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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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Well that's, um. Probably sort of. Ouch. Or something. (Theo's not clear on how the horn thing works but he expects that's probably some sort of harsh insult.)

Fortunately, though, he doesn't even need to be nearby if he were to want to stop a fight breaking out or something. He's getting nearby anyway, because it's probably easier to insert himself between them than to, like, slowly produce a block of metal between them or getting the timing to glue their– shoes? Do they have shoes? – to the ground.


Nope! They have hind paws.

"Take 'em on," encourages Tidus.


… Why. Why would you say that.



And Kimahri takes the advice and uppercuts Yenke, knocking him out.


Oh for fuck's sake are you kidding him he actually listened of course he did ugh.

Theo inserts himself between the ronso and asks, "What the fuck was that?"


"Take it outside," calls the bartender, "the tournament's starting, you hear?"

"The game!" yelps Tidus.


Kimahri growls, and Biran says, "These are ronso matters! Who does puny winged human think he is?"


"I'm the one telling you to quit it before you get arrested or something! I don't know what the hell the local laws are on violence but I am assuming the answer is not feel free."


"Biran and Yenke just talking, Kimahri start fight—"

"Kimahri, Theo, Kaede's gone!" Tidus exclaims.


"Gone where, any idea? Is there actually any reason to panic here or are you just shouting dramatically?"

He gives the ronso who was speaking a glare.


"Kimahri guardian, not supposed to leave Kaede."

And out he goes.


Tidus goes after.


Theo sighs, looks back at the ronso, says, "How about you stop being such dicks, yeah?" and then goes off after them.


Lulu meets up with them at the plaza in front of the café. "Where in Spira have you been!? Kaede's been kidnapped by the Al Bhed Psyches. In exchange for her safe return, they want the Aurochs to lose."


"… Why the hell would people kidnap someone, anyone, let alone Kaede, to get the Aurochs to lose? Any idea?"


"Their first game is against the Aurochs."


"Let's go get him! This will be no problem. The Psyches telling the Aurochs to throw the game, like they need to! I mean, how good a team can they be if they need that?"


"… Do you have any idea where he is?" asks Theo. "Or any Al Bhed to conveniently taunt us about the fact they took him?"


"The Al Bhed boat, in dock four."


"Should I just go fly over it, see if he's visible on deck? 'Cause unless you can think of an issue with that plan, might save you all having to try fetch him."


"Good idea—go!"


He does so!

He's pretty fast at flying.


And he'll find a bound and gagged Kaede being carried by Al Bhed to be loaded into their boat.


How about if he converts the bindings into air.


Well isn't he helpful.

The Al Bhed are surprised, which Kaede wastes no time being—he rolls away from them, twirls around his feet and spreads his arms out—

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