Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"I don't mind having an extraneous daeva fork, I was planning to have a dozen of me eventually anyway - should maybe fork them from before this afternoon -"




"There's still the problem of how to do it - we dismissed Edie so she could make Ada and Amelia in Hell, we're pretty sure Elves whose backups write to Mandos don't fork at all - and we can't dismiss Edie again without worrying about our world's timestream..."


"Mandos may not be able to reach here..."


"Maybe not. Will Bar object to us murdering consenting people here."


Within the main bar area, yes. The backyard and upstairs are not Security-monitored.


"Then there'd just be the question of which Hell they'd be in - we can't try all of them, we don't even think we've found all of them yet..."


"I think probably they'd be in your daeva realms or mine."


"Yours works fine, if they're in ours we can't summon from there without starting up time again -"


"...wait, do we actually know that's how the time stop effect works?"


"We have no idea, but the most likely alternative is that you can't summon from a timestopped world at all..."


"What I mean is, why do we expect your Hell to be timestopped? Nobody walked in here from it."


"Oh. I suppose I assumed that interacting worlds stopped together - otherwise the daeva ones will notice that it's been years without any summons, they must be slightly worried for us..."


"Well, it can't be keeping pace with all of you, you're not keeping pace with each other, but that doesn't mean it's stopped."


"Yeah, if bits of Milliways aren't even consistent with each other it'd be pretty ridiculous to expect any of them to be consistent with the daeva planes."


"Okay. So, we can give that a go, and the fork can write something real quick if he ends up in any daeva realm, and then if we can't summon him out of ours or yours we'll be able to distinguish between 'summoners who die in Milliways don't daevafy' and 'they daevafy to yet another set of daeva worlds'."


"If you are the best potential-fairy candidate how far back will you need to be forked from to completely avoid the awkward?"


"Completely? Pre-meeting you, but that's inconvenient for lots of other reasons. He'll get over it. More effectively than me, won't be hanging around you all the time to undo it."


"...if you say so."


"If you'd rather go from before we found Milliways I do not object but then there will be much tedious catching-up-on-things."


"Time we have."


"I have no idea how you and forks of you will sort things out, and presumably you have such an idea," Cam says.


"I was planning to do them at a time when we could quickly differentiate ourselves by being thrown at different problems, which this constitutes. I was considering forking them from different time periods to differentiate further, but I worry specifically that a me created in Milliways with no recollection of any of this will find it vanishingly implausible that's what's going on, might refuse to summon something for us until he's been satisfied with what's going on, and might be a relevantly distinct person by the time we kill him which would be bad if it turns out summoners who die in Milliways don't daevafy at all."


"Makes sense."


"Bar, do you mind us creating people, do you mind us summoning daeva - if we summon a fairy does that change who's on duty in the Security office -"

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