Blai in The Wandering Inn
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This one has no reservation thanking Blai sincerely and tipping him an extra four silver.

"You're undercharging, you know," she remarks. "Half thought you were trying to pull one over me, but dead gods, I can feel the difference. What is your class... sorry, I know you can't answer."


Well, he can say "cleric", not that she will recognize the word whatever language it's in!


"Cleric," she mouths to herself. She shrugs. "Ain't heard of that, but that'd figure."


Shrug. If she doesn't immediately go about her business he can show her the Share Language card, she seems a good sort.


She reads.

"I mean, I don't mind if you want to cast it on me, but I'm going hunting once the rest of my team gets here in an hour, so if you've only got a couple that might not be a greatest use of it?"


He nods and doesn't cast it on her.


"If you're looking for someone to walk around with you and translate you can probably just pay a Bronze-rank to do it," she says, like she's not a Bronze-rank herself. "It's slim pickings this time of the year."


He counts through his silver with a thoughtful look. Since apparently he's undercharging.


"When I was starting out I'd take 5 silver for a day's of playing tour guide. It's more than you make trying not to die to goblins; it won't level you but it won't bleed you dry either, and you save the coin up for better equipment. If you hire someone on the guild books they can't cheat you; the [Guildmistress] would have their hides for it."


Blai looks around at other persons in the guildhall.


Does he want a miserable-looking, clearly underequipped kid lingering by the the jobs board and looking like they're vaguely regretting their life choices? Because there's more than one of those. Does he want the one with the rusty sword, the fidgety one with a hunting bow, or the one in hand-me-down leather armor with no weapon?


...actually, before he picks one, he wants to look at the jobs board to see what they're despairing about.


The ones up are mainly escort missions for merchants, most of them with a minimum rank requirement of Silver. 

There's a section that's the city's standing bounties for a selection of monsters, including Goblins (worth copper), giant vermin, skeletons and zombies (coppers to a silver), Dire Wolves, Shield Spiders, Hobgoblins and Ghouls (multiple silver), and Crelers and Draugr worth gold even for a report.

There's a call for sewer cleanup duty, paying 3 silver a day.

There's an army recruiting flyer.

Someone's paying 1 silver for unspecified exterminator work in their basement.

Someone wants to hire an adventurer team to investigate this cave off by the hills making weird noises. Says the Watch sent someone to investigate but said it was just the wind. He knows it isn't!!! They can't pay but will split any discovered treasure with the adventuring team sixty-forty.


He'll show the Share Language card to the one with the bow.


...You're talking to me?

(He expresses this in anxious glancing alone.)

"Why... do you want to do that?"


...kid with a hunting bow, Blai cannot explain that right now,


Yeah, ok.

He tentatively extends a palm. This is the guy the pros were saying was healing people yesterday for cheap so probably it's not a trap???


"Share Language."


"Hey. Uh wow this is weird. Diiid you want something?"


"A translator. The woman whose knee I just healed seemed to think you'd be amenable for some of the money I earned doing that."


He perks up.

"How much? I'm free today." As he is pretty much every day.


"I'm told I've been undercharging, so I don't have very much, but I can do the burst of healing I did yesterday twice a day and if you can help me find an efficient way to allocate that I could give you what I bring in for one of the two."


Rumors are he healed the whole room yesterday. Fixed a guy's broken arm.

This Drake isn't very good at math or organising or money, and is kind of stressed out just haggling at the grocer's  but he's not stupid by any means, and that... could be a lot of money.

So he'd better get over himself or he's going to be regretting this for a very long time.

"You are," he says. "Undercharging, I mean. Yeah I can do that. Clarifying. You're going to do two healings today and I get the full revenue from one of them? How do we decide which one. The lesser one?"


"If they're different, and that seems fair to you."


"That sounds more than fair to me."

Holy shit.

"I'm Dross. What's your name?"

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