Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"Well, it's only been a couple of hours.

"I'm going to try join the team going in to scout the dungeon tomorrow morning. If that doesn't sound completely insane to you you shouldn't expect my channels."


"It doesn't sound insane. Positive energy - the channel or a healing spell delivered as a touch attack - both damage undead; I wasn't sure if it would work on the ones here but it did when I tried it."


"Weird. So it's like anti-death magic or something? I haven't heard of healing potions doing anything like that, but they're a lot different than what clerics do. I noticed yesterday you wear armor and use a mace. How did you decide on those? I don't really know how to prep for a dungeon run. Not that this is really a dungeon run, but close enough."



"They're magic. The individual armor and mace are, I mean. I learned to use them when I was in training for the military, though I didn't get the magic versions until later and they're not impressive examples of the type. Wearing armor won't foul up your spells or anything - it does for wizards, they have finickier gestures, but not for clerics - but you should still choose a set that isn't too heavy for you and that you can move around in, mine actually slows me down quite a bit and I've just decided it's worth the tradeoff. The considerations probably differ in a dungeon. Maces were - traditional - in my case, and mine is also made of a material that was particularly useful at getting through demon skin; I don't think maces have anything in particular to recommend them over whatever you're familiar with as long as the enemy doesn't just shrug it off the way a skeleton often will an arrow."


Woah, magic item! She's seen adventurers walking with what looks like magic gear, but it feels more impressive when it's someone she knows. She didn't know that armor messes up spells, but that makes sense why you only ever see [Mages] going around in robes.

But, uh, "I didn't know you were in the military! Or that you were fighting demons. There are demons where you're from too?"


"Yes, there was a portal to a plane full of an infinite number of them and I helped hold the border. It's been closed now."



"Wow! Maybe I should think more about going to Rhir?" Rhir hasn't featured in her books as a Nice Places To Visit, but the point of being a cleric of Desna isn't to go to nice places, is it? And it'll certainly be an experience.


"I don't know if that would be wise or not, I don't know anything about the place. A lot of people holding the Worldwound died. I was lucky."


"Well, that's why I wasn't going to. But people die going adventuring too, and if I'm going to get in trouble to level then I should do it fighting demons and not graverobbing."


"Clerics don't have to adventure. Though I acknowledge that being able to level in two ways rather than one might be an incentive."


"Maybe if Desna picks another person. If I'm the only one, I kinda of feel I have to represent, yeah? Not coast by at Level 1, seems like a waste. Though if I die I can't represent at all. Hm.

"I'll see if I have to stomach for it tomorrow, first."


"I'm not adventuring here specifically because I'm the only one and can't assume I'd be replaced, but Desna's probably in a less resource-strapped situation, so if that's the way you feel about it don't let me stop you."


Keisha hadn't been thinking of those as major factors compared to her, you know, dying. Which is bad. Should she be? Desna's observably able to pick new clerics. Maybe at least one cleric needs to be around, so it applied to Blai before but not anymore?

"I'll need to think about it. Do you have any suggestions for what first circle spell I should ask for tomorrow, it sounds like that's a case where I definitely want to know exactly what I'm getting..."


Sure, they can go over Detect Undead versus Deathwatch versus Hide From Undead versus a few things that are useful if she expects the dungeon to contain non-undead.


Deathwatch might be the pick. Detect Undead doesn't past very long and other people have sensory Skills. She's there for emergency healing, which means she shouldn't channel if no one is about to die, because they'd always prefer to use a potion after an encounter, and save her for a tough fight. So being able to judge that better is useful.


"I wish you a successful dungeoneering expedition."


He'll get some more questions through the rest of the day about his poster, but no one bothers him too much. No one seems to be terribly struck by the descriptions; one [Loan Assessor] comes by about Abadar but doesn't sound terribly convinced that this is something she needs in her life.


He does mention that if anyone manages to get Abadar's endorsement they will basically have proxy control of his finances for the rest of his life but he's just one person, the church certainly won't command that much respect from anyone else at this time.


See, the thing is, having a mysterious patron no one has heard of from another world, and a class no one really understands, makes you more sketchy instead of less. And while the powers are useful in the abstract, but not very helpful for loan assessing. She'll keep it in mind but will hold off for now.



He goes about his business, now with added divinity consultation but otherwise as normal.


No new levels tonight.


In the early twilight of the next morning, a hollow, blue, light begins to shine through the windows.


He usually has his eyes closed for some but not all of his hour of prayer. It's incompatible with most activities but not, actually, with getting up off his knees and having a look out the window, so long as he goes on reciting something that counts as a prayer, in this case the Exhortation for the End of Hell. "- covered in glory, may Your sword strike down the -" What is glowing out there.


In the overcast sky above the city, there's a... fracture. It's bleeding prismatic hues across the gray, and growing, but not very quickly.

People are craning out of windows and coming out of doors to see what's going on.


"- the wicked who shall not stand aside to permit Your outstretched hand -" He is making some rapid adjustments to his spell prep for the day, he doesn't know what you want for a sky fracture but it's probably not four Lesser Restorations and a Remove Blindness.


There's a flash of light—only a slight one, you really have to be looking at it to notice—and the fracture snaps out of existence. The strange hues bleed back out of the sky, taking the strange glow with it. Left behind is a tiny dot, if you have good eyesight, that hovers for a moment before flying off towards the south.

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