Blai in The Wandering Inn
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Blai counts out five silver. "Anyone who would like to know."


Dross passes that on and they finish up the transaction and get a receipt.

"Okay! Still got some hours left. We should stop by the Adventurer's Guild to make a verbal announcement, then go get flyers at a scrivener's, and post them up. When exactly is your appointment?"

He's getting very into this.


"Three in the afternoon."


"Plenty of time."

Dross will take them back to the Guild and also tell everyone he sees that he knows about today's channel schedule and pricing, if Blai doesn't tell him not to.


Fine by him! He appreciates the help.


After announcing the channel at the Guild, Dross will find them a [Scribe] that'll write them up and copy a flyer. He'll ask Blai for a wording for the description?

"Maybe clarify how it differs from a healing potion? Uh, healing potions don't do poison, don't do curses or cursed wounds—cursed? Weird translation, that means persistent harmful skill effects. Potions can heal bones wrong, actively makes diseases and infections worse... there might be stuff I'm not thinking of."


"Wow, channeling doesn't do anything helpful for disease or an already-present infection but it certainly doesn't make them worse. It won't solve a bone that has already healed wrong but if it isn't set yet then it will heal it straight. It can mostly deal with foreign objects on its own. The strength of the effect varies. - I have never actually used a healing potion and am going only off your description."


"Yeah, wouldn't have much call for it, sounds like. The infection thing is useful... does it still heal an infected wound? How's that work? For strength do you think 'heals most major injuries' describes it right?"


"It will close an infected wound but the infection will remain. If one channel doesn't get a person of ordinary toughness up on their feet again two will."


"Does that make the infection go away faster? Sometimes you don't want to waste a potion on a small injury, and then it gets infected and they can't heal it and you have to go to all kinds of trouble to fix it; if you can cut through that that might be big.

"Maybe round it off to around the effectiveness of drinking one healing potion? That's... enough to fully heal an otherwise fatal stab in the chest, but not three of them? And we add a caveat that it's less effective if you're more intrinsically durable."


"It sometimes seems to help, to close an infected wound, but at other times it doesn't at all, or there occasionally winds up being a situation where you want to drain the infection and deliberately re-injure the area to do it. Again, the results vary - once someone's been channeled at they won't be dying of their stab wound, but they might still have the stab wound if they didn't get a particularly effective result."


He nods at the infection thing.

"Maybe just give a half refund if it didn't fix them fully? More credible than just saying it might or might not work. 'Usually heals most major injuries', how about that."


"Or let them in for free to the next one?"


Nod. "So, 'One channel usually heals most major injuries; if not, customers may attend the next one for free.' And bones are automatically set correctly, infected wounds are closed but not cured, no poison no curses. Two silver for the 2pm channel, three for the 6:30pm. Training Grounds West 4. Today only, future availability to be determined."


"That sounds suitable."


Then flyers can be made. It'll be nine coppers for the lot.

"...So if you like walking, we have the time to put these up ourselves, but if you want you can also pay a Runner to do it. Around ten coppers, I think, to put them up at city hall, each gate, and the Guild?"


"I don't mind walking." He could go try to play chess with the guy who was doing Weird Chess Art but maybe people who like to do weird chess art don't like to actually play the game.


Ok but what if DROSS doesn't like walking it's ten coppers dude he is hired for the day and it's not like a stroll through the city isn't literally a walk in the park compared to his usual jobs.

They can start towards the north gate, then.



Sign goes up!


Dross will point out features of the city on the way, mostly the same stuff on Blai's loaned map, but some that isn't, like the memorial to the dead of the First Antinium War with the statue of General Sserys, or the ostensible headquarters of the Liscorian Army—"They're in Salazsar right now, I think," Dross says—and the embassy from Pallass...


"Is there history it'll be very awkward for me not to know?"


"Uh..." That's not a question he's ever considered before! "I don't know if there's anything particularly more relevant than anything else? We're at peace right now. Have you met Klbkch—vistors from outside the city are usually really weird about him because we warred with the Antinium before. Is that the kind of thing you mean?"


"That's what I mean, yes."


"Yeah, the last Antinium War was ten years ago and a lot of people are like 'raaah Klbkch killed like a million Drakes' and it's like, y'know, that's the nature of war? I bet Sserys killed a million Antinium. But we're at peace now and Klbkch is cool." He says this defiantly, like he's expecting Blai to argue.


"A million?"

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