Blai in The Wandering Inn
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The queues are signed:

  • General Inquiries (a bit shorter than the [Message] queue)
  • [Message] Services (long queue, mixture of species in different attire; "HAVE MESSAGE READY IN ADVANCE / 5 SILVER NOT NEGOTIABLE")
  • Member Services (short queue, mixture of Drakes in fancy robes and Drakes that look like they just got out of bed)



He's probably a General Inquiry.


It'll be a ten minute wait to get to the head of the queue. He's ushured to a reception booth where an impatient-looking Drake with a monocle will look expectantly at him.


Comprehend Languages explanation note.


The Drake picks it out of Blai's hand (gently but not very politely) and squints at it.

That's annoying.

"What is the nature of your inquiry?" he prompts, handing it back.


He will produce the cards on his ability to heal and make food.


That's cool but it's not an inquiry?

"Do you wish to employ the Mage's Guild as an intermediary to sell those services?" He asks.


- close enough, sure, nod nod.


The Mage's Guild mediates highly specialized, low-volume magical products and services, and justifies its hefty premium by its confidentiality and ability to guarantee the authenticity of products. It is unclear that any of these factors apply here. The Liscor arm also does not have agents with particular expertise the type of logistics this might require.

But also, his boss will not be pleased if he tells the human to ask the Merchant's Guild for consultation and a loan.

"I will have to contact an agent and schedule an appointment," he says, flipping through his calendar. His demeanor is noticeably more polite now. "Are you available tomorrow afternoon?"



He makes a resting-his-head-on-his-hands gesture and then a shrug.


"You're not sure?" the Drake guesses. "Is there a time which would work better? The day after tomorrow? Next week?"


These people are bad at Comprehend Languages protocol. Sleep-miming again.


"...You need to sleep?" He is so confused right now. "I can put out a call for someone with [Translation], but it's an uncommon spell; we may not have anyone with it today."


...he is going to draw the sun peeking out over a hill, and then the sun high in the sky, and then the sun going down again. With arrows. Does this help at all.


"I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you trying to communicate about your appointment availability, about your current situation, about the nature of your services, about the nature of our services, or something else altogether?"


He nods at "current situation".


It's obviously not "I want to sleep right now". Is the human staying somewhere outside the city which makes it difficult to keep an appointment on another day? No, that would be "appointment availability". He rewinds the conversation and tries to figure out what he's misunderstanding.


"You don't have a place to stay and need immediate funds," he guesses.


Nod nod!


That's a bit awkward.

"I don't have the authority to offer you a loan now. I could recommend reputable pawnbrokers..." Wait, there's a simpler solution. "If you visit the Adventurer's Guild, you may find adventurers with minor injuries who will pay for cheap healing. A couple of silver is sufficient for a night at a typical inn in Liscor, and a broken arm costs more than that at a [Healer]."


Is that on this map?


Nod nod and off he goes.


"Don't you want an appointment?" the Drake calls after him.


- nod.


Oh, good, he was afraid the human would just run off.

"Three in the afternoon tomorrow, does that work? Uh, the bell in the town square rings every hour, as many times as the hour it is. Who do I put you down as?"

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