Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"It's an accurate historical record, but with emphasis and narration according to the legacy Iomedae intended to leave."


"Was it commissioned by Iomedae?"


"Yes, she had it written and compiled almost entirely during her lifetime."


"Most excellent." Then even if it is biased, the bias will be informative in its nature. "I look forward to its publication, then. Do you have a timeline for your work?"


"It's slow going. I am most of the way through the first Act but it's the shortest and has the least complex moral philosophy."


The narrativized historical record of his god's mortal adventures contains complex moral philosophy?

"Is vocabulary one of the barriers to translation? I may be able to find a translation spell that assists in some respects."


"Yes, this is my fourth language."


"The standard [Translate] or [Translation] only aids comprehension, not synthesis, so I will have to delve into my archives. May I impose on you again later this week, with my findings and the scroll you said may be useful to compare?"


"Yes, which day should I plan to have the scroll-relevant spells prepared?"


"Will Gnorna* afternoon be suitable?"

*Today is Tirenv, so this is in two days.


"Yes." He writes it in on his appointment list.


"It has been a fascinating conversation," says Xrn. "You can reach me by mail to the Free Hive, if you wish, or through Klbkch."


"Thank you for coming by."


They'll take their leave and let him have his time back.


He resumes translating.


Keisha shows up in the late afternoon, looking fresh and disgruntled and only a little banged up.

"I have a channel left and also I've decided I hate adventuring."


"I'll put up the sign - everyone okay?"


"Yes, thankfully, but it was so tedious and—anxiety inducing—and there's so much dust in that dungeon, I don't know if it's new because of the undead breakout or it was always like that, I think it was always like that because the [Elementalist] who'd been in there before didn't seem surprised, and I've taken two showers after I got back and I still feel like my fur's caked with that stuff. Ugh."


"If you get good at Create Water you can get it to do a mist that rains down instead of just filling containers, it can be good for dust or smoke in the air. Though it sounds like dungeoneering is not for you."


"That would have been useful. Possibly the mage would have objected, she was throwing around a lot of ice spells. But yeah, I'm not a fan of it. It feels so... pointless. Just wandering around in the dark waiting to jump something or get jumped. All the worst parts of hunting without any of the good parts. It's for an important cause this time, but you'd have to pay me a lot to do it for anything less.

"Maybe something overground wouldn't be so bad... I dunno."


"Hunting can cause people to grow in circle too, if the things you hunt are themselves strong enough, but if you prefer not to seek out danger that is your prerogative entirely."


"I'm specced for game more than monsters, but there's no reason I can't pivot, I guess.

"In other mixed news, did you know Gazi showed up to help us. I'd heard she was in the area, but... I don't really follow that stuff, but she's really famous, if you didn't know. Gotta say I was a bit starstruck. Or maybe terrified. Both."


"I'm not acquainted."


"She's one of the Seven of the King of Destruction—that's a really famous king that almost conquered all of Chandrar twenty years ago, and the Seven were his top lieutenants. So she's really strong, stronger than anyone in the city, probably even Relc and Klbkch. And crazily experienced: she's been all over the world by now." Keisha sighs. "She was curious about my class, actually; she was surprised she hadn't heard of it.

"She's here for the dungeon too, I think, but late to the party. Could've used her two days ago."


"Huh. I wonder if she'll stop by, if she's curious about clerics... I did get one unusual visitor who's interested in helping with the translation of the Acts."

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