. What the fuck!
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Marian really appreciates Hye-jin's resourcefulness at communicating. She's typing some of the words, probably because her throat hurts after the intubation, and muttering others. 

"America, yeah, we put ourselves on the list to take emergencies from overseas." It has, honestly, been a really satisfying week at work. Marian has called in for overtime several days this week just because it's an extra interesting time to be on the unit. "I don't know the details of what happened. We were told to prep a room when you hadn't come out of the dungeon at the expected time, and - you came out covered in blood and immediately lost consciousness.

- it's not your fault, no one is saying it's your fault." Marian will not actually go as far as saying 'you did everything right' because she has no idea, and Hye-jin might be offended if actually she remembers not doing everything right in the dungeon fight, but she's thinking it and it shows in her voice. 

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(He's not going to say it's Kang Jaeha's fault. But she might guess soon enough. And he doesn't want to think about it.)

(God he loves her so much.)

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Kim Hye-jin: Oh I was expecting to get yelled at for being dumb about my backlash.
Kim Hye-jin: But on reflection no I think I was incredibly justified!

She tries to piece back together what happened before she lost consciousness the first time, in the dungeon, fails, and mutters a quiet curse word. (It is also translated. As 'fuck.')

Kim Hye-jin: multiple gunshot wounds in a dungeon?
Kim Hye-jin: I remember waking up and realizing it was about to close
Kim Hye-jin: and then doing entirely justified dumb shit to make it out anyway.

She doesn't say it out loud, but from her expression: yeah this woman has realized that she just survived an assassination attempt. A very competent one, too. Wait until she closes a dungeon by herself, shoot her after the core is destroyed (did she destroy it, or did the assassin?? she can't remember...) and then leave her and all of the evidence there where no one could find it. Very neat and tidy. She wishes she could have done it to Kang Jaeha, actually, she's unreasonably mad about him doing her assassination plot but better.
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Marian has so little context on the scary assassin situation! She...has put together some suspicions and concluded that dungeons themselves probably do not shoot people with bullets and something - else - was going on...? Oh also she should give the bullet to Tae-gun at some point, it's not like she has any purpose for it except as a keepsake to remember this shift and maybe he can use it to...investigate, or whatever? 

"- Yeah, that makes sense." She ducks her head. "Your partner - did inform me about the non-disclosed medical info." 

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She makes to nod, winces because her head's still a little tender, and instead types out:

Kim Hye-jin: yeah
Kim Hye-jin: It was probably really obvious
Kim Hye-jin: thank you for your discretion, it's not you, it's the crazy person that tried to kill me

This earns another face, and her muttering: "In a confluence!! Fuck, and now I shouldn't solo anything and that'll fuck up operational efficiency and -" she switches to Korean, which is not being translated, "Tae-gun-ah can we please go public now, get him dead or arrested or something, this is - it's - trying to kill me is one thing, but so many people are going to die now because I'm going to need to stay stapled to you like you're my bodyguard until your stalker is dealt with!"

... That was a bit too much yelling. Ow. Back to texting.

Kim Hye-jin: tl;dr is that I'm real mad
Kim Hye-jin: on account of the people that are going to die because of this stupid shit.
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...he's not crying but he does let out a single sob. "Hye-jin-ah, can we please not talk about this here?" he says, also in Korean.

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God, she's so tired about constantly putting off the giant screaming disaster that got her fucking shot, apparently!

Probably right now is not the time to have this talk, though.

"Fine," she sighs, exhausted and mulish.

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Marian will give zero indication that she heard that one sob. She's focused on Hye-jin right now, anyway, not Tae-gun. 

"I'm...sorry...that seems really - unfair." This feels like a stupid thing to say but in fairness Marian has no idea what one is supposed to say to that. "...We have you on camera, by the way. Still just someone's phone, Tech Support hasn't come back with a solution yet, but it's streaming to your, um, server? Tae-gun was able to give directions to do that." 

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"Oh, good," she says, out loud, in Japanese. "Thank you, carry on filming me, if I get murdered here I want everyone to know and for -" Bad Hye-jin, not talking about it here. "- responsible parties to suffer consequences."

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"We'll talk about it," he says in a whisper so soft you'd need esper senses to catch it. "I promise. But I'm still fragile. I can't lose you. I promise, just, please..."

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Wow she's pissed. Pretty understandable but, uh, Marian feels awkward and is not sure what to say??? 


...Temperature check, she got distracted and did not in fact do that yet. 

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Oh, it's way up! Almost to the temperature she's supposed to be, even! 36. Partner blood transfusion: really effective, actually.

Hye-jin herself just sighs and leans on her partner and bites back the desire to scream at him that she's fucking tired of tapdancing around his feelings on this topic, she's been assaulted three times over this subject, she wants it gone.

Instead she'll just. Quietly begin crying, she supposes. Emotions cannot go to yell, so they shall instead go to cry.

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Oh no!!!!!! 


...Marian does not know her well enough to offer her a hug and also there are. Cultural differences probably. She can offer Hye-jin a box of tissue and try to look sympathetic? 

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This is embarrassing they're having emotions in public Lee Tae-gun literally shut the fuck up. 

"It's not tactically smart to discuss dealing with a guy in public even if he does deserve dealing with," he murmurs. "Just wait until we get home."

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Also she has like a billion things attached to her and a giant inflatable blanket, which makes hugs slightly complicated. But Marian's efforts earn a tiny smile from Hye-jin, who appreciates her attempt. Sniffle.

She doesn't reply to Tae-gun. It would come out too sharp to be any good for anyone at all, except maybe Kang Jaeha. She'll just - which of her arms can be moved, uh - the one with the IV is less precarious looks like, she'll grab a tissue with that one.

"Thanks," she says in Japanese. "Gotta put my airways through their paces, and all."

(She can handle the crazy ex, actually, but she doesn't think she can handle her own partner stopping her from stopping the crazy ex, actually, and if he's going to keep doing that - like he's been doing this whole fucking time, then she's done. That's it, she's done, she's out. She doesn't say that. But it's true.)

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Her temp is doing really well and Marian can cause her to be attached to fewer things! The NG tube can absolutely go, and she'll at least unhook the irrigation setup from the catheter.

"Sorry, I think we should check your labs one more time before we discontinue the art line - that's this one, it looks like an IV but it's in the artery - it's for blood pressure monitoring, you lost a lot of blood and you're doing much better now," regen!! also blood transfusion!!!!, "but your vital signs were scary when you got here. Can you tell me if you're feeling weak or dizzy?" She did tape the arterial line tubing very securely, all the way up Hye-jin's arm, so she should be able to move that arm pretty freely, and the peripheral IV port isn't in use right now. 

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Hye-jin is still extremely not okay and is crying a little bit about it, but she can gamely answer medical questions anyway!

"That's fine. Uh. Weak, yes, dizzy - I think I'd have to stand to tell and probably should not be doing that?"

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It's very common for espers to have, well, trauma responses about the situations that landed them in the ICU. Alison at one point gave Marian some coaching on how to judge whether someone wants expressions of sympathy versus Marian ignoring it entirely versus just needing space and quiet. She thinks Hye-jin is - fine with continuing the medical conversation, and Tae-gun is clearly freaking the fuck out now that the emergency is mostly-of-the-way over and would probably benefit from her being here and calm and focused on boring hospital work stuff. 

"Yeah, better not. It's a good sign you're not dizzy or lightheaded at rest, you would be if you were anemic enough. Your blood pressure is fine. ...Do you want anything for pain?" The regen will take care of the injuries eventually but it's clearly not doing anything in the meantime about the discomfort of having been recently shot in several places. 

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"Uh. No, thank you. Um. ... I might want to figure out if I can get discharged without having to deal with the horrors of hospital food?"

And also so she can go be extremely not okay in private. And probably scream at Tae-gun after he fails to do anything about Kang Jaeha, again.

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Nod. "That's incredibly reasonable. I - think the main concern right now is ongoing backlash, and whether your temp will start dropping again if we stop with the rewarming interventions." She glances back at the base of the curtain to make sure she doesn't see any feet loitering nearby outside the room, and lowers her voice. "...Mainly worried that regen is still incurring backlash. My thought is we stop the warming measures and monitor your temp for an hour with just - cuddling," she is still not recommending they fuck in the hospital room especially if Marian is having to interrupt every ten minutes for temperature checks, "and then decide? But if you have, er, experience with this particular situation, you might have a better sense of - how it's likely to go? Or if you have an existing plan in place for discharge to your guild?" 

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Probably Quasar will leave them entirely alone, but then Hye-jin might be incredibly dumb, and tell Tae-gun to get the fuck away from her and immediately die from her own stupidity, so uh. You know what, nice nurse's idea sounds good and smart.

"I like your idea," she says, after a pause. "Stop rewarming measures and monitor things with just cuddling, and then if I'm safe I can be free."

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"That seems reasonable," he agrees in English, still without looking up.

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"You've got about ten minutes left on the transfusion, might as well finish that first, and start the hour then?" 

She'll page Dr Hulka since she does actually need a discharge order. Hopefully Hulka will be in her usual tearing hurry and down to write a conditional 'discharge if temp stable for 1h' order rather than having to come back. 

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"Sounds good. Thank you very much."

Hye-jin has a very sincere and very pretty smile that she can point at Marian! Thank you Marian. Hye-jin appreciates you.

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Tae-gun appreciates Marian Daly so much. She has been extremely competent and reassuring and professional and it's been so much better than it could've because of her. He can also muster a genuine smile, for that. "Thank you, Ms. Daly."

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Marian does not need appreciation or thank-yous per se, patients having interesting problems she can cleverly fix leaving the ICU alive is enough of a reward, but it's certainly really really nice to have a patient and partner who are this - pleasant and polite and having their shit together. (Admittedly there's been some crying but that doesn't count as not having their shit together, in Marian's mind. There hasn't been any angry yelling even a little bit. Hye-jin was at most angrily muttering and that wasn't aimed at Marian. There has not been even one attempt to ill-advisedly remove tubes!) 


She gets her conditional discharge order from Dr Hulka, who is gruffly pleased that they're likely to have the bed free before shift-end. (Esper admissions are pretty unpredictable but they do have the advantage of sometimes resolving quite fast like this.)

Ten minutes later she unhooks the blood apparatus, disconnects Hye-jin from all her IV lines (leaving the central line in place, but it's not very in-the-way with just the ports taped to her chest), and removes Tae-gun's blood donation catheter, telling him to keep the pressure dressing wrap on it for an hour. 

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Cool. Okay. Can do. And they're still naked and snuggling but that's fine, there's nothing to be done about that here, especially with how actually his mind is super far away from any thoughts of anything else, and in fact he's so exhausted from having run directly from an A-rank dungeon he solo'd to Hye-jin's to here that he very swiftly finds himself dozing off.

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Fortunately they're not in public! The curtains are closed and there is, technically, a camera, but it's saving the video to a secure server, and at this point no other medical professionals have any reason to come in and Marian will make very sure they are not disturbed. Except that she does have to discreetly stick a thermometer in Hye-jin's mouth every ten minutes. And watch the monitor. And send a final CBC from the art line to make sure her hemoglobin is all good now. But other than that she can be so unobtrusive. 

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Hye-jin's temperature has a mild drop when they stop all rewarming solutions, but from there it's perfectly stable with her partner's cuddly assistance. Her hemoglobin is similarly good. She doesn't doze like her partner, though she does pet him. She's a bit too - anxious, emotionally volatile, scared, maybe, to feel like she can doze off. Even if she is really very tired. But it's a hospital, and she - thinks she thought she had been safe before, in the dungeon (... from assassination attempts, anyway), and, well. Look how wrong that was. Will she get to have any safe places left she is not thinking about that right now.

Right now she's considering how one bridges international social gaps! She's pretty sure that her nurse has been great, but also, she's not sure how to... properly thank her... without it feeling Excessively Japanese and making the poor woman feel awkward. It would involve a lot of bowing, and from her minimal experience with Americans, they don't tend to like that very much. Hm. Truly, a conundrum.

Wait! Wait, she has it. The United States of America has a tipping culture! Ha! Okay, excellent, that is how she will say thank you. She has bullshit S-rank esper money, from a guild that makes truly insane amounts of money selling teleports through a nearly one-of-a-kind system, this is a solvable problem! ... The number converted to dollars looks a little sad and short to her, so she does add a zero on the end of it even if she probably shouldn't. Eh. It's fine. Call it the 'don't get shot, dumbass' tax. And if she does die, well, some of her money went to a nice person that was doing good in the world! Better than not that!

She sends it just before she's discharged.

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Marian is feeling good about today! She admitted a patient bleeding to death and severely hypothermic, and discharged her four hours later in - well - tolerable health and her regen will get the rest of it and she's going to be fine. Marian is kind of FRETTING about the assassin thing but that is not actually her business. 

She removes all of Hye-jin's lines and gives her one-line instructions about keeping pressure dressings on and - wishes her good luck? This doesn't feel like quite the right thing to say but she has no idea what is. She'll have to ask Alison later if she knows anything about, uh, Japanese (Korean?) esper culture. 

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Tae-gun will thank her one last time, this time while wearing clothes and doing a proper bow, but then Kim Hye-jin and he can teleport away?

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Freeeedooooom! She thanks her nurse a normal amount and only bows once, and sincerely promises to be good and follow instructions. (She does not want to end up back at any ICU and be subjected to The Tube again. That takes precedence over all. The catheter and various IVs and lines are annoying but tolerable, it's that fucking tube...)

And then yes: away they disappear.

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See! What a good shift!

Marian in the middle of prepping the cleaned room for a new admit (90 minutes before the end of her shift, but Marian is on a roll and she can DO this) when Alison alerts her that she has, uh, a phone call at the nursing station? From the hospital payroll department? 


...Marian is immediately panicking that she somehow...messed up entering her tax information? Or something??? Why would Payroll need to talk to her urgently??????? 

She will, with great trepidation, go answer the phone. 

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So, uh.

There's $100,000 that is written to her specifically??? The only note available is that it's a tip?????? From a Kim Hye-jin??????

Payroll is extremely confused, this is not normal behavior. Is. Is this in error, or, like, should they add it to her next paycheck, or send it to her main account, or???? or????

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....Alison help please.

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Alison takes back the phone from her. 

"- Kim Hye-jin? That's the esper girl we just treated from overseas. Yeah. ...No, I doubt it's a mistake. ...What, you haven't seen her on the news? She's, like, big famous, she's probably got more money than she knows what to do with. ...Yes, sending it to her main account." 

She's booking them a night out at the casino. ASAP. This calls for major celebration. 

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Ummmmm okay what if Marian just. Takes report on her admit. And works the rest of her shift. And asks Alison what the actual fuck just happened to her after work

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That's a pretty sweet tip though, she must have done a good job


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They teleport home. 

He immediately hugs her. "We need to kill him," he says, trying to keep his voice stable and only mostly succeeding.

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This should be a good thing. She agrees, she wanted this. Her partner is finally on board with the obvious thing that should be done. Hooray, he agrees with her!

So why is she suddenly so furious with him?

(Is it perhaps because she came to this conclusion literal months ago, and he's been dead weight at best in her efforts to try and counter the very real and very existent threat? Is it that he needed to have her literally shot before he realized it was a problem worth solving? This was the third time he's fucked with her, he ran her out of her home, she's been unable to make any non Quasar friends in Korea even though she wanted the literal exact opposite of that, all of her fun and fulfilling projects are sitting by the wayside in favor of this person and what he could do to her.)

"Realize that now, did you."

It's not what she wants to have said, but it's what she says. She's still and unresponsive in the hug, like hugging a statue.

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Tae-gun flinches but doesn't pull away. "Yeah."

What else can he say? It was probably obvious to everyone else, or not probably, Si-yeon literally wanted to murder him, and Tae-gun—didn't. Want it.

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Oh, so now it's an emergency that they need to drop everything for and talk about? His problems are all neatly sorted out, onwards, full speed ahead, nothing else to worry about?

No pause to maybe perhaps ask if, you know. She's okay.

"Yeah? So, full speed ahead, onto murder plotting? Nothing else to take care of, just, okay, Hye-jin, now it's a problem? Let's actually solve it?"

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Now he pulls away. "I—sorry, I thought—I'm sorry. Hye-jin-ah, how are you feeling?"

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"Oh! Did you realize that my feelings matter too! Oh good, I would hate for this to be another therapy session for your problems, so soon after I was shot in the fucking head! How the fuck do you think I am!"

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The flinch this time is more like he's been slapped, but—he's meant to keep holding her. "I, I, I—"

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"Fuck you. How dare the first words out of your mouth after I almost died be about anything else, how dare you put anything else above my feelings right now when I have been bending over backwards and risking my life and my mind for yours."

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"That's not—I thought—you'd want to—I'm sorry—"

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"Yeah? Because that's what I was doing when I was trying to head off this problem before things got this bad? And now that things are this bad I'm just supposed to be fucking fine? Ha! Whatever. I don't want to go back to the hospital tonight. Your job! Is simple. You shut the fuck up about your problems and how you feel about them, and! You hold me! That's it. Do that. You jackass."

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"...I wasn't... talking about how I felt." She gave you instructions, Lee Tae-gun, and they're clear as day, so just, "Sorry. Shutting up."

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"Bullshit you weren't! This finally became real to you. That's it, that's why you're now on board! It's about your fucking feelings! Lie to yourself all you like, Lee Tae-gun, but don't also lie to me!"

She will, however, grumpily take his hand and start marching bedroom wards. Because she's tired, and she should actually fall asleep in the arms of her self-absorbed dickhead of a partner. (God, does she has a fucking type...)

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"What are you talking about?"

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"Which part! Because you lie to yourself constantly and you know it! And sometimes! That means you lie to other people, too!"

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"What am I meant to be lying about here? Why—what—?"

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"You want to kill him because you got scared. Of me dying," she snaps. "And my feelings and experiences didn't fucking matter, did they, I ask you for help in the hospital to know if we can please finally solve your crazy ex problem and you - you fucking - you put it off again and now you're going to swoop in and - ! Just! Don't pretend this is about me. This is about how you feel about me, and how you don't want to lose me. And I'm so sick of everything being about you."

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"That makes no fucking sense. If you're going to just, just redefine words like that then sure, obviously, it's about me because I care about you, just like, like, like going out with a friend is about me because I care about them or doing dungeons is about me because I care about other people! That doesn't make it not be about you! What did you want me to do, talk about killing a man in front of a camera controlled by someone else in a public hospital, is that what?"

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"I wanted you to fucking care about the woman who'd nearly died sobbing her fucking eyes out on top of you in the hospital! Instead of hearing platitudes about what is and isn't tactically smart when, actually, this cloak and dagger shit is only to his benefit! I wanted you to have listened to me when I told you this would become a problem! I wanted your help when I was trying to find ways to, to fight him, to protect myself, to - do everything I could to prevent this and you're just, just. Everything I do is wrong." She's crying now, but still perfectly capable of yelling while doing that. They have stopped moving towards the bedroom, though she's still holding his hand. Even while she gestures explosively with the other.

"I can't tell your friends what's going on to ask for help, I can't go make my own because I didn't even know this was potentially going to be a problem before he dictionary attacked me and can show up at any time if he knows where I live, I can't go grocery shopping, I can't do my goddamn job, I can't even have a fucking breakdown in the hospital after I wake up from a bullet in my head because, oh, no, that's wrong! I want you to have said that anything I ever did was right and that it doesn't matter how stupid and inefficient my feelings are, they matter to you, because -!"

She cuts herself off, and turns away from him.

"Nevermind. Just. Nevermind."

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He's kind of out of words, now, because, because there's a part of him that wants to comfort her but another, louder part of him wants to be angry and he doesn't want to listen to that one but actually "I literally died for you. We survived that because of, of a fucking miracle, but I died that day, you realise that? I died trying to save you. I had no expectation of surviving it, I just needed you to be alive, how can you possibly say that I don't care?"

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"Because whenever it's about him, I'm the least important person present. You've proven it! Again and again! It's about you, it's about him, it's about your friends, but me, my safety, my feelings? Having to go through a painful and intrusive medical procedure again because it was efficient to be super super careful? Feeling alone and isolated because I'm afraid to go outside? Feeling like I'm - living in the margins of someone else's life because I don't have a space of my own that is actually safe? Yeah. No. Doesn't fucking matter. You do not make attempts to help me when we're not in a dungeon."

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"—that's not true!! I never, I never—" But what, Lee Tae-gun, what? "I, I didn't—" That's so unfair, he, he, "Of course I care about your feelings," and it sounds so fucking lame to his ears, and he doesn't know what to say, his words are tripping in his throat and not coming out, he has no idea what he wants to say—

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"Uh huh. I can tell. Can you name a time where you acted upon that in a non-combat situation."

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"I—you're—why are you doing this? You're testing me," oh good okay this is a better backlash than anger, it's much more welcome, "but you're being unfair and you know you're being unfair. You're not looking for a real answer. Are you? I'm not, it, it was so hard to let you be in my silo, and it was so hard to open up to my friends about this, and, and I'm not any good at this! This feelings thing! You know that! I don't know! I can't name times like that! And if I did you'd still be angry because you're trying to win against me right now, you're treating me like an enemy. You're not trying to talk to me or even make me understand anything."

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"I am trying to talk to you! I am trying to explain myself! I'm doing this because I'm hurt and I'm angry and I'm sick of being the punching bag! And it's not coming out right and it's - I am trying to win and I am trying to hurt you, but I'm - the point I am making is there! It exists. I don't know how else to make it. You're - you're even criticizing my attempt to ask for help! I am hurt. I am lonely. I am scared. I almost died today. Don't. Don't make this about you. Especially don't make it about him."

Yeah she's full on sobbing now.

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Okay he's hugging her again. "I don't want to make it about me, or him. I'm sorry. I was—this is not making it about me, I just want to explain—at the hospital I was so scared, and you started talking about killing him in public and I was scared that he could be there, listening, and I wanted to be somewhere safe before we did that, and then we were, and I wanted to do that because I thought that's what you wanted, but I didn't want it. That's, that's a thing I did because of your feelings, the only reason I started talking about it was because I thought that was what you wanted. ...it sounds stupid but it's, it's lots of things, I can't list them all, but I want you to be happy and safe and good and powerful, I want it all the time, I want it more than anything, I don't want you to be scared but this is terrifying and it's, it's correct to be scared, but I don't want you to be, I want to protect you, I want, I want to protect you Hye-jin-ah. Please believe me. Everything I want is for you to be happy."

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Yeah, she'll aim her sobbing to be onto him.

"You're shit at showing it. Get better at that," she mumbles, between sobs.

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"I'm sorry. Please show me how. I don't know how. I love you and I don't know how to make you believe me."

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"Ask someone else, I'm tired. I can't - I can't have another relationship where I'm just - telling a limp puppet what I want him to do. I can't, okay? Been there, done that, don't ask me to do it again but with you. So. ... Please try to figure it out? I. I don't really know either, anyway."

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"Can I ask Juheon-hyung and Hyun-jae-noona? For tips. Or advice. Or—is this stupid. This might be stupid. I'm sorry I'm stupid. I don't know how to do this. I just want you to be okay. Sorry you just said you weren't going to tell me. Sorry I'm saying sorry all the time. I'm going to try to shut up."

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"Asking them is a good idea, yeah. They seem like they have their shit together," she agrees, amused through her tears. "I can - give feedback, and make requests, just, just, the balance now is... I can't - either of the extremes are bad, okay? The, the - making me the least important person in the world when there's anything else in the way, my feelings come last because I'll sort myself out, versus making me the most important person in the world, nothing else matters, only my feelings. I hate them both. I'm. I'm just me. I'm a broken fucked up mess and I. Don't know how to thread this needle either, I'm sorry. ... I'm also sorry for yelling, a lot of what I said was, uh, kind of unfair." Sniffle.

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"...you're not the most important thing in the world but you're a lot more important to me than he is." This is the kind of thing he'd definitely never say without backlash; he knows this from the way he flinches after saying it even with backlash. Though the flinch might also be coming from him noticing it's true in the process of saying it. He feels like he should be having feelings about it but actually what he feels is hollow.

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"Okay," she agrees, hesitantly, even though...

... It's hard to believe, okay. She'll try, but. She doesn't, yet.

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Tae-gun wants to kill him for her so he's really not sure how to convey that better here!!

And he doesn't know what to do, if she can't tell him, and if he can't ask. He can't, can't guess, guessing what people are thinking or want or need is not a skill he has. "I'm scared you'll run away because I can't figure out how to do right by you, on my own. And you'd be right to, if that's what you need from me, because I just can't and will never be able to. And I want you to do that's right for you even if it scares me or upsets me. I actually don't understand why you didn't leave when this all started, that would've been better for you. Safer. You didn't even like me that much, then, it would've been easier."

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“I told you my reasons then. It’s, principle, he doesn’t get to, to take people, like they’re things, that’s for dungeons. I’d want to fight him for anyone, and it being my partner in the line of fire just means, well. It’s definitely my job, then.” Sniffle. “I don’t think you’ve done wrong by me, not really, it’s, just, I’m. I need support? That I don’t just, just set up myself. I don’t know. I’m still here?”

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Is she, though? Is she really? Because right now it feels like she's already gone. 

"Let's talk in the shower, we're both covered in..." Grime and sweat and blood and grey matter.

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Yeah. They are. She nods. A shower is a good idea.

"Yeah," she agrees, softly.

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He's going to bridal carry her there, actually. 

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This earns a shy little smile from her, and she settles down on his arms. After the expected squeak of surprise.

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"...it feels like rubbing it in but I don't mean it that way, I just want you to know. It was really hard and scary to let you stay here at first, but I did it because I wanted you to feel safe. And I think you were right to tell my friends, and it's good that we're going to get their help, I was only upset with the—way it happened. But it was a good idea. And telling all of them about Jaeha's backlash was—a little bit for them but mostly for you. And—maybe this doesn't count because it's dungeon related or because you might've died otherwise but—actually it doesn't count, never mind."

They arrive in the bathroom and he turns the water on from afar without setting her down yet.

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"... Well now I'm curious," she says wryly, some of her usual humor peeking back.

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"Everything in the hospital today was uncomfortable, but especially the part where I had to—" Aaah. He swallows and looks away. "Pee in a cup so they could use that to heat up your bladder and improve your backlash."

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"They asked you to-?" she begins, then is distracted by thinking about the mechanics. Huh! That would work?? That did work??? Wild. "Well, um. Thank you, I didn't know that, that sounds, um. Awkward and embarrassing and I appreciate you putting up with it for, um. Me."

