Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"Select Blai Artigas."


"I'll take that as the time being acceptable." He jots it down. "Will you need a [Mage] with [Translation]?" He flips through the handbook for how that works; this doesn't come up much. "No charges for the first meeting, future meetings will be charged for the agent, and the Guild facilities, and the translator separately."


Headshake; tomorrow he'll have a new Share Language.


"You're happy with the three o'clock, but do not need [Translation]; confirm?"


Nod nod.


"Excellent. Have a good day."


Now off he goes.


The Adventurer's Guild is also not hard to find and in fact located on the same major throughfare, a few blocks south.


For what Jeiss called a "small Adventurer's Guild", it doesn't look like it. It's three storeys tall, the span of two buildings, and built of solid stone brick. When Blai heads in, the place is loud and packed. It seems to be halfway a social as well as business venue; there are tables and chairs set out like a tavern, though the only flagons the clientele brought themselves. The adventurers are immediately recognizable: casters with their robes and staves, people with swords and bows and more eclectic weapons. There's a wizard showing off a cantrip to some a gaggle of easily impressed rookies, there are people are standing around the notice boards, arguing over jobs and haggling prices.

Gnolls are more heavily represented in here, though Drakes might still eke out the majority. No one stands out as obviously injured.

There's a green-scaled Drake at the reception desk who glances up at Blai when he comes in.


The reception drake can read the explanation of his healing abilities!


"Oh, that's sounds really useful, huh! Are you here to register as an adventurer, then, mister?"


...explanation of Comprehend Languages. He really should have elaborated on the protocol where you need to talk a lot if you are the only party in a conversation who can be understood.


"...Okay, so you're not here to register...? Do you want to sell healing?"


Nod nod.


"We don't allow peddling in the Guild directly, but there's a board over there to pin up advertisements for adventuring equipment, which is allowed. Oh, but you probably can't write, can you? I don't think I'll get in trouble if I do an announcement just this once, but for the future you should get a flyer printed."


Nod. Appreciative clasping of his hands together.


"I don't know how this will work, though. Do you have a, erm, place somewhere people should go?"


Not yet, no. Headshake.


"You're new in town, aren't you? I'd have heard of a human with healing Skills going around. Is this a one-off, and you'll be skipping town later? Or you're going to set up shop somewhere later, and it's just you're still working on the logistics?"


Shrug! Kind of up in the air right now!


"Okay, how about this. I can't middleman for you or let you borrow one of the rooms for staging. But if you register as an adventurer, trading Skills and equipment on an ad hoc basis is allowed. Being registered doesn't make you pay any special taxes or give you any responsibilities or anything, it just puts your name on our books.

"Then I can make an announcement about your offer, and you can individually negotiate with anyone who approaches you, and then afterwards you can, what was it called—blast the room with positive channeling? I don't know if you can make it selective, or if you don't mind if people who didn't pay you get the benefits too, but we don't have a separate room that big anyway."


Nod at being registered when it's clear it doesn't have responsibilities or taxes. Nod at blasting the room, headshake at "selective".


"Okay, how much do you want to charge?" Right, he can't speak. "Uh, hold up fingers for how many silver per head?"




The receptionist has no outward reaction to this number!

"Details for the registration... I'm going to put down 'undisclosed' for class category, level category and town of origin, since I'm not going to guess, is that alright?" And she'll confirm Blai's species and name and gender and file the registration.

"So what I'm going to say is 'Select Blai Artigas has a multi-target healing Skill selling two silver per person, which he'll activate on the next bell; he understands but doesn't speak common so I'm making this announcement for him, but please approach him directly for clarification and payment.' Does that sound good?"


Nod nod.

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