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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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"It would be expected to, yes."


"So based on that I don't think I ought to fear becoming a Maker, much. Except for the part where you guys don't have the gender magic, that would suck."


"Yeah, probably, but – I mean, you could sort of hack it in a slightly horrifying way as a Maker, I think, and it's not too difficult if you're a Changer and doing it to yourself." Pause. "But I'm able to do your magic so I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to do the gender magic, since you already have it?"


"Do you take material objects with you when you die? I need the dressphere to do it."


"– I'm pretty sure you don't take things with you, because you leave a body, but I've not actually had this confirmed," he responds. "And – if you die while male, using the sphere, you might take the magic with you unless it's an illusion or something?" Shrug. "I don't know how magic things interact with this, since usually humans don't end up with actually magic stuff either."


"It's not an illusion, it's just made of pyreflies."


"I don't have any idea how having a body made of pyreflies interacts with anything except for so far you seeming to be, for all intents and purposes, physically male, let alone how it would interact with ex-summoners becoming daeva."


"For all intents and purposes I am physically male right now. But if I died the body would probably dissolve and become female."


"… Still not sure on how that'd interact. It's definitely more borderline than, like, clothes would be, but I don't even know for sure how those work so I'm really not sure."


"Unsent can change their form more-or-less at will..."


Shrug. "I can change my form more-or-less at will, too, I guess? But that's because I'm a Changer, not because I'm a daeva, and I don't know how being unsent would interact with this, nor if you could somehow be sent to the Farplane if you were a daeva because the magic doesn't register you've got a new body properly, or what."


He shrugs helplessly.


Theo does likewise! "So, I don't recall if I offered this to you two yet but I offered it to Tidus at least – since I have the ability to change things physically, anything in particular you would like changed? I have no idea how this will interact with the dressphere, but if your female form has some birthmark you dislike or something I can remove that. Probably. Depending on how your magic thing works."


"Way it works is it turns me into who I'd be if I were a boy, and I quite like the way I look." He looks down at his nearly-unclad body then grins up at Theo. "Both ways I look."


Theo looks at him briefly too, then shrugs. "It was just in case."


"Yeah, I know—" He pauses, and looks up at Kimahri. " you want your horn back?"


He grunts.


"… Was that a yes? And, uh, what did it look like if so?"


"No," he says simply.

And that is that.


Shrug. "So, what now? Anything in particular I should be doing that you think would be useful while you're– doing whatever?"


"I'm not really doing a whole lot, it's really just waiting around—"

A couple of people pass by and one says to the other, "I heard Sir Auron was in The Old Shoopuf! We should go see him!"



"I have no idea who that is," says Theo, possibly unhelpfully.


"Sir Auron was Lord Braska's guardian." She looks at Kaede. "As was Tidus' father. And a man named Auron raised Tidus after Sir Jecht's disappearance."


"Lord Braska was, uh, your parent…?" he asks Kaede.


"My father, yes."

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