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"I know what it's like, you know. For, for, for love to not be about you. From experience. And, and I'd never say I loved you if I didn't mean it the right way. I know words are cheap. I know you feel unsupported," what with how she literally just said so, but mentioning that he didn't before is uncool. "I'll, I'll try to figure it out. I'll ask someone else for help, I really can't do it alone, but—I love you, and asking for help about embarrassing things I really should be able to do and can't because I'm broken is, like, the least you deserve. ...that was weird phrasing. I mean it's the least I can do and you deserve a lot more. I don't know if I can give it to you. But you do."

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Nod. "Okay. Thank you. ...... Would it be rubbing it in to explain how your earlier examples didn't, um, come across that way, or...? We can stop having feelings until we've both showered and probably eaten and then slept for twelve hours or something..."

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He'll gently set her down, finally, because yeah shower, he wants to stop being reminded of how she was fucking shot. "No, that would be—good. Useful data. For, um. The future." Aaaaand his backlash is starting to subside, he can feel the words starting to melt away from his tongue again.

—oh wait he's still clothed. Both of them are. Right. that's a thing that needs to be fixed before showering. He'll start with undressing her, first.

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She gives a nervous nod. Her clothes are spares from the Reno hospital; they don't fit her very well anyway, and come off easily enough.

"So the silo - I knew it was a large expression of trust and letting me into your safe space and - all that, and thank you for trusting me here. But, um. ... This isn't my house? None of this is mine or for me. Like, my clothes are only here because I pushed for it? There hasn't been, like, attempts to try to help me feel safe here? A-and I mean the first time you brought me here you were backlashed as Hell and then once I'm here the secret location is probably busted, might as well commit, right, and. ... Does that make sense?"

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"...I... think so? I, um, am not sure what it would mean for something to be trying to help you feel safe here." Did he get her phrasing right? His immediate auditory memory isn't perfect. "I'd—like to find ways to make this more yours or for you but—you might not want that." Clearly he likes her a lot more than she likes him so of course he feels more comfortable with her than vice-versa and would want her to live with him but he guesses that if he corrects for that (however much this makes his heart ache) it would make sense for her to want to be away from him.

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"Um. I don't know what it'd look like, and I don't think I want to move in move in, but. ... I think I would like the effort. To make me feel at home somewhere. Because mostly I just feel like I have nowhere that's mine and nowhere I can just exist. I - I bought a house and I can't even live in it, no one told me it needed to be secret or off the grid or or or rated for S-rank mind control espers and it just. It hurts so much."

Whoops, she's sobbing again.

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...yeah. He can relate. He, too, had to lose a house and find a new one because of fucking Kang Jaeha. "I thought you were working on getting a new one...? Um. I can try to help with that?" He also has no idea what that would even mean, how could he possibly help, what could he possibly offer her that she doesn't already have. He should write down all of the things he's going to need help with figuring out.

He'll hug her again though because watching her cry breaks his heart and makes him feel like a worthless worm who only hurts the people he loves and has no right to exist or demand anything of anyone else.

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"I am trying to get a secret underground base but it's hard and complicated and making an off-grid secret house is hard, actually, and, there's, I'm, I'm already juggling so much and it feels so fucking stupid when I'm also dealing with, with. Fucking assassination attempts. In a confluence."

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That doesn't actually tell him how he could possibly help but saying that would be counterproductive.

"I can help. ...if you're okay with Quasar knowing about it, I mean. They helped me get this place."

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She should probably attempt proper communication or something, but instead just gives a bitter shrug.

(Fuck that discomfort too, right, who cares about her fucking comfort when she's just going to be shot in the head.)

"I don't - want to problem solve that right now," she sighs. "I want to explain this and the other times I haven't felt supported so you can see the trail of evidence that I see. Okay?"

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"Okay. Sorry." Man he's bad at this. "...I'm really bad at this." He wants to say "I'm sorry" again but he said he would stop doing that so much.

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"To be fair I am also kind of having a nervous breakdown of some kind and I'm the shittiest company."

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He wants to say she isn't but he knows that's the rose-coloured glasses, objectively speaking this is not the most pleasant of times to be around her. "If there was ever a time when it was okay to not be okay it's now." ...is he implying that there are times when it's not okay to not be okay? "I, I mean, it's always okay to not be okay, I just mean—"

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"Yeah." Sniffle. "Anyway. Um. So you never actually said that you thought I was right to tell your friends? It was. Really all just criticism about how I was risking their lives and stepping all over your feelings and it, just. I just felt cruel and thoughtless and stupid. That's it."

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"Oh. I'm sorry. It was the right decision. I would've agreed with it. Did agree with it, I mean." He thought it was obvious, with how he didn't criticise the decision itself and only did the delivery, but... he thinks he gets it.

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Lack of criticism is not approval, Tae-gun, it's just a lack of criticism.

"Um, what else was there, was that your full list...?"

She can't tell if the list was just painfully and pathetically short or if she's purposefully being uncharitable because she's - whatever she is right now.

"The peeing in a cup was legitimately pretty sweet," she adds, in an attempt to try to at least pretend to be fair.

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"...that was the full list of things I remember... I didn't keep track in my head and I can't remember—sorry, I'm sounding defensive. ...okay I feel like I can be a little bit defensive, here, I didn't know I was meant to study for this test."

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"Uh huh," sniffle. "Well. I'm having trouble thinking of things, too. And - do you have that kind of trouble thinking of things I did to try to make you and your feelings matter? With me, I mean."

God, she's still trying to win the fight, even now. (She's such a mess.)

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"...yes. I've been trying really hard to sit on my feelings and let you guys—figure it out—without my feelings entering the planning at any point."

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She stares at him.

"Yeah? Because that's the only thing that's ever mattered, right? That one problem that I just won't roll over and do whatever you fucking want for, because it is dangerous, and I have known it is dangerous this whole time! Fuck all that goddamned patience with your triggers, and trying to get you to reconnect with your friends for the sake of your emotional health, fuck the - the planning for how to make the fucking hand-holding silo entirely because you wanted it, fuck the constant attempts to figure out what you're feeling when you don't even know yourself, because I don't want to fucking hurt you, because, because, because..."

Yeah, back to sobbing. Raggedly, now. For some reason, it hurts so much more to hear that all of her attempts to show that she cared about him and wanted him safe and fulfilled and happy have just, just. Bounced off. In favor of fretting about the ex he broke up with half a decade ago.

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Well now he's crying, too. He'd been doing so well at not doing that, he'd been keeping it together, mostly, but now he just... can't.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know, I'm just broken, I'm sorry." He wants to argue, this feels so unfair, it feels like she's just, just been keeping score to throw it back in his face, been doing a ton of things that she felt were, were burdens, without even telling him they were burdens, and she just wanted him to guess. To magically divine that. He's sure other people can do it but he can't, he just can't, he needs to be told, if he's not told he has no way of knowing. "I'm sorry." He's breaking his promise, he's saying sorry a lot of times again, but he can't seem to stop. And he can't seem to stop loving her, either, even with how much this hurts. He feels like what he's doing, right now, just, just taking the abuse and not defending himself, that's for her, too, but he can't say that. He can't say that because, because that'd also sound defensive, and because she just said that she hates how he makes everything about himself and this would be making it about himself. "I'm sorry." He wants to pull away and go cry alone but he can't because she needs his help with the backlash and despite everything he's feeling he can't possibly leave her to deal with it alone.

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She similarly wants to tell him to fuck off if he can't perceive the many, many ways she's tried so hard to show she cares. But she can't, because she doesn't want to go back to the hospital tonight. That wouldn't help anything at all.

They're just going to both be sobbing here, then. In the shower. Hope he has a large hot water tank.

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He does. "Crying in the shower" happens to him far more often than it does to normal, unbroken people, so he needs to be able to do that without having to worry about his water running out.

They should at some point actually get rid of the grime, though; if nothing else, Tae-gun himself feels a lot better about things when he doesn't have a constant background buzz of being dirty calling his attention and making him feel more like a worm.

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Yeah. They can manage that. She'll even wash and condition her hair, get all of the little bits of her own fucking grey matter out of it. (He didn't have conditioner before she started siloing with him. It's just another thing she brought in her efficient little luggage bags and put on the shelf without making a fuss.)

But then she's out of tasks to accomplish, she will just stand here miserably in the shower.

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Tae-gun'll turn off the water and, after confirming it's okay, towel her off, then since she likes wearing clothes after a shower he'll get her those.

(Seeing her be so... quiet and passive... also hurts. He's not sure if it hurts more than being yelled at for what he feels are unfair reasons but it hurts differently.)

He had one more dungeon scheduled for the early evening but that obviously got cancelled when his partner was shot in the middle of a confluence what the fuck, plus of course they spent hours in the hospital, but that means it's about time to have dinner. They still shouldn't let go of each other, and this won't be the first time he's made them food while they've needed to be touching and they have a Procedure™ for it: her arms will be around or touching his waist so that he can use both hands to make food, and he can tap her if he needs to walk somewhere so that she'll come with. He doesn't say anything during this whole process, though, because he thinks that if he tries he'll start crying again and he'll become a whiny child who's complaining about how Hye-jin is being so unfair to him and he doesn't want to do that to her.

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Yep. She'll just be here.

Silently holding him exactly how he directs her to, and crying very quietly and unobtrusively. Perfectly cooperative. Hollowed out of everything but what seems to be simmering anger at him in particular, but there isn't much of that, either.

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After they're done eating they should... plausibly sleep. It's still kind of early but he's feeling wrung out and he doesn't have it in him to study for the dungeons tomorrow. He's not sure he'll have it in him to go to them but—no, actually, hang on. "I'm going to cancel tomorrow's dungeons. I don't want to leave you alone and I don't think it would be a good idea to do dungeons in the state we're in right now." Would it be petty for him to say that he's doing this for her? It probably would be. He won't say it.

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Anyone that thought she was going to do a dungeon the day after being shot in the head is a fucking dumbass.

She just nods.

"I wasn't going to try to do any dungeons tomorrow," she agrees, miserably. Not so much for the dungeons themselves, actually, she might even find those sort of restful and fulfilling, burning everything that dares to oppose her to the ground, but. It's the everything else that is the real problem. The media, the cameras, the fear of another assassination attempt, the - partner who she kind of doesn't want to be touching right now but is medically pressured to. That. That all sucks. (All she ever wanted to do is her job.)

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Yeah. Yeah.

So, absent any objections, he's going to go to bed and they can sleep.

(Or try to. He's exhausted but he's not sure how much he'll be able to, rather than just spend all night up thinking in circles.)

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Well, she didn't nap in the hospital, and unconsciousness is not the same as sleep, so. Even with the intermittent and sporadic crying, it doesn't take her long.

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"Give me one reason, just one good reason not to punch a hole in that guy's chest."

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"He'll use you to murder an innocent person."

They convened an emergency meeting at Hyun-jae and Juheon's after they all had heard the news. Woo-young was invited too, but he's having to guide his partner after much Nightmareing.

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"I can make myself immune to his powers."

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"You'd die of backlash on the spot."

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"I'll sniper shoot him from a distance like he himself did."

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"You'd be arrested."

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"It's worth it, if he'd killed Kim Hye-jin so many more people would die."

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"And if you're arrested so many more people will die, too."

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He grabs a pillow to scream into in frustration. "I hate him. I want him dead. I want him to never have existed. I want to, to, to never have stopped being Tae-gun's partner—uh, sorry, Chun-hee—"

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"It's fine. I agree."

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"How dare he! How dare he! In the middle of a confluence! Not that it would've been okay at any other time but still! How dare he!!!"

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Juheon reaches for his hand to squeeze it. "I know."

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"We do need to do something, though." They were all going to reconvene for their Let's Plan What To Do session on Friday evening, including Tae-gun and Hye-jin and Woo-young, but this changes things. "He'll know killing her didn't take, but he'll also know that it almost took, that if she'd been unconscious for five more minutes she'd have been trapped in the dungeon even if the actual killing didn't work. And there are other things he could've tried, like—"

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"Let's not list all possible ways he can kill someone, please, Hyun-jae-ya."

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"It probably wasn't him personally, whoever got into the dungeon managed to go undetected by both people and cameras, I reviewed footage of the scene."

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"Where did he even find someone else who was willing to go take out Kim fucking Hye-jin in the middle of a confluence. What kind of horrible monster—"

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"He's the heir to Kang Moon-il Group and money can buy you a lot of things."

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"How can money buy trying to assassinate Kim Hye-jin."

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"Not all espers get into guilds, or go independent, or work civilian jobs. Esper criminals exist. You know that, you've had work to capture those before."

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He screams into a pillow again.

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"Has anyone checked that they're not doing any dungeons tomorrow?"

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"Woo-young did, he said Tae-gun cancelled his and Hye-jin hers."

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"What can we do about it, though? Tae-gun would not like it if we killed Jaeha—"

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"Tae-gun can go fuck himself if so, that man cannot be permitted to keep doing the shit he's doing. It's one thing to mess with people's heads but that was attempted murder—"

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"That was successful murder, actually. If Hye-jin hadn't miraculously survived in a way no one could've predicted it would've been successful. And we wouldn't even have learned about how he did it, either, the dungeon would've just closed with her still inside it."

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"My! Point! Exactly!"

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"What I was going to say was that if Tae-gun isn't going to help us kill Kang Jaeha then we'll need to figure it out without him."

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"...right. Yeah. Good point."

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"But that doesn't give us a great way to make it work. The man's only doing Nightmare, now, and we don't have any criminal friends we can hire to go into it and snipe him from a distance, not to mention that I don't think money can buy someone who's willing to go into Nightmare to kill him."

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"We can still snipe him when he's outside Nightmare."

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"Do you know for sure what his range is? Do you know that he can't detect you from a distance and make you think you're shooting him when you're actually shooting someone else?"

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"Do I know that he's not literally Satan himself come to torment us? At some point we gotta do something, we can't keep speculating that he has the power to mind control you from Japan."

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"I'm not saying we shouldn't do something, I'm saying if it was that obvious or simple we'd have already done it."

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"Would we have? We've been wringing our hands for days, Tae-gun and Woo-young have been wringing their hands for years—"

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"They didn't know Kang Jaeha was still obsessed with Tae-gun," Chun-hee counters. "And you said it yourself, he hadn't done anything we should kill someone over until now."

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"I woulda killed him over what he did to Tae-gun five years ago—"

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"And that would have been wrong."

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There'll be a lot of screaming into pillows tonight.

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"Also... we don't know that it was him."

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"Are you fully out of your mind—"

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"Oppa calm the fuck down."

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He stops, blinking. Chun-hee... almost never swears.

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"You're an A-rank esper, you need to approach this from a problem-solving perspective. Yelling about how much you hate him is not going to get you anything you want. We need to think about this rationally to figure out our next steps."

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"...she's right."

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"If not him, who?"

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"I don't know. It was probably him. But if it wasn't, we'll waste however much time and planning on something that won't even actually help, and risk going to prison or worse at the same time."

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"Si-yeon, do you think you could track down who did this? You must have contacts. The person who actually shot her, I mean."

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"...I don't know how I'd even begin looking for them," he says, except that's not true at all because he's having some ideas already. "Maybe."

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"It'll be someone who has the kind of heavy-duty illusion powers that would let them go into a dungeon undetected like that despite the multiple news cameras and witnesses."

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"Well, that's easy, all they have to have is the kind of illusion powers that actually physically causes light to pass through them."

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"They're immune to heat sensors and radars, too. All A-ranks have scanners on standby for those to detect suspicious movement that may not be detectable normally."

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"That'd be, what, A-rank? S-rank?"

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"They're almost certainly international, and it's not like people rank criminals anyway. But what I meant is that it wouldn't be hard to find someone that has powers that could've been enough for this, the hard part is knowing who specifically it was, and tracking down whoever paid them for it. And people like that don't share who their clients are, that'd be bad for business."

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"I assume the way to track these people down would be psychic espers, like mindreaders or postcogs."

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"Yeah. We'd need a postcog who can additionally pierce through whatever this illusionist had up, or who sidesteps it somehow."

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"Sidesteps it?"

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"Someone who doesn't perceive things directly with, like, eyes and stuff, but more like, causal nexuses and what-have-you."

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"...you have someone in mind, don't you."

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"Maybe. I'm not sure. I'll need to dig up some contacts. It's a lot harder now that the dungeon's closed..."

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"But you think you can do it."

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"I said maybe."

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"So we should come up with more plans, then?"

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"Yeah. Definitely."

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"Should we leave long-shot planning like that for when we have everyone around and try to focus on immediate practicalities for how they can survive the next couple of days?"

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"Yeah, maybe. Probably, even."

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"Well, they're not doing dungeons tomorrow, so if we could push it forward and meet everyone tomorrow then..."

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Hana takes off from Nightmare duty earlier than usual. She's obviously allowed, there aren't set hours to her work, it's just - inconveniencing a lot of people, and causing people trauma, and maybe getting people killed, and she's anxious about it and hates it so much because she likes being dependable, but.

She has other priorities, too.

Woo-young gets a notice that she's done with work for today, and a request for siloing, please.

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The most important part is that Hye-jin's alive. Everything else is secondary; she's alive and she's stable and now they're going to be spending an hour in an ICU snuggling and doing nothing else and it's fine. Not that he thought she wouldn't be fine, necessarily; Tae-gun would fuck Hye-jin's cooling unconscious body if necessary to kick her regen in, and it's very unlikely she'd die in the process, but having her be in a hospital is very relieving.

Woo-young would be lying if he said he wasn't having thoughts of forbidding either of them from ever entering a dungeon again, though. That's twice over a single confluence.

He's ruminating over those thoughts in their silo when he gets the request and accepts immediately.

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Then here is his partner, tall and hard to read and a little awkward.

"Hi. Um." She fidgets. She doesn't ask if he's okay. "How can I support you?"

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"God, I wish I knew."

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"Okay. Then, may I hug you?"

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"Yeah. Please."

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She very carefully and very gently hugs him, then just as gently and carefully arranges so that he is on her lap and she is wrapped around him like some kind of shield from the horrible world.

"I can also pet you if you would find that soothing," she adds, when he is so arranged.

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He laugh-sobs and nods. "I would."

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Okay. Then he's going to be very gently and very carefully petted. Pet pet pet.

"Please let me know if there's anything else you want, okay?" Pet pet pet.

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"I want whoever did this to die screaming."

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"...sorry, that was gruesome."

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"I don't mind. I kind of want them to die screaming, too," she agrees, sounding very matter-of-fact.

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"How dare they. How... how dare they." How dare he. Woo-young should have teleported him into a volcano five years ago.

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"It is the coldest, cruelest and most unfair possible way to treat someone who has devoted her life to saving others. It is inexcusable and unconscionable and - yes. Die screaming. I suppose it's not 'kind of want,' now that I think about it."

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"If I knew who it was I'd—I don't know. Out of all people my powers are amongst the most straightforward to use to—deal with someone—leaving little evidence behind..."

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"I would provide you with an alibi," she agrees, also very nonchalant about this.

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"Well if anyone would collude with me it'd be my partner so I'm not sure that'd count for much but probably it'd count for any, yeah." Also, he's suddenly feeling so fond of her right now.

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"The alibi would preferably not literally be me saying you didn't do it, it'd be something more clever like calling in favors to have someone agree that you were too far away to have possibly managed to reach anyone involved. .... Please give me at least a week's notice if you're going to commit murder."

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"I'll try but if I find an opportunity I might take it anyway. ...not that I possibly could, I have no idea who did it." Even if he does have a very good idea who ordered it done. "But if I did."

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"I expect a lot of very powerful espers are all going to be very interested in investigating the situation. So." Pet pet pet.

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"How's that even going to work? The dungeon's closed. Whoever did this has very heavy-duty illusion powers." Is he being very pessimistic right now? Yes. But he feels like he has a right to.

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"Yes. But I also think that even if the person's not caught, there's going to be more protections in place around portals." Maybe the media would even stop getting to take pictures of espers the minute they walk out of a dungeon. "No one ever wants this to happen again."

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"How many times must it have happened, already? How many people that we lost to dungeons like might have been killed by someone?" His brain goes immediately to Tae-hwan but that thought is obviously ludicrous. Tae-hwan had never made a single enemy in his entire life and they have a full account of what went wrong. His brain still goes there anyway.

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"I don't know. And neither does anyone else. And that's why I think something will change."

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"But that's horrible too, isn't it? We're constantly stretched thin, we have too few hands as-is, and we're going to have to spend even more resources now that we don't actually have, to deal with this. I hate them so, so much. I've never hated anyone as much as I hate them right now."

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"It's also horrible, yeah. But it could conceivably come from - non esper resources or persuade more espers to go into dungeons if they, for example, also don't have to deal with cameras coming out of them." Hug hug hug. "But I'm sorry. I don't have a solid reassurance." Except the alibi thing. That one's very real and very solid.

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"I know. I'm not really looking for one. But offering to help me hide the body was a pretty good one."

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"Don't be silly. You don't need help hiding a body, you're a teleporter. You're fine without my help. You need someone to confirm there was no possible way you could have managed it."

Her tone is playful.

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"...I kind of want to kiss you."

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"Oh, um." ........ "... you can," she decides, shyly.

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In retrospect it's not surprising that having someone cheerfully and matter-of-factly support him in his murder plans is attractive to him but he's still a bit surprised.

Enough psychoanalysis, though, he has a gorgeous woman to kiss.

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He does! And this is totally a way to help! Also: very nice!

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User0001: Temperature check?

User0002: you realise that this is kind of inherently hard to estimate completion times for, right?
User0002: and you asking me this every other day isn't going to get you anything any faster

User0001: It's not every other day
User0001: You must've seen what happened?

User0002: doesn't matter
User0002: doesn't make it any more possible

User0001: ...are you saying it's impossible?

User0002: you know what i mean
User0002: it's complete bullshit
User0002: which is, you know, good news for your purposes!
User0002: we just need to figure out how to actually do it

User0001: I see.
User0001: And there are no progress updates you can give me.

User0002: ...i guess i can say that we found something that looks like a promising match?

User0001: Something.

User0002: yeah
User0002: something

User0001: I don't suppose I can throw money at it to help with your something?

User0002: lol no.
User0002: i wish

User0001: I see.

User0002: besides, you're paying me more than enough
User0002: just chill

User0001: I am nothing but chill.

User0002: lol sure

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When Hye-jin wakes up, Tae-gun's no longer snuggling her. He's still holding her hand, but from a bit of a distance, and he's got his knees hugged in close while he awkwardly taps at his commscreen in front of them.

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Hye-jin does not really feel all that much better when she wakes up. She feels wrung out, and snotty, and like she's the worst person in the whole entire world, and like no one gives a shit about her, and how the world is cruel and unfair and she didn't and doesn't deserve any of this, and she saw literally this exact problem coming and was stopped from trying to do everything in her power to prevent it by the people who knew the most about the situation, and that everyone that has ever claimed to have cared about her has failed her. She doesn't know which, if any of these, are reasonable to be feeling or thinking, and she can't really stop and doesn't know how to handle any of it.

Which is to say, she does not really want to be awake right now. And yet she is anyway. Cruel and unfair. She'll just... quietly remove her hand from Tae-gun's (her backlash is manageable now, she thinks) and turn over and curl in on herself away from him like some kind of prawn.

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...well that's a promising start to his day.

"Good morning," he murmurs, pulling his hand away to hug his knees more properly.

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"Hi," she mumbles, miserably. She's not going to say 'Good morning,' because it's not one.

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No, it isn't.

He wants to broach the subject.

He does not know how.

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She'll just stay here curled up miserably, then. She feels like being dramatic. She's allowed. She got shot in the head yesterday. (And the heart. And the thigh. She checked with the nurse, before they left Nevada.)

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"Why are you staying?" he manages to ask, eventually.

(He has a headache from all of the fighting and stress and crying and not sleeping well. This is noteworthy because the only reason he knows he has a headache is because he hadn't had one in a while, which is new. He'd gotten so used to constant headaches that he just ignored them, until he got sufficient guiding from Hye-jin for them to go away for long enough that he is noticing this. The extent to which being Hye-jin's partner has helped him makes this even harder to ask.)

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"... In... bed...? Because I'm miserable and don't want to be a grown up adult who solves problems right now?"

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"With me," he clarifies. "As my partner."

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"I do - like you. Like being your partner, like being able to - do something as absurd and insane as fuck an S-rank dungeon to death. I like how we work together, and can either go together into the big dungeons or split up to take down the little ones. It's very nicely efficient. And I also like you as a person. Just. You have this one massive blindspot. That shot me in the head." She didn't mean for that to come out quite so bitter, but. There it is, it's out, and it's bitter. She told you so. ... Admittedly not the assassination in a dungeon in particular, but. She was always the one whose safety was at risk. "And I feel like I've been trying so hard to get help or do something to stop him from what he could do, and do bullshit like wear a camera at all times and get an offshore server and get teleported without my goddamned IUD on a maybe of a maybe and it's all, just. I'm tired."

She sniffles. "I feel like I've been doing this alone. ... Except for Woo-young. He really needs to be paid more. And maybe get more hugs and the longest vacation of all time."

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"...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't help with it. Or couldn't. I—

"I didn't think he'd do something like this. It's, I—

"But I don't know how to help. Everyone else keeps, keeps jumping to—we should kill him, we should teleport him into a volcano, but—until now—that would've been wrong. None of what he'd done deserved—that. Except if everyone else keeps saying that it did then clearly I do have a massive blind spot but the thing about blind spots is you can't just see them if you just turn your head. They're still there. There isn't anything I can do to see. And if I have a massive blind spot and I can't even agree with anyone else about what to do about it then what help can I offer? You can't just become able to see past a blind spot by trying hard. I've tried really hard—" He cuts himself off and conks his forehead on his knees.

Tae-gun didn't, actually, sleep very well at all. What he did do was spend the night thinking and thinking and thinking and unlike most times when he thinks and thinks and thinks he did have productive thoughts.

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"It's not even just the jump straight to murder, I didn't even actually jump straight to murder, and he obviously fucked with my head! I - I sent him a damn e-mail, I - I'm sorry. I know this is hard. Just. Fuck. I can't do this alone."

What time is it? That's right! It's crying time!

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"...yes you did. I—I'm sorry, but—yes you did. The first thing you said about this was that it was your job to kill monsters. That was the very first thing I heard about, about how you felt about all of this."

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"No I didn't! The first thing I was saying was how to protect myself, and you! And wanting to murder someone and saying so, and figuring out how are different things, Tae-gun! It is my job to kill monsters, I did and do want him dead! But, actually, it's hard to kill someone and get away with it! So! I sent a fucking e-mail. Several, actually, one was a cease and desist to his guild to get a paper trail set up..."

