Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"It has to be a small object. I can do about five and a half pounds, you'll be starting at about a pound. Scrolls are a way to save a spell for later. Spellbooks are what Golarion wizards record their spells in. They use complicated magical notation, the spell translates it. I never learned to write a scroll, so I doubt it'll come up here anytime soon."


"So I'll be able to tell what a scroll does, and know what the spells in a spellbook are, but it doesn't actually let me cast them? Not that I could anyway, I mean. You don't think it'll work on scrolls from this world?"


"If there are magical scrolls here it's worth a try, but it won't let you cast them, that's correct."


Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.

Useful enough, though again she's not sure when she'll wake up and decide this is really the thing she needs for the day.

Scrivener's Chant: Imbue a quill to rapidly transcribe words from one page to another.

She's, like, half a [Scribe] with this one! Probably not a good use of her time, and it sounds boring. Copying doen't cost that much.

Spark: Ignites flammable objects.

There's really a lot of these applicable to wilderness survival, isn't there? And it has a bit of range on it, too.

Stabilize: Cause a dying creature to stabilize.

"This is the one you've been doing all day!"

Vigor: Give someone a +1 bonus on their next melee damage roll.

Aaand there's also the ones for making things die. This is much better than the one for making things bleed out, at least.

Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

"Can I do this over and over on the same person?"


"It lasts a minute, so if you do it every few seconds it doesn't help, but you can cast it every minute if you want."


That wasn't what she was trying to ask, but it answers her question anyway! Then there's...

Detect Fiendish Presence: As detect evil, except this specifically detects outsiders with the evil subtype and their servants.

"What's 'outsiders' and 'servants' mean here?"


"There are nine planes with alignments called the Outer Planes. Three of those planes are Evil - chaotic evil, neutral evil, lawful evil - and creatures from those planes are evil outsiders. It will also detect clerics whose gods are associated with those planes if it comes up but I don't plan to tell anybody about those gods such that they could try to become clerics."


"Gods associated with those planes—as in evil gods? There are evil gods?"

Why did nobody tell her about this!!


"Yes, there are."


"Why would anyone work for an evil god??"





"Sometimes people are evil."


...Okay, this is a sore topic(?) for him for some reason.

"I'll... keep it in mind if I see any servants of evil gods, I guess."


"I don't think it is likely to come up here."


"Since our gods are dead, yeah." She wonders what happened to them. "So I can cast these unlimited times, but I still need to ask Desna for them in the morning? How does that work?"


"You'll have three slots for them to start out but that goes up to four if you get stronger - in Golarion not local terms - and only can change them out when you're preparing spells in the hour beginning with dawn. If you miss that hour for some reason you won't be able to swap them out but you'll still have the ones from the previous day."


"Golarion not local terms?"


"The second night I spent here I got level 1 in [Cleric]. This is obviously not the same thing as my power as Golarion counts it, since I'm a third circle cleric. It's a different - system or something. I don't know if any number of local levels could get you a new circle of spells or new slots, since those are generally gated on the god and usually granted not by pure fiat but by people getting stronger by way of combat experience."


"Oh. That's interesting."

So she should expect to get more [Cleric] features tonight or sometime this week? That's strictly a good thing, but it's already sort of overwhelming with all these spells she has to think about.

"I want to understand more about that, but I'm... kind of wiped, to be honest, it's been a long day. And I need to. Digest all of this." Such as in her dreams. Which thankfully-slash-disappointingly will probably not contain Desna. Also, she needs to talk to her family at some point. They're probably freaking out right now, if not the whole tribe.


"Okay. I think I've gone over what you need to know before sunrise, at any rate. Come by any time, and if I'm not here the chess club is a good place to check."


She nods quickly.

"I get three channels a day, is that right—why is that, by the way—do you want to set up a schedule, you said I could borrow the building to channel?"


"Most clerics get three channels a day. It goes by Splendor - one of the three mental capacities there are spells that can enhance separately, so we think of it as one thing - such that particularly Splendid people get more, and I'm not Splendid to speak of so I get fewer. And yes, you should be on the schedule, your channels will be less powerful than mine on average but most people here don't need much."


Questions that can be asked some time in the future which is not now: "three mental capacities there are spells that can enhance separately".

Then they can figure out a channel schedule before they adjourn.


He posts it on the wall in place of the previous one.


And Keisha will wave goodbye and go home.


Any messages for him at bedtime, local leveling situation?

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