Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"Right. so adventurers will be a big part of your customers, I think. Liscor's a big city, but you're threading a needle where... injuries a few drops or healing won't fix, and which can keep, and which the owner is willing to stand the pain and uncertainty to wait for a channel. That's a narrow window for a lot of citizens, but adventurers are more hardy, and importantly they get hurt a lot, can't afford to splurge on healing, but can't afford to skip it either.

"Healing potions are the single biggest expense of new adventurers. Most newbies fail out because they get hurt more than they can earn money for heal it. Not only from single debilitating injuries, but also—'chip damage', we say? If they can tough it out, get home and get healed for cheap... it changes the whole calculus. Just talking about myself, I would get bolder with more dangerous contracts, if I'm more sure I'm not losing money in expectation. In comparison, a baker with a broken thumb isn't as worried about saving a few silver on a one-off expense by walking across town for a channel instead of using the potion in the cabinet, y'know?"

"So we want advertising at the Guild, definitely, and maybe at the gates. The Watch lets people post notices if it's relevant to travel and roads, which, I think this counts?"


"If you say so; I'm not confident enough to interpret the law like that here alone."


"I mean, we can just ask first. We need a location to put on the notice, though, so back to the first question which is a place to set up and how to pack it efficiently, right? Does this look like a flat space and drawing a circle around you in chalk, and we just need to find a good location to rent?"


"Until I have enough money to commission an appropriate three story building, yes, flat and a circle around me is right, maybe with a particular section for people who are in dire straits and might need me to stabilize them - if someone is dying, but not dead yet, I can pause them there, as many times a day as I need."


"Sounds useful... in the field, not in the middle of the city, though. If someone's dying, I'd patch them up a bit with a potion before trying to haul the poor guy across the city. Maybe good to mention, still, so people know they can cut it closer? I don't know if that's something you want to recommend...

"For today maybe you want to rent an unused training ground from the Watch. It's 5 silver for 6 hours. You might be able to find somewhere else cheaper, but not in any kind of time that leaves us slack to run our advertising errands, and, like, it's not worth it? That's one customer's worth."


"That makes sense. - regarding timing, I have an appointment at the Mage's Guild this afternoon."


Dross will lead them training-fieldsward, then.

"Appointment? May I ask what for?"


"To be, uh, studied. There are some confusing mismatches between how I work and how people here work, though I have very normal cleric abilities in the context of Golarion."


Dross nods. "Like the leveling thing? I've never heard of a [Cleric], what do you do, normally?"



"I was between occupations at the time I had my teleportation accident. Before it I commanded a fort guarding the border around a portal to the Abyss."


Dross kind of meant "what are the distinguishing characteristics of the class" but he will assume a deflection and not prod. Also, he's distracted by:

"Portal to the Abyss? What's that, so you used to be an adventurer?" Oh, wait, commanding a fort probably means the significantly less cool, "Or the military?" Still, way more impressive than being some kind of [Healer-Mage], which was what he thought before.


"The military. Adventurers came through but they were more itinerant."


"And I guess you're not going to join Liscor's army. But you don't want to fight anymore?"

The teleportation accident must be what got him here (which is along the lines of what Dross thought from "from another planet") so the Select is presumably not retired.

They're getting into the west side of the city. What must be the training fields are in view now, past a block of workshops and old storehouses.


"It makes sense to use clerics in combat if there are plenty of us. We get more powerful that way even if you lose some at every circle of advancement. With only one of me here, more fighting to increase my abilities would put all the non-potion healing there is to be had at risk without prospect of replacement."


"That's one way to think about it." Dross shrugs.

Four out of six of the training grounds are occupied when they get there. There are a few squads drilling formations, but also a couple of adventurers tearing up the field in a spar. There's a building with the Watch's symbol above the door, which he'll take them in.


Are the squads and the adventurers any good?


The squads themselves aren't doing the kind of drill that showcases dexterity and strength, per se, but they're clearly very skilled and well-trained: the level of a reputable mercenary company, not a typical city guard.

The two squad instructors, however, are playing offense against the squad formations, and are holding off their opponents one-on-five. One is a spear-wielding Drake that moves incredibly fast, parrying effortlessly with his haft and making multiple attacks a second. The other is the same kind of insectoid humanoid as Klbkch yesterday, or possibly just Klbkch? They're dual-wielding practice swords in an unhurried style that nonetheless seems to keep the trainees consistently on the backfoot. None of the sides are going all out; they're practicing, not even sparring; but from the display you might class the two as upper-mid-level combatants by Golarion standards.

The actual adventurers in the last field are nonzero skilled, but less impressive. One of them is defending with a sword and shield while the other tosses a spell which looks like Magic Missile, but not homing and firing one at a time. They kick up the dirt when they miss.

...the wizard sure is firing a lot, though. Blai will count eight shots in two rounds, and it doesn't look like he's rationing his spells or intending to stop.


Probably an obscure cantrip, like Ray of Frost but with force, except that's so fast, wow??


Inside the building, there's a little bit of seating and a reception desk. The Drake at the reception is distracted, looking between a leaflet and small chess board in a late-game state. He startles and nudges the board aside when he notices the visitors.


- well Blai's not doing the talking anyway, how's the game looking?


It's in a pretty implausible board state and may be identifiable as a chess puzzle of intermediate difficulty.


Blai has seen exactly three chess puzzles in his book of chess variants and instead concludes that it is some kind of weird chess-medium art project.


After an exchange with the receptionist, Dross turns to Blai and says, "There are slots available all day. I think you want to get the slot from 1pm to 7pm, then do a channel at 2pm for 2 silver per, and one at 6:30 for 3 silver per. Otherwise I don't think you can fill your channel radius twice. Then you rack up the price as word spreads."


"That suits me just fine."


Brief conference with the receptionist.

"We've got ground 4. Uh, you need to pay 5 silver. He also said he'll pass on the word to the Watch?"

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