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"Yes, sure, and—the fact that you wanted him dead made it impossible for me to understand it. Because I went through it for a year and I didn't want him dead. I've had him haunting my nightmares for half a decade and I still didn't want him dead! I want him dead now because he tried to have you killed. I want him to die in horrible pain. I cannot—comprehend—why he did what he did. Now. But if my thoughts and your thoughts about the appropriate thing to do were so, so, so—disconnected—then what use would it be giving suggestions? What use would it be trying anything else? I was not living in the same reality as you."

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"... Yeah. I guess we haven't been living in the same reality, have we." Because apparently all of her attempts to be kind and caring and gentle towards him did not register or translate, and he feels like she's been stomping all over his feelings this whole time. Cool. Great. Excellent.

(She's going to cry about it.)

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"All of that sounded like the sort of stuff that if Woo-young heard it he'd roll his eyes and say something cutting about being dramatic. ...mine and yours, I mean. I don't—I've had Woo-young in my life for years and I don't want to act like someone Woo-young makes cutting remarks about, not with something as important to me as—us—on the line. I want to be a grown up adult and, and actually have a conversation that fixes things, or figures out that they can't be fixed." He thought he'd feel pain when he said that but actually he just feels empty. It's probably the sleep deprivation but right this second he's thankful for it. Being empty is making it a lot easier for him to say these things.

"I'm in pain. You're in pain. We've—failed to communicate something really important. To both of us. I want to try to bridge that gap. I want to fix it. I want you to not be in pain, and I want you to feel like you can rely on me and ask me for help, I want to be able to support you. I don't know how, but—I don't want you to tell me how. I can—no, I can't figure it out, we can figure it out, together, because that's how you get relationships that work. But I need you to tell me when there are problems. And—I need to do the same. Tell you when there are problems. And, and stop, stop—letting the hell iPhone autocomplete everything I'm about to say. Or feel. I'm not, I don't—and I keep thinking about how you've just been shot and I'm making this all about me but, but—but I don't want to be in a relationship where I'm having to compare how badly I have it to how badly you have it all the time, because, because—because in a good, healthy relationship there isn't how bad I have it and how bad you have it, there's just how bad we have it, because hurting you is hurting me and vice-versa.

"Or, or, I mean, less—codependent—than that sounds. But I don't want to be keeping track. Of who has it worse. I want to just have it better, with you."

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"I didn't want to make it about, about comparisons and whose turn it is to be allowed to be sad, just, just. ... I don't know. I thought I was being - communicative about my feelings, in spaces where I was - allowed to. Which means with things that weren't Kang Jaeha related, because, you know. Your trauma. But it turns out that having a crazy stalker mind esper is kind of a major life altering event." Sniffle.

".... Did you really not... did you really feel like all I was doing was just stomping all over your feelings about everything, all the time?"

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"...no. Did I say that? I didn't mean to say that if I did. When would you ever have done that?"

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"When you - I don't remember the words, I was doing my stupid bitchy competitive thing because I have all of the predictable character flaws of who I am as a person and going, 'Well, can you think of times that I have obviously cared for your feelings,' and... you just..."

Yeah okay words are hard, sobs are easier. She's going to do that second one and just curl in on herself because apparently she can't communicate for shit.

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Tae-gun feels like this conversation is going great, actually! She hasn't decided to break up with him even a little bit! He's still, like, feeling dead inside, but since she hasn't broken up with him even a little bit after all of this he feels like he can in fact hug her and try to comfort her.

(The sleep dep might be catching up to him in weird ways.)

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Okay. This is allowed. He is allowed to hug her while she cries about how she's apparently garbage at displaying that she cares about people and their feelings. (And is a horrible bitchy crazy person who can't do anything on her own, and can't try to do anything with anyone else because whenever she asks for help she apparently fucks it up and-)

Look. There will be a lot of crying, okay.

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That's okay, crying is okay, he's here for her. "I don't think you've stomped all over my feelings. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression." He has no idea where it could have come from but clearly they've been going through some insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane amounts of miscommunication here that just flew under the radar. "I like you, Hye-jin-ah. I like you a lot."

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"Okay. ... I like you too. Just." She doesn't know how to finish that sentence. She doesn't know 'just' what. But. It sure is there.

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"Just wish I didn't have a crazy stalker psychic ex. Just wish I were better at understanding other people's emotions and expressing mine. Just wish I were more helpful or useful with the single most dangerous thing in our lives right now." That last one is new, he would not have rated Kang Jaeha as dangerous before. Or—not in that way. "Just wish you could believe and trust that I'll actually support you and be there for you despite you feeling like I haven't at all. Just wish you had more than liking me."

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"I do trust you completely in combat situations! My bodily integrity is fine with you around, just. ... My complicated fucked up feelings are also part of me."

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"I know. And I want to support those, too."

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The world is awful and being a human being is awful and being an esper is extra awful, since it comes with this kind of insanity, but snuggles are nice. She can hide from the wide awful world.

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At least he's tall and has long arms so he can hug her a lot and help hide her from the world.

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🪁freefall: @LeeTae-gun
🪁freefall: did Kim Hye-jin by any chance get a look on the shooter
🪁freefall: or do you by any chance have the bullets that hit her

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...he's not going to show this to Hye-jin. She's going through enough.

LeeTae-gun: Why?

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🪁freefall: getting a postcog to look into shit

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Okay that's something he'll need Hye-jin's thoughts about.

LeeTae-gun: I have a bullet.
LeeTae-gun: I'll ask her if she has more.


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🪁freefall: sick
🪁freefall: send it over

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"... Mmm?" she hums, frightened of the implications of having More Conversation.

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"Si-yeon is getting a postcog to investigate what happened and is wondering if you've seen the—culprit. Or something."

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"... I don't... Really remember much of the dungeon itself." Which has some implications she doesn't want to think about right now!

Fortunately, there's something better, even if it's going to suck to have someone watch it.

"But I was um. Wearing a body cam. Footage should have uploaded onto the server the minute I left the dungeon."

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"Oh. Yeah. That'll be useful. Thank you. Um, I need to go send Si-yeon the bullet, too, back in a sec?"

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He'll be fast about it, hyup grab the bullet attach it to a message to Si-yeon and then back to snuggling, he can grab the video and send it to Si-yeon while doing that.

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Oh, she thought he was literally leaving, just this is fine. She’ll go back to hiding from the world, then.

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🪁freefall: cheers boy
🪁freefall: btw when you're no longer going through shit, we should meet tonight and push forward Friday's thing
🪁freefall: we need to figure out wtf to do

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LeeTae-gun: That's a good idea.
LeeTae-gun: I'll let you know.

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The chat was locked immediately after the event, and remained locked for two hours until people could confirm what happened and there was time for them to cool off.

🚫do-not-jin: do not plot revenge murder anywhere you can leave an audio, paper, or electronic trail
🚫do-not-jin: especially do not plot murder in my chat
🚫do-not-jin: thank u

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: This chat is no longer locked; members may freely send messages again.

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🛡️discountraidcaptain: I had a 'get well soon' card made for Kim Hye-jin, for anyone that wants to sign it.
🛡️discountraidcaptain: Most of you have probably seen it already but if you haven't!
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💤Zzzzgirl: Do we have confirmation that it was definitely a shooting?
💤Zzzzgirl: As in like a real human somehow shooting our beautiful fire queen?????
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kitkatcat: she is definitely recovering okay, got confirmation from the hospital she was sent to
kitkatcat: regardless we should respect her privacy right now
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🧋youngwoo: she was in fact actually shot
🧋youngwoo: inside the dungeon
🧋youngwoo: during a confluence
🧋youngwoo: that did in fact actually really happen irl.

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yoo-min-max: what the fuck
yoo-min-max: what the fuck
yoo-min-max: what the fuck
yoo-min-max: what the fuck
yoo-min-max: what the fuck
yoo-min-max: what the fuck

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SenSoJoo: what the fuck.

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💤Zzzzgirl: what the fuck!!!!!
🍵Tconnoisseur: is @backalley available to check her out? does anyone know?
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🫘beancounter: oh no
🫘beancounter: you fool
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🔪backalley: WHO
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🫘beancounter: sorry do-not-jin
🫘beancounter: she will check her out ASAP
🫘beancounter: but with scheduling it'll probably end up being tomorrow
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🚫do-not-jin: ffs ji-woo please don't make my job harder

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taegun fan no. 1183: does anyone have, like, any leads at all
taegun fan no. 1183: like how does that
taegun fan no. 1183: happen

🦔gangnag: well if they did they wouldn't be advertising it, now, would they

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🔪backalley: why not
🔪backalley: my job was already made harder
🔪backalley: by my HOOBAE GETTING SHOT
🔪backalley: also my planning very specifically did not invoke murder.
🔪backalley: that would be too kind :)
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ChoiBokBok: how did someone even go in after her
ChoiBokBok: or even know which dungeon she would be in!
💤Zzzzgirl: the media doesn't have a no spoiler policy
ChoiBokBok: the media can kiss my saggy ass, I keep this shit secret for a fucking REASON.
💤Zzzzgirl: right but lots of people keep careful track of who goes in which dungeon even if it's not officially public knowledge.
💤Zzzzgirl: tabloids and forums and stuff.
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taegun fan no. 1183: not to mention just people on instagram and whatever
taegun fan no. 1183: "omg kim hye-jin-nim is at this dungeon!!!1!!one!1!!!eleven!"
taegun fan no. 1183: its not hard to find out where a famous esper is
taegun fan no. 1183: and before anyone gets on my case i obviously dont do that jackasses

🆘SeoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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🌸wall-flower: I think more security and privacy around dungeon portals would be better for everyone.
🌸wall-flower: A lot of espers are scared out of the business by losing their anonymity and privacy.
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kitkatcat: yeah honestly
kitkatcat: and I don't think anyone likes ending a life threatening situation with cameras in their face.
kitkatcat: the concern there is just figuring out how to keep esper overhead cost down
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🌸wall-flower: There are procedures in place for a larger support team for Nightmare*.

*Neatly linked is an obscure, but publicly available organization breakdown for how Nightmare is handled.
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🫘beancounter: true, but Nightmare isn't very mobile
🫘beancounter: with smaller dungeons it can be a bit more like playing wack-a-mole.
🫘beancounter: harder to transport a large staff from little obscure dungeon to little obscure dungeon.
🫘beancounter: but damn, girl, that's the most useful and hopeful thing anyone has said in this chat all day
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🌸wall-flower: :)
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🧋youngwoo: there are some fringe benefits to the camera attention

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yoo-min-max: like?

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🧋youngwoo: if nothing else you do need someone with a power that can resoundly fuck with cameras and everything else to pull a stunt like today's
🧋youngwoo: having a billion eyes on a portal means that no one can try funny businesses bc they will 100% be caught
🧋youngwoo: without a bullshit power like whatever let this person do what they did today
🧋youngwoo: idk if it outweighs the benefits of better anonymity but it's something to consider

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💤Zzzzgirl: hmmmm, yeah
💤Zzzzgirl: maybe like a security camera on our side of the portal?
💤Zzzzgirl: and then also some staff inside to, like
💤Zzzzgirl: hand off blankets and clothes and get them medical attention etc.
💤Zzzzgirl: behind a cloth privacy wall or something easily transportable
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🧋youngwoo: that's already the standard for any dungeons that aren't too dangerous for support staff to be inside
🧋youngwoo: S-ranks and the tougher A-ranks will sometimes be too dangerous for that
🧋youngwoo: and of course our resident crazy A-rank dungeon soloers usually just go in and out too quickly

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🐣qt patoo t: there's a guild anonymous feedback form if you want to write up operational suggestions for the guild

taegun fan no. 1183: and of course you can always go bug a bureaucrat

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kitkatcat: omg please leave her alone, that isn't even her department
kitkatcat: bureaucrats aren't interchangeable
kitkatcat: plus if we add more AAAs to her she might explode
kitkatcat: the anon form will get to the relevant people just fine
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taegun fan no. 1183: ive always wanted to find out what would happen if we caused an AAAApocalypse


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Hye-jin doesn't actually want to hide in bed forever. If nothing else, she wants to go to the bathroom, and have some food, and brush her hair and get properly dressed and attempt to feel like a normal person who is not a drama queen even a little again. And then, like. ... Maybe see about personalizing Tae-gun's silo for herself a bit more? Like, um. ... Does he like plants. Because she likes plants. And has some plants she can grab from her security-compromised house to put here.

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He has succulents! Like three of them! They're good because they don't need to be watered. There's one next to the TV, a tiny one on a shelf in the living room, and another tiny one on the kitchen counter.

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Okay, but like.

More plants, though. There are little globes for auto watering, see?

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"Sure? Where would you want them? And do those globes work well? I could set alarms to remind myself to water them..."

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"They do! Depending on the species, anyway, some are more finicky. I've been using them for the plants at my house to minimize time I actually spend there. And it feels weird to come into your house and, um, demand changes that would result in chores? I can handle it? Um. If that'd be okay. .... Also you need wall decorations and like, maybe a rug or six or something?"

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Does he? "Okay. I, I mean, I'd be fine with doing more stuff if, um. You'd feel more welcomed and at home."

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"I, I mean, I feel like it's your home first, and I still want a separate place to - run to, I guess, for complicated me reasons? I feel weird coming into your home and making a billion demands about your decorating choices." Which is why she hasn't been, even though his house is kind of like a creepy un-lived in show house. With too many superfluous bedrooms that Tae-gun will literally never use. "Just, um. ... Tae-gun-ah your house is like a show house and it weirds me out a little."

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"Hye-jin-ah, in the interest of clarity here, if you wanted to completely remodel this whole house I would be fine with that. And I don't mean 'fine' as in 'I'd accept this burden' I mean I'd just be fine with it." If he cared what his house looked like he'd have changed it at all ever!

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".... then can I turn one of the bedrooms into an office? And then another into like, a library, I'm still really sad about almost having a library and then not being allowed to be in it. You have so many bedrooms, and you will never ever have this many guests, ever."

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"Yeah. Do you want my help decorating and figuring out what they should look like or do you want me to just empty them out?"

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"...... maybe just empty them out and I'll let you know if there's anything in there I want to keep?" She expects to keep nothing. "... Can I go figure out which ones I want, when I had the house tour I wasn't thinking in terms of using it as a blank canvas. ... Hm, three guest bedrooms is probably still a bit much, but I guess for one we can, like. Get a gigantic bed in case of. ... Activities."

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She looks at him, raises her eyebrows, and waits.

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"But I mean, maybe not, I don't know how um, serious you're keeping no one else coming here ever, so." Awkward shrug. "Just an idea!"

She still feels so awkward about making home decisions about his silo! She doesn't know how to do this! She's trying but still!

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"A-anyway, yes, you can, um, pick which, um, r-room, um. To. I mean. Um. Do things with."

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"So that's a yes for a giant orgy bed?" she teases, because he's cute when he blushes.

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This conversation is having some physiological effects on him. That is not a downside he anticipated to often not wearing any clothes. He awkwardly covers himself (to the extent that's possible) and turns to the side a bit.

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This earns a delighted giggle from Hye-jin! Who is nonetheless not going to pounce on the opportunity for sex right now, because she's busy ~thinking.~

Does he want to hear her excitedly think out loud about the merits of each bedroom and what they would be best as? Because if so, then she's inclined to excitedly babble about it. (The orgy room should obviously be one with an attached bathroom, that's just sensible. And she sort of wants her office to be near the library, and the office should preferably have a lot of light but too many windows is bad for a library because, you see, those will be filled with bookshelves instead -)

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He's not particularly looking for sex either! It's just the conversation topic!!! It's her fault!!!!!!

Anyway yes sure he's fine being a soundboard for her. It's good, even, though... a bit bittersweet.

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She notices his awkwardness anyway, though.

"... Hm? Too much?" she asks, back to self conscious.

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"—what? No. No, keep doing what you're doing, I like it. It's just..."

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Head tilt?


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"How... long... have you been, um. Sitting on. This?"

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"The... urge to redecorate your house, specifically? Um. Mostly I've avoided thinking about it because it felt like... overstepping..." Fidget.

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"Oh." He summons a small ice knife and starts fiddling with it and tossing it up in the air without looking at her. "I see." Fiddle fiddle. "...I wish you hadn't. I'm sorry I made you feel like you had to."

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"... I don't think it was you?" she offers. If it was anyone it was her, or maybe her shitty ex, if for some reason she's trying to absolve herself of personal responsibility. Hideyoshi... tolerated this kind of thing, but. ... Tae-gun seems like he actively enjoys watching her bounce around excitedly acting like she's queen of the world. "I think this one's my fault, actually."

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"Okay." Fiddle fiddle. Unconjure knife. Clear throat. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring the mood down, keep doing what you were doing, it was good."

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"No, don't apologize, I think that was actually really - good and useful to say? Um. If I think about this as not an imposition upon you, but. ... Something you like seeing, too?"

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Blink blink. "Hye-jin-ah, I like seeing you happy." He's certain he's mentioned this before!!!

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"Okay, well, there's saying that and then there's - 'Watching you prance around as self appointed queen of the house is fun'!" she defends. "There are - lots of ways that I can be happy, and some of them can get on people's nerves, or overstep their boundaries, or - whatnot."

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"...well if you get on my nerves or overstep my boundaries I'll tell you?" He thinks he's been pretty good about boundaries over their entire relationship though so he's still not entirely unconfused about this. He can take this in stride, though.

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She takes his hand and gives it a squeeze, nodding. "Okay. Um. ... I'll probably still want reassurance that you're - fine with this and having fun and that this is okay? So, um. ... Please be patient with me, Tae-gun-ah."

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"Okay." He kisses her forehead. "I am fine with it and I don't have anything else to do with this needlessly huge house and I like seeing you happy."

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"Yeah. Okay."

Then it can be back to gleefully house plotting!!! Actually, instead of dampening the mood, the conversation seems to have done the opposite. She - can just. Do things! And he'll like them! And he'll like seeing her do them and have opinions! This is great!

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It is eventually interrupted by a notification, which. ... Fills her with concern and trepidation, honestly.

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Hey can I check you over at some point today, make sure you're healing okay?
I trust whoever had you because damn five hours is a fast turnaround and my contacts say you gave a kickass tip, but
A girl can worry, okay?
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Oh. That's fine, actually.

"Ji-woo-sunbae wants to check me over and make sure I'm okay," she tells Tae-gun.

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"...oh. Did Quasar release the info that you're out of the hospital?" That'll make people suspicious of her power but then again it's kind of hard not to be.

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"I'm... not sure, hm."
Yeah of course.
What's the information on my release? I thought officially I was transferred to Quasar's facilities.
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You have been!
As far as the rest of the world knows you're still in intensive care.
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Hye-jin peers at this set of messages thoughtfully.
But not you?
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Darling, I saw your X-rays. You can't hide that shit from me.
We're gonna try and cover your tracks as best we can.
So! Please come see me today, and we'll all say I did it. :)
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... For some reason that makes her want to cry a little.
Sounds good.
And, um. Thank you.
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For you, I mean. Other dumbasses gotta get in line.
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... Giggle!!!! (Slightly watery giggle.)

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He hasn't been reading over her shoulder but he's tilting his head curiously (and with a tiny bit of alarm) when she looks up at him.

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She shows him, of course.

"It's. Really sweet?"

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"Yeah. It is. Ji-woo-sunbae is good people."

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"Yeah." Smile.

Appreciate it!
My schedule's free for today, what time would work best for you?
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She'll get a tidy little time in a couple of hours, along with a,

Also check with Eun-ji about what story you want her to go with.
She was floating ideas about you cauterizing your wounds to get yourself out
Which almost seems badass enough for you ;)
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... Giggle.

Can do! Thanks

Then there is a pause as she informs Eun-ji that, yes please, do give her the badass and only slightly implausible excuse of cauterizing her own wounds to prevent herself from bleeding out.
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"—oh by the way Si-yeon said that they wanted to move our meeting from Friday to tonight, if we can. Would that be okay?"

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"Oh! Uh, yes. If it's after 6, anyway? I have now inconveniently scheduled myself."

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"Yeah, that's probably fine. And Woo-young is going to be there, too." Reading between the lines, it seems like Woo-young is getting some higher-efficiency guiding done with Hana? Tae-gun didn't want to pry much but he's happy for Woo-young.

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Hye-jin doesn't have that much of a feel for how Woo-young is doing on that front, and has missed both the lines and the words between them!

She just nods. "Okay. Sounds good. ... They all know about the, um, bodycam footage, right? ... I don't... really want to review it or even talk about it but they should know, have, and be able to do stuff with it." Just far away from her, thanks. She might want to try and see which pieces of her own brain are missing at some point, but. .... Not right now. Not the day after.

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"I don't know if they all do but I sent it to Si-yeon so, probably? I can ask them not to talk about it though."

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"I. Yeah. Please. But do make sure they know about and have access to it for - evidence purposes, I obviously want the - person - caught, just."

Her voice is coming out a little strange. And she stops at that 'just' again, not sure how to go from there.

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Just it's a lot to ask, yeah. He hugs her. "Put it out of your mind. We'll deal with it, you don't need to worry."

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Oh good. Hugs are good. She takes a deep breath and tries to do as he suggests.

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"... I only got out because I left a beacon by the entrance," she says softly, for reasons she's not even sure of. "In the - bag of clothes and drinks and hot packs."

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...he thinks he doesn't want to know how close a call it was, actually, but...

"That was very smart."

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"I hadn't even - I thought I was maybe saving myself some time getting out, having one at all, you know. Avoid having to do backtracking and just find the most efficient path out. A convenience, not a life saver. ... I don't even remember most of that day, I think? Just. Waking up on the ground. I did more than just the one dungeon, right?"

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"Yeah. That was your second one. ...it's why I asked you if you remembered me, at the hospital." He doesn't know what he'd have done, if she hadn't. Cried, probably.

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"Yeah I - yeah. It seemed like such a silly question at the time, but. It really wasn't, was it." She shivers a little in his arms. "I'm probably missing other things, but I don't - trying to figure out which pieces I'm missing is kind of scary, actually? Um. ... I do seem like myself, right...?"

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He laughs a bit and squeezes her tighter. "Yes. I almost cried at the hospital yesterday when you started talking because you were so, so yourself and I was terrified you wouldn't be and it was such a relief—"

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"Oh." Nestle nestle. "Oh, good. Okay. ... It would be stupid to say sorry for scaring you, but, you know, um. Sorry for scaring you?"

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He kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad you're okay now. ...as okay as possible, under the circumstances." Here. Alive. Herself.

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She'll get back to figuring out room color schemes in a little while; for now, she's just going to get some snuggles.

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When Hye-jin returns from her checkup with Ji-woo, she has a tupperware box of bukkumi (with adorable little edible flowers in them!!!! she's so charmed!!!!), a card, and eyes that are only a little bit misty.

".... Tadaima," calls Hye-jin, a little shyly, upon her arrival, as she moves to take off her shoes.

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"Okaeri," he calls back from where he'd been lying on the living room sofa before he hops to his feet to walk over to her. "...everything alright?" he asks, still in Japanese.

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"Yes. Um. I just. Got a card. And also sweets. Do you like bukkumi? I don't think I'm going to be able to eat all of these on my own..."

Behold: tupperware. There are so many little edible-flower topped dumplings in there, they're honestly a little bit squished. It makes her love it no less intensely.

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"Oh. Yeah, they look tasty. ...uh, a card?"

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"Yeah. With, um. A lot of signatures on it, and. Several notes. I thought it was going to be the standard 'get well soon' kind of deal, but, um."

She sets the tupperware down to free up a hand so she can open it and show him. The front does have a perfectly ordinary 'Get well soon,' to it, but the interior...

In the center of the card, surrounded by signatures and little notes of admiration and well-wishes and - everything else - is the sentence, 'We hope you incinerated the fucker' in a lovely and swooping calligraphy. In gold ink that perfectly matches the 'Get well soon' on the front. Printed as part of the card.

"I love it intensely and might keep it forever," she clarifies.

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Oh it would be good if she'd incinerated the fucker... maybe, like, as a reaction... But probably not, she'd probably have noticed a charred corpse on her way out.

"That's very cute," he says sincerely.

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She definitely doesn't remember it, and with her record of incineration she might not have left a corpse! This is a mystery for people who can tolerate watching a bodycam video of the wearer being shot, and not for the Hye-jin that is currently having experiences.

"It is! And, it's. ... I don't know, I would have expected something corporate or too stuffy or. ... I would not have gotten anything like this at White Star."

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"...Quasar is good. I, I know you've had issues with guild president-nim, but..."

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"Yeah. I know. I'm being slowly won over. But I'm still going to do the - pushing for an outside client-focused company thing. For - people that don't want to join Quasar. Plus while I like the people and a lot of what the guild does for me - besides the president - it's. Very decentralized and informal and. ... Sometimes I want some structure and formality? Besides, I definitely want to get friends outside of the guild. On principle. At some point." When she's not in danger of being assassinated.

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"Yeah. I don't know how to get those, though." He's only just getting any friends at all again.

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"One day I will get to lend you my super cool friend group," agrees Hye-jin, smugly. "Anyway. Where are we going for the meeting?"

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"I was thinking we could have it here, actually?"

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"Oh. Really? Are you, um. Okay with that??"

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"I... think so? Um. If... I mean, if any of them were working with him then it wouldn't matter very much if we met up here or anywhere else, right? They could just get him whenever waiting for us and then we'd be in his clutches. So I gotta act like they're not. And it's... a show of faith, I guess? Um. And it's not like they're going to really know where here is, anyway, it'd just be, like, knowing what it is. Right?"

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"That makes sense, yeah. And they'd just know about what it is, not where." Smile! "Sounds good to me." Pause. "And they can help me with my sweets!!"

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He grins. "Yeah."

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Then he pauses. "Maybe we should make food. I'm not ready to make food for everyone, though... Maybe we could get takeout? Or I could make something simple, enough tteokbokki for everyone wouldn't be hard—oh, but you don't like spicy, maybe some gimbap? Or just fried chicken, can't go wrong with fried chicken..."

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"Food sounds good! Though fried chicken sounds hard to do at home; anything involving frying in oil is both temperamental and high-risk. Hm. ... Takeout seems straightforward, and we could get orders from everyone in advance? Or just more food than necessary?"

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"Wouldn't it be really impersonal, though, it's the first time they're coming over, I feel like I should be making something... Except I'm not a good cook, except people always say that it's the thought that counts? Am I overthinking this? Okay obviously I am, I always overthink things, but..."

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"Would making something for them to eat bring you joy?"

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He stops to consider that.

"I think so."

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"Okay! Then it sounds like a fantastic idea." She beams at him. "What do you want to make, and do you want assistance?"

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"...I think we could make a bibimbap with bulgogi and I have frozen kimchi we could serve as sides and maybe have tteokbokki as an entrée—do we have anything to drink? I think I have soju..." And off he does into the kitchen to figure out what to make.

