Blai in The Wandering Inn
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What kind of country considers romance novels "subversive literature"???

"And that's—chaotic, because it's illegal, and good, because it... enriches people? And it's travel, because it's smuggling. I completely didn't ask, is 'dreams' about the thing you do when you sleep, or is it more abstract, like 'hopes and dreams'? That was my other guess."


"The thing you do when you sleep. I don't know what exactly they have to do with... anything... but they are a major focus of Desna's. I believe it's relatively inexpensive for Her to communicate through dream visions, though that doesn't mean it will happen very frequently."


"Maybe I'll get told in a dream!" It sounds kind of fun... and also on second thought kind of scary because her dreams are the inside of her mind? And if Desna shows up when Keisha is, she dunno, having a barking contest with a baby Carn Wolf, she's going to die of embarrassment.


"You might but I think She will probably save it for important occasions."


Whew... but also disappointing?

"We don't have anywhere which bans romance novels, so I'll have to brainstorm it, I guess. Healing is a start, right? How's that going to work?"


"You're welcome to use this building. Your radius should be thirty feet now but if you start getting levels of the locally customary sort you might get the Skill I got for a increased radius - I didn't realize it when I had the place built and am looking into a remodel, which might wind up being nearly as expensive as the initial construction. Every morning you're going to need to ask Desna for spells. Yours will all be zeroth- or first-circle; I have second and third circle ones but you won't get those unless you manage to gain power in the fashion customary on Golarion. Desna can probably do it manually but probably won't; successful combat experience can do it."


So many questions, but first:

"Spells? Desna lets me cast spells? Like what?"


"There are a lot of them. In theory any cleric can cast any of them of the alloted circle that aren't against their or their god's alignment. I don't know them all. It is possible, and for you possibly worthwhile, to ask one's god to fill in your slots with their own suggestions; if I were you I would only do this once or twice to get a sense of what's available and then stop doing it, but your intuitions will go farther than mine will about how you relate to Desna, Iomedae's concerns and budget are different. You can drop any spell you have prepared of a nonzeroth circle to get an equivalent healing spell, targeting one or at higher levels several people, so you should never prepare straightforward healing spells under any normal circumstance. I'm still preparing Comprehend Languages every day, because I am using it to develop fluency in your language; that's first circle and will be useful if you travel, moreso if you carry a message to show people explaining why you can't talk to them. I'll write a list of all the first-level nonevil cleric spells I can think of for you, though possibly not tonight. For zeroth-level I can just list the ones I know of, there's only about a dozen, and they have the useful property that you can cast them an unlimited number of times each." He lists all the orisons except for Enhanced Diplomacy which either doesn't exist or is not known to him and the ones that are only useful for necromancers and Sarenrites.


Notetaking! She's a bit out of practice but this is probably important!

  • Can cast any spell not against self or god alignment
  • Can ask god to suggest spells (do once or twice for example?)
  • Can convert other spells to healing, never prepare healing directly

She'd have to travel really far to make Comprehend Langauges useful! But it would be really cool if she ever meets a Drathian or something.

  • Zeroth-level spells cast unlimited.

"Can you only cast higher-level spells a limited number of times?"


"Yes. You'll probably have two or three," she doesn't seem that intimidatingly Wise, "to start out, and one of them has to be chosen from a very short list of them that Desna in particular offers and that have settled on you in particular - the options would definitely include the Chaos and Good domains and I expect She also offers Travel but I don't know what the other possibilities are. Those domains also grant minor limited-use powers of their own."


"Er, let me restate that to make sure I understand. I'll have two or three Tier 1 spells. As in two or three kinds, or two or three castings total? One of them will be from a Desna-specific list, the rest will be from the list all [Clerics] get? And the one that's Desna-specific... you lost me with the domains."


"Total. As regards the domains - so, for example, my current domains are Law and Good - they're both some kind of variant but I don't know the variants' formal names. I get a first, second, and third circle slot that I can use only to cast things that are from either of those lists; there is one spell per circle per domain. So for first circle I can choose between Protection from Evil, the Good one, or Divine Favor, the Law one. It's the same way with my other circles, but you'll start at first only. If you have the travel domain you'd be able to fly, at third circle."


Whoa. Having only three castings kind of sucks, but flying?

Notes notes notes.

"I think I understand—and I don't have to study for these or anything?" Awful thought: "Gnolls can't be [Mages]. Does that affect anything?"


"...probably not, clerics are a different thing. You don't have to study, though there exist spells that require ingredients or components besides your butterfly and those won't necessarily be trivial to source."


(Keisha doesn't know enough about magic to know whether that's standard for local magic.)

"Okay. And I'll find out my domains when I get my spells." She scratches her ear. "So I noticed after the channels that I was faster? And when I touched someone, or I touched something, I could... do something. I don't know what, though, so I didn't try."


"Faster does probably mean the Travel domain or one of its variants. Do you have... any other intuitions about your other power? Even a general sense if it's something you'd do for yourself or an ally or an enemy?"


"...Ally. It's sort of..." she wiggles a hand. "Twisty? Not exactly."


"If you'd like to test it on me I can see if it feels like anything."


" be more confident I'd want to try again on a day I can focus on it with Detect Magic, but it does feel helpful, could be Good or something else."


"We'll know for sure when I get a domain spell that's not Travel, right."


"I don't have them all memorized, but it might jog my memory, yes."


She'll take a look at the zeroth-circle spells, then.

Bleed: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.

Why would you do this??? Okay, it's obvious why someone would do this, but who's going around using their miraculous god-given powers to make creatures bleed out? Just cut its throat if you want something to die. It's down, it's not going to get up and bite you or anything. Keisha feels... just... really sad about this.

Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.

Pretty useful on the go! She hopes she'll get to use this a lot.

Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.

She can't think of many situations she might use this, but it sounds tremendously useful in the abstract.

Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.

"So I can use this for foraging? Can I detect a creature that's poisonous, or poisoned, or do both work?" Hopefully this isn't about people putting cyanide in her meals, or she has a really wrong idea of what being a [Cleric] is like.

Grasp: Retry a Climb check as an immediate action

Useful if she wants to climb the High Passes for some reason...? Which isn't going to happen because it's a terrible idea.

Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

"Am I wrong or is this really good for hunting?" she asks. "Or, uh, anything in general. It just—makes you better at things?"


"Yes, you can use Detect Poison for foraging, though it won't tell you if a thing is actually good to eat - wood isn't poisonous, for instance. Guidance is good for virtually everything, I prepare it every day and cast it almost constantly."


"I can see why!"

Light: Object shines like a torch.

Good for nighttime work if she doesn't need to sneak up on something. But you can get a magic widget that does the same thing for less than a gold, and she hasn't felt the need to purchase one yet.

Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.

"...Any object? Clothing? Weapons? Furniture?"

Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.

Weirdly specific, but she can think of situations she could have used this, unlike a lot of the other things on this list.

Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.

"...I'm confused."

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