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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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"… I thought Tidus was from the not-your-Zanarkand, so I'm confused about how his father would have been Lord Braska's guardian."


"He was lost at sea ten years ago and washed up in Spira. My father's always been the sort to help the weak and helpless, and got Sir Jecht out of prison for drunk brawling and made him his guardian."


"Nnnot the most flattering of descriptions," Lulu sighs.


"So you have some recurring thing where people disappear from not-your-Zanarkand and appear in Spira?"


"Sir Jecht was the first. Tidus, the second. As far as we know, anyway."


"Do you have any more information on the particular differences between your Zanarkand and not-your-Zanarkand? Since it seems sort of weird that there might be some hidden alternate version of a place, somewhere."


"Pretty much exactly the same as our records would lead us to expect, modulo being an island, and our records are pretty spotty anyway."


"Weird," he says. "So– what do Lords actually do here, because there are the Maesters that are part of the religion… Are Lords just people who own lots of land, or are they particularly high-up summoners, or…?"


"No, that's an alternative title to high summoner, you can say Lord Braska instead of High Summoner Braska."


"– Lulu told me that people posthumously receive the title of 'high summoner' after they defeat Sin. I assume that is not the only way to get the title seeing as how Lord Braska is a high summoner and is presumably not dead?"


"Oh my father's dead."


"– Oh." Pause. "Sorry."


"It's fine, and he saved lots of lives."


Nod. "That's– good then."




"So, um, Sir Auron is presumably quite important then?"


"Yes." She looks at Kaede. "You should probably bring Tidus with you and go look for Sir Auron."


He sighs. "I know."


"… For a particular purpose or is this part of the local religion and standards of society, that you need to pay respects to local sirs or something?"


She looks at him for a second, then says, "I did mention Sir Auron raised him."


"Right, but why were the other people so excited about this? Is it common to go around introducing oneself to guardians of High Summoners and– getting autographs or something? Are they like local celebrities? I'm assuming that Kaede is visiting too because it's probably 'kind of like an uncle' or something."


When Kaede doesn't elect to answer, she sighs and explains: "They are more like worldwide celebrities, you could say. And Sir Auron in particular is thought of as the best guardian there ever was, and the title legendary guardian is sometimes applied."


"Right," he says, nodding. "Should I go too at some point, introduce myself? Presumably not the same time as Tidus and Kaede, at least not straight away, wouldn't want to intrude, but would that be expected of a foreign visitor or something? – I don't actually know how many foreign visitors you get nor how far they come from since you're apparently sort of low-tech."


"Are you even paying attention? We don't get foreign visitors, courtesy of Sin killing everything not in Spira. You, Tidus, and Sir Jecht are unprecedented."


"– You don't get visitors from other continents, but you still have individual islands? I'm not clear how much of a single country you all are and what would be expected of some random person from another country if you have plural and what would be expected of some powerful summoner from such a country, or even if you have them, and there is no need to try chewing me out for not instantaneously understanding everything about your culture."

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