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"Oh and yes I would appreciate assistance," he calls from the kitchen belatedly. "If it's okay."

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Help, he's cute!

"Mhm!" She will happily assist, then.

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Tae-gun texts his friends to inform them that they'll be meeting at his place while he's grabbing the ingredients.

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And Si-yeon video calls him two minutes later.

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"...why is he calling me."

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"I... don't know??" says a confused Hye-jin.

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He picks up.

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Si-yeon's face appears on the commscreen. "...man, I thought you'd been hacked or something for a minute. For real? You want us to come over? Say something only the real Tae-gun would say so I know you're not a deepfake."

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"...fuck you, hyung."

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"Dang it really is you!"

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(And back to food prep.)

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"Anyway, yeah, sounds good. And hi, Kim Hye-jin! Glad you're alive! Can't wait to see you!"

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"Hi. Glad I'm alive too. Don't show up at Tae-gun-ah's house and wake me up after midnight or I'm setting your hair on fire."

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"Is that a threat or a promise, Kim Hye-jin-shi?"

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"Promise!" she agrees, brightly. "I've never had a head of hair as my canvas before! Which brings you more horror: a reverse mohawk, tacky asymmetry, or leopard print? Hmmm, maybe I can mix them..."

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"I'm sorry?"

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"I just want to properly tailor your hair burning experience for optimal results. What, did you think I'd make setting your hair on fire fun?"

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Hee hee heeeeee

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"That's. That's pure evil."

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"Yes. My beauty sleep is very important to me."

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"Your partner's evil, Tae-gun."

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"And you're a jackass. Did you have anything useful to say?"

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"No, not particularly. Oh! Except, you should answer the door wearing what you're wearing right now."

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He hangs up. "Asshat."

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"He's your friend," she points out, amused.

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"Most of my friends aren't asshats I'm pretty sure!"

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"They're not! I've met them!"

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Tae-gun grumbles and gets back to what he'd been doing before being rudely interrupted by a twink with more bravado than sense.

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She giggles, then leans over and stands on her toes to give him a quick peck, and then, yes. Back to food prep for hosting! She will also make tea.

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...okay he guesses this isn't all bad.

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Tae-gun sends out the teleport invitations at the appropriate time and they all show up at his porch simultaneously.

"Aw, maaaaan," says Si-yeon once Tae-gun opens the door.

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"You're wearing clothes!"

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"There's still time to put him back, I can pay for the wasted teleports."

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"I'm considering it."

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"What smells so nice, Tae-gun, did you cook?"

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"...yeah. Uh, come in?" he says, stepping out of the doorway to let everyone in.

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"Kim Hye-jin, how did this happen?"

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"He wanted to cook for you! I am an innocent assistant in this. I am responsible for the tea, and technically the desserts, by thievery and sneaky regifting, though."

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"Really? Are you secretly a cutie, Tae-gun?"

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"I don't think it's a secret to anyone," shrugs Si-yeon, being the last one to step in and take his shoes off. Then he properly takes in the room and whistles. "Did you use to live alone here, Tae-gun? This place is almost as big as Hyun-jae and Juheon's."

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"Still do." Technically. Because Hye-jin doesn't want to live here.

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Woo-young peers at him suspiciously.

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"I'm here most days, but I have, um. Hangups about needing my own space," she clarifies, for Woo-young.

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Uh huh. Anyway he's going to pull Tae-gun and Hye-jin both into a hug. "I missed you guys."

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Awwwww. Hugs for Woo-young.

"Sorry we keep scaring you," she murmurs, squeezing him gently.

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Come on, Hye-jin, he was trying to hold together. 

"Why do you keep doing this to me," he half-sobs. "I'm going to put both of you under house arrest."

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Chun-hee hugs them, too.

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"Group hug!"

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Group hug!

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He's tall and his arms are long enough that he can almost hug everyone.

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She gives a slightly watery giggle.

"I'm sorry, I'm just too tempting, everything just really wants to kill me in particular for some reason. It must be my sparkling personality."

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"Fiery personality more like," Si-yeon grumbles.

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"Not false."

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"She threatened to set Si-yeon-hyung's hair on fire if he woke her up in the middle of the night again."

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"Evil! I like it."

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"My hair is beautiful, I'm no one without it!"

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"Well, that sounds like you have a lot of personal growth to do, now doesn't it."

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Evil. Evil evil eeeeviiiiiiillllllll!

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"Anyway less hugging more eating and strategising, I'm getting tired of worrying about my friends' safety."

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Right yes they can unhug and move to the kitchen/dining room table where Tae-gun has laid out the appetisers (he ended up making both tteokbokki and gimbap because he had too much nervous energy to burn).

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(It was very cute. Hye-jin happily assisted in this endeavor.)

"So um. I've been avoiding social media and the news. I'm guessing the reaction is, er. Bad?" offers Hye-jin, awkwardly, as an attempt to start tactics talk.

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"Ohhhh yeah. People are flipping their shit."

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"Official word is that you're still in the hospital—a private Quasar-owned one."

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"Well, the last word is that you went to one, but Quasar is known to have a healer on staff, so, you know, if you wanna get back in action before it would make sense for you to."

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"The media's having a field day with all of this and guilds all over the country—world, really—are freaking out and putting out public announcements and shit."

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Nod. "Right. Ji-woo-sunbae specifically had me come see her for - that reason. Covering my tracks. And the official stance on how I made it out alive is I cauterized my own wounds to avoid bleeding out. ... Everybody freaking out is. Probably good, though? Even if, fucking hell. During a confluence." Pause. "Um. Any idea on how likely finding the... assassin is going to be? With, uh. Everything?"

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"Right! There's the good news! So I don't know if you knew but I am sort of kind of a secret agent."

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"Hyung has worked on non-dungeon missions like finding rogue espers and things like that."

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"He's like Tom Cruise."

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"That's the actor's name, Hyun-jae-ya."

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"...Tom Cruise's character in Mission: Impossible."

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"I've got some experience dealing with this shit is the point. Anyway I got a postcog to—"

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"—uh, Tae-gun said you weren't comfortable talking about, uh..."

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"I - think I'm okay talking about it tactically, but the whole... what went on in the video, is. I kind of don't want to know, you know?"

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"Alright. Well, I got a postcog to look into everything—the video was helpful, by the way, but for the postcog the bullet was more. Their power doesn't let them see things, conventionally, but that also means that they weren't fooled by the assassin's powers. They look at—it's complicated. They call them 'causal lines', like, the ways things could go versus the way they did and do go, and they can trace those back and forward and sideways, sort of? Anyway it's not straightforward to literally just chase down a single thread like that because the backlash accumulation balloons but they're used to working with their power in efficient ways and the upshot of it all is that we've got leads to hunt down."

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"Nice. Okay. Thank you." She feels like she should be saying some sort of strong tactical something or other, but mostly she just wants to hide under the covers a little. Can. Can she let other people take point. Would that be okay??

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"Yeah, no prob, we're gonna nail that fucker." He grabs a rice ball and pops it into his mouth. "—Tae-gun, you never told me you knew how to cook!" he says with his mouth full.

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"Hye-jin helped. It wasn't just me."

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"Kim Hye-jin you don't have to let him get away with pretending he helped, you know."

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"I helped!!"

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"He did help! By being the one in charge of cooking. I was his beautiful assistant."

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"Uh huh."

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"Anyway you guys came here for a reason."

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"So we did. What are the items on the agenda?"

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"What to do about Kang Jaeha in terms of protecting ourselves from him, what to do in terms of getting rid of him, what to do about the shooting..."

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"What to do about Kim Hye-jin's public image."

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"Is - there something wrong with my current public image? ... That's a sincere question, like I said, I've been avoiding the news and social everything. Are some people thinking I'm faking it for attention or some shit?"

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"—oh, no, I just meant in terms of whether to keep sitting on your regeneration, and the relevant strategic consequences."

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"Oh. Uh, I lean keeping it secret as much as possible. It's admittedly a little implausible now, but, uh. ... I also do not currently want it known that I can survive a headshot. I know that's bad for - allocating me properly for missions, and during a confluence - but." She can't close any dungeons if she's dead.

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"On the other hand, the person who did it—or whoever called the hit—will know, and might make use of the fact that it's a secret."

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"Make use of it how?"

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She shakes her head. "I'm not sure, but information asymmetry is always important to think about."

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"On the other hand you can't unsay a thing. Once it's out there, it's out there." He would know.

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"The assassin probably knows, but might not have been able to tell the one who called the hit. Potential incriminating information back, and all. And - if they did, then someone being aware of that aspect of my regeneration is also pretty incriminating? But I think either way I should be not doing solo dungeons for the foreseeable future. Buddy system only, for me."

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"I suppose Tae-gun would just shrug off being shot so even if someone tries to target you again he can stop them."

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"Kang Jaeha wouldn't have Tae-gun shot."

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"Assuming it was him, which we don't know for a fact."

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It was obviously him.

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It was absolutely him, but it's still a fair point, to want to confirm before taking actions against him.

"Right. It's probably him, but we don't have conclusive proof. Either way. Buddy system." She shrugs. "Anything for, uh, potential defenses against having our minds fucked with?"

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"Best way to prevent it is killing the fucker."

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He jumps to his feet. "Does anyone want anything to drink?" he asks, going to the kitchen to fetch drinks.

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"Tae-gun you cannot be serious—"

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"Until we confirm it was him I am not convinced we should kill him, and this is something I don't see eye to eye with any of you on, and since I'm obviously biased on this matter I will not participate in decisions involving that."

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"...does that mean that if it was him—"

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"Yes, if it was him then stopping him for good somehow is probably our best option," and there are several ways to stop him other than murder, but he feels like that's a lost battle, "though I still don't know how to work past this blind spot."

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... She'll just quietly eat her food, and not comment.

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"...that's huge."

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"Drinks! We have juice, water, tea, soju, and wine! Actually I'll just get everything and you guys can decide."

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"...I think that's an important conversation to have, though, because... I'm with Tae-gun, here."

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"Me too."

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That makes him stumble.

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"And this is going to inevitably get personal and upsetting so we don't need to go there tonight if everyone isn't feeling up for it."

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"That's literally the point of tonight."

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"I don't mean we shouldn't talk about him at all, I mean we don't need to go into any permanent solutions, we can figure out how to effectively protect ourselves first."

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In Si-yeon's opinion the best defence is offence.

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Yes, everyone's heard his opinion loud and clear many times over.

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"We can potentially hire - the equivalent of security guards - to monitor live bodycam footage. But then there's the fuss of, well, one, needing the setup to constantly stream footage instead of just uploading files under specific circumstances, and two, having some guy watch every single moment of every single day. I guess there's - public time and nonpublic time but." She looks away. She shrugs. "I didn't want to go there, but it's an option. Theoretically sending people after Kang Jaeha himself is also an option - in an investigative sense, not a murder sense." That last one is clarified for Tae-gun's convenience. Though, yeah, she's with Si-yeon here. Just. Trying to be polite and prosocial about it.

She does look distinctly uncomfortable with this whole topic of conversation, though she's trying her best.

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"We already have people on Kang Jaeha. It'd be great if we could do it 24/7 except he also has access to teleportation, but to the extent we can we have as constant and continuous monitoring of him as possible."

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"...wait, you do? Since when?"

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"Since five years ago, prez has been keeping tabs on him to make sure he wouldn't pull the same shit on any new partners and wouldn't come after Tae-gun. We'd dialed back down to a less constant level of monitoring when it looked like he wasn't doing anything suspicious but."

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"That got turned back up when I mentioned mysteriously running into him?" she confirms, because that would make sense.

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"Yeah, 'course. And I wish I could say, 'by the way he acted real suspicious on such and such date', but that bastard is slippery as fuck."

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Here's Tae-gun with the drinks.

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...and also here's Tae-gun noticing that Hye-jin is looking really uncomfortable. He opens a comm screen to type her a message:

Hye-jin-ah, are you holding back on something you want to say?

I think it would be better for you to say everything you're feeling here.

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It's - nothing in particular, just discomfort at needing to add yet more changes in my life to protect myself from this person.

She doesn't point out that she's changed, uh, kind of her entire fucking life around this guy, and that while she actually put forth the idea of 'security guard monitoring her every moment,' she sure doesn't want it at all.
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Yeah okay.

He sits next to her. "I think if we could find solutions that don't involve having to change our lives even more that'd be best. I got a whole house and silo that are completely off-the-grid and not on any maps, which I teleport to by using direct coordinates I've memorised and which don't get saved anywhere on any systems. I have the guild constantly making sure I never get assigned to missions with him, and I'm especially never sent to psychic dungeons even though I have very high mobility and can often help with them. We're wearing body cameras all the time now. Hye-jin is having to not live in her house because he knows where it is. I'm tired of making my whole life revolve around this fucker."

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"...'this fucker'?"

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"Nothing, just..."

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Hye-jin relaxes a little, and gratefully leans into Tae-gun.

She'll sure be busy sipping this available drink, though! Mmm. Juice.

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"I can't even go out in public, Woo-young. I know that I'm not the most sociable of people but I used to be able to go to shopping malls and now I just can't, I haven't since then, and I usually don't think about it but now I'm thinking about it and my whole life—"

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"No, I mean, I agree, just—I don't know. The way you're talking about him."

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"Ah." He scratches the back of his head. "It's just... I don't know. I think it was probably him and if it was then, then—my feelings about the person he was don't really matter, because he's much farther from that person than I thought he could be, and it's..." He would not be able to forgive Jaeha killing Hye-jin. Everything else, he could overlook, because of Jaeha's backlash, but—not this. Not losing her.

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... Well, now Hye-jin is going to hug him.

She, uh. Feels kind of bad for not realizing how much this was affecting his life too. Probably because he's so - settled in it, used to living like this. But that's also a tragedy, now isn't it.

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He leans into the hug and sighs.

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She's not the only one realising it just now. "Holy shit, Tae-gun, I always thought you just didn't like the attention..."

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"I mean, there's that, too, I don't, so it's not that big a deal—"

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"Someday I'm going to get a little buzzer button and carry it with me all the time and press it to buzz really loudly whenever you do your self-effacing shit. For now just consider yourself buzzed."

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"And yet you don't want—"

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"For fuck's sake!" Tae-gun says, pulling away from the hug to glare at him. "Ha Si-yeon, you of all people will know this best: what's the sentence for misuse of psychic esper powers?"

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"Sentence? Like, legal sentence? Uh, that's... broad... but in Korea it's from two years up to life in prison. In theory it could get capital..."

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"Uh huh. Now imagine he got caught and nailed for everything he did that we know of up until two days ago. What would he get?"

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"Ten to twenty."

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"Which is, unless I'm very much mistaken about what words mean, not killing him."

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"So I rest my fucking case."

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... So, yeah, it would suck for the hypothetical Jaeha that is unbacklashed, but.

Then she and Tae-gun would be able to just live their lives.

But it's not just about them, is it?

"See, I'd almost prefer that, except going entirely public means that there will be even more stigma against other psychic espers," muses Hye-jin, out loud. She knows very well, the careful dance of not looking too scary to the public.

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"...so, what, are we meant to kill a guy just to avoid public stigma?"

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"It's an important angle to consider."

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"It's a very sharp angle."

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Hye-jin flinches away at Tae-gun’s sharp reply. She wasn't, actually, even jumping to murder, she was trying to think of the wider picture and how the greater populace would be affected.

She doesn’t say anything. She pokes at the food, wondering what ever could have persuaded her to perhaps sit on her feelings and thoughts. What an absolute mystery this is.

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"Hyung you're being a bitch."

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"I am. Sorry." Then he looks at Hye-jin specifically. "Sorry," he repeats. "I'm—twitchy."

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...what the fuck.

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“I wasn’t actually proposing murder as the better solution,” she grumbles, still upset. “I’m - trying to think.

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"I—get you. You're right. I shouldn't have assumed."

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"I should take some of the blame for that, too. We've been too flippant, I guess. Or at least I have. Or maybe too quick to anger. If we want to figure out how to deal with this problem then I can't be—secretly wishing I could just teleport him into the sun while you feel too miserable about the prospect to ever evince an opinion.

"I'm sorry for how I've treated the subject. I've been too angry, on your behalf, and hurt, and I've felt that you weren't angry enough and that I should push back against you, make you see how horrible that was, but..."

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"...I was doing wrong by you. You'd have felt a lot more able to process your emotions about this if you could express the conflict within you and get acceptance rather than pushback, and I couldn't give you that, and now you feel like there aren't any grey areas to navigate, it's just black and white. So I'm partially to blame for that, and I'm sorry."

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"On the object level... Hye-jin and Si-yeon are right, this is an angle to consider, and we can't be flinching away from plans because they feel to distasteful to think of. That includes plans that would let Kang Jaeha walk away scott-free, and it includes plans that would have us assassinate him in the dead of night."

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Si-yeon scoffs.

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"...okay, you know what? That all makes sense but I don't think I can—engage—on that level until I understand. Why do you guys think killing him is justifiable? The government of Korea apparently wouldn't. I had my mind messed with nonstop for a year and I've been in house arrest for five years because of it and I don't. I'm—I just don't understand."

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"You did love him," Hyun-jae points out. "Setting aside everything else, you loved him, so your judgment of it is clouded even if what you've been through was worse than what everyone else has. ...before yesterday, anyway."

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"Yeah! I did!" Still do. "That doesn't mean I'm not, not, not capable of... rationally engaging." It did mean that. It... might still mean that. But he's finding himself a lot more able to do it now than he has in years, and he doesn't know what exactly changed—or, the answer is "everything", actually, but he doesn't know which specific part of it is making it possible for him to consider all of this without breaking down crying.

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“So my opener with him,” says Hye-jin, “was having him show up near my house to what we think was dictionary attack me out of fucking nowhere. After half a decade of being away from you. I realize you have history and more context, but from my perspective? That is an insane and dangerous thing to do, especially to someone with my power set. You,” and she points at Tae-gun, “can use your powers to do odd tasks around the kitchen. I’m very happy for you. Me? If I fuck up, even a little, someone dies painfully. So, yes, actually, someone that will fuck with a fire esper on a five year old grudge needs to stop, however necessary, because otherwise. People will die.” Food munch. “I was also upset on your behalf, mind, but that was the calculus in my jump to murder. Except, again. My actual first step was sending some fucking e-mails.”

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"...that's a good point."

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"You don't have to look so surprised when your partner turns out to be intelligent and have thought things through."

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"I'm—not—that's not—that's not what I meant," he says, lamely.

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“I’m sure,” she mutters, irritated. “Which is why you took my concerns so seriously and treated them with such gravity and respect.”

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"...I would prefer it if you were properly aggressive rather than passive-aggressive."

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“Fine. Do not paint me as murder happy, because I have spent literal years of my life working very, very hard to make my exceptionally dangerous power set as safe for the general populace as possible. And my shitty ex liked to paint me as crazy and unreasonable, and I am twitchy about it.”

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"Stop reading things into what I say! That's—that's the same as—I didn't say you were murder happy. If I don't say a thing I don't mean the thing! I don't say things I don't mean! I don't mean things I don't say! I'm not, not, not trying to paint you as anything! And, and if I thought you were crazy and unreasonable why would I even stay?"

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...hoooooo boy. The nice Korean boy in him wants to try to paper over the conflict and awkwardness but he kind of feels like this might be—good for them? Maybe?

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Yeah, don't worry, this isn't off the rails yet.

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“If you get to twitch rudely about vague implications of the best ways to handle the crazy backlashed psychic esper and how different methods of dealing with him might have fallout for anyone with anything even vaguely like his power set, then I get to twitch rudely at implications that I’m being crazy, unreasonable, or murder happy. I am saying that the way you react to me does not make me feel like you trust my judgement, even if you do not intend it that way.”

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"Okay! Sorry!"

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"What are you sorry for, hyung?"

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"I think you're saying 'sorry' reflexively without thinking about what it is you're apologising for or whether it's something you regret or which parts of it you regret, and I think that is not the best way to figure out how to have a productive conversation with your partner about a way in which you both feel like you've been misunderstood by each other for a long time. Stop and think about what you want to say because I know that you don't want to say 'sorry' for the entire reasoning process you used to do—what you were doing."

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"I'm going to go get the main course," he says, pushing himself to his feet.

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"What you mean is that you hate it when I'm right and you need time to think."

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"...yes. That's what I mean."

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"So next time say it so that people who aren't me and aren't used to the way you get, such as Hye-jin, can understand it."

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"...yeah. I'll. Try."

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Thank you.

… and, I’m sorry for snapping. It really is a sore point for me, and it’s - basically been my life’s work to save as many lives as possible.”

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"...yeah. I don't—mean to cast that in doubt or anything. I know you care and I know you think things through and don't jump to conclusions or—anything. I know you're good at your job."

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"Do you want help carrying the dishes?" he asks, getting up.

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"Yes, please."

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She’ll let him get space to think, and. …. Hopefully everyone here isn’t looking at her like she’s a fucking psycho??

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No one's particularly looking at her like she's a fucking psycho, or even necessarily at her at all. Hyun-jae is examining a slice of gimbap she's holding between her chopstick and looking thoughtful.

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Si-yeon is nuzzling the top of Chun-hee's head with his eyes closed.

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And Chun-hee is looking between Hye-jin and Tae-gun and occasionally down at her plate, also with a thoughtful expression on her face.

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… okay. Not quite the reassurance she was looking for, but, uh. Not disgust? Hooray?

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"You're doing fine," Woo-young murmurs in her direction, when he notices that she's looking for reassurance. "This is a hard topic on all of us but especially the two of you."

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She relaxes a little, and smiles gratefully.

“Thank you, Woo-young-sunbae. You’re really good and I appreciate your efforts in both translating Tae-gun-ah and in being generally a really great guy.”

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"Awww you'll make me blush."

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“And we can’t have that, can we!”

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Then something occurs to her, and she turns serious.

“….. we need to make sure you’re safe, too, actually. Since, um. Assassins are on the table. You might also be a target.”

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"Oh yeah, we will," he says, sort of matter-of-factly.

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"Does Kang Jaeha... know about your relationship with Tae-gun?"

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"Actually how come you knew about all of this before us?" Tae-gun and Woo-young weren't this close way back when.

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"Woo-young was the one who got me out," says Tae-gun, arriving back at the table and placing the bibimbap and the sliced meat and the kimchi onto it with Juheon before starting to distribute bowls to everyone. "He's the one who figured out that something was wrong, and he helped me get away from—him." Tae-gun still can't say Jaeha's name aloud, can he, not when he's referring to his Jaeha as opposed to the monster out there. "So Kang Jaeha definitely knows about him."

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Juheon and Si-yeon both apologised to Tae-gun for having let him pull away and not trying harder to keep him around but it's... even starker, as a failure, juxtaposed with how Woo-young, who wasn't as close to Tae-gun as they were, didn't fail that way.

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“Right. Uh. … I suppose you’re also much harder to assassinate, since you don’t do crazy things like ‘go into a dungeon by yourself,’ but. Please be careful??”

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"I'm also a lot less famous so it's harder to find me, hopefully, but I think I'm going to lay low and spend at least tomorrow feeding the guild battery rather than going into dungeons. We'll need to figure out something more permanent, though.

"All that said, Kang Jaeha has a lot less reason to get rid of me. I was around for five years and didn't manage to get Tae-gun back on his feet, whereas you're a more direct threat to his goals. ...presumed goals."

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"Ice cold."

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"...I don't know how to be reassuring about that, it really is that bad."

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"We'll think of something."

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“I suppose he’s had plenty of time to try and get rid of you, and hasn’t. It seems more like he’s possessive of partnering with Tae-gun over, hm, tactical reasoning? But still. Please be careful, and maybe hire a bodyguard or something when you’re out in the field?”

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"Bodyguard isn't a bad idea. I have to imagine that he must've pulled out all the stops for that, if it were straightforward for him to do and if he's willing to go that far then there's no reason for him to not have done it earlier."

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"Assuming it was him."

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"Assuming it was him." Woo-young starts serving himself some food and gets some wine, too, while he's at it. He doesn't want to get drunk but he likes the taste. "But if it wasn't him then I'm probably safe, it's unlikely that if there's some other person who wants Hye-jin dead they'd also want me dead."

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“Right. In this case being overly cautious about it being Kang Jaeha is just - being safe, not potentially ruining someone’s life. But also, I don’t know who else would want me dead. My breakup wasn’t that bitter, and he definitely doesn’t have the connections - or money - for this kind of stunt.”

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"Someone holding a grudge over Volcanic Range for some reason. Sapient monsters—those wouldn't have money, I guess, but just throwing ideas out there. Could be just the first hit of some larger more organised group that's targetting espers for some reason. Could be not the first hit, like that, and you just escaped because of unknown powers. Someone who holds you responsible for failing to save someone they feel you ought to have saved, a civilian."

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"...those aren't all very plausible but you're actually convincing me that there's merit to other possibilities."

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"Not all of those are personal, and if literally anyone else, outside this group here, is hit, then—that'll almost certainly mean it's not Kang Jaeha, right?"

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"Unless he does that to cover his tracks, which would be like him."

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"Why did you like that guy?"

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"Do you want me to list to you all the ways in which I'd be horrible if I had all of my empathy and positive emotions purged?"

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“Yeah. The person we’re dealing with isn’t the same one Tae-gun-ah was with. He just shares a lot of characteristics. Let’s not - pick fights over people turning into something else over time?”

She nibbles her food thoughtfully, then says,

“… I do hope he was responsible, though. Because - well, for one, no secret worldwide conspiracy to assassinate espers, just a bad backlash and breakup. Objectively, the former is worse for the world than the latter, even if the latter sucks for us in particular. But, two, if - the assassin is caught and can be traced back to him tidily, then. We don’t have to make it about his powers at all. Less fallout for innocent psychic espers.”

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...ah, here are the feelings he'd been suppressing, aren't they. He's hoping for the opposite. On an intellectual level, Hye-jin is right. On an emotional level... Tae-gun wants it to not have been Jaeha. He wants Jaeha to not be that far gone, he wants Jaeha to be—redeemable.

He wants Jaeha to be happy.

Ah, this hurts a lot, actually.

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"So, two things we want to protect ourselves, Kim Hye-jin and hyung and me, from: having our heads messed with, and being literally murdered. Hye-jin hanging out with Tae-gun makes them immune to the latter, basically, while I'm—a bad target for the former. There's no amount of illusion he can put me under that would make my power fail to teleport me where I want to go."

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"The danger is in what he could make you do before teleporting away."

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"And Hye-jin is definitely the one that could cause the most damage that way."

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“Yep. Please don’t rub it in, I am aware. This is why the second time he messed with me I peacefully smiled and hummed the most ridiculous song I know.”

