Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"If we have some basis for expecting that to turn anything up, maybe."


"Pity the valid parameters are so arbitrary and we can't just summon 'most cutting-edge research on powers'."


"I know, right? Bar can filter for recency but..."


"It still probably doesn't get you anywhere, seems like they're magic and the locals might really not have more information than that - 

- do they have an afterlife, posthumous works of their citizens -"


Cam tries it. He gets something! "...This is very small..." Poke poke read read. "...some powers can do something close-enough to resurrection, no afterlife per se."


"I wonder if things I do come up as posthumous, now...if summoning works in worlds where people don't go to Limbo natively we could just tell everyone to draw a circle, let the world end..."


"This exacerbates the potential 'mad fairy' problem. A lot."


"Mad Fairy problem?"

She checks for "posthumous works of Maitimo." Nothing.


"Yep, it does - are there powers that do dimensional teleportation, they know about different dimensions -"


"A lot of powers are known or speculated to rely on alternate dimensions but transit per se is not obviously acquireable especially at scale especially since we can't make Tinkertech."


"No, I mean what's the Mad Fairy problem, I think I wasn't there yet when you discussed it."


"Mad Fairy Problem - uh, a fairy might be able to just launch the Endbringers into space but there's lots of mind-affecting powers and they might work on daeva, can't guarantee they don't, and one of the Endbringers has that as a specialty, and then what do you do with a mad fairy."


"Anyway, when I asked about dimensional teleports I was thinking 'magnitude of the disaster if there are mad daeva as a consequence of this world's problems', not 'hey we'll steal it'."


"Do they have precogs? Maybe there's a way to use one of those to check the Mad Fairy problem."


"Yeah, they have precogs, but by and large the Simurgh fucks them up."


"Fucks them up as in targets them or fucks them up as in their results are unreliable around her?"


"The latter, she doesn't seem to have it in for them in particular."


"Are there other mind-affecting powers we could check with precogs? It might not generalize perfectly to the Simurgh, if daeva were immune to those, but it would at least be evidence."


"In theory yes, in practice it's not obvious how to find any of them amenable to testing..."


"I was also thinking that unless their magic messes with chips you can just have a safe set of oaths for anyone going in there."


"I'm not certain it's a good bet that their magic can't mess with chips."


"I don't think there are any safe bets here."


"Yeah. There is that. What kinds of oaths were you thinking of?"


"Not to cause or permit anyone or anything to disable the oath-enforcing bits of the chip, to stop doing things if they can identify a sudden plausibly-explainable-by-magic-interference change in their motives, goals, or reasoning processes, not to accept summons once they go home until we've had a chance to evaluate whether it's safe to do so..."

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