Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"Okay. But she may be able to do a third, most clerics can, so if there's a way to shift them for that we should send someone to tell them so."


They nod. "We'll send a runner and get his response."


He goes back to Stabilizing.


And they'll pack the room another time and get people healed.

How do they know if there's going to be a third one?


"She'll - just have to try it and see, but it should be stable once she knows how many she has."


Not ideal, but better than not having the possibility at all.

The runner's back. Klbkch says not to attempt to heal or interact with injured Antinium Soldiers without his supervision, outside of where required to move the immobile.


"Is he in fact supervising that or is that just a refusal for the foreseeable future."


"I think that's just a refusal for the foreseeable future," says the runner, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "For the rest of today, at least? He's directing rescue at the east gate."


"Okay. Do they need more help stabilizing and moving the injured citizens out there?"


"They looked okay on hands when I was there." The runner shrugs. "I'm sure they wouldn't say more to more."

        "Some of the people Keshia healed are heading back out to help. If you can do your stabilize thing that's terribly useful for the [Healers], though."


They're going to start packing for the possible third channel now that they've dropped the Antinium from the equation.


Blai stabilizes, and since Voyager apparently-Keisha seems to have the hang of channeling will even venture beyond his building to do so; sometimes moving people destabilizes them and he can get them settled on their way in.


No don't leave me alone!!! she doesn't say because she has some dignity and is not a baby. She will just stand in the middle of two hundred tightly packed mostly-strangers and hope she's met whatever arcane critera is required to qualify for a third channel, she guesses.

(She does.)


...Does she get a fourth channel? The staff have no idea how this is supposed to work if the new [Cleric] apparently can do more channels already than Blai.


"She probably can't but it's no rarer than my only being able to do two, worth trying."


They'll fill up another room, and—


—be disappointed, as Keisha squeezes her eyes tight and still nothing happens.

"Darn," she says, feeling a bit crestfallen even though she can already do more than Healing Guy... for some reason.

(The staff will shuffle everyone back out and smooth over any prickled fur, which isn't that much since as far as anyone can tell, they're doing this for free.)

What now? She looks for him. "Hey, can I do the—whatever thing you're doing?" Stabilize, she means.


"In the morning. Every morning at sunrise you can spend an hour on... uh... telling Desna what you're planning for the day, asking for spells like that one. When things are more settled I can tell you about some you could get."


"Okay." So sort of like leveling normally, that, except the channels work differently for some reason... focus. "I'll go look for something to do, if I'm not any use here. Should I find you tonight? Tomorrow?"


"Tonight; I usually don't wake up till I'm choosing my own spells."


She has no idea what that means, but okay.

"Right. Um, thank you and good luck!"

And she will go hunt down someone who can tell her where to go.


stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize stabilize anyone who lives through the night lives through the week.


The urgent cases do run out, eventually, before night falls. They're still digging some last people out of the rubble in the parts of the city that were completely overrun, but there's just enough healing of different stripes to go around at this point—some smart Councilmember contracted a Courier by [Message] to run in two bags of holding full of low-grade potions from Celum, arrived by late afternoon—that it's more a personnel allocation problem that Blai only benefits on the margin. Someone tells him to take a break, grab something to eat.


That is a sensible instruction and he will follow it. He has sausage and cheese and bread at his place and can go slap together a sandwich.


When he's done with his food break, he might come out to Keisha sitting on his front porch, dozing off against the wall.



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