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"...I wasn't trying to rub it in, sorry."

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“Sorry. Just, uh. That is my actual worst case scenario. Being used as a murder weapon and causing massive destruction and pain. I am the one with the most power to prevent that scenario, and trust me, I. Am extremely aware.”

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"Yeah. I getchu. 'S all good."

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Woo-young gets his commscreen out and stretches it large into a blackboard-like surface behind himself to write into. He creates a two-by-three table with "attack vector" rows (mental and physical) and "target" columns (Tae-gun, Hye-jin, and himself), and starts filling it in. For the physical row, he leaves his own cell blank, writes "immune" to Tae-gun's, and "resistant w/ Tae-gun" to Hye-jin's; for the mental row, he writes "easy to escape" to his own cell and "body cam" to Tae-gun and Hye-jin's, then "high mobility" to Tae-gun's cell and "high firepower" to Hye-jin's.

"Let's focus on the mental vector because it's what we have most trouble with. Having people monitoring Kang Jaeha hasn't actually helped much since he can give us the slip very easily and the bullshit dungeon tech that enables our commscreen is still as far as anyone knows impossible to hack. We're pretty sure his partner Kim Insoo isn't getting the same treatment Tae-gun did, but that's all we got. And Hye-jin is right that adding more monitoring to her and Tae-gun's lives isn't—well, it's costly, and we should treat it as such."

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“… honestly, I think he’s a shitty tactician,” she muses, as she looks at this.

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"Say more?"

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“So, his actual counter is your teleportation, and how mobile we all are because of you. You’re why we can always escape him. But he hasn’t done anything to you. He went after me, the woman who could very definitely make him be dead, if I didn’t mind the gigantic body count and massive destruction I’d cause to do it. I obviously didn’t, but I could have. That’s a stupid risk to take. My point is that… This is not a man who is thinking tactically about how best to outplay his foes, I don’t think. That’s not to say he’s not clever, or incapable of hiring professionals - I really don’t think the person who shot me was anything other than a pro - but it’s. I dunno, it seems like he’s being… I want to say ruled by his darkest desires, not logically thinking what actions will get me to my goal. But I don’t know what to do with that, and in many ways it makes him more dangerous.”

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"...I think... it might actually just be that he knows Tae-gun would be sad without me?"

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"I'd be sad without Hye-jin, too."

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“Send him an email saying that,” says Hye-jin, seriously.

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...that sounds like it couldn't possibly work but "I can try doing that." It's not like it's costly.

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"But the thing is that when—well, assuming he was the one who tried what happened yesterday—from your perspective it would've looked like a tragedy but not his fault. If it had worked."

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"He could get rid of you in a way that looks like it's not his fault, too."

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"But he didn't have a reason to. Or, kind of, my power, but... Imagine a world in which everyone who cares about hyung suddenly dies. There's no way hyung wouldn't be suspicious as hell, and my model here is that Kang Jaeha wants hyung to love him again. He doesn't want to trap hyung in a basement forever, he wants—something else."

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“…….. do you think he was working to scare off Tae-gun-ah’s potential partners, then? Since they would be getting in the way, and taking out his backlash. Not overtly, like with me, but. Like with,” and she motions to Juheon and Si-yeon.

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"...you mean, over the years? Oh, shit, that would make sense, wouldn't it?"

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"...it would?"

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"We've had... more than one person we looked into about being your partner have one reason or another come up why they couldn't follow through and all of the reasons were plausible on the surface but in fucking retrospect—"

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"...that's vile." It's one thing for Tae-gun to not want partners but if there were potential ones that could have worked and didn't because of Kang Jaeha...

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"I didn't know that."

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"Prez didn't want to tell you until it was more of a known deal. We did get—some people, right, that you rejected, but the most promising ones..."

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“Mysteriously had something come up. Fuck. And I was a surprise imported from Japan, almost certainly out of his range.”

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"Wow this guy's been, like, high-key obsessed. Like, not just in an 'oh shit he got this hot new partner' way?"

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"If that was the case it's more points for the theory that he was trying to get Tae-gun-hyung to come crawling back when he was at the very end of his rope, making sure he'd definitely not get a partner at all ever."

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...he can't muster the outrage everyone else is feeling about it but that might also be some rose-coloured glasses because the place his mind goes to is "well at least this way I got to meet Hye-jin".

He's hopeless.

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“Brrr. Thanks, I hate it.”

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"Does this change anything?"

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"Not very much, just... To the extent it's relevant we shouldn't assume he's going to be monomaniacally focused on getting physical access to Tae-gun, he wants something more complicated."

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"Something that works in our favour at least a bit, though, right?"

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"Maybe. If he sticks to this pattern. But he might not. Now that that the façade has been broken, he might be more dangerous. Since, you know. I lived and what happened was very obviously not an accident."

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"Hmm..." Woo-young edits the table again, adding red exclamation marks next to the three bigger problem entries then drawing a circle around the "physical" cells with an arrow to the side and writes "he might try more things?" next to it.

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"...Hye-jin is right, that could make him more dangerous... to Woo-young especially."

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"Hmm, yeah."

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"You seem very blasé about it."

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"No point freaking out about it," he shrugs. "We'll figure out how to deal with it. I trust us."

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"...that is a level of chill most people can only aspire to."

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It really is!

Hye-jin can't agree that it's a good policy the day after she got shot.

"Please be extra careful?" she opines, anxiously.

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"I will be! I'm not suicidal."

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"So, in what way are the body cams insufficient as protection against the mind powers?"

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"They're very reactive? I mean, obviously mine did great. Just they're more for after action reports than really properly preventing mind tampering in the moment. And I'll admit I've ever slacked on footage review, because it kind of sucks to review video and audio files of yourself constantly, something subtle could get past our notice. ... I guess that's an argument for hiring out, isn't it."

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"I'd really prefer not hiring out if we can avoid it. Not just due to, to, uh, comfort, like, mine and Hye-jin's, but also because the more people we include in this conspiracy, even remotely and, uh, compartmentalised like that, the more failure points we can have. We really don't want Kang Jaeha to know that there's more people than me, Hye-jin, Woo-young, and prez who know about everything, if we can at all avoid it."

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"Can we actually avoid it?"

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"We can at least delay it."

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"I don't know what his, uh, cyber intelligence network is like, but he does have a lot of money to throw around, and has had literal years to get established and entrenched. And he can just walk into spaces he shouldn't be, delete the video footage, and wipe everyone's memories of the incident. So. Yeah."

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"Could you use AI for facial recognition and automatically get a notification if your body cameras see him? He has a longer range than sight, if I recall correctly, but that'd be one extra layer of security."

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"...not a bad idea. Maybe voice recognition, too, he's given enough interviews and I, uh." This is uncomfortable to say. "Still have some voice messages he's sent me."

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Not going to think about that too much, thanks!

"That's an excellent idea," says Hye-jin, who understands what positive feedback is. "Though for the record I have no idea how to make that happen."

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"I do. I can make it happen."

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"So I think a problem we're having here with all of these proposed solutions is that 'mind effects' is really vague, and I think we'd benefit from being more concrete about what our attack surfaces actually are."

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"Oh, finally decided to say productive things, have you?"

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...he wants to snipe but, like, she's not wrong.

"Yeah. Sorry about, uh, all the everything before."

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It kind of made Hye-jin feel better, that someone is fully on board with just killing this guy to keep them safe. She would like more of that energy in her life. She does admittedly dislike how her legitimate concerns got lumped in with Si-yeon's murder opinions. But that's more her discomfort with how Tae-gun seems to be modeling her as way more murder happy than she actually is, and only seems to be remembering the parts where she mentions that killing Kang Jaeha is on the table at all, and none of the context around them.

But that is a fight to pick after the important tactics talk.

"So part of the problem is that it's either really subtle, or really blatantly obvious? I can list some of the things he did for the round two, though, to give a good overview of what he can mess with subtly. Uh... Visuals, audio, he made me feel like my heart was racing when it wasn't - I suppose heart monitors might be an option - he invoked a false feeling of anxiety, false, uh - prickling sensation on the back of my neck? He was trying to force me to feel uneasy about being surrounded by copies of him when actually I found that kind of funny. But I think we already know his options here are 'Yes', so. I don't know how useful any of that is."

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"What I'm thinking here is less what he can do, which as you say is 'yes', and more what, out of the things he can do, we're most concerned about. The top concern being the one you've mentioned before, about your powers; under what circumstances would he succeed at using you against your goals in that manner?"

(He doesn't, quite, adopt formal speech, here, but he's definitely dropping the maximally casual patterns he'd been speaking in before.)

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"If I were mistaken about a dungeon break, and he made me think a civilian is a monster. Or any other kind of - putting me into a combat situation that I think is legitimate, but pointing me at the wrong thing," she answers, immediately. "I've requested to be sent into dungeons more than the standard for that reason, actually, the dungeon portal would actually effectively cut him off. So, uh. Faking that would also be bad."

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He nods.

"For the purpose of this exercise, let's say we have a finite gauge of location security, and if it runs out you land in Kang Jaeha's clutches." Si-yeon's thinking in terms of bits of information necessary to determine someon's location—approximately 34 if you limit your search to the Earth's landmass and 36 if not, to a precision of ten square meters—but the majority of the time actually giving it numbers is unnecessary and you can just work through the logic. He opens a large commscreen of his own then gets a world globe there, and draws a little empty gauge next to it.

"We need to assume that this house's location is unknown to Jaeha; being here fills your gauge to some specific value." They lose a little bit more than 10 bits, just for being in Korea and not in a big city; he rotates the globe and highlights Korea, writes a "?" on it, and fills the gauge to about two-thirds. "Whenever you teleport from here, the security gauge fills some because the total number of possible destinations you could teleport to is enormous," he gets lots of arrows from Korea to around the world and fills the gage, "and empties some depending on how many people know or perceive your arrival at your destination and how compromised they are." At this point the numbers are useless, but he copy-pastes the gauge to a few possible destinations and eyeballs reasonable values for them for a couple of big cities as well as the middle of nowhere.

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"Then, in addition to location security, we have control security: the extent to which Kang Jaeha is restricted in what he can do to you." Another gauge! The first one is blue, this one is red. "If that one reaches zero, he has full control of your environment and actions.

"Its relationship with location security isn't straightforward. If you have maximum location security you also have maximum control security," full gauge in the middle of the Australian outback, "but a very public and populous location also has reasonably high control security because Kang Jaeha can't get away with that much in front of too many witnesses," and a 40% filled gauge near Seoul, which had been marked as low location security. "On the other hand if you are in a completely deserted location with no witnesses that he knows precisely," and he writes Kang Jaeha's name attached to a little dot in Korea then moves him to the Australia and lowers the location gauge to zero, "that also has zero control security," and that gauge goes to zero.

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"The reason I'm going into this roundabout explanation is that we shouldn't think about it in terms of trying to completely prevent Kang Jaeha any access to you; we should think about it in terms of tradeoffs between those two types of security, and about interventions that raise one without lowering the other too much, ideally at all."

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...God, Si-yeon is so hot when he gets into information security.

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"In these terms, the body cams are a great tool because they increase control security while sacrificing location security not at all. However, having third parties constantly review them lowers location security and it's not clear that the increase in control security outweighs that."

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Hye-jin kind of wants to skip the part where the thing she's been freaking out for months about is being explained to her in a way that she finds overly roundabout.

"Right. One of the ways of countering him is teleporting to different varied locations in an unpredictable manner. That is what I did after the second time he came after me."

Which is to say: can you actually give her something actionable to work from, or are you going to just tell her things she already knows the day after she got shot? Because this is a deeply unpleasant topic to talk about at all. If it's not going to get her concrete ways to keep herself safe, instead of everyone sitting in a circle agreeing how in many ways it's improbable but not impossible for her to get gotten, then she'd really rather skip it.

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"Which increases both securities but actually has the same problem you mentioned earlier, of being reactive rather than proactive, and also of relying on him not having gotten enough control of you that you fail to teleport. So those are two other dimensions to look at: reactivity, and recoverability." He writes those down, and then he adds the solutions proposed: body cams increase control security, don't touch location security, are reactive, and are recoverable; third parties looking at the cams increase control security, don't touch location security, are somewhere between reactive and proactive, and are recoverable; teleporting around after being compromised increases both location and control security but is extremely reactive and not at all recoverable.

"What would a proactive increase in location security look like? People have been discussing the idea of tightening security around portals and making everything off-limits to the media; teleport into a tent, then walk through the portal, close the dungeon, teleport out, no one's the wiser." He adds it to the list: increase in location security, decrease in control security, proactive, recoverable. "Going preferentially to dungeons abroad increases location security without decreasing control security, at least not by itself." More dungeons abroad goes on the list. "Decoys! Get body doubles, people who look like you guys, to go places, and wear disguises." Location security goes up (though by just a little bit), control security stays the same, proactive, recoverable.

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Juheon is only paying half attention to Si-yeon's talk, and the other half is on Hye-jin. In the middle of that he gets up (though he doesn't stand up to his full height) and backs away from the table to scoot over between Hye-jin and Woo-young. He hesitates for a second then hugs her. "Sorry," he says in a soft, gentle murmur. "I know this is hard and sucks a lot for you. We're trying to help, and I'm proud of you for hanging on. We'll figure this out."

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.... Oh.

Those are good ideas.

And also someone is acknowledging that, actually, talking about the thing that's been haunting her for literal months the day after that thing just very nearly killed her is hard and sucks a lot.

"Mhm," she whines, pathetically, as she then proceeds to break down crying. Again. This time on Juheon, who she admittedly doesn't know very well but who is compensating well by giving off some excellent teddy bear energy. "I'm sorry, I'm trying not to be a massive bitch that bites everyone trying to help me, really, it's, just." No, she doesn't want to talk about her problems right now, she wants to talk tactics, actually. "Um. T-those are all r-really good ideas, thank you."

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...Tae-gun will not make this about himself.

(How did Juheon know this was the right thing to do? Why can't Tae-gun be the one to do this for Hye-jin? Why is he so broken he can't even notice when his partner just, just needs a hug and, and.)

(He wishes he could be what Hye-jin needs.)

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"Don't worry about it," he replies to her in the same gentle murmur. "Let it all out, participate as much as you can or want to."

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"I'm glad you like them!" says Si-yeon, slipping into his informal register for a moment before going back to what he'd been doing. "So, any more ideas? Even if they're not very polished or impractical or expensive, it's better to have too many ideas to sift through than too few."

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"Da-eun was talking about the possibility of physically reinforcing access to portals somehow, though that's control security more than location security?"

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"All ideas are welcome." He adds "physical access to portals?" to the list as increasing control, not touching location, being proactive, and being recoverable.

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"There are illusionist espers who could literally disguise Tae-gun and Hye-jin, as an overpowered refinement on the 'decoys' idea."

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"The fact that they're having to be sent to specific dungeons every day limits how much security they could get but would it be possible for their dungeons to be at least somewhat randomised? Especially the ones they do without a team, the smaller ones. That would give the support teams on the ground less time to prepare but that's also a plus, right, since it means that there's also less warning for anyone else..."

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"Illusion espers" go below "decoys", "randomised dungeon assignments" are added as increasing location security and slightly lowering control security "for the same reason having media and onlookers increases it", proactive, recoverable.

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She. Really doesn't have to participate in order for things to maybe turn out okay and in a way that'll be helpful to her goals, does she. Other people will come up with ideas without her.

Okay. Good.

Then she's just going to do more of that crying thing, thanks. Hello, she is miserable, hates talking about this topic, hates thinking about this topic, wants desperately to be free of it from her life, feels simultaneously like she's incompetent (because she got shot) and also like she was the only one doing anything (because basically all actionable ideas up until now were hers), and. And it's just a lot, okay. So if she doesn't need to do anything for a higher chance of staying alive and untampered with, then she's just going to cry.

(She would actually also prefer that it were Tae-gun holding and comforting her, but apparently he's too fucking busy acting like she's a rabid tiger he's got to keep under control instead of - something else. She's not sure what. Whatever he's like when fucking Kang Jaeha isn't involved.)

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Does it help if Tae-gun looks wistful and miserable? 'Cause that's what he looks like right now, stealing glances at her.

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(She's not looking at him right now, so. No.)

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"...oh for God's sake, you two. Hyung, just hug her."

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...bwuh? [x2]

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Juheon can pull away a bit and see if Hye-jin would like that? He expects 'yes' but.

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"It's fine, he doesn't have to," says Hye-jin, miserably.

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"No, but he wants to, except he was beating himself up about the fact that he didn't realise that you wanted it because he thought that you were mad at him right now and wanted nothing to do with him and so he was trying not to pay attention to your emotional needs and also he's the brand of autistic who is bad at both performing emotions and reading them. And you, miss, also want him to, so Juheon, thank you very much for your service, but these two need to learn to be less dramatic."

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Well, far be it from him to question Woo-young's judgment. He fully unhugs and gently nudges her in Tae-gun's direction.

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...okay but what if Woo-young is wrong, what if actually she doesn't and she thinks he sucks and is the worst for not offering first and not even noticing—

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"Hyung." He grabs his phone and taps it. "Hell iPhone."

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He can hug her?

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".... I am still pretty mad about how your model of me seems to think that I'm bloodthirsty and looking for excuses to kill Kang Jaeha," she grumbles, but. Yes. Fine. He may hug her. "Thank you Woo-young-oppa. You're an ass but I appreciate you for it."

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"Thanks! I try."

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"It doesn't," he mumbles, leaning into the hug. This hug feels a lot nicer than the previous one, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Tae-gun feels more comfortable hugging to comfort others than he does hugging to be comforted. "I—that's not what I was thinking. I thought about what I—"

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"So I'm not saying no or stop but I am saying are you sure you guys want to get into it right now? Genuinely, it's fine if the answer is yes, and we can give you space if you need it."

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"... I think yes, neither of us are proving to be super useful at tactics talk today, really."

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He totally was! ...eventually! ..........maybe not while Hye-jin was being miserable next to him.

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"Roger that. You two go to the living room, then. Tae-gun, since you made us this feast I assume there's dessert too?"

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"Excellent, I'll find it and I'll bring you two some in a sec."

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Giggle. "Thank you."

Okay. Scootching to the living room.

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Now, how is Tae-gun going to explain that her feelings suck and she should have submitted a formal notice of her emotional state a week in advance before displaying any...?

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"...I'm sorry. I don't—mistrust your judgment, and I don't think you're—bloodthirsty or looking for excuses to, to..."

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"Then why is it what you remember first about my reaction to - this? Because I thought about it and - I didn't, actually, jump to 'I kill monsters,' I jumped to," she motions back to the dining room with the others, "tactics talk about how to keep ourselves safe. And when you brought it up I told you I didn't want him dead, exactly, I wanted him to stop? And that was before I knew he was a victim of his own backlash! Knowing there's a decent guy underneath the enforced depression and sociopathy doesn't make me want him dead more, Tae-gun-ah!"

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He's just going to keep hugging her because looking at her isn't going to work. "I don't trust my own judgment. I, please don't, I, this is hard for me to talk about. I, I know it sounds like excuses. But I didn't think about it in years, except when I did. I couldn't even think his name until—more recently. It's not, it's not like, it's not that I was," why is it so hard to say he had such eloquent things to say in his head when he was thinking about it in the kitchen but now they're coming out all wrong and jumbled. "It's not like I wanted it," he says, his voice getting thick. "I, I wasn't, it's, it's like you said. A blind spot." He swallows and shuts his eyes. "I, even, it's, even now I," and he runs out of words again and has to clear his throat and try to start over.

"It's like my mind just—slides off it. It's like, like staring into the sun, if I do it too much my eyes hurt and then I go blind, except, except I can choose to do that, and I can't, I couldn't, choose—" Breathe. Deep breaths, Lee Tae-gun. "I couldn't choose to look. It wasn't there. And, and so the only way I have of, of, of thinking about it is sideways. It's, it's, I can't rely on anything. I can't rely on my, on, on the way I think about other things. My habits of thought are all fucked and useless and I'm not, I'm not smart enough. If I want to look at the sun I need to do it out of the corner of my eyes and only a little—"

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"I never thought you wanted - whatever he was doing, or anything," she sighs. She pulls him closer and pets him. "I'm sorry this sucks so much. I was trying really hard not to - rub any of it in your face. Just - fuck, Tae-gun-ah, it's - ... do you want a dungeon combat metaphor. I think I have one for - what I feel like just happened."

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"...yeah, I think so," he loves her so much, "but—can I—try to get all the words out? I, I think I might lose them if—"

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"Yeah, sorry, go ahead."

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"It's okay. ...thank you, I—appreciate it. The, the—dungeon metaphor thing. I know I'm bad at understanding things. I hope I—

"I appreciate you. I like you. A lot. I'm also bad at saying that. But I do. I think you're grand."

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... sniffle.

"Okay! Good! I like you too, a lot, it's - probably why I flinch so much at - this, because I like having your trust and support and. Don't like when it's not there. Which I suppose isn't very fair, sorry."

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"I think it's fair. I want you to feel like I trust you and I want to support you and I—want you to expect it of me." I love you.

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"I - okay. ... Though, you - seem to do this thing where you expect that background of respect and appreciation to be obvious even when it's unspoken? And I can't - please show it. Directly. With your words and actions, not just, just. 'Well I didn't criticize it, so clearly it's fantastic.' Been there, done that, Hideyoshi also basically only gave me criticism, by the end."

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"...okay. I can try that." He shakes his head. "I will do that, I'll just... fail. A lot. On the way there. But I'll get there."

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"Okay. Thank you. .... Would it help if I gave you a - an overview of my current emotional state and the history of said emotional state, as pertains to the topic of Kang Jaeha? I... guess I haven't been very good at displaying it."

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"Yes. ...but let me finish saying the things I wanted because I feel like I'm going to want to argue—or, not argue—defend myself—and—um."

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"Oh. Okay. Carry on."

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"...what was I saying... right.

"Okay. So. Um. I, I was talking about... Okay. Um.

"One of the things is that—Woo-young was really angry. Really, really angry, with him, five years ago. And I wasn't, I was—hurt and. Um." weak sad pathetic contemptible "And—the thing he said earlier. I think he was right. I, I think I might need to yell at him about it. I couldn't think about—everything—and if I even tried it felt like—I was making excuses. For him. Or, or, or trying to, to make it not as bad. I don't know. Because I didn't know how bad it was and I, I still don't, I think. It's all a mess in my head. But he was so, so angry, and I'm not, and—and it was hard. And scary." Because he's weak and sad and pathetic and contemptible. "To try to think about it. And engage with it. And so now I'm having to learn it again. And so I—it's not that I don't trust your reasoning, Hye-jin-ah, it's that I can't reason about it and I, I need to, to do it from scratch. From the ground up. I need to do all of the reasoning by hand, step by step, and I need to—check your answers—fuck that just sounds like I don't trust you but—it terrifies me." Because he's weak and sad and pathetic and contemptible.

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He giggle-hiccups and squeezes his eyes shut, traitorous tears sliding down his cheeks. "I hate the hell iPhone. I hate it so much." He hates how, how effective that stupid one-time joke Woo-young made once has managed to, to, to make him able to deal with it so much better. He can now go, oh, it's the autocomplete from hell, I'm just thinking the worst possible things about myself, and then he stops.

Tae-gun's not weak and sad and pathetic and contemptible. He's just human.

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Oh. Oh, poor Tae-gun. Huuuuug. Such hug, and petting.

"Checking my answers is fine? I - dungeon metaphor, apparently I only know how to think in these things now - I'm not bothered if you don't agree with my tactical conclusions or want me to explain them. The problem's when... I guess it's when the hell iPhone autocompletes what looks like my logic that it - hurts. Because my hell iPhone goes, 'Ah, yes, that's what he actually thinks of you and your logic,' because, um. I am also a mess. Sorry."

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Another giggle-hiccup. "Yeah."

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"You're both huge messes," says a teleporting Woo-young—

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He doesn't screech because, one, it'd be undignified, and two, he's hugging Hye-jin, but he very definitely jumps.

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"We have just established that, thank you," snorts Hye-jin, amused.

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"But since I'm so nice I got you bingsu anyway," he says, offering them a bowl each with their favourite toppings.

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"You're a dick."

...but he's not gonna say no to bingsu.

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"Thank you, Woo-young-oppa. But yes I agree."

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"It's a gift."

And he vanishes again.

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Well trust Woo-young to be a dick and nevertheless make Tae-gun stop crying and feeling sorry for himself.

"I trust you, Hye-jin-ah. And I—it was scary to engage. It still is. And I, I know it doesn't justify the, the, um, but I just. I don't think you're—those things you said." ...Lee Tae-gun she literally just said that "absence of criticism isn't the same as positive regard", surely you can hold this in your working memory for three minutes. "I think you're smart, and competent, and kind, and thoughtful, and—even before I was—able to talk about this, when it was just you and Woo-young—I would've trusted whatever you decided to do."

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"Oh." Yeah, she had no idea he would have trusted her whatever she decided to do. He - mostly seemed like he was trying very hard not to engage, not. Trusting her with his once-love's final fate. "Thank you. I appreciate that." She kisses his forehead. "A lot."

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Well he was also trying very hard not to engage, but the only reason he felt like he could do that rather than set himself on fire and engage anyway was because he trusted her.

"So, u-um. I think that was. All. I was thinking about."

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Yeah, that distinction is not clear to anyone besides him, and maybe Woo-young.

"Okay. I think we managed to cover most of my stuff over that, though I can still give you that emotional overview?"

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"Yeah. I think I—no, I know I'm really bad at—that—I'm not autistic though—"

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(Si-yeon can be heard cackling from the living room.)

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("Sometimes I wonder if you even listen to yourself, hyung.")

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("I think we have conclusively established that he does not.")

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...he hates esper senses so much.

"A-anyway, I'm bad at this, so—yeah, I think it'd help."

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"Okay. ... But you are absolutely autistic though." Forehead kiss. "I am too! Probably! Anyway, uh."

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("I have to say thinking he's not displays sort of astonishing amounts of unselfawareness.")

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Fuuuuck yooooooou.

...he likes the forehead kiss though, he'll keep that.

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"Go away we're having feelings~!" calls Hye-jin in a playful singsong, before she lowers her voice to something only Tae-gun can hear.

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"My emotional state... it's... ... I don't know how to explain it, like, um. Thinking something would be easier to handle than it actually turned out to be, or that - thinking this shit wouldn't affect my life as much as it does, but. It did. It. Just. Turned out to affect basically every single facet of my life, was sitting in the back of my mind every single moment, and, I. I was the only one coming up with ideas." Shrug. "And turns out I wasn't enough, see: how I got shot in the head. So. Current emotional state is 'all of the suffering I did amounted to absolutely nothing, and now I'm being asked to do it some more and I'm trying but I really can't.'"

