Blai in The Wandering Inn
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[Cleric Level 9!]

[Skill โ€“ Stabilizing Presence Obtained!]

[Skill โ€“ Turn Undead Obtained!]


See, those sound really useful but would have been nicer to have before today. that how this works, he gets whatever would recently have been useful? There's probably a way to game that but he'll need to think about it. In the meantime he will plan to prepare Detect Magic, see if he can get a glimpse of the extent of the Stabilizing Presence.


Nothing else interrupts him through the night.


Morning prayers - oh, new second-circle spell slot, or he might be able to squeeze in a third-circle if he gave up some others, maybe if he winds up with a Remove Blindness backlog - then Detect Magic.


[Stabilizing Presence] is a spherical area effect centered on him. When he turns it on, he actually has a slight bit of proprioceptive feedback even without Detect Magic, though not enough to ballpark its radius. Detect Magic will tell him that it's around 20 feet, though it fades out starting from the 10 feet mark in a way that suggests the effect is lessened towards the edges of the range.

If he plays around a bit, he'll find he can sort of... control it a bit, flare it out with effort or contract it, or project it more slightly more in one direction... it feels like the kind of thing he might get better at with practice, especially if he keeps Detect Magic on.

He can also include or exclude himself from the effect. By default he's excluded, but that also feels like an instinct he can train.


Is it tiring or anything to have the skill active?


It's a little bit tiring, sort of like holding a book above his head. So if it stays like this, he can sort of do it indefinitely, but he probably doesn't want to do it literally all day for no reason? It's unclear if it'll get more and more tiring over time, or if it'll get more tiring if there are more people in range.


Does it feel like anything if he does it to himself, being as he is perfectly stably healthy already -


It sort of feels... calming. Physiologically, that is. Definitely not mind-affecting, except insofar as physical symptoms feed back into one's mental state. It's a very mild effect, only detectable by the contrast as it goes on and off.


Huh. Maybe that's what a paladin's anti-fear aura is like? ...probably the paladin thing is much more than this, this isn't that dramatic, he's just taking half a step back from being imminently and desperately worried that he's managed to be late for a morning appointment by standing around fucking with his new Skill and is instead abstractly and mildly worried about it.

He starts up a Prestidigitation and resolves to attempt to leave the aura up for its duration to see how tiring it gets and whether it makes it harder or easier to do later on in the day, and he goes about his business.


Keisha shows up knocking on the door a few hours past dawn in a light-colored hood, only shedding it to free her ears once Blai lets her in.


"Good morning. How were your - how was preparing spells?"


She smooths out the fur on her head, looking slightly out of sorts.

"I didn't really know how to do it, but I figured it out! Weird, but not as dramatic as being chosen yesterday. I asked Desna to pick for me, like you said; I don't really know what I got. Um, I also got the [Cleric] class, level 1, and [Consistent Channeling]."

And a level in [Hunter] as well, giving her that [Curving Shot] she'd been aiming for, which would have been a cause for celebration before yesterday and now feels annoyingly like a footnote.



"...consistent channeling, huh. I should watch you with Detect Magic today and see if I can figure out anything about what that means, it's not the one I got."


"Is there a way to find out what spells I got, or do I just have to cast them? I can try describing what they feel like..."


"No, there's a wizard spell for it but not one I can cast."


"For zeroth circle, I got Guidance figured out, and one might be Stabilize? And the last one I think works on objects, but I can't tell more than that."


"Could be Mending, or Light, or Detect Poison, or - I wasn't expecting you to take Desna's choice of orisons specifically since I did list them but none of them are a terrible idea to cast on a random object." He hands her a piece of paper.


"That makes sense, I just thought she might... know something I don't?" She shrugs and tries to use the object one.



"...Uh, I'm doing it but it's taking a while."


"Probably Mending then, that one takes ten minutes, though if you want to be positive it's Mending and not an obscure Desna-specific orison keep going till you speak the words, I'd recognize those."


It's Mending.

"I guess there's a lot of stuff to be mended after yesterday. Ten minutes is a long time, though. How does Desna choose? As in, what is it based on?"


"I wouldn't presume to know how Desna chose spells for you. I don't know how well any god can see anything of the world here beyond what we tell them."



"At first circle I have one I cast on myself, and one I think I cast on an ally. The myself one seems similar to the power I used on you yesterday. The ally one I can't really tell. Do you think I should use them just to know, or save them for... I mean, I don't know when I'd save them for if I don't know what they are, right?"


"There are a lot of spells that benefit allies in different ways - it's more useful when you have a large group of casters, casting two Bless on the same person doesn't help more than casting one does but a Bless and a Divine Favor cooperate with each other fine. I prepared Detect Undead, in case there are any hiding, or disabled but not destroyed, would you like to walk with me and if we find anything you can try the spell? Or - do you think you could recite the words for them without holding your butterfly, so I could recognize them that way, or will it only come to you all at once?"


Can she recite them? She can't just pull them out on the spot, but she puts down the paper butterfly, and tries to imagine casting the spell... the thing is, there are moving parts in the spell that don't move unless she's actually casting, right, and the words only come out at the end, so imagining it like this isn't at all like the real thing, really.


It can't be that hard. It's like using a Skill without saying its name, but in reverse.


...but it's not working, and she doesn't think she's going to figure it out in five minutes.

"Maybe after I cast the first one I'll figure out the second," she hedges. "Your idea sounds good."

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