Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"The Watch uses a mixture of skills—" he frowns, switches to common. "The Watch uses a mixture of Skills and truth stones. Did those come out different to you?"

(A Skill is—discrete, an extraordinary enhancement or ability?)


"Yes, one sounded like - the same thing as knowing how to keep accounts or whittle, and the second sounded more like a supernatural ability like channeling energy or breathing fire. - I cannot breathe fire personally."


"That's..." Half right, but missing the point? "Well, there are things that can breathe fire and so on without 'Skills'—'Skills' are what you get when you level up?"


"Many supernatural abilities develop when people level up; monsters tend to have them innately if at all. I don't think of them as fundamentally different kinds of thing but I acknowledge there might be a natural dividing line there."


That's a weird thing to say but Jeiss doesn't feel like playing a cultural guessing game.

"Right. Anyway, you were talking about things to explain about you?"


"I am a spellcaster but not a wizard. I am - motivated to - uh - be law-abiding and generally harmless to anything that isn't a blatantly Evil monster. I have an object I need for both casting spells and healing. And a book that is important to me that - might give you a headache to read, I suppose. I think that is approximately it."


Now they're back on track.

"You said people with your class usually heal? Do you plan to offer your services in Liscor? Are there any limitations, side effects, requirements, anything the Watch should know about?" Like headaches.


"I do not at this time have any plans, I'm waiting to hear more about what the expected conduct is. Standard healing is good at injuries but not other deleterious conditions; I can prepare separate spells for things like disease, blindness and deafness, and the aftereffects of poison and such."


"You'll have customers," Jeiss says. "Healing potions don't—sorry, you can cure blindness and deafness?"


"Yes. It's third circle so at present I can only do it once per day, and not today because I didn't expect it, but that would improve if you have Wisdom-increasing magic items or if I become more powerful in general."


"That's going to sell like hotcakes. I've, er, never heard of a magic item that increases Wisdom?" Why is that so specific. "I've heard of artifacts which make you smarter, but that's legendary stuff."


"Items increasing Wisdom or Cunning or Splendor are all about equally available on Golarion but if they're not here I will do without; I don't know how to make them myself."


Jeiss shrugs. "You want a rundown of the laws of Liscor?"




Liscor General Law is applicable in the Liscor Area (this includes a few nearby small towns and surrounding territory). As a sample:

  • No murder, stealing, et cetera.
  • Assault includes the use of nonconsensual use of Skills or magic on other people.
  • Deception and manipulation via skills or magic is legal in some cases and illegal in others.
  • Venues are allowed to restrict entry by species or specific persons, unknowing infringement is not prosecutable but you must leave if asked to.
  • Impersonating law enforcement or military is illegal.
  • Self-defense with reasonable force is legal, including up to lethal force.

Liscor has extradition arrangements with most major Drake cities and their greater areas.

There are more specific regulations around certain classes and trades:

  • Necromancy is blanket illegal. (Hopefully this isn't an issue, Jeiss thinks to himself.)
  • Practicing alchemy without a license is legal, but selling your work without a license is.
  • Falsely claiming to be a member of any Guild is illegal.
  • Certain adventuring activities are illegal without the required Guild ranking; approximately: you can't intentionally pick a fight with monsters more than one rank higher than you, and faking your rank to get higher-ranked jobs, access higher-ranked areas, or deceive others into joining your party is illegal.

In the city proper, there is also Liscor City Law, which describes offenses such as loud noises or bright lights after certain hours, offensive smells, unauthorized gatherings without notice to the City Watch, obstruction of streets and public spaces, public nuisance, et cetera.

Other towns in the Liscor Area may have their own town laws; Jeiss doesn't remember them all.


The City Watch is allowed to arrest and hold you for up to fourteen days on suspicion of crimes. You must comply with requests from the City Watch to this end. Anyone can attempt a citizen's arrest but you are not required to comply and it is possible to counter-sue. Adventurers do not have special arrests rights in this regard.

Most laws are punishable by fines and restitution to victims. Harsher offenses are punished by exile, from the city or the Greater Area or in rare cases from Drake lands altogether. Repeat offences may be punishable by maiming but never single offences. Capital crimes are treason, practice of necromancy, aggravated murder.

Slavery, long-term imprisonment and corporal punishment for the sole purpose of pain do not feature in Liscor's civilian legal code.


Blai is not a citizen of Liscor, and cannot commit treason. Citizenship confers certain rights such as protection from monsters by the Watch and entry to the city. There is a process to apply for citizenship after a minimum two years of residence in Liscor.

Non-citizens currently have right of entry to the city by default, but this may be withdrawn at the Watch Captain or the Council's discretion, on an individual or general basis; even without having committed a specific crime or sentence.


"Does necromancy here refer to specifically the creation and control of undead or does it refer to any spell of that school?"


Ohhhh dear.

"More like the creation and control of undead? And some types of desecration of the dead and blood sacrifice, I think." He's not a [Mage], he's not sure what a school is, exactly, though he's heard of the term. "If you give examples I can guess if they count?"

This is going to be about the mandatory necromancy thing, isn't it.


"Some combat spells are of the necromancy school. There is one that preserves a corpse - usually for conjuration-based resurrection, not for necromantic reasons, but the preservation spell is necromantic."


"Conjuration-based resurrection?" Jeiss chokes. "Can you do that?"


Headshake. "It's fifth circle, I'm third."


It's Tier 5, I can't cast more than Tier 3, is what Jeiss hears.

He rubbing the truth stone.

"This is well-known, where you're from? You've seen it cast?"


"I've done it myself, but from a scroll, and I don't have any scrolls with me."



"I didn't think [Resurrection] was real," he says, a bit dumbfounded. He's not that sure he's not being enchanted, right now, but it all feels a bit unreal.

Then a terrible thought occurs to him.

"How does it work?" he prods.

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