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...okay he's gonna have to put his bingsu down so he can properly hug her again.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with ideas. I'm—sorry you felt like you couldn't count on me. ...I'm sorry that you actually couldn't."

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"I mean, I also - didn't come to you about anything downstream of the problem, either. Because that felt too close to the thing that was shutting you down and causing you such pain. So. My housing woes and - everything else -" she shrugs again.

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"I—would—it's—Woo-young called me a walking minefield of triggers and he's—not wrong—but—the only way to make a minefield safer again is to explode the mines. You know? And I'd—rather not be treated like I'm—breakable. Even though—I am—I think I can deal—mostly—I don't know. Hell iPhone is saying that I'm pathetic and weak and made of fine china and I don't—want to be. I don't want to be a burden. I want to—at worst—be absent. But I don't want to be that, either, anymore.

"And it's—I'd rather you not hurt yourself to avoid hurting me."

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"... I... I'll try, but. I don't think I'm going to be very good at purposefully and actively - setting off mines. When they hurt you."

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"You don't need to. Just—I guess—I—" He stops and tries to think about it. "If... I were better at... No, I think I can. Um. I think I can set—boundaries—and figure out when I'm actually hurting—and otherwise I—you remember Ms. Daly?"

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"The nurse yesterday. I guess you spent less time around her than I did..." He shakes his head and pulls away a bit from the hug again because he does not want his bingsu to melt. ...he's fucking stupid. He takes hold of the ice in the bingsu and now it won't melt. Snuggling Hye-jin here is more than enough to still make this backlash-negative.


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"Oh! Her. Right. I gave her a nice tip."

Hye-jin can nibble at her bingsu while snuggled. She has this power.

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"I was—not okay, there. And she noticed it, I think. I'm pretty sure. And then she didn't say anything or, she just pretended it wasn't happening, and that was—good. I, I understand why that, um, that might be difficult but... I, I often just, I mean, I'm not, I take a while. To. Think these things through. And I'd rather no one—notice—that that's happening—even if it looks like I'm upset—until I can figure it out later."

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"... Okay. Pretend I don't notice. I'll, uh, try, but I might still have the urge to hug you when you're obviously sad?"

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"I, I mean, I don't, um—no I—guess it depends. Um. I don't know. There are times when I would like it and times when I wouldn't and I don't know how to... explain the difference...

"...but I noticed earlier that I like hugging you to comfort you more than I liked being hugged to be comforted."

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"I... don't know if I'm going to be able to always give -" a week's notice, no, bad Hye-jin, "- a warning for when I am upset and want a hug? If I'm being extra bitchy and bitey I am probably upset and if I don't literally tell you to get away from me I will probably accept a hug about it. And I can still just always set you on fire at any time. Um. .... I do like being pampered? A little?" A lot, actually, but. ... She doesn't know how to say that and it feels like such a big ask.

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"Like - being brought bingsu or being carried to the shower or - it's fine, you don't have to, I know it's silly -"

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"Hye-jin-ah, I would love nothing more than to pamper you." He lifts one of her hands to his lips to kiss her knuckles. "Would you like to be fed some bingsu? Shall I get you some more pillows so you're more comfortable? Would you like a massage?" He's being soooooo criiiiiiiinge and what's even more cringe is that he's managing to say all of that with a completely straight face and mean every word.

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"... I, I, I, um, probably the bingsu first because otherwise it's going to melt probably I, um?"

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"I'm holding onto the ice, it's not going to melt." But he can, in fact, feed her bingsu.

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Okay, then, she is fine with this and. Is admittedly enjoying this a lot.


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Lee Tae-gun did not know he particularly enjoyed this but apparently he really does! He is finding out new things about himself! And some of those new things are good!

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"This is really fine?" she confirms, in a small voice.

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"Would I lie to you, Hye-jin-ah?" Wow what the hell was that line why can't he come up with lines like this on command. "I like seeing you happy."

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"... okay," she agrees, looking delighted.

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Honestly, this is all he's ever wanted. He has a way to reliably demonstrate what he's feeling and make her feel happy and loved, and despite everything they're... getting through it. Talking. Figuring it out together. 

Maybe this can work. Maybe they can make it work.

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Hyun-jae watches the two stupid lovebirds leave together then turns back to the others. "Think they'll come back tonight?" she asks Juheon in a soft whisper.

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"It's fine even if they don't, they can take their time," he whispers back. Besides, all of them—except maybe Woo-young—feel like they need to make it up to Tae-gun for abandoning him to Kang Jaeha five years ago and figuring out how to deal with him now is the least they can do.

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"Alright, people, focus up, we've got a job to do here! More ideas!"

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"Maybe we should think of more reactive ideas? For after they're found but before Jaeha has them..."

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"Actually, I was thinking earlier, we keep lumping the media and the public together but they're not the same, right?"

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"—oh, I see what you mean. Having lots of eyes around increases control security but what lowers location security is those eyes sharing the information."

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"Right! Even if the media will share information with the public eventually we can get it to not share it live."

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"They could still be compromised internally."

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"Yeah but that's true regardless, and it's still a lot safer than a whole crowd of civilians posting to Instagram."

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"Plus the increase in control security from lots of eyes kind of maxes out reasonably early, right? There isn't much of a difference between fifty and a hundred people, nor even between twenty-five and fifty."

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"But he doesn't work through technology so having more eyes behind screens helps."

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"Instagram doesn't help much with that, though? People mostly don't livestream dungeons—like, a couple of them when the crowd is reasonably sized, but the usual pictures and uploaded videos are kind of reactive? I guess they usually upload those immediately but."

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"While the media is constantly filming and having people watch it..."

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"Right, and if we just consider the crew behind screens that's still a bunch of people Kang Jaeha has no access to."

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"Why stop there? We already have radars and lidars and heat detectors on all sites being monitored by the support teams to deal with invisible monsters, we could also by default have cameras and have operatives looking at their feeds, it doesn't need to be media, the big advantage media has over that is just that it's distributed but we could 80/20 that."

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Wait, right, Woo-young promised he'd get dessert, he got distracted. He gets up to go do that.

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"Think we could swing that? Get everyone on board?"

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"Woo-young said that the guild president knows about Kang Jaeha, right? So we could probably get Quasar buy-in?"

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"On adding more monitoring to our support teams? Yeah."

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"Everyone is freaking out about yesterday, though, I can't imagine other guilds wouldn't want to share the burden, and that'd make it even better for us."

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"Do we actually have a way to keep civilian onlookers out, though?"

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"Replace the yellow tape with canvas walls."

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Desserts! They have a ton of bukkumi, bingsu with a variety of toppings, and Tae-gun even got Woo-young froyo! Woo-young appreciates his hyung.

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"That wouldn't cover people looking on from surrounding buildings and such." Which some of them would do, the crazy bastards.

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"This still increases location security relative to our present baseline, it'll be fewer people with access to the area and obstruct visibility anyway," says Si-yeon, jotting this idea down alongside all of the other ones everyone's been suggesting.

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"Think we can get anywhere on the media thing?"

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"Yes in Korea, it'll be tougher abroad especially in the West and it might require throwing some money around but, again, this will kind of get a ton of pressure from guilds. I'd honestly not be surprised if it became a government thing, and if the EU enacted some restrictions and pressured other countries and made noises about not letting their espers go abroad unless their regulations would be respected, GDPR-style, that'd be pretty solid?"

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"Governments move very slowly, though."

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"Not if you have enough money to pressure them and their intelligence agents threaten a riot. I know some psyops guys who could totally work this, too."

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"I never know to what extent you're joking when you say these things."

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"I'm not joking at all! I totally do know some psyops guys and I totally will be calling in some favours."

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"Remind me to never get on your bad side."

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"Don't worry, big guy, if that were gonna happen it already woulda. Besides, you look cute when you make me mad."

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"Saved by the big ol' doe eyes."

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"Alright! More ideas?"

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They're all well-trained and don't let the fact that they can't immediately think of any new ones stop them from thinking for longer. Five minutes, by the clock.

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Well Woo-young will take a break from thinking to teleport over to the two huge messes in the living room with bingsu.

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The two huge messes appreciate this!

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He's happy to be of service!

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"You talked earlier, Chun-hee, about randomising dungeon assignments..." starts Juheon, slowly.

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"But I was thinking—"

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("—I'm not autistic though—")

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Si-yeon cracks up.

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"Sometimes I wonder if you even listen to yourself, hyung," says Woo-young, loud enough that they should hear it fine.

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"I think we have conclusively established that he does not."

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("A-anyway, I'm bad at this, so—yeah, I think it'd help.")

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("... But you are absolutely autistic though. I am too! Probably!")

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"I have to say thinking he's not displays sort of astonishing amounts of unselfawareness."

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"Go away we're having feelings~!" calls Hye-jin, at a volume loud enough to be easily heard.

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"Sure thing," he laughs.

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"So, you were saying?"

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"Right. The thing about sources of randomness is that—Kang Jaeha can fake them, right? Anything that's external, you can't trust that it was random if Kang Jaeha could've simulated it and you were none the wiser. But he can't affect memories, and he can't coerce decisions, so it would probably work better to make decisions in advance? And maybe combine randomness with those."

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"Combine them how?"

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"Say they decide, rather than Quasar, which dungeons they're doing, and then the time to do them is random, or vice versa, they're the ones to pick times and the dungeons are randomly assigned then."

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"Oh, I like that, that's got potential."

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"Yeah, I guess this is a weird situation where pure randomness can decrease security."

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"They could teleport away from wherever they are at semi-random times? They'd decide on a list of times that they could teleport at in the morning, then get a random notification during the day at one or more of those times, so that they know that if they get a notification and it's not one of those times they're being tampered with. That gives them more opportunity to do things other than dungeons in public."

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On the list! "Though going in public at all like that is still a pretty big hit to location security so we'll need to come up with some good control security measures later."

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"Siloing elsewhere, not in Korea."

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"They wouldn't like having to move again."

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"This is the ideas phase, we can figure out which of them to implement later."

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"The only way to increase location security after being found is to leave, right? Between random locations and their secret silos I'm not sure there are any better ideas."

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"Let's think about it some more, we can take a break and go over control security after it's been a while since the last idea."

Once again, five minutes, by the clock.

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By the end of which they haven't come up with any more ideas.

Juheon gets up, stretches, cracks a somewhat absurd number of joints, then turns to look at the living room (where Tae-gun is treating Hye-jin like a princess, as is right and proper of a good boyfriend) and asks, "Tae-gun, may I use your bathroom?"

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He's broken out of his distraction and—fights the blush creeping up his neck with all his might. This is his house, he is pampering his partner, in his living room, he has no reason to feel embarrassed. "Yeah, down that hallway."

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"Thank you. Oh, and by the way, good job."

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Okay now he's blushing.

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Hye-jin is, too, but she leans forward and gives him an affectionate kiss.

"Thank you, dear."

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When will he be allowed to call her his girlfriend Lee Tae-gun please shut the fuck up.

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"Bee tee dubs are you guys gonna rejoin us tonight or should we just keep going without you?"

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... She is torn between operational efficiency and also how incredibly, fundamentally unappealing and soul crushing that sounds. And how nice being fussed over by Tae-gun is. She's a little afraid that the minute they are exposed to his friend group again, he's going to go back to jumping to conclusions and forgetting she exists failing to properly emote caring at her in favor of the many other social things being in a large group of people involves juggling.

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It really doesn't take a social genius to notice her reaction, especially with how he's paying most of his attention to her specifically right now. "Probably not tonight, sorry."

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Thank you Tae-gun she appreciates you Tae-gun.

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aaaahhhhh he used to hate that smile and now he doesn't anymore aaaaaahhhhhhh

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"Yeah, no probs. You got an office or somewhere more comfortable for us to keep going? Not that your dining room isn't lovely but a guy is getting a crick in his back."

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"...I have an office upstairs, and you can get futons in the guest bedrooms?" He does not want to go fetch those for his friends right now even if that's "being" "a" "bad" "host" or something.

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"I'll show them around, don't worry about it hyung."

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"Thank you Woo-young-oppa. ... Though possibly they should have the living room and we should go elsewhere?"

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"Hope your room has good soundproofing. Unless you want us to hear everything, of course, I'm not against that."

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"...am I still allowed to teleport him back wherever he came from?"

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"Just say the word!"

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... That wasn't even an innuendo! She was just thinking that a living room is really more built for a larger number of people than an office!!

"Yeah, how about we move out of the living room where someone can already eavesdrop and add commentary whenever he likes."

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"Yes, let's." They're done with their bingsu so it is not very difficult for him to manoeuver Hye-jin into a bridal carry so he can bring her upstairs.

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"Message us your ideas in the morning," he says as he starts making his way upstairs. He considers also telling them they can sleep over if they want to but Hye-jin would probably rather not have to deal with socialising in the morning so he refrains.

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"Roger that!"

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She does not want to deal with socializing in the morning, no.

(She's not even sure she wants to do dungeons tomorrow, and it's a confluence! As before, it's not the dungeons themselves that are the problem. It's just that closing them involves the media and the public perceiving her, and she super, super does not want that at all. No answering questions about how she feels after having been shot, thanks.)

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...but anyway his room is soundproof and after he closes the door he can kiss her with a teensy little bit¹ more passion than he'd been doing up until now.





¹ This is a severe understatement.

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!!! Hye-jin gives a small delighted laugh, and is perfectly amenable to this sequence of events.

Responsibilities of operational efficiency have been handed off, and she and Tae-gun kind of need to show each other that they care about one another right now, and, well. ... This is a very nice (and efficient! With his backlash!) thing to be doing.

(She does have the presence of mind to make sure the door's locked, though.)

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He places her on the bed and gets on top of her to keep kissing her there. "I like you, Hye-jin-ah," he says breathlessly in between kisses. "I like you so much."

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"I like you too," she murmurs into his skin. "I'm - sorry I've been bad at communication and - generally bitchy -"

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"I'm sorry I've been bad at showing that I care about and trust you," he replies, stopping with the kisses to hide his face in her neck. "I'm—happy we can talk and—figure it out. I hope we always can."

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"Me too. I think we've got a good shot if we - keep trying to? Does that make sense...?"

(Her hands are trailing under his shirt.)

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(He pulls away just enough that they can get rid of his shirt.)

"Yeah." I love you. "It does." I love you. "I trust you." I love you. "So please trust me, too."

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"I - I'll do my best," she agrees.

And then they can stop talking entirely.

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Yeah. They can.

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Just please stop.

Please move on. Stop doing this to me, to yourself, to your partner.

If my partner dies, I will never be able to forgive you. Stop, while I still am.

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Of all the things. Of all the possible things to get in his way, Jaeha would never in a million years have anticipated this.

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Why? Why does Tae-gun think it was him?

Is it because of her? Is that witch filling his head with absurd ideas? Tae-gun, his Tae-gun, thinking, thinking—

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It all comes down to her. He had been trying to play nice, he'd wanted to scare her away, he'd known Tae-gun would have been upset if he'd actually hurt her, but he's always been willing to do whatever it took. But after everything, all his plans, this happens?

It's like some kind of sick practical joke the universe is playing on him. If he'd been religious this is when he'd have decided to kill God.

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So now Jaeha doesn't have much choice, does he? He's going to have to find the person who shot Kim Hye-jin and he's going to have to deliver them to Tae-gun's doorstep wrapped in gift paper with a bow attached to their head, even though he doesn't want to. He really, truly wishes she'd died, he wishes she were dead, but she's not, and now Tae-gun thinks Jaeha's behind it, and he will need to find the shooter. How he's going to find them is a bit more complex, but he has time, money, and connections both above and underground. He will find them.

He knows where to start.

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The meeting keeps going for a long time. They have some more ideas, and refine and add elaborations to the ones they've already come up with, and triage the ones that don't need input from Tae-gun and Hye-jin, then they take another break, and then they go into the topic of making sure Woo-young won't be shot. The immediate and most actionable idea, which is what Woo-young had been thinking from the start, is just that he'll hire an esper bodyguard. If he can get a precog that can warn for danger or something like that, he can get himself to safety very quickly, so he doesn't even need anyone super fancy. Si-yeon tells him he'll look into it and get back to Woo-young the next day, and eventually they all go back to their houses or silos as the case may be.

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Woo-young didn't tell Hana where he was going or what he was doing, and Hana didn't ask. She is not really inclined to pry at the best of times, and she has gotten good enough at reading his expressions that she can tell he's unhappy to be doing whatever-it-is he's doing. Even if he is, probably, doing it with friends.

(Her mind brings up comparisons between Woo-young's departure and that of esper teams going into Nightmare, but that's probably just that she's been living and breathing Nightmare related everything ever since it decided to show up.)

Instead she patiently sits in their silo, making little origami flowers as she thinks. Yesterday had been animals, but today she's in a flower sort of mood. Probably the kissing guiding before he headed out to his whatever-it-is. That's got her in a good mood despite her backlash enforced anxiety. Quasar is also going to see about finding her a secondary partner to hold her hand while she works at Nightmare, since Woo-young cannot actually be spared to hold her hand unfortunately. So her worries about herself, her partner, her job, her patients, Nightmare, and everything else are... well, as quiet as they're likely to be, during a confluence.

Without the spiral of anxiety to cloud her thoughts, she can't help but notice that there are a number of things that aren't quite adding up.

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Quasar is... strangely nervous about Nightmare. Just Tae-gun avoiding it, to avoid an ex-partner, that's perfectly explicable. She doesn't know what happened between them, but it's not particularly odd for ex-partners to avoid each other. (All of hers avoid her.)

But it's not just Tae-gun, and it's not just Woo-young, either. It's the entire guild. She has had time to get a feel for Quasar's operations by now, and they're very open with working with other guilds and organizations. They have a lot of ties to many international organizations, and a lot of fingers in proverbial pies. Not necessarily doing a lot of the heavy lifting, but a lot of the - support stuff. It only really became obvious after Kim Hye-jin's hospitalization, but. They sure do have a lot of weight to throw around, don't they, and they are not afraid to use it, either. They are quick to support espers in need whenever they can, guild member or no. Comparatively, when it comes to Nightmare, they're extremely hands off. That's not to say they won't support her - the minute she even breathes a hint of needing something, like wanting someone compatible to help mitigate backlash for her long work at Nightmare, Quasar swoops in to help her. Immediately. But that's it. It's just her.

It sort of made her angry, at first, that a guild would avoid a dungeon so thoroughly on an organizational level, hold back resources that other people need to do their jobs even when it didn't risk them or their members directly. She had to push, to get assigned to Nightmare. But with context .... Is it the dungeon, really? There are other dungeons that deal in psychological warfare. Quasar doesn't flinch at assisting with those.

Woo-young hasn't calmed down at all about her work, even though she hasn't stepped inside the dungeon once, and Nightmare hasn't gone and figured out a way to snatch her out from under everyone. He's still just as concerned, if not more so. Always carefully checking her over to see if she's okay.

With context of what her new guild is like, it's very odd how they just. Dumped Lee Tae-gun's former partner. So suddenly and abruptly. She wouldn't have expected that of them, especially now that she's in it and can see how - familial this guild is arranged. But there aren't any long lost friends of Kang Jaeha, meeting up with him over drinks. No one likes to talk about him at all.

And what reason does anyone at all have to shoot an S-rank fire esper?

Maybe it's not the dungeon Quasar's afraid of.

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There's the strangely localised flash of blue light that doesn't reflect off anything and you can't see unless you're directly looking at it that accompanies Woo-young's teleportation powers and then there's Woo-young, arriving far, far too late at night.

"Oh. You're still up."

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"Oh. Yes. Hi. I think I lost track of time."

She did. She can tell by the number of paper flowers she's made, without even needing to check the clock. She... should probably go to bed sooner rather than later. Considering her early mornings.

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He squints at her. "...everything alright?"

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"Yes." He's not going to believe that if she leaves it at that, so she doesn't. "You just seemed - on edge? I wanted to make sure you were okay. Did everything go well?"

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"Oh. Yeah. Um. We were—strategising. Had a bunch of ideas about ways to make dungeons safer."

He does not have a good answer if she asks why he didn't want to include her.

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Fortunately for him, she doesn't ask. She just nods.

"Okay. Let me know if I can help." She squints at him, then adds, "Aside from giving you a hug, I mean."

She can tell by the stiff way he's holding himself that he's a bit backlashed.

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"I am not about to say no to a hug."

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"I would be understanding if you did," she says, hugging him.

And then they can go to bed.

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They can.

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Hye-jin wakes up before Tae-gun, and spends longer than she'd like to admit hiding under the covers from the scary world that's going to ask her to do things. Her partner is warm and cozy, this bed is comfortable, and things in the outside world are hard, okay?

Eventually hiding from her problems grows boring, and she decides that, whatever else she's going to be doing, there will be no dungeons for her today. Similarly she probably won't be doing any until she's sorted through what the War Council (it amuses her to think of it this way) has come up with, and implemented the suggestions that seem actionable and worth the cost. She goes to cancel the dungeons, and. ... There aren't any to cancel. Okay. Fair. She wouldn't schedule her for running dungeons two days after she got fucking shot either. ... Actually, now that she thinks about it, she suspects that the dungeons yesterday were also secretly cancelled in advance, the systems just didn't update. The cancellation of them was kind of weirdly easy and straightforward, and there hadn't been any 'move to new date' options at all. She can't even bring herself to be mad about Quasar not being straightforward about going, 'No dungeons for you, missy,' because knowing her, she probably would have rebelled and tried to figure out how to do something freelance out of principle. Or maybe not. She really didn't want to deal with the media, either. (And still doesn't.)

Okay. Then... today can be figuring out what suggestions were made and how to implement them, and tomorrow can be tomorrow's problem.

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The War Council left them lots of options for what to do, with all of their attached considerations. Suggestions include, but are not limited to:

  • Getting a silo outside Korea.
  • Primarily going to dungeons abroad.
  • Adding some randomisation to picking dungeons.
    • Not complete randomisation, though, since Kang Jaeha can fake that.
  • Replacing the yellow tape with canvas walls.
  • Getting the media to delay its reporting rather than doing it live but still record everything so there are many eyes behind cameras.
  • Decoys/body doubles/disguises.
  • Having cameras on all dungeon portal sites being monitored constantly by remote teams.
    • AI monitoring of those (with an asterisk about whether it's possible to set that up without letting on that they're onto Kang Jaeha, requesting Tae-gun's input).
  • Teleporting away from wherever they are at semi-random times even when they don't think they're compromised.
  • Body cameras.
    • Being constantly monitored.
    • Having AI checking for proximity of other people and specifically for Kang Jaeha.
  • Primarily going to dungeons that haven't had breaks.
  • GPS tracking of their location.
  • Woo-young teleports them from wherever they are if they seem compromised.
  • Exploring the possibility that Kang Jaeha's power isn't completely undetectable by other espers.
  • A complicated idea involving setting something up with their commscreen that pings a remote server to teleport them if they're tricked about whether they're in a dungeon.
  • If their commscreens ever stop working for some reason and they're not in a dungeon an alarm is immediately sent to the War Council and Woo-young specifically.
  • Having cameras by Nightmare constantly tracking whether Kang Jaeha is there.
  • A complicated idea involving cryptography-enabled "captchas" to validate their receiving of some relevant comms.

Most of these have elaborations and more details, but a couple (such as the canvas walls thing and the media thing) are marked as being looked into already since they're good ideas regardless of anything else and don't depend on Hye-jin and Tae-gun's thoughts.

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These are all such excellent options?

Technically she's working on getting a silo outside of Korea already; her secret underground base is underground in the Pacific Ocean (because Kang Jaeha can't get to her if there's a fuckton of water in the way) but she does actually think she might want a silo on the other side of the world for pure practicality reasons? For during a confluence or general overseas work. Instead of wasting teleportation power to get back to the other side of the world, only to be sent back to Europe-or-something the next day.

The technologically based things probably need to wait for Tae-gun to wake up? But she absolutely wants a little button to press to verify that she thinks she's in a dungeon. Probably as more sneaky jewelry, she's a little dubious about sticking with the earring after having used it before. That's not to say she's not still wearing it, because: no she is, just. Maybe some other sneaky tech options would be good.

These prospects combined with knowing she definitely doesn't have to do a dungeon or interact with the media today, and that she and Tae-gun have mended things between them, cheer her up immensely. She will poke at Quasar to please see about getting her and Tae-gun an alternate silo based somewhere on the other side of the world for teleportation efficiency and-also-avoiding-the-stalker reasons, and setting up a little button for registering that she thinks she's in a dungeon, and ask both Quasar and her lawyer to please tell the media to delay reporting on her location live to places, instead of reporting live...

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Tae-gun makes a sleepy noise of some kind and snuggles up closer.

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Awwwww look at him, so cute. She pets him, and presses a little kiss to the top of his head.

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"Mmmm'rning," he mumbles without opening his eyes.

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"Good morning, handsome," she says, affectionately.

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Ok like objectively speaking he knows he's handsome but, but, but. 


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He's so cute. She pets him accordingly.

"I've been reading through the safety suggestions everyone's made. How do you feel about having another silo on the other side of the world? I was thinking it'd be good for teleportation efficiency reasons, besides the safety concerns."

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Well, so long as she's there with him. 


He's still booting up so he can't look at the actual list but he can answer questions about it.

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"Sorry, I should wait until you're more awake, shouldn't I?" She kisses his forehead again. "Hi, Tae-gun-ah, did you sleep well?"

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"Mmhmmmm. Slept w'th you. H'bout you? 'N 'sfine though, I c'n answ'r quest'ns."

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"I did! Thank you." Kiss, pet pet. "Mostly I think it's just enthusiasm instead of real questions that require thought. Oh, and there was a nice suggestion about registering when we think we're in dungeons, and getting teleported if we're wrong, which I liked a lot."

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"Reg'st'ring?" he asks, finally opening his eyes (to look at her because he wants the first thing he sees in the morning today to be her).

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Then the first thing he sees is her pretty smile.

"Oh, just - something on our commscreens that we press to say 'I think I'm in a dungeon.' That way if we're actually outside of one, and being tricked, we won't stay there for long. I was thinking another earring or something, for being sneaky and hard to stop us from touching. I do still have another one that's open to being programmed, after all."

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"Mm. Yeah, sounds good. I could get earrings too."

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"It doesn't have to be! That's just what I went with. Could be a necklace, or a ring, or a watch or something. Are your ears even pierced?"

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"No. But I c'n just disable my power for that."

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"Ah, I see. Well, there's an annoying post piercing care phase, so only do it if having earrings is worth six weeks of cleaning it daily and waiting for it to heal. ... heh. I suppose I can get new piercings now and not have to worry. Or maybe I would, if it'd just heal back over regardless? I got my ears pierced before my awakening, so..."

