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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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Theo looks questioning.


"We never did talk about my Plans, did we," he says, the capital P obvious in his tone.


"I don't think we did, no," he agrees. "And how my powers might slot into them?"


"Yeah. That's for later, though. There's the Yevon delegation."

And indeed it is there, with six musicians playing a fanfare. A man with blue hair walks down the boat's ramp onto the dock, turns around, kneels, and does the praying gesture towards the boat. The crowd does the same.


… The crowd including Kaede and co? Because, like, Theo does not want to stand out by very obviously Not Doing It, but if he's near the back and can get away with not he's not planning on doing it.

Foreigner exemption or something.


Kaede does do it, too. Perfectly neutrally.


"You too," Wakka whispers to Tidus, who does.


He can stand slightly back from them with his wings slightly unfurled and make it very clear he's not a native.


A very old man surrounded by priests and bodyguards walks down the ramp. "People of Spira, I thank you for your generous welcome. Rise, Maester Seymour." He looks at the crowd. "And all of you as well."


Oh, right, there's the old Maester. (Theo was slightly confused if it was the previous person bowing or something.)


Everyone stands up, and he continues. "I present to you... the son of Maester Jyscal Guado, who departed for the Farplane a fortnight past. As some of you already know, he has been officially ordained a maester of Yevon."


"I am Seymour Guado. I am honored to receive the title of maester. In life, my father Jyscal worked to foster friendship between man and Guado. I vow to carry on his legacy, and to fulfill my duties as maester to the best of my abilities."


He should ask what maesters of Yevon actually, like, do.


Seymour looks over the crowd, and his gaze lingers on Kaede's face for a second before he and Mika go on, and the crowd starts to disperse.


If the noise of the crowd starts back up, he'll say, "I didn't realize we-you-whatever all did the bowing thing."


"It's a sign of respect for their wisdom and seniority."


He nods, slowly. "Uh-huh. Still didn't realize you all did that."


Wakka looks troubled by this, but waves a hand near his face. "Anyway, we should go over tactics before the game."

And he grabs Tidus' shirt and starts pulling him away.


"So," says Theo to Kaede. "Is now a good time to talk about your Plan," capital P, "– or?"


"Wakka being the most likely to object, sure." He starts leading the way—somewhere.


Theo follows! Still conspicuously has black wings, so maybe he gets a few looks as he does so, or maybe they're too busy worshipping the maesters or something.


He totally gets looks, but apparently Spirans are in general cosmopolitan enough that they don't actually stop to gawk.

And eventually Kaede, Kimahri, and Lulu have reached a plaza with a pretty fountain, crowded enough their conversation won't be noteworthy, but not enough it's uncomfortable.

"So, have we gotten to the part where the Final Aeon kills its summoner?"


"Yyyes," he says. "– Uh, not to interrupt but one potential solution that comes to mind, not sure if it'll work or is at all feasible, is me doing the summoning? Seeing as how I'm indestructible."


"That's actually not a bad idea if it works but you do more-or-less sorta need a few years of training to become a summoner if you're even sensitive enough to do it."


Nod. "Probably not immediately useful then."

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