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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"Which is not only reasonable but actually advantageous if people know it in advance. And it's not like it'd ever be worth letting the Enemy tamper with your head anyway, for any price -"


"My soul has its convenient moments! And yeah no kidding."


And the sleep experiment?


The silver light wakes him up. He blinks a few times and then grins.


"Seems like you're safe."


"Seems like I am. Time to try for an immortality power?"


"I think so."


Taliar smiles.

And then he sits up and holds his soul in his hands and looks Maitimo in the eye, and he says - in Nuimena, because that's the language in which it's been trying to put itself together in the back of his head for a week -

"I swear on my soul I will always come back to you, Nelyafinwë Maitimo. No weapon, no god, no law of nature will keep me from your side while you still want me there. I love you, I will love you forever, I'm yours, I want to be yours forever, and you can give me up but I refuse to be taken away."

It clicks in immediately, he can feel it—his soul shines bright and beautiful, an enchantingly gorgeous swirl of blue and silver and gold—it's tied into his healing aura and it feels like it's been building for days already, no wonder the aura's radius hasn't been growing as fast as expected—and Taliar is glowing too, a pure bright gold like sunlight under his skin. The light takes a few seconds to fade; the power stays, a warm certainty in his mind, a gift, a promise.


Mine, he whispers back delightedly, mine, all mine -


Taliar grins, golden light fading from his eyes, and he puts his soul down and his hands in Maitimo's hair and kisses him.


I am just going to take your word for it that that worked.


My soul may sometimes be slow on the uptake but it never, ever lies. Love you, love you, love you forever and ever and ever.


Love you. Now no acquiring minor superpowers until you've killed my evil god, yes?


I will do my very best not to pick up anything else too permanent to be reallocated for godslaying.


Hugs. And the test of whether fully voluntary mindcontrol still works -


Fully voluntary mind control works perfectly and Taliar is so happy and so high on trust songs and so extremely interested in kissing Maitimo.


Oh, good, that sounds like a great way to spend the evening.


Taliar on trust songs thinks so too! Taliar on trust songs has lots of great ideas about how to spend the evening.


Which Taliar-not-on-trust-songs isn't even likely to feel betrayed over and be upset about in the morning!


Taliar-not-on-trust-songs, when at last he is available for comment, thinks that was amazing and wants to hear all about what Maitimo saw in his head and what he thought of it.


Oh, so so much - Taliar's the opposite of reserved anyway, but Taliar on trust songs is simultaneously so sure of himself and so clingy, it's adorable, he can send everything - the memories are positively bursting with delight -


Eeeeeeee. Taliar is so happy. Maitimo-happy-because-of-him is one of his very favourite things to experience ever. And he loves the analysis, loves the insight into his head, loves Maitimo's fascination with it.


Well, he has such a fascinating head. He delights Maitimo so.


That is good. He is very very glad to delight Maitimo. He is so very helplessly in love and it's great, it's the best. Love you forever.


Yeah. Wish I were the kind of person who counted towards your soul. But not - by alteration, just - innately -

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