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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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"They are really quite small and they make up living creatures and have subcomponents and– do things together. Cells, that is. Bacteria are some of the things that cause illness, can be protected against, viruses also do that, a few other microorganisms too…? They're all really small and I don't know what level of tech you're at but if you don't know about bacteria then it's sort of weird that you have the ability to record things."


"A lot of technology and knowledge was lost a thousand years ago and just—never got recovered. We use magic to deal with illnesses, though."


"I don't know the specifics of how non-strength-sphere magic things work, so does that suppress the symptoms and stop people from dying, or actually cure them and stop them being contagious, or…?"


"Healing magic restores your body to a previous healthy condition. It can't fix everything, and some things get too ingrained for the magic to disentangle, but illnesses are easily removed."


"Can you fix mental illnesses that way, too? I assume not, because 'previous healthy condition' would apply weirdly to the brain – you know that mental illnesses exist and the brain is where you have thoughts, right?" Pause. "At least, that is back home but I have no clue if your biology acts the same, especially since you seem to have non-human sapients?"


"That's also how it works here, yeah."


"Okay," he says. "I'm not clear what assumptions I can safely make about how things work, here, because daeva summoning circles don't work properly, you have a magic system that seems quite separate from the one I'm used to, and also you're lacking in some technological knowledge and you have, like I said, non-human sapients, which while technically I guess we sorta do back where I'm from they're all basically-or-very-similar-to humans, like me."


"It doesn't sound like it'll hurt to just ask whenever it becomes relevant," he shrugs.


Shrug. "Okay, I will do that then."


"So, what'd you do yesterday and this morning?"


"Helped out on the shore over at– whatever the previous place was called, then at dusk they stopped for the day so I flew over the water, saw the boat and everyone was asleep so I decided to continue on to Luca, got shot at, lost my phone, lost the spheres, went a long route around to Luca, found out that it was an accident, walked around a bit, then went and retrieved my phone and the spheres." Pause. "Oh, and also I got some cash because it's kinda convenient to have it around – apparently you guys still value gold even though it's less than I expected."


"Oh, that's such cheating—if you can turn anything into anything why didn't you make stuff like, I dunno, jewellery or other hard-to-fashion things?"


"Well, I don't really need all that much cash immediately, I wasn't sure what sorts of things people would like better than others and I wasn't sure I should go around advertising my powers, and also I have no idea what your rules are on trading gems and things – so I could have made some sort of, I dunno, gold ring if those are worth more, but I didn't really need to."


"Rules? Why would there be rules about that?"


"I'm not absolutely certain but I think it's because – like, diamonds and things used to be really expensive to get back home, so presumably if you had a large quantity of it and you're trying to sell it to some random merchant, you stole it and are trying to pawn it off. And then nowadays people know about daeva and you're not allowed to sell conjured materials like that. Damages markets and things."


"...huh. That's weird. But makes sense, I guess. Well, the last part anyway, stealing isn't very common and we don't have laws about selling stuff like that."


"– Can your magic transmute things? Like make regular rocks into gold, 'cause that'd explain why there's less pressure on it, I think?"


"I think alchemists can? But it's, you know, really hard, and the work and materials needed for that are almost as expensive as the resulting products. ...although now that I think of it that's probably just because the market's dealt with it by now."


Nod. "Uh– how long until the Blitzball thing? You two are going to watch it, I guess?"


"The tournament starts in a couple of hours, but the Besaid Aurochs won't necessarily be the first team to play. We'll find out the order of games in an hour."


He nods again.


"Anyway, there was a thing you said—anyone can summon daeva in your world, right?"


"Yeah? Any humans, meaning not Limboites or other daeva."


"And yet people can't sell conjured stuff because it'd crash the market, but doesn't the very fact that anyone can conjure whatever crash the market?"


"Not many people do it, it's only been known about by the general population for like thirty–forty years at this point, you have to do training courses before you're certified and legally allowed to do it, people who summon daeva are presumably watched to make sure they aren't in fact selling off loads of gold."

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