Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"I'm confused!" she yelps. "I'm not a [Cleric]?"

She's aware that's supposed to be Healing Guy's class, but she's not—or did she actually fall asleep just now and get a new class in those, what, five seconds—she didn't hear it but maybe she just missed it? Can that happen? But why?


"The butterfly is Desna's symbol. A power concerned with dreams and travel. I believe She may've given you healing powers like mine. I'm going to make you a symbol to channel through. A paper butterfly to start with but you'll want something sturdier later on."


"I understood some of those words."


"You know how I can stand in the middle of scores of people and heal them all?" Assuming the healer is on the logistics of getting everyone who needs it to his building he's tugging the new Voyager towards it.


(Yeah, logistics are being coordinated.)



"I can do that because a power of my home world granted me that ability. I was asking my patron for help to do more and I think the form help took was Desna empowering you in the same way."


"Is that what that was? Is she here? Or can she just do that from wherever?" Kind of creepy. "Why me?"


"From wherever, though obviously it's not common here - you presumably have about the right intuitions to match Desna's philosophy and see it enacted in the world." Once they reach his office he will start carefully tearing a piece of paper into the shape of a butterfly.


"So it's like a job?" She already has a job! "What's her philosophy?"


"I know relatively little about Her... I don't think you have to treat it like a job but you're welcome to channel in this building on future days if you want. She cares about dreams, I don't know what exactly about them most interests Her. She's also a patron of travel, wants people to be allowed to go wherever they'd like to be. Some of her people were involved in smuggling romance novels at one point? I don't know if the romance novel part in particular mattered over the fact that it was contraband literature. The title for people She empowers is Voyager. She's Chaotic Good but I'm a poor explicator of Chaos and barely better for Good and at any rate it should perhaps wait, unless you tell me it's obvious exactly how to channel energy and I don't need to explain it." Fold fold rip rip.


The dreams part makes sense, she supposes, though it's a little bit embarrassing to be called out like that! Well, if she got some sort of boon she must have impressed someone with her whole... six levels in [Dreamer]. Which is, actually, a lot, when she thinks about it. Some of her friends are barely six levels in their main class. She just got used to thinking of it as this thing she was doing secretly on the side.

Contraband literature? Like... necromancy books? She's not even sure that's illegal. No, he said romance novels. Table that.

The part that she catches on, though, is, "Travel? I don't really... well, there was the time we all... I'd like to, but..." She shakes her head. "Do I have to be chaotic good? I don't really know what that means but I wouldn't say I'm 'chaotic' and I... don't... know if I'm good?"

It's not like people go around calling themselves good. It's a bit of a weird thing to judge people by unless you're saying they, like, saved a hundred orphans from a fire or something.

"But, uh, the channeling is maybe more important."


"You have to be at least one of chaotic or good - you must, already, count, to have power from Desna - and you cannot be either of lawful or evil or you will lose your powers. Neutral Good is fine. So to channel, you're going to take Desna's symbol, that being for the moment this paper butterfly," he gets it free from the bulk of the paper, creases it bilaterally to compare the wings and get them a little more even, "and you're going to try to reach in Her direction, through the symbol. She can hear you if you address Her but you don't need to use words for this, just intend that some of Desna's power go through you and your butterfly to fill the area around you. It'll be thirty feet in radius. It'll be only about a third as strong as mine but that will be enough to see that everyone you can cover lives till tomorrow. Have you ever attended a channel, do you know what it feels like -"


She needs to break the law? No, she can be 'neutral'. But maybe she should do, like, a little graffiti? To be safe?

And it's only hitting her now that she's supposed to be able to do the heal everyone within forty thirty(?) feet of you thing, like Healing Guy does, which is kind of a huge responsibility? She swallows.

"—Yeah. So do I just hold it and... I should wait for them to finish getting everyone in, right?"

(They're still working on packing people in, given that a lot of the high-priority cases are not tremendously transportable right now.)


"Right. You stand on the bridge in the middle, this way. I'm going to help stabilize people in transit, okay?"


Nod, carefully holding the butterfly in case creasing it might break it.


Stabilize. Stabilize. Stabilize. Stabilize. Stabilize. Stabilize. Stabilize. Stabilize. Stabilize...


Okay, they've got everyone in now!

They've got Drakes, Gnolls, humans, even the odd elf(?) and dwarf all packed in. Not a single Antinium to be seen.


He can look into that later! "Voyager, now!"


Voyager? Oh, right, that's supposed to be her—

She's not sure how to do this. She thinks back to the moment she was contacted by Desna, and tries to summon that feeling of falling, reaching... can she reach that through the butterfly and pull


Yes, dear, you pull and then you push, easy as falling off a log.


1d6 = 6

And most injuries in the room are healed, if not fully, then to the point where they can walk with assistance. The sound of crying and cheering blots out everything for a while, but one of the logistics people manages to get a voice above the din.

"Exit in an orderly fashion, please!" To Blai, "Can she do another one immediately?"


"Yes." If she were that much less splendid than him it would probably have made itself obvious while they talked. "Are there people to swap in for the better-off - any of the Antinium, I don't see any in this batch."


"Selys, get us another batch! Senio Prognugator Klbkch said the Hive would recover them, and we shouldn't waste limited healing that could be used more efficiently elsewhere."


"Did he say that before or after finding out about there being a new cleric - sir the back door is push not pull -"


"Before... I suppose we can hold for half an hour and send a runner, but I don't know if it's worth it; if he did change his mind about it we'd be using our last potions on them, not the channel, because one Antinium Soldier takes up three times the space of a normal person and they're so hard to move, too, none of their injured can walk and they weigh a ton..."

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