Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"I don't plan events or anything. When my sister got married they rented a place for the party down by Mason's Ave, that's a little upscale but not terribly expensive, and it was two gold for the day? It was... ten* times the size of this room?" The room is about 150 square feet. "But that's for a day's event, not long-term rent. You want a shopkeeper for that one. And it'll depend on where you want it."


*Jeiss is bad at space and numbers.


"Do you have an idea how I would go about employing someone to teach me the language, to free up the spell slots I'd otherwise use on it?"


"Do you want a proper language tutor, or just someone who knows their letters and has the patience to repeat themself? Eh, either way, I don't have the slightest clue—well, maybe the Scribe's Guild."


"I can at least start with the second sort."


"The Scribe's can post an advert for you if nothing else. I reckon you can get some unemployed kid to do it for free if you let them follow you around at work. You have a good class and some people think for some reason that they can pick those up if they hang around you enough."


"I... think that my... class... is related... to the thing that gave you a headache."


"Right. Forgot about that." He frowns. "Anyway. Where were we?"


"You said someone might want to do research related to that thing?"


"The Mage's Guild, yeah. That's me thinking it's magical. I don't know what if it's not."


"And these are all clearly labeled, I will find them if I walk around with Comprehend Languages up?"


"They're marked on the map Klbkch gave you, and more often marked with symbols than letters, but usually both. Mage's is the crystal ball with a wand, Scribe's is the quill and inkpot."


"Those make sense."


"Any more questions you want to ask me?"


"What are the other symbols? Which way is north on the map?"


"North is up." There is any text on the map so that should be clarifying. "There's legend somewhere there... oh, there's not. Must be from the first print. Where did Klbkch get this."

He'll give a quick rundown of the symbols, and give a blurb on each of the main districts: four main streets, northwest is the upscale part where the rich people live, and there's the fancy arts district with the Mage's Guild and the artisans; the Adventurer's Guild is nearer the center close to the city hall, where there's also the city administration and main Watch barracks; there's the Driver's and Runner's Guild opposite there and then it's mostly smiths and other trades, to the markets in the east; down southeast is the more Gnollish parts of the city; west you'll find the warehouses and exchanges, and there's the entrance to the Free Hive there.

They're at the Watch House at the south gate.


Blai makes a very rudimentary copy of the map with Taldane labeling on his own paper.


Jeiss fiddles with his scabbard and tries to remember if he's missing any questions to ask.


"Since you're the only person who I can have a full conversation with for the next day, if you can think of anything else that might be important... oh, also, I prepared a spell that can create food, and it makes far too much for just me, is there anywhere it would be appreciated?"


"Someone would probably buy it off you in bulk at the food markets? If you want to give it away, there's not really a specific place to do that... Beilmark would say look for Krshia Silverfang, [Shopkeeper] there—" He points on the map.

"I can't think of anything you'd find particularly useful. I'll be on shift at the Watch Barracks all day if you need me for something, or you can ask for me if you get in a dispute."


"I can't sell it to people who I can't explain it to, it will disappear if nobody eats it in the next day."


Oh, yeah, that's usually* how it works, isn't it? He nods.

"There's still a few questions I need to ask you to fill out my report, if you can't think of anything right now."


*incorrect, but the specifics of Jeiss' confusion are too long to fit in this margin.


"Of course, go ahead."


Does Blai intend to break the law while he's in the city, how long does he plan to stay in the city—Jeiss apologizes that this is a standard immigration question and not very useful here, and it's fine if the answer is "I don't know"—is Blai wanted for any crimes in the following jurisdictions, does he work for House Reinhart or House Veltras or House Terland or House Wellfar or the House of El or any other power of the north? Does he anticipate his presence in the city to endanger the safety of Liscor or its citizens?


Absolutely not, ?indefinitely?, no, no no no no no no no no, nope.


Checks out.

Jeiss signs and hands Blai a slip of paper.

"This is an entry visa. You don't actually need it to be in the city, but if anyone tries to give you trouble, this certifies that you're pre-cleared by the Watch. It's valid 'for the duration of your stay', so if you leave the walls and come back it's technically expired, but again, it's got no legal effect right now and the gate guards won't ask for or care about it. It's just to ward off busybodies taking issue with a human who doesn't speak common wandering around. I don't think you'll need it, but better safe than sorry."

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