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"Hmm. Can get Ji-woo-sunbae to speed it up for me maybe."

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"Maybe, though possibly don't ask during a confluence? I guess she'd understand if you explained everything to her, but I think if you just went 'Hey can you speed up my piercing recovery' without context right now, she might smack you."

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"...I think if I told her it was important for confidential reasons she'd believe me? But you're probably right that it's not necessary."

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"Fair. Confidential reasons she'd accept. I think." Pet pet. "So my plan was to not do any dungeons today and just focus on implementation of ideas?"

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Mrrrrrrr but if he doesn't do any dungeons that means he's useless and has no reason to exist and he's already skipped a day and it must be a sign of personal growth or something that his brain isn't even producing anything particularly compelling here, just the bad vibes of being a workaholic who isn't working attached to a stream of generic self-hating words.

"Yeah, I think that sounds fine."

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Hye-jin could point out that she didn't make any decisions about what he's doing with his time, and that he's free to solo a dungeon or two if he'd like, but. ... She doesn't want to. She'd rather keep spending time with him.

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That is probably also part of the personal growth.

He pulls himself up to a seat and opens his own copy of the ideas to peer at them. "...AI idea for cameras near dungeons isn't doable directly but if we had access to the feeds themselves we could do it ourselves manually. It'd be bad for security if their feeds were accessible easily, though. I guess maybe there could be a generic API for running pattern recognition algorithms? But that could be maliciously abused..."

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"Hmm, yeah. Just the bodycams, then? But then it would be asynchronous."

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"No, we can do the AI thing for the body cams and get warning notifications if they detect anything weird synchronously. ...we might want—wait. We could just bring our own cameras with us and have whatever pattern recognition algorithms we want running on their feeds. Like, non-body cams, ones to just leave near the dungeon portal same way the guild ones are."

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"Oh, that could work. Though I have some questions about where the processing power for that will be located -"

Their day won't be devoted entirely to implementation talk, but they do have a lot of ideas to think about implementing. But they can also just... have a day off. Together. No trips to the hospital or War Councils or whatever else the world's going to inevitably throw at them.

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Yeah. At least for today, at least if there are no more emergencies that require them in particular, they can just spend time together. Just them.

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Like the last time something insane happened, nothing equally insane follows in its immediate aftermath. If there's a shoe waiting to drop, it's taking its sweet time; Kang Jaeha isn't sweeping in with a next strike, no one else is claiming credit for the hit either, and no other espers are targeted. Tae-gun and Hye-jin do have more emergencies and more S-ranks to deal with, because of course they do, it's still a confluence, but nothing out of the ordinary-for-a-confluence happens.

Various security measures are implemented, though. Si-yeon becomes very tight-lipped about whether "his psyops guys" have anything to do with it, but in East and Southeast Asia the media is surprisingly cooperative about limiting its reporting in some ways (they'll still do live reporting of a dungeon's appearance and kidnappings and monsters but not mention nor show any specific espers until afterwards) and the EU does very quickly write up a bill requiring that support teams setting up all dungeons on its soil have to follow this-and-that regulation and other non-EU countries have to follow similar restrictions if they want EU espers to show up at all. The US is, obviously, the most reluctant to do anything that could interfere with "freedom", but not so reluctant that they're willing to stand their ground during a confluence.

A confluence that is lasting much, much longer than anyone hoped it would.

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"So, what's your plan for after you drop the hitman at his feet like some kind of demented cat?"

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He's not going to engage. There's just no point in engaging.

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"Aww, c'mon, you must have such a good plan, though! You're Kang Jaeha, master puppeteer and three steps ahead of everyone else, especially me! So tell me. What's your brilliant plant to get Tae-gun-ah back?"

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"Don't call him that. You don't get to call him that."

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"Yes I do. I called him that on international television. Or are we adding even more self delusion to this meal?"

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"Fuck you."

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"No thank you, I have plenty of help with that already!" she says cheerfully, half skipping, half-twirling ahead of him. "Or do I need to remind you of the classics...?"

Up ahead, there's a familiar portal.

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And two extremely naked people step out of it.

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It's times like this that he wishes his power were physical.

"You're a pathetic, contemptible little worm," he says, resolutely not looking at Tae-gun's smile. Tae-gun's smile, which should be his.

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"And yet! I am the one who goes home to him every night, and you don't have any kind of plan for getting him back."

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"The plan hasn't changed, you bitch. You entering the picture fucks with my timeline but doesn't change it."

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"Another helping of self delusion, coming right up! I'm sure you were expecting Tae-gun-ah to suspect you of that thing that you definitely did. All part of the master plan, right? Lose all of his trust in you forevermore?"

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He stumbles and glares at her. "Just how—" What is he even asking, there isn't a way for him to get an answer even in principle, here.

Back to not engaging.

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"That would be telling!" she giggles.

She twirls in front of him and places an arm dramatically over her forehead. "But you lost the minute I stumbled out of that portal, falling into Tae-gun-ah's waiting arms, crying about how I'd been shot."

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"Why would he believe I did it? Why?"

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"Oh, oh, I know this one! Pick me, pick me!" says another Hye-jin, from behind him, hand raised to be called on.

"Because you did," whispers another, into his ear.

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He's going to kill her. He's going to kill her. He's going to kill her. He's going to kill her.

He needs her to be dead.

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"You had your shooooot~" singsongs the Hye-jin in front of him, while the others laugh. "And yet here I am. What are you going to do, try again? I'm sure that'll work. He'll definitely buy that. 'Shot sixteen times in the head, most obvious case of natural causes the world's ever seen.'"

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Tae-gun wraps his arms around Jaeha from behind—not that Jaeha can see, but even after all these years there's no way Jaeha would have forgotten how it felt—licks Jaeha's earlobe, then whispers: "She's right."

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His composure breaks, and he takes off towards the exit. The other esper and the victim they've been carrying can figure it out themselves, it's not his problem anymore, he needs to get out out out right the fuck now

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"Toodles~! See you next time, and remember! I'll be waiting for your answer!" calls the visage of Nightmare behind him, laughing.

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But then he's on the other side of the portal, and the woman is gone.

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He falls to his hands and knees, heaving in gasping, ragged breaths, trying and failing to will his heart to calm down and the ringing in his ears to subside. He's fit but he didn't even manage to maintain a good running form, his body was half numb and all he could think about was being anywhere but there—

(If there is one good thing about the stupid security measures they implemented it's that there aren't any civilians recording his indignity.)

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Hana tries not to keep her empathy online all the time while she's working, but she was in the middle of squishing this rescued victim's panic and fear, and can't help but feel the flare of - something - that comes from the portal.

She doesn't go outside to look. She doesn't say anything. If she's needed, someone will come get her. (It's the procedure.)

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She's most certainly not needed, not once he's recovered enough breath to get a commscreen and teleport home.

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The crashing noise of Jaeha teleporting and failing to hold his weight up makes Insoo jump to his feet and, once he sees the source of the commotion, run to him to try to help him to his feet. "Hyung? Hyung, what happened, I thought—"

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"Don't touch me," Jaeha spits, slapping Insoo's hand away.

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"—hyung, what the fuck—"

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"Shut up. Just—shut up, Insoo, before I lose my patience."

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"Right, unlike whatever you're doing right now."

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"...sorry. I—"

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"Oh, fuck your sorries, what's the excuse this time?"

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"Whatever, hyung, you can deal with it on your own. I'll, I'll call you later. When I feel like it." See how it feels when it's him.

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He buys a teleport off his own savings and vanishes.

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Fuck. Fucking—fuck. Fuck Nightmare, and fuck Kim Hye-jin, and fuck Kim Insoo, and fuck Min Woo-young, and fuck Park Yeonho, and most of all fuck Kang Jaeha.

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Feeling sorry for himself is not going to get anything done, though, and since he's clearly not fit for any more dungeon work today he should get something actually productive done.

He opens his commscreen, connects somewhere he shouldn't be able to, opens an app that shouldn't exist, and checks messages he shouldn't be able to read.

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Just how much time and money is he going to have to sink into this?

He selects a contact whose name is a random string of digits—all contacts in that app are—and hits call.

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They pick up after two rings. "Speaking," says a suitably anonymised voice.

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"How have you made zero progress so far?"

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"Has anyone ever told you you're an asshole?"

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"They should tell you that more often.

"I haven't made zero progress, asshole-nim, but if it was easy to find the kind of person who can get into a fucking A-rank dungeon and shoot an S-rank esper they wouldn't get to shoot many of those, would they?"

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"I'm paying you too much money to listen to this shit."

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"And I appreciate the money, don't get me wrong, I do! But I can't do literal magic, asshole-nim."

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"Can you at least give me a progress report that's useful?"

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"Sure! I am almost certain they are from Europe."

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...okay, that's actually more than he'd expected.

"'Almost certain'."

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"Who knows how many layers of bullshit dungeon tech-assisted redirection and VPNs they went through? You're doing the same, you ought to know. Their shit is better than yours, though. But I think we're getting there."

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Of course their shit is better than his, he doesn't do this kind of thing for a living.

"Fine. Good work." Conditional on that being true.

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"What are you planning to do with them once you've found them, asshole-nim? Out of pure curiosity."

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"I am going to deliver them to law enforcement like the good samaritan I am, of course."

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"And then what?"

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"You trying to get brownie points with Kim Hye-jin or Lee Tae-gun or somethin'? What's your game?"

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"I don't pay you to ask questions."

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"Wow, asshole-nim, that was amazing, you sounded just like one of those movie thugs.

"Alright, well, was there anything else, or can I go back to the work you're paying me absurd sums of money to do?"

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He hangs up.

There are more people he needs to call. This is not his only lead, and if he's going to succeed he needs his success to be overdetermined.

And then, when he does, when he's found the shooter, he will...

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...will, he, he'll...

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...he will...

...he, he will...

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...he'll... he's going to...

...he'll... he...

...he will...

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Hey! What's up?
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tomorrow would've been tae-hwan's birthday

do you think you and hyung would like to maybe meet up, get drunk?

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Oh no.

Yeah. My treat.
Not that a night of drinking would break any of our banks
It's the principle.
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you don't need to

i'm inviting all of his old friends

he always liked big parties

i think he'd like it if we threw him this party one last time

or maybe that's just me, i don't know

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Let me throw my absurd bullshit money at good causes to make myself feel better!!
Anyway we'll be there.
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If Hye-jin wants to throw absurd bullshit money it'll have to be directly at Woo-young because he'd already made a reservation at a Korean barbecue restaurant. Well, rather, he rented out the entire restaurant for the entire night so that only the party'll be there. He's teleporting people in personally so that no one has to show up outside and walk through the door, for security reasons, as soon as they confirm to him that they're ready.

When Hye-jin and Tae-gun arrive there are already waiters serving food and the grills at the tables are already sizzling.

Also Woo-young is already kinda tipsy. "Heeeeey."

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"Woo-young-ah," says Tae-gun, walking over to his friend to kiss the top of his head then ruffle his hair.

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Just what in the world has been happening to Tae-gun lately.

(...well, the answer is obvious, isn't it.)

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"Tae-gun! Hye-jin! Come over here and get a seat of honour before any more clowns arrive to try to steal it."

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"Speaking of clowns!"

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Hye-jin snorts, and sits down where indicated. There is a seat saved for Tae-gun next to her, for when he is done giving Woo-young a hug. She will hug Woo-young later.

"Hello! What makes these seats more honorable than the other seats available?"

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(Woo-young's current partner is already present, studiously overseeing the grilling of several slices of meat. So studiously. See, this way she doesn't have to talk to people.)

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"They're next to us, of course."

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"Good evening, Tae-gun, Hye-jin."

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"Hang on, I've got a bone to pick with whoever just called me a clown."

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"A bone, you say."

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"...hyung that was terrible."

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(Tae-gun quietly takes a seat next to Hye-jin.)

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(Hye-jin affectionately finds his hand and gives it a squeeze to acknowledge his presence and greet him.)

"I see, I see. Places of honor come with a high proportion of insults and terrible puns, good to know..." She smiles at Seungjoo. "And also your boyfriend. Good evening!"

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"—wait, hang on," says Yoo-min, looking at Si-yeon and Chun-hee then at Tae-gun, "is this the first time you guys have seen each other in—"

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"Nah, we've reconnected. And boy what a reconnection that was, I'm still hoping for a repeat—"

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"Please stop talking, oppa."

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"—hold on, really?"

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It's not Tae-gun's birthdayyyyyyyy why are they already making him embarrasseddddddddddddd

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Oh no. She - was kind of hoping that they wouldn't bring up the whole... orgy thing... in situations outside of that specific group of people that were present. Or possibly not bring it up even with that specific group of people that were present. Is Si-yeon about to also drag her into this conversation...? She does not want to have her sexual history dragged out in front of all of her coworkers. That sounds like a terrible time.

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"In your dreams, puppy."

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"...you're just messing with me! That's so rude."

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"We did reconnect, though. It turns out we were all being idiots. Juheon and Hyun-jae, too."

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"Why are we idiots?" asks a suddenly- and unannouncedly-appearing Juheon.

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"Not reconnecting with Tae-gun before."

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"Oh, yeah, we totally were."

The Tall Couple will go hug Woo-young now.

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As will the short couple, shortly.

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... wait, was she supposed to have hugged him earlier with Tae-gun?? She was giving them space!! And from her read on Woo-young she expects he'd want people to not make a whole big Thing out of this and his feelings, and instead just make this a nice party, is she wrong about that, is she doing a Bad Social, she doesn't have her social cue cards for this situation...!

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"Kim Hye-jin-sunbae?" ventures the quiet and willowy psychic esper, recognizing a kindred spirit. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person."

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Sunba- OH. Woo-young's new partner!! From White Star! A JAPANESE PERSON IN THIS LAND OF OVER FAMILIARITY.

"Fugimura-san!" says Hye-jin, gratefully. "Uh - I suppose it'd be hoobaenim in Korean - the pleasure's mine, I hope you're doing well?"

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"Yes. The - Japanese is fine, I don't mind."

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Oh that's a 'please go with the Japanese honorifics it would make me feel so much better,' if she has ever heard one. She's been there.

"If anything, it made you feel more at home?" offers Hye-jin.

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Oh! Oh! That is a way in which he can be helpful socially!

"We could speak Japanese instead," he tells Hana, in Japanese.

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Oh, that would be so great, the mess of keeping track of relationships in Korean is so much.

"I-I wouldn't want to impose?" offers Hana hesitantly. In, admittedly, Japanese.

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"I speak Japanese fluently."

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Hye-jin should probably translate that to normal people speak. "She absolutely wants to speak in Japanese, but is very concerned about being rude to the others present who might not have fluency," says Hye-jin, to Tae-gun, in Korean, so that everyone present can understand. She's pretty sure she knows what the answer is going to be from the assorted crowd.

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To this one person who has experience with both Japanese people (having grown up in Japan) and emotionally constipated people (having partnered with Tae-gun). Sorry, not sorry.

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...oh he didn't even think of that.

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"Oh my gosh, Woo-young, is your partner another Tae-gun?"

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"My partner is her own person! ...but in the way you mean it, yes."

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Hee hee.

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"They should've paid more attention in class at school anyway," says Si-yeon, also in Japanese, flomping onto a seat at the table next to theirs. "Their loss if they didn't."

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"There's enough of us to hold multiple conversations in parallel," adds Yoo-min.

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She does not actually blush, but. ... But. She'll give a shy nod.

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"It would be kind of nice to get to speak in Japanese with more than just Tae-gun-ah and my mother," muses Hye-jin, in Japanese.

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"I can speak some of it, too!"

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...it feels oddly dissonant to be called "Tae-gun-ah" in the middle of a sentence in Japanese. Sort of how it sounded dissonant for Hye-jin to call Hana "Fugimura-san" while speaking Korean earlier. It's crossing some wires in his brain.

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Hye-jin notices his expression, but doesn't know why he's making it.

"Hm? You're making a face," she says, to Tae-gun.

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"—ah. Um. It's n—" No, Lee Tae-gun, you guys have talked about this. "Just felt a bit dissonant for you to call me 'Tae-gun-ah' in the middle of a sentence in Japanese."

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... This earns a sporfle!

"We haven't had the honorifics talk in Japanese! I wasn't just going to assume! So I stuck with what we talked about! I - I can just go with Tae-gun or Tae-gun-chan or something if you'd like, just, we haven't had a conversation about it so - look I promise I have done worse things to both languages in my family. That doesn't make you feel any better at all, does it."

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He did not think this through. "J-just Tae-gun would be fine, I think."

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"Oh? Are you sure? Arguably Tae-gun-chan would be a closer translation to what we're going with in Korean..."

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It is deeply weird and yet also kind of fascinating how a massive S-rank esper like Tae-gun is being reduced to a blushing mess.

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Anyway, speaking of partners -

"Woo-young," says Hana, still in Japanese, "please come eat something before the meat I grilled gets cold?"

Hana is aware he is going to get incredibly drunk tonight. She is fine with this, but considers it her personal responsibility to make sure he doesn't get drunk on an empty stomach, and that his hangover isn't going to be too bad.

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aaaaahh "chan is fine"

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"Can I call you Tae-gun-chan?"

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Woo-young will absolutely go get fed stuff though he is planning to drink enough to black out tonight he wants to forget literally everything that happened and to be told by everyone else about all the ways he embarrassed himself in tomorrow.

Say aaaaah.

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That's his job, not hers. Hana will in fact patiently hand feed him his dinner. In front of everyone.

On the inside she's anxious about being judged or having this read into or or or - but her partner's health takes precedence over her anxieties, so.

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Cute? Cute. Hana and Woo-young, that is, not Si-yeon being a bratty sub to her partner some more.

But she'll beam at Tae-gun and lean happily against him.

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"Fugimura-san, I heard you do a lot of non-dungeon work?"

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Oh, so they're going to hold a conversation while she's (carefully and diligently) hand feeding Woo-young?? That's what they're doing now??? Is this how normal people work, because she isn't one, so she doesn't know!!!

"Yes. Though, not lately." She shrugs awkwardly, carefully picking up another slice of grilled meat in her chopsticks to feed to her partner. "My work against Nightmare is -" oh no is she going to sound conceited?? "- particularly time sensitive, so. Everything else is on hold."

There. Nailed it. Did not come off as conceited and self obsessed.

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Oh right she's working with Nightmare. He really doesn't want to talk about that, so he opens his mouth to switch back to the previous topic—

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A trio of women

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arrive in a familiar flash

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of blue light.

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Yun Minseo is in the middle, hands held on both sides, and her gaze looks off into the distance in a way that many present might find familiar. She's not backlashing particularly badly, but her sight has yet to return.

(Confluences: extremely hard on sensor espers.)

"Hey," she says, to a spot on the wall.

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"Aaaaaaaa~! You talked your partner into coming Woo-young, look at her she's so pretty and talented!" squees Ji-woo.

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"I have heard such wonderful things about your work, hoobae-nim, you are doing fantastically and I am so delighted that Quasar managed to finally get another support esper on staff!!!"

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The brunette of the trio will sigh fondly and gently lead Minseo to an empty chair.

"Hello, thank you for inviting us, we're delighted to be here," she says.

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"Thank you for coming! This is my partner Fugimura Hana, she's great. ...wait, did I fail to introduce people to Hana... Oh no I'm a bad partner. Hana, who do you already know?"

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"Um. I - recognize Lee Tae-gun and Kim Hye-jin?" ventures Hana, who has absolutely not met either of them before today. Or anyone else here, actually. "And Yoo-min-sunbae and Seungjoo-sunbae introduced themselves already."

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"Oh I am such a bad sunbae, I'm sorry." He stands up. "These are Lee Tae-gun and Kim Hye-jin; Tae-gun is my sunbae and hyung, Hye-jin is my hoobae. These are Lee Juheon and Baek Hyun-jae, they're both my sunbaes and partnered to each other, and these are Ha Si-yeon and Kim Chun-hee, likewise. They're also Tae-gun's sunbaes except for Kim Chun-hee. Juheon was Tae-gun's first partner and Si-yeon his third, and they were estranged until recently.

"And these are Baek Ji-woo, Yun Minseo, and Kim Da-eun, they're all of them my sunbaes and noonas and they're a partnered triangle. ...should I mention their ranks, I think probably not but..."

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The mentioned espers bow to Hana. "It's nice to meet you, hoobaenim."

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Right, yes, that, he's feeling bad now.

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"Nice to meet you, too," ventures Hana, looking like it's anything but.

Aaaaaaaaaaa that's so many names though????

Does she have to keep the ages and seniorities and relationships straight??? She does, doesn't she, aaaaaaaa she can't just learn last names and go with -san, terrible, awful, who invented this language.

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Oh no, that's an introvert in danger! Da-eun recognizes this! She will save you, little overwhelmed introvert!

"There are personnel files on Quasar's database, I know this is a lot of names thrown at you at once." They come complete with pictures, birthdays, and date of joining: all excellent cheat sheets for Korean honorifics.

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"There are????"

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.... she's been with Quasar for months did she not - right, right, prez pissed her off and she's been touchy and is partnered with Lee Tae-gun. Who is - himself. Yes. Okay this is fine she can fix this.

"Yeah, it's under -"

Congratulations, everyone! It's tutorial time for the Quasar esper database! You can search by hair color!

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...wait, what??? There are??????????????

Hold on, play it cool, play it cool, it does not look good to only learn of this nearly seven years after first joining the guild, he'll just... caaaaaasually look over Hye-jin's shoulder... with just very mild interest...

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Oh his hyung is so stupid.

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"We could get name tags," Si-yeon suggests, quickly typing himself one and getting it to hang above his head like an MMORPG character.

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"Aw! It's nice to know you have time for good ideas between your constant attempts to break yourself into itty bitty pieces!" agrees Ji-woo, who also begins typing herself up a nametag.

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... Da-eun is just going to help Minseo with her name tag after the tutorial is concluded...

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"Wait," says Hye-jin, looking at Tae-gun and recognizing his expression. "Did you not know about this??"

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Hye-jin must you reveal his secrets.

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It was literally not a secret to anyone with eyes.

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She didn't mean to, exactly, she just made the realization she had out loud and confirmed it verbally! Now Hye-jin is too busy giggling to be able to converse or put a digital nametag on.

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Honestly though, this is so helpful.

"Thank you very much," says Hana, in Japanese, with a very Japanese bow. She can just! Look these people up! At a time of her choosing! There are pictures!

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"No one told me," Tae-gun grumbles.

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"They literally one hundred percent did."

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"Probably right after you joined."

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Okay, she'll get her and her partner's name tags set up. It really is a very good idea.

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"Might be smart to also add in our screennames in the chat," adds Minseo, thoughtfully. "As a little title underneath."

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Oh! Yes. She might have talked to some of these people on guild chat, actually.

A little 'wallflower' gets quietly added to Hana's nametag. Because she's gotten her own, of course. It is The Procedure They Are Doing. (And it's so helpful!)

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Park Yoo-min feels like his handle is really obvious from his name but on the other hand this is fun.

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Well he doesn't use chat anyway so.

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Most of the others don't either but sure, it's not a bad idea.

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Vworp! "Sorry I'm late, everyone, had to chase some customers out before closing the bar."

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"Hi, noona, you should get a name tag."

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OH NO MORE PEOPLE oh wait she actually knows this one. She's her partner's twin. They've met before. She knows her name already. Still, it's good she'll be getting a nametag, they bring Hana some measure of reassurance. Especially if more people show up, that she hasn't met before. They should all get nametags. ... But will they be in the database???

Being a supportive partner is hard sometimes okay.

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"Is anyone else arriving by not-teleportation? Is there a guest list at the door, or...?"

Is this perhaps a chance to make NON-ESPER FRIENDS???? Without concern for mind control???? Yessssssssss.

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"Yeah, Tae-hwan had a bunch of friends... He was a really friendly sort of guy." YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS IT'S TIME TO DOWN ANOTHER SHOT OF SOJU OR TWO THAT'S WHAT TIME IT IS

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It sure does look like that time, yes.

Hana will pat him and make sure he also eats properly.

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More non-espers do arrive. A few of them are from Quasar—Jeong Seo-ah (the lawyer), Park Eun-ji (the comms person who goes by kitkatcat), Kwon Jiesang (the receptionist who goes by Zzzzgirl but who also refuses to admit this lest Hye-jin connect the face to the chatname)—but a few are from elsewhere—he got into Quasar straight out of high school and managed to keep in touch with some of his friends from then even through the two-year gap due to their military drafts.

People get really, exceptionally, uproariously drunk, and exchange stories about Tae-hwan, and sing drunk songs. They get an absurdly large cake, and they sing happy birthday, and Woo-young blows the candle and cries a lot. This is probably Tae-hwan's last birthday, Woo-young doesn't think he'll do it again, and of last memories to have of him, it's not a bad one at all.

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User0002: hey
User0002: it's ready

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Tae-gun and Hye-jin continue to be sent to new dungeons, most of them abroad following their safety guidelines. They'd planned to reconvene the War Council soon after Tae-hwan's birthday to discuss ways to more proactively deal with Kang Jaeha but three of the named S-ranks they were due to get show up at the same time two days later which keep everyone exceptionally busy. It helps calm their nerves that Kang Jaeha seems to be spending most of his time in Nightmare and most of the rest of it with his partner (though it seems like they've been having some troubles recently), but he's shown that he can be very dangerous even under these constraints. The thing that they really need is for Si-yeon's underworld contacts to find the shooter so that they have some evidence of connection.

The named dungeon Tae-gun and Hye-jin in particular were helping with seals itself and vanishes about a week before Christmas, though, leaving them some time to decompress and do things other than that.

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Which gives Hye-jin enough space to finish the ~final touches~ on her ~secret underground (and also underwater) silo~. Which is, at least structurally, done! Without any meddling from Quasar, actually; she'd left her mother in charge of it, with a generous helping of money to make it happen, and it sure has happened. Just in time for Christmas.

She is absolutely delighted by this, and gleefully begins decorating and personalizing and and and look she's also been settling into Tae-gun's house a bit but, but, look this is going to be hershershers!!!! There is no danger of anyone taking it away from her ever, not if she breaks up with her partner, or leaves her guild, or another psycho stalker mental esper shows up out of the woodwork to try and fuck with her brain! She is, legally, in international fucking waters, so actually if someone shows up that's not supposed to be there she can actually just fucking kill them over it. (Probably the legalities would shake out to actually revolve around the nationalities of those involved, but STILL.) It! Is! HERS!

Tae-gun's not allowed to see it until it's, quote, "less sad and empty," apparently. But he will get to see it, and she does actually still silo in his house with him. Just, just. ... She needs this, okay? She would like him to please be patient.

