I wish it was all a dream
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Great! Good job, Kim Hye-jin!

In that case Marian will ask Elaine to make sure everything is prepared for a rapid-fire central line placement arterial line placement intubation not necessarily in that exact order (because Dr Hulka is normally polite but not so much if you summon her to a room for a procedure and do not have everything lined up and ready for her), and Alison can help her get the patient on the heart monitor and put a blood pressure cuff on her arm and a pulse ox probe on her...earlobe, Marian decides, she has the pediatric one in her pocket and she doesn't really expect to get a good reading on a finger...and take her temperature. With the specialized ER thermometer that does not give an error message for numbers below 32° C, because Marian thought ahead. 


Her temperature is low, at 31° C, but not quite low enough to explain her unconsciousness, but - oh that heart rate and blood pressure sure clear up that mystery. Blood pressure is 80/40, and her heart rate is, in professional medical terms: yikes.


(...okay while they're busy checking on her, is there a camera anywhere in this room?)


(There is absolutely not a camera in the room! HIPAA, you know, and if anything espers tend to be more concerned about their medical privacy.) 


That is indeed a yikes heart rate. Hye-jin is compensating really hard for massive hypovolemia and Marian doesn't know how long she can keep up even that much of a blood pressure for - it's actually not as bad as she had been worried it might be given the sheer quantity of blood no longer inside her body - but plausibly not that long, 31 C isn't low enough to be that worried she'll go into V-fib if you sneeze in her direction but it's definitely bad enough to be affecting her cardiac output. 

Oxygen saturation is 95% on room air with a pretty real-looking waveform on the screen. One system is still okay! Probably not for long, now that she's unconscious, but hypothermia will reduce her oxygen needs and her backlash doesn't - shouldn't? - involve any direct fuckery with her lungs. Marian will shove an oxygen mask on her face and put intubation on the bottom of her mental list. 

There are fluids running through the sketchy peripheral IV, by gravity with the clamp wide open, but still not flowing as fast as Marian would like. She sticks the saline bag in a pressure bag and inflates it (and watches to make sure it's actually flowing and the vein is a good enough one to take it, okay looks good for the moment, moving on.) Saline is not going to help for long - pressors probably won't do much at all - she needs blood, they weren't specifically expecting massive blood loss but it comes up enough with dungeon stuff that they prepared for it anyway, they obviously know Hye-jin's blood type, and the entire unit saw them rush past with blood everywhere so almost certainly someone is on that but she should, in fact, check.

"Elaine, make sure blood is on its way?" 

Also, it's a nursing-wisdom fact, which she learned from Alison who's been working here for a decade, that exchanging bodily fluids with an esper partner helps with backlash. And they do have a machine for direct person-to-person blood transfusions, though Marian has done the setup for it exactly once.

"Hey," Marian says to Tae-gun, absently, "what's your blood type?" If it's compatible then she can take ten seconds to try to think of a tactful way to ask if he's been tested for HIV and hepatitis C. 


"A-negative." He also needs a tactful way to ask them to put some cameras in here if possible and he should be asking it already he should have ALREADY ASKED IT but it's SO AWKWARD and asking for awkward things in English is EVEN HARDER and AUGHHHHHH.


"...You know the thing where fluid exchange is even better than contact for guiding? Um, we do direct blood transfusions sometimes and you're the same blood type."

Aaaaaaaaaand how does she aaaaaask how certain he is that he doesn't have HIV. On top of everything else, he's not North American and speaks English as a second language and espers kind of have their own culture to begin with, she has no idea which ways of phrasing it might accidentally be incredibly offensive. She should grit her teeth and ask anyway because it could be really important but - 


Alison can guess what Marian is trying to ask, given that it's a box on the checklist for the somewhat archaic direct-blood-transfusion machine that looks like a robot from an 80s movie.

However, there are ways to get around it, and. There was the whole thing with the lava dungeon. That was all over the news and Alison, unlike Marian, actually owns a television. (And occasionally reads trashy gossip magazines.) 

"You use the standard guiding strategy, yeah?" she says, which she thinks is very diplomatic. 


What....is the "standard guiding strategy"? Marian feels like she should know this but she's drawing a blank on what, or what it could possibly have to do with blood transfusions. 


"It means they fuck," Alison whispers to Marian, not quite quietly enough that Tae-gun won't be able to overhear it. 



(Also did Alison just say that out loud with her actual mouth, whyyyy. Espers have hyperacute senses!!! Tae-gun probably heard that!)

...ohhhhhhh fluid exchange, they can ignore the checkbox because any diseases will probably have been passed back and forth already and it's approximately equivalent to them having already done emergency blood transfusions for guidance already. Right. 

Marian is going to make herself very busy sterilizing Hye-jin's upper chest in preparation for Dr Hulka showing up to place a subclavian central line. 


Oh my God are they actually going to make him answer that directly with his facemouth. They are, aren't they.

"Yes, we do," he says, trying not to SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST. "Use it, I mean." STOP SAYING WORDS YOU FOOL.


