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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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He raises an eyebrow. "I'm guessing that's a yes?"


"Yeah! I have no idea where to even start looking, though."


"Would, uh– Sir Auron know anything about it, do you think?"

Theo's smiling a bit now.


"He might. I wouldn't trust my ten-year-old memories of him, though, and he apparently spent the intervening time in Tidus' Zanarkand."


"Hm," says Theo. "I didn't put this together properly earlier – wasn't focusing on it properly, sorry – Sir Auron was your father's guardian, and was originally from Spira, and you know him from when you were ten years old, and then, uh, some time ago he went to Tidus's Zanarkand and brought Tidus up, and then Tidus and he arrived in Spira – returned in his case?"


"I know him from ten years ago—I was eight."


"I got here alone, but if he came from here I guess he must be able to visit like that."


"How long did he raise you for? As in, was it from ten years ago until just a short while ago, or did he actually look after you a bit before he disappeared from here, or has he been back for a while? – Did he even disappear from here, do you know?"


"He appeared in Zanarkand a while after my old man vanished."


"And disappeared from here after they defeated Sin, a while after his old man appeared here."


Nod. "Has he made any sort of public announcement about his disappearance?"


He lets out a dry 'ha.' "Auron's not the type."


"… What type is he?"


"Not many words, doesn't like attention, a bit cynical."




They get to the café, and look around.

"Can't see him, can you?"





Anybody who looks potentially ex-guardian-like?


Nope. Tidus and Kaede start asking around.


Theo can do likewise! He's probably attracting attention with his wings – maybe he can put it to good use by asking where Sir Auron is?


He can! People are surprised to hear Sir Auron's around, even moreso than they are by Theo's wings.


He doesn't know! He just heard that apparently he is and he's helping a friend look.


Friend? Oh, is that Lord Braska's... son? People diverge on whether Lord Braska even had a son, some seem to think he had a daughter.

And while they're talking, two taller ronso make their way to Kimahri from the back of the café.

"Why not talk, Kimahri? Not see Yenke for ten years! Say something! Kimahri forget Yenke? Forget Biran?" the brown-haired one asks.

"Leave Kimahri, Yenke. Kimahri is small Ronso. Kimahri so small can't see Yenke and Biran's faces," the other says.


(Okay so maybe it's not a friend but Theo felt that was more succinct and required less explanation than 'the guy who summoned me, no I'm not an aeon, yes I'm kinda unprecedented, cool'.)

He tries to casually make his way in the direction of Kimahri and the probably-dicks, just in case.


"Kimahri forget Ronso friends? We taught you much at time of horn-molt! Biran taught Kimahri to be strong Ronso," the one called Yenke taunts.

"Maybe taught too much," Biran teases.

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