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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Actually being homesick is a big help to his plausibility. And spending time with his friends is a big help to his recovery timeline. The spark grows.


That's good. 

(The assumptions his friends are making are only a little off, but far enough so to annoy him. He will be visibly grouchy on the subject if it comes up.)


Taliar does in fact wonder what his friends are assuming. He's usually much better than this at convincing people of things.


"Remember how I told you homosexuality is unacceptable here and so most people would consider me evil for having a boyfriend? They're assuming we slept together and that's what debased your soul."


"...Well," says Taliar. "I could probably convince them they were on the wrong track, but I might have to spend less time with you to do it, and fuck that, I'm not giving up a second with you for the sake of that nonsense."


Squeeze. "You are a delight. And it's, as wrong assumptions go, probably better than - I don't know what people'd guess back home if this happened to you -"


Not a second. Not even if it was a bad second. His soul shines quietly with the exaltation of resolve.

"Bunch of people's minds would jump to 'he must have done something soul-shatteringly evil himself', bunch of people's minds would jump to 'he must have had a sudden emotional crisis', bunch of people would just be confused and frightened, it splits off from there into assorted theories about what I did or what happened to me... if there was a reasonably obvious new boyfriend in the mix, plenty of people would figure you were bad news somehow but I can't imagine anyone stumbling on the actual sequence of events through speculation..."


"People here mostly haven't guessed but also mostly don't have the same - if you told them they'd think it rather inappropriate to talk about, mostly..."


"It'd be a mild scandal among people with nothing better to do if I married you - there's a certain kind of person who gets really offended when a noble marries any season but spring - and consequently that same sort of person would be a little uneasy with how hopelessly in love with you I am, but just having a boyfriend in and of itself isn't that remarkable. Uncommon, gossip-worthy, but nobody'd call it evil."


"Here it'd be assumed coercive even if it weren't, there's no concept of anything else -"


"I don't know about you but I find myself suddenly motivated to have the healthiest relationship in the world out of spite," says Taliar, smiling crookedly.


"I feel like we might already have failed at that!"


He giggles. "Okay, fair. I don't know, I think we've done pretty well under the circumstances."


"Yeah, true. Your good influence." He kisses his nose.


"Awww." He scrunches his nose adorably. "Happy to help. Love you forever."


He runs the next strategic experiment the next day. He is holding Taliar's soul and snuggling him and he starts singing the trust song.


The same hard silver light, stronger now that Taliar's soul has grown since the last time. Taliar, of course, doesn't notice any of it, he's too busy living in a storm of giddy affection.


Okay. And if he sings something less obviously dangerous - happiness? -


Still with the silver light.


He tells Taliar this later.


"Well, that's reassuring."


"Yep! Just the question of while you're sleeping, now, but I bet it works then too."


"Yeah. And the question of whether mind control I actively agree to still goes through, which I'm sure it does but would still be happy to check..."


"Wonder if it goes through if your agreement is coerced but that's harder to test."


"Just a little, yes. At a guess, no, I bet what my soul is enforcing is in fact its own standards of consent."

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