"Excellent. There's a consent form for it, I'll track it down once things are a little quieter." 


Elaine hurries in with a bag of hospital-supply blood to cosign with Alison and hang running into the peripheral IV, about thirty seconds before Dr Hulka breezes in with the ultrasound machine and starts donning her sterile gown and gloves to place the central line. She doesn't address Tae-gun at all, she's busy and talking to relatives or esper partners is the nurses' job. 


Marian is not desperately busy - for the next 60 seconds or so, at least, until Dr Hulka is ready for the procedure - and will make eye contact with Tae-gun and try to convey via eyebrows that she has not forgotten he exists. 


Oh cool excellent that's an opening yes how does he—business face. Public face. He can do this. He does this every day. Breathe in, breathe out, public face.

He lets go of Hye-jin's hand (not without flinching, but they're still the kind of insanely compatible that he can guide her from a reasonable distance so it's not that big a deal) and walks up to Marian. "Ms. Daly," he says, quietly. "I am not sure if you are the person I should be talking to about this, but I believe my partner was victim of an assassination attempt. The person who attempted it somehow managed to slip through a dungeon portal undetected despite numerous witnesses. I don't know of a way to counter that—but if my guess as to who was responsible for it is correct, then I believe we should want cameras here, ideally uploading their footage directly to secure external servers. If the hospital has any procedures to deal with informational hazards or illusion espers, I would request that you put those in place, or ask someone who could." He bows. "Please."


Did he just bow to her. Marian has no idea what the appropriate acknowledgement is for that! 

"...Alison?" Alison has been working here for a decade and is generally acknowledged to be one of the best nurses on the unit, and she's been putting herself out there for the Weird Esper Shit for years; she's the person to ask. "Do we have a camera system for, um, dealing with informational hazards or illusion espers? That uploads to an external server?"

She has friends on the Internet who would definitely know stuff about setting that up but they absolutely don't work for Renown Regional Medical Center and presumably the system needs to, like, be HIPAA compliant? 


...Also she's going to discreetly position herself where they can continue the conversation with Tae-gun still in reach of her patient's hand, because it's slightly freaking her out knowing that he's her esper partner and seeing him break contact. 


Alison does seem to have any idea what Tae-gun could possibly be talking about! 

"We don't have something ready-to-go, I'm afraid, this hasn't come up before. We can figure it out, I'm sure, I'll call the tech support department, but - if it's urgent I can Facetime our colleague who's off today and point the camera at her, and he can screen-record and save it? Not a secure server but I can start it right now." 


There is no way that's HIPAA compliant!!!!!

...On the other hand, an information-hazardous illusion esper assassination plot also sounds really bad!!!! 

She nods and waits for Tae-gun's response. He is down in Hye-jin's chart as having been granted prior authority to make medical decisions on her behalf and "preventing assassins by bending patient privacy rules" is arguably a medical decision. 


He nods to her and bows again. "Thank you very much, Ms. Alison—" Why is her last name blacked out on her badge. What??? Why would anyone do this???? "That would be very useful. If there is any way I can help—with this or anything else—please let me know." And then, yes, he can hold Hye-jin's hand again.


Awwww what a sweet shy man. The gossip magazines did not convey his personality correctly at all.

"Of course." And she'll Facetime Richard, another nurse on the unit and incidentally her boyfriend, very briefly explain the situation, and then attach her phone to a canister of sani-wipes with medical tape so she can have the camera pointed at Hye-jin. 


"Of course." Marian tries to smile reassuringly at him. "We're going to place a central line for fluids and blood, and a line in her wrist to monitor her blood pressure, and put in a breathing tube, and then we're going to be working on rewarming measures. Please tell me if you have questions, I know it's - a lot." 


Aaaand Dr Hulka is giving her an expectant look so she'd better focus and help with the central line placement now. 


...Tae-gun does not like this at all. The last time Hye-jin was under life-threatening hypothermia the solution was several hours of—guiding—and didn't involve any of these unpleasant-sounding things. He much preferred that treatment.

He nods, anyway. "No questions. I'll stay out of your way." To the extent possible while he's still holding her hand.


"You're doing fine." He's remarkably good at not being in the way, really. 


Dr Hulka is frowning at the hastily-dressed chest wound. "...That's not bleeding much, Huh." Obvious glance at the blood now drying over half her body, and the heart rate and blood pressure numbers on the monitor screaming that it's definitely her blood that should be in her body and isn't. "I was assuming she'll need the OR once we have her stabilized. Anything I missed in the report on her injuries?" 


"Nnnnot really." There was not a 'report' as such. "I think they moved her here almost immediately, like, all they did over there was an IV." 


"We need scans but I'm not taking her on a field trip right now. Put in for a bedside chest X-ray stat, please. - Line's in." Dr Hulka ties off the second suture holding it in place, steps back, and snaps off her first set of sterile gloves to reveal the second, fresh pair for starting on the arterial line placement. 

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