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? Sure? It's fine if she doesn't want to show it to him at all ever, too.

(He'll miss her, though. He doesn't say that part aloud, because it's objectively speaking a ridiculous thing to feel, but he will.)

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Okay, well.

... She does think she wants to show him, just. When it's less sad. Which doesn't take all that long, actually. Because she is pretty excited about it, and has a whole house she can ruthlessly raid for stuff to fill the silo with to make it feel homey.

There is a complicated security system for the teleportation, involving the actual coordinates for it being behind an encryption key, and a chip based approval process for who can teleport in. It'll mean that if she loses her chip again, which she probably will, she'll have to go through a whole security rigamarole that will involve a one time generated password and her mother's approval, but she is fine with this. It will mean that no one! Can show up! Without her permission!!

Okay! You can see my secret underground base now!
You should be able to ask the system to send you to it by typing in 'deepcoverhyejin,' as the coordinates.
she messages to Tae-gun, after a full morning of being absent.
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A few minutes later she gets the notification requesting for teleportation permission for him.

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He arrives in a circular, domed genkan, with solid stone tile beneath his feet. The walls (or... wall, since it's just the one) are a pale cream with the subtle painted pattern of bamboo shoots, faux-wood beams, and recessed lighting. There's a tidy little nook meant for shoes, and stairs leading down to what looks to be a proper living area. Hye-jin stands at the top of them beaming at him.

"Hi!" she says, bouncing on her toes.

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He loves her. 


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She waits until his shoes are off before she takes him by the hand and starts tugging him along and down the stairs. But that's all he gets, because it's tour time.

"Okay, so there are sections that are still extremely sad, don't look at any of the guest rooms, and definitely don't go down past the main living level area, because while I will figure out a way to make hydroponics and a generator cute, I have not yet done it, and there's a lot of empty storage space..."

Her silo is not quite literally rated for surviving a nuclear apocalypse, being more outfitted for structurally withstanding intense heat and pressure, but it still has pretty damn good odds for managing it. This place is sturdy, and the layout was clearly very meticulously designed to maximize the available floor space in the extremely structurally sound domed shape. It's pretty cute about its efficient layout and decoration, though, and a lot of the furniture is built for comfort and function over surviving the homeowner's fiery wrath. Hye-jin seems to have found the curved walls of some of the outside rooms a fun challenge to work around, and there's a lot of room to grow and settle in over time.

And also she's really excited about showing him everything. Is he ready to hear about the air system of this house, and how it converts sea water to oxygen? Because she's sure going to tell him all about it, and the other slightly-too-prepared systems for keeping this place running even when completely cut off from the outside world.

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Tae-gun's focus, perhaps predictably, is tactical: What escape avenues do they have if teleportation fails? How do they avoid being crushed by the ocean if something cracks? And so on. Not that he's overwhelming her with questions, but that's something he's constantly paying attention to.

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...oh and, right, he needs to be positive and appreciative, he will also do this once he realises that that is a thing he should do.

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So, the major non-teleportation escape route is a set of submersibles, a one way ascension chamber that will ascend to the surface and then float there with a distress beacon, and also a general distress beacon in the silo itself that can be activated in emergencies. The ocean crushing them is not really a concern, because while sea water is not the most corrosive and mean-spirited liquid known to man, it sure isn't nice to anything any human builds approximately ever. They are therefore under more than a hundred feet of rock beneath the ocean floor. More dangerous is actually the prospect of earthquakes; they are far enough west to be away from the closest fault line, but it's still a potential concern. This silo is as prepared as it can be for one, with Japan's best anti-earthquake technology stabilizing the dome that the silo is set in, but; that is the major risk to this location.

The closest civilization is the hydroelectric power plant that Hye-jin's mother quietly bankrolled, and it is both the thing that powers this silo, and the explanation to anyone investigating just what people were spending so much money on out here.

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Hye-jin honestly is pretty fine with the tactics talk and doesn't seem particularly put out by having him want that first, and is if anything proud to tell him about it, but she absolutely lights up at the praise.

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See it's very very easy to get him to do more of the praise thing because whenever she lights up be immediately wants to do more of the thing that caused it. 

She's so clever! This place is so cool! It'll be so useful! The tech is interesting! It looks pretty!

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Actually, most of this was her mother's planning! Hye-jin herself has been minimally involved, and has mostly contributed financially and by having floorplan and interior decorating decisions. Her dad also called in some favors for the electrolysis system for the oxygen down here, he's a chemical engineer, and while he doesn't personally specialize in this in particular, he has some colleagues that were interested in it for submersibles and the support systems for water based dungeons that might crop up. She thinks her mom is planning to set up another company to quietly sell off the sea salt this place is making? Because that's a thing, they can technically just dump the salt back out into the ocean, but if you're already turning sea water into fresh water and oxygen (and hydrogen; this is what powers the generator) you might as well try to figure out something to do with the salt too, right? At least that's how her mother thinks.

Hye-jin is very fond of her parents, and. ... It's kind of clear that a lot of this is them, not her, and. They worked very hard to get their daughter a safe place to be.

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...aww. Okay that's very sweet. He's happy Hye-jin has those people in her life.

He wants to meet them at some point actually that sounds slightly terrifying and also are they even at that point in their relationship and also he doesn't have parents of his own to introduce her to so it feels asymmetrical—

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Not being a mind reader, she has no idea of his thoughts! But she's very happy to have them in her life, too.

Anyway, realistically speaking she will probably still be siloing mostly at Tae-gun's place, because not only is teleporting to this spot expensive, it doesn't properly have internet access. They have their commscreens and there is a relay for communication, but full internet access? Yeah no. Unfortunately not.

Still! They're set if there's a nuclear apocalypse or something!

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...mrrrr. He doesn't like thinking about nuclear apocalypses. He can't do anything about those. Zombie apocalypses he can at least help with.

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She giggles at this, and kisses him.

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Tae-gun maybe should wait until Christmas proper, but—their schedules are unpredictable. Something could happen. He can't afford the risk. Arguably he should've done this earlier, but he spent too long dithering, so now it's Christmas Eve and if he waits until tomorrow and an emergency happens he is going to fling himself into the Han river.

He reviews the things he wants to say, makes sure his clothes are fine, checks that one text message for the hundredth time to make sure he's not fucking it up, then messages Hye-jin.


Wow, Lee Tae-gun, that's an amazing start. Suave.

Do you have anything scheduled for today?

Wait, was that too obvious. Was it stupid. Why else would he ask—he needs to stop thinking. Also if she doesn't reply immediately he will in fact be consumed by the black hole of overthinking in his brain.

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Nope! No dungeons today for me, at least as far as I know

Hye-jin meanwhile has... totally forgotten it's Christmas Eve, actually. Look, it's a confluence, she has an underground silo to properly outfit, and she's figuring out efficient logistics to budget her teleportations of items to said underground silo appropriately. There's a lot to do!
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Would it be okay for me to come over?

Such self-confidence. Much social skill. Wow.

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Sure! I'm at my secret silo
You should just be able to teleport without needing approval now.
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Alright. Here goes nothing.

He teleports.

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He's wearing a suit. A different suit than the ones Hye-jin's seen him in before, dark blue and unbuttoned, with dark red inner linings. He's not wearing a tie, and his black shirt is unbuttoned to his collarbone. He's carrying a flowerpot with five dahlias in it, all of them different colours.

He's trying really hard not to fidget.

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"Come in!" calls Hye-jin, who is in the middle of putting together... something? There are a lot of shelf like things strewn about the living area, and a set of instructions that she's meticulously following.

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Then she spots him and pauses.

"...... uh?" she says, eloquently.

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He had a thing to say!

He has completely forgotten what it was!

"Um." He offers her the flowers. "For you," he says, like a person who knows how to say words. That's who he is, Lee Tae-gun, a known words-sayer.

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"Oh! Dahlias! Thank you, these will be lovely in, hm... I might end up splitting them up, the pink ones will look best in the second guest room, and I think I wanted some color in - um." She has self awareness, and also is aware that her partner is very dressed up and giving her (thankfully living! These flowers are not being sacrificed!) flowers and that this, perhaps, means that it is not interior decorating thoughts time.

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"Yooooou did not come to hear my interior decorating thoughts, probably," she acknowledges, embarrassed.

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"I, um." Fidget fidget. "I mean I love listening to you talk." Fidget. "But um. Do you. Maybe want to. Go out to have lunch with me." Fidget. "In a bit."

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"I - yes? Why wouldn't I -? Oh in a date way! .... I still also mean yes just, um. ... I would like to change into nicer clothes first. If you mean, uh, literally. Right now."

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"I-it doesn't need to be right, um, right now." Though it is, you know, almost lunch. So.

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Giggle. "Right, but it is - yes. Um. I'll. Put this down," she carefully leaves her little Allen wrench at the part of the instructions she was on to mark her place for later, "and go get changed, hold on. I think I have something nice enough here already - uh, how nice should I dress??"

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"However much you want? Um. I haven't gone out on Christmas with anyone before." Except that one guy. "So I don't know." It's easier to dress up when you're a man anyway.

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"OH IT'S CHRISTMAS. ... EVE. Christmas Eve!" Christmas is, in both Japanese and Korean culture, traditionally a couple's holiday. "Oh, um, I. Totally. Forgot. Um. I'll - I should have something nice enough. Just -" she stands up, carefully steps over her obstacle course of disassembled furniture, and very carefully gives him a peck on the cheek.

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She didn't say no? Yay????

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And also she is kissing his cheek! That is also a pretty good sign, probably!

"- yes. Thanks. Getting changed now," she says, before she begins scurrying off. Then she pauses and adds, "Good job, this, um. ... Is really sweet."

And then it's off to go wear real person clothes that one can go on a... date... on. Because. That. Is what they are going to be doing, she has been asked out and said yes and she is delighted and excited and also kind of terrified, she has already clearly messed everything up.

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Oh Goddddddd he's going on a daaaaaate he has no idea what to dooooooo no hang on he has a plan he just needs to execute it it's not a big deal it'll be fine. 


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She returns fairly quickly, in a nice dress, makeup, and carrying a pair of heels.

"Okay, ready," she informs him, carefully stepping over the furniture based obstacle course to go over and. Um. Hold his hand.

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Right, then. He requests a teleport and they go. 

The place they arrive at is a fancy fusion cuisine place whose staff don't obviously stare at them when they arrive, and when they're in it's clear that Tae-gun rented the whole place. "I know it's kind of a dick move but it's lunchtime and it's Christmas Eve anyway so most people aren't off work or anything so I'm probably not really limiting other couples' time and it's really hard to find date ideas that we can do under our circumstances but I figured we might as well and, um."

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"If you could - rent the whole restaurant, then they probably didn't have any reservations already?" offers Hye-jin, who is aware that just getting a private room would have been smarter, but. ... It's really sweet that he rented the whole restaurant. Also it soothes some of her Kang Jaeha related anxieties. "It's very sweet," she adds, because it is.

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He has no idea how to respond to that! Good thing an employee is taking them to a table now where some appetisers are waiting for them already, plus the menu.

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She doesn't know what to say right now either, but. She'll smile at him?

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No there is a script now! They can look at the menu and discuss what to eat! And give each other suggestions! Those are things to say right now.

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And this man said with a straight face he wasn't on the autism spectrum.

Anyway, yes! They can! She will pick something that sounds good and make a suggestion for a side thing to share, because: they do not have to worry about the food not being eaten. Tae-gun's metabolism is powerful and his stomach is vast.

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It kind of is. 

...also he's out of things to say again. That's usually fine but this is a date and they should be doing date things but he has no idea what those are he is bad at going on dates aaaaaa

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Oh no she's failing to be charming and interesting to her date aaaa -

- wait. wait. Hold on. Hye-jin. You're being stupid. This is Tae-gun.

She reaches across the table to gently take his hand, then:

"So I've been tempted to try and get a salt water aquarium setup in my new silo, entirely for the aesthetic. But I think that's probably irresponsible, considering, you know. Living things."

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"...you could maybe set up some system to release food on a schedule and..." Anything more complicated than that would be a waste of money, they're fish. "You could get a holographic aquarium?"

Anxiety: gone. Good job, Kim Hye-jin.

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"Mmmmaybe, yeah. Holographic's a good idea. Mostly I'm just a bit sad about, you know. Lost opportunity." Underwater base. Not a hint of any sign of being underwater. It's a damned shame that sea water is so incredibly bad for things!!!

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Well she doesn't want to say it out loud here where people might be listening! Then it'll give away her silo location! Of. Being somewhere in 70% of the Earth's surface. Hm.

".... It's sort of like having a volcano lair and then not having some kind of lava based fixture?" she hedges, still feeling like she's being Terrible at information security.

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"...well, it doesn't need to be an aquarium, there's lots of similar... decorative choices you could make?"

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"That's true." She props her head on the hand that isn't holding his. "What kind of ideas do you have, then?"

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Sheeeeee's looking at him in that way that makes his heart flutter again.

"I, um, I mean. I'm not. Um. Good at. That."

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"Sure you are! I hadn't even thought of holograms as a potential option. It's a good idea."

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...that's sus. And sounds fake. Like yes he did in fact say that but. Sus.

"Um... Lighting maybe? That can get uncomfortable I guess but the way light behaves and reflects in water is..."

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"Hmm. I think I wouldn't want to make a whole big thing of that, but... maybe for some sort of nightlight situation? Because it gets so dark in there."

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"The problem is that blue is exactly the kind of light you don't want at night, at least if you're planning to sleep, right? So maybe... No, hmm..."

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"That's true. Hm. But it'd be so pretty, and it might be okay if it's not too bright? And has an off switch? Hmm. Now I want to talk to a lighting expert on if there's a way to fake it with green light..."

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"I'm not sure if green light is worse?" he says, grabbing his phone to Google. "Okay so it's half as bad as blue apparently but still not great."

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"That makes it tempting! And I'm not talking like, screen bright? It would just be enough to not trip over the furniture. Which I think is the main focus on blue light keeping people up, I don't super want all nightlights in my silo to be doom coded."

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"'Doom coded'?"

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"I feel like if everything is red and orange lit at night, exclusively, I am hitting the volcano fortress aesthetic. And, well, if I wanted that aesthetic I would have put a house next to a volcano."

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"Oh. Yeah. 

"What about screens along the walls that look like windows into the ocean? Separately, I mean."

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"That'd be nice, yeah!"

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Tae-gun turns out to have more opinions about aesthetics than he'd expected, when prompted. It still doesn't seem like he personally... cares... about whether he's in a pretty environment, but it sure looks like he's somehow managed to absorb some ideas about what a pretty environment is. And that topic leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to another, because he's with Kim Hye-jin and he knows her and she knows him and it's silly in retrospect to worry so much about how the date would go. Yeah, he's never been on a date like this before, and they're going about it the wrong way, really, what with how they already know each other really well and dates are usually the things you do to get to know each other, but it's still going somewhere nice to have nice food and spend some time focusing only on each other. It's hard to go wrong.

"So... I had somewhere else I wanted to go after this," he says once they're done with their main courses but before they can order dessert.

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Dates are also an excuse for people that like each other to spend time together. This is more Hye-jin's experience with dates, and what she thinks of instead of getting to know each other.

"Oh? Well, I'll be happy to follow your date plan. Should I ask or let it be a surprise?"

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"Um. Surprise, if, um, if that's okay? A-and also. Um. If you'd like. I also have. Cake. That we could eat together."

Jaeha was the one who made Tae-gun understand on a visceral level the appeal of this kind of silly tradition and Hye-jin will be the first person he eats cake on Christmas with and, and that basically means they're dating, right? Basically? And then after the cake he had something he wanted to ask her and then he can officially ask her out even though last time she said she wasn't ready to be in a relationship even though they basically already are but also it's been months so maybe she's okay now, right?

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"A surprise sounds good," she replies immediately, before the rest of his statement sinks in -

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- and she is overcome by shyness.

Oh no. Oh no it's scary. She likes what they have right now, what if - being official and eating cake together - messes it up?? Is that possible??? That seems like it's possible! She doesn't want it to be possible! Being Officially A Couple is scary, and a lot, and she wants to be really really sure she wants to date him instead of settling again because he's her partner and it's easy. Because that's what happened last time. She doesn't want it to happen again.

But also she hasn't been asked to spend Christmas together - she had with Hideyoshi but they'd already been dating at that point and it was assumed and. ... She likes being asked. Likes being special to him, likes being invited to a date and treated like a princess and having someone she can just - know and trust and be okay around. It seems silly, to flinch away from the - established terms and tasks for couples when they're... basically already kind of a couple.

Okay. Okay. Stop. Does it sound more fun to eat fried chicken alone on Christmas, or cake with Tae-gun?

"........ cake does too," she murmurs, after a pause that probably went on for too long, blushing.

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Tae-gun was absolutely never going to let her eat fried chicken alone on Christmas even if she refused the cake, is she absolutely nuts.

"O-okay. Um. I've already paid for—everything—so—"

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He gets a message from Woo-young marked urgent on his commscreen.

hyung, open the news right now

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...Woo-young really does have a gift for saying the most concerningly vague things possible, doesn't he.

Fine, he'll open the news.

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?????? Hye-jin notices his distraction and is, predictably, now extremely concerned about what the latest disaster is.

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He turns his screen to show her the news.

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A woman was teleported into the Quasar HQ just now, tied up and gagged and unconscious. She had a note attached to her claiming that she was the person who shot Hye-jin, including some more undisclosed stuff that (Quasar claims) is actually pretty damningly solid evidence of such.

There was also, apparently a box with cake next to her, with a separate note attached to it, its contents also undisclosed.

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But Woo-young sent a new message after his first one with a picture of the note.

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It says "Happy Christmas, Tae-gun-ah."

It's not signed, but it's handwritten in a script Tae-gun is very personally familiar with.

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Okay. Well.

She guesses this holiday and date is ruined now, probably, and - man she'd literally just worked up the courage to do the cake eating tradition thing with Tae-gun and now it's also probably ruined, and, and, fucking hell why is Kang Jaeha like this. How can he just keep finding new and exciting ways to insert himself back into her life somehow and make everything about him and his obsession with Tae-gun. Even catching the person who fucking shot her.

Time to go back to being less important than Kang Jaeha to Tae-gun, like always, she guesses...

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"I," he declares, opening a message to Si-yeon, "do not want to think about this."

LeeTae-gun: Hyung, are you on top of this?
LeeTae-gun: I can't deal with it right now.
LeeTae-gun: Please don't make me.

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He replies instantly.

🪁freefall: i gotchu fam enjoy your date
🪁freefall: before u panic abt how it is that i know about it it's fucking obvious is how

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"Can we get out of here and pretend that fucking guy doesn't exist."

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Blink blink.

It - would be more strategically smart to in fact immediately try to figure out how to respond to, apparently, Kang Jaeha fucking dropping the assassin off, and how that has probably absolutely ruined the entire trail for how he was definitely the fucker who hired them, and -

- but yeah, she doesn't want to deal with it right now, either.

"Yeah," she agrees, nodding and. Trying not to cry.

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Okay. Cool. Good. He takes her hand and they teleport.

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It's night, where they arrive, and far away from city lights, so it will take a moment for her eyes to get accustomed to the darkness. Once they do, though, she will find herself on a plateau overlooking very, very extensive canyons. The view is...


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Tae-gun isn't going to wait for that, though; as soon as they arrive he's hugging her.

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Oh. Good. Hugs.

... Sniffle.

"He's such a dick," she mumbles into his shoulder, even though Tae-gun said he wants to pretend he doesn't exist, and Hye-jin does too, just. Just. What a dick. What an entitled dick, even!!

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Yeah. "Fuck him. Fuck him very much. I don't—Hye-jin-ah, I don't want him to ruin this for us. I want to—I want you to look at the sky, for me."

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"I - yeah." Sniffle. "Give me like a minute or two to stop crying so I can see it properly, I'd be ruining it if I looked now. Um. And - thanks?"

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"...yeah." He can keep hugging her and petting her soothingly and—that's also soothing him, honestly, he's not feeling like crying but he's feeling angry and he doesn't want to feel angry, he wants to feel in love. Hugging her close, feeling her warmth against his body. That's what he wants to feel right now. "You're my top priority. Not him."

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"Saying sweet things like that isn't helping!!!" she giggle-sobs, because. Because. Being told that she's his top priority makes her want to cry more, not less.

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Okay, well, so long as she's crying for a good reason rather than that fucking guy. He can handle that.

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It doesn't take her too long to stop, though the first thing she looks at is his face instead of the sky.

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...okay that's really flattering and is also making him blush again.

"H-hi," he says, which is approximately the dumbest possible thing he could say right now.

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"Hi," she says, then she kisses him. Not a long kiss, just a gentle peck. To let him know that she cares. "What do you think, do my eyes look clear enough to properly take in the view?"

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Okay. Then - she'll look around, and see what kind of vista he's brought her to.

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It's the Grand Canyon, in the United States.

It's the Grand Canyon at night, with no sun and no light pollution.

The moonlight lets her see her surroundings, and the sky is filled with stars.

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It's a lovely and clear night, chilly though it is. There isn't a cloud in the sky, and they're far away from any lights that might disturb the view. It's gorgeous.

"Wow," she murmurs, staring up in wonder.

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See, that was the reaction he wanted her to have immediately, rather than that fucking guy ruining it. But it's fine. He's fine. They're fine. Ha Si-yeon is dealing with it and he can actually just follow through on his promise to forget about it and focus on her.

He pulls away from the hug and takes her hand again. "I came here once to help with an S-rank that had been hiding for a long time," he says, rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. "And I never really got the opportunity," or had the willingness, "to come back and appreciate it without work hanging over my head. This is the first time."

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"Really? I - guess it is a bit of an expense, isn't it," a frigid breeze whips past her dress and she lets out a snort, "and a little chilly, but." She leans into him and grins, then warms the air around them. "Funny thing, having you here makes it easier to keep us warm. Thank you for bringing me."

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Honestly it had completely failed to occur to him that Hye-jin's dress was inappropriate for this weather, he had been too busy ogling her it is perfectly allowed for him to feel and express attraction for his arguably-girlfriend.

"I want to go more places with you. Make memories. Memories that aren't just dungeons. ...not that doing dungeons with you isn't, isn't fun or, I mean, you know what I mean. I want you to be in my life."

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"Yeah. I - want you in my life, too. Even if all dungeons closed tomorrow and I were forced to boil water for my salary."

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"...I had a thing I wanted to say and I'm not sure I'll remember it all but I don't want to just read from my notes, but—is it okay if I try?"

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"Yeah. Though - honestly I - would also be fine if you read it from your notes, it's. Sweet to think that you put that much thought into this?"

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Tae-gun nods but decides to not read them anyway. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, then looks into her eyes. "I love you. You saved me from myself, and I, I hate being a story trope like this. I hate that I needed saving, and I hate that, that this, this maps so neatly to, to stupid romance stories. I love you. I think you're amazing. I love you for who you are, I want you to be the best you can be, I want you to be happy, and—you want me to be the best I can be, you want me to be happy, and you mean it, and, and you helped me get my friends back, and you helped me—have a life again. And I want to share that life with you." He stops as he realises what that sounded like, then stammers, "I, I'm not, like, proposing or anything," yet, "I mean, I just mean that I want to stay with you. But—if you ever want to leave—I don't—but if you—I just mean to—I'm bad at this." He definitely forgot how the rest of it went.

Another deep breath, then he continues. "I mean to say that I'm, I'm okay now. Or, not okay, not totally, but I'll, I'll live. I'm not gonna die anymore, I don't need saving or rescuing anymore. It's, you helped me get here. And I love you. And I want you to be with me if you like me, and not be with me if you don't, and not think about—about how I might self-destruct through backlash or neglect or anything like that. Because I'm okay now.

"So—what I mean is—do you want to date me? Officially, I mean."

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Well now she's crying again. The good kind, though. Sniffle, sniffle.

"... Yeah," she agrees. "I - I think so? All of my doubts are like - I'm scared of losing what we have now, I'm scared of making the same mistake again, I'm scared of doing what's comfortable instead of what I want, but. I. Think I want you? Um. As I get to know the - the you that has a life and friends and, and taking me to the other side of the world for a date and. It's sweet. I like you, and I like this, and. ... Probably we've been basically dating for a while now, this is just a word, and I've been very silly?"

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"I, I mean, we've been going at it in, in a weird order, right, I mean, we basically started living together out of necessity and we, um, we've been, you know, intimate and stuff, but this is our first real date, and, and we were first coworkers, and, um, what I mean is that I don't know what we've been doing but it's probably pretty close to dating but it had a lot of work in it and a lot of being cooped up in my silo and I want to do the other dating things with you, too, so. I guess it's. Not that different. But it's a bit different."

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"A bit. Um. Promise that things won't - I don't know, change from here, and you'll keep...?" she doesn't know how to finish this sentence, and isn't sure how to describe what she'd like him to keep doing. The words 'putting effort into her' seem so... pathetic.

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"...I, if anything changes I, I hope it'll be for the better? Um, I mean. I don't know what—I'm not going to ask you to be my housewife if that's—"

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"I wasn't afraid of that, just, just - I - I don't know, there was a point where, in my last relationship, I - stopped being worth the effort. And asking for - anything like this - was basically weaponized against me, picked up by the media and turned into -" She shrugs, helplessly. 'Fire princess.' It doesn't sting as much anymore, especially with her having apparently ascended to the fire throne to become queen, which she finds pretty funny, but. ... It still stings a little. "- well. What happened. So. Um. Changes for the better are good, probably, just. I do still kind of want to keep things like - this? I like this."

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He takes both her hands into his and lifts them to his lips to kiss her knuckles. "I like this, too. And I like you. I'm not going to—give up on you. On us. And if I do then—kick my ass to the curb because I suck. You deserve everything."

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"Okay. Thank you." Sniffle. "You do too. If that wasn't clear. I'm sorry I'm a bit fucked up."

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"...Hye-jin-ah I think I definitely win any kind of fucked upness competition, here."

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This earns more giggling.

"Okay, yes, and you also win the shittiest ex award, between the two of us, just. I guess what I mean is thank you."

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"It feels weird to say 'you're welcome' for something like—this—but—you're welcome.

"And I think you said you'd eat cake with me."

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"I did! I did say I'd eat cake with you! Is here your fantastic vista for it, because if so, full marks."

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"Yeah." He can spawn a (thick) picnic blanket for them to sit on from the remote storage and he can get another blanket for her if she's cold (though she can just, you know, keep warming them up, he supposes), and then he can spawn the cake he got from a bakery that sells the best cake he's ever had so that they can share.

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Sounds fantastic! And she'll be happy to keep them both warm, since her partner is right there and it gives her every reason to keep close to him.

The cake is, in fact, delicious.