Blai in The Wandering Inn
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Burst of Radiance, Ghost Whip, Protection from Outsiders, Air Step. "- to rescue the remnants of those souls remanded to the flames -" Channel Vigor. "- in the dissolution of the armies of Hell -"


The people coming out to watch the show are muttering amongst themselves and seem a bit concerned, but nobody's panicking yet. In a minute, the sky is back to normal, and... hellfire has not rained down on them yet? Some people go back to sleep. The Watch doesn't seem to have seen fit to sound an alarm or anything.


He'll have to put up a sign about having prepared out of an abundance of caution and to come back another time for restoration and blindness-curing, ugh. "- as soon as possible and may it be sooner by my efforts, amen." Now that there's nothing to see he will go back to kneeling and praying silently and less rote-ly.


About half an hour later, a Guardsman will come down the street, explaining to concerned citizens that it was just some idiot trying to hedge-cast a long-distance teleport and they've been reprimanded and fined for public nuisance violations.


Blai is at this juncture putting up his sign. "That's a relief, though it happened while I was preparing spells so now I have completely unsuitable ones. Thank you for letting us know."


"Yeah, sorry for the scare. Bad timing, with the whole city on edge after what happened." Even the Guardsman herself looks a bit unnerved.


"May I ask what 'hedge-casting' is?"


Oh, right, this guy didn't use to speak the language, right?

"Oh, uh... 'hedge' as in [Hedge Mage], which is a self-trained [Mage], so it means trying to cast a spell without properly learning it out of a spellbook, or in some cases even without seeing it, just going off a description. People also use it more generally to mean shoddy spellwork, so I don't know which meaning the Watch Captain meant... but I don't think [Long-Distance Teleport] is supposed to look like that."


"It had a somewhat alarming appearance, yes. Thank you again."


She goes on to help out other concerned citizens.

Nothing else special happens that morning, but he might notice an observer on the steps for the noon channel.


A willowy, blue-shelled Antinum with faceted eyes that seem to glow from the inside with prismatic colors. She's accompanied by an antsy-looking Klbkch.


"Hello. I think there should be plenty of room for you, if you're here for the channel?"


"I am here to observe, if you don't mind. I can conduct my study from without, but if there is space, I am willing to pay to experience it in person."


"I can't exclude you from the effect if you're in range and it will catch you from anywhere within the building, so I don't have a separate rate for observers. But yes, there should be space."


"Then I would like to join. Klbkch, do you have currency?"


Klbkch will click his mandibles and pay for her.

"You teleported over one thousand miles to arrive here and did not bring any coin."


"Why would I keep coin with me at the Grand Hive?"

They can enter instead of talking, how about that.


Assuming one of them pays Blai has no objections and will go take his place on the bridge at the appointed time.


Some of the other channelees look slightly nervous at the presence of the two Antinium, but not enough to say anything about it. If there's space, Klbkch will also pay for himself and accompany his friend(?). They'll stay near the exit.

When the channel hits, Xrn's arms and hands move a little—maybe in surprise, but also a bit like a microgesture. The coruscating colors in her eyes shift white for a second, then return to their previous state. Klbkch shoots her a look but doesn't say anything.

(Blai might not actually see any of this depending on the crowdedness and schema of the room.)


He's keeping half an eye on them solely because they make other people nervous - he doesn't know why, but there might be a reason. Maybe she has an idiosyncratic reaction to positive energy for some reason?


Whaaaat they're completely innocent and harmless. One of them's even a Guardsman, look!

They linger in the lobby as the crowd leaves. Does Blai have time to talk?


Sure, he was just going to go translate the Acts some more and that's not time-sensitive. "Can I help you?"


"I am Xrn, Prognugator of the Grand Hive, and student of magic and esoterica. I would like to speak to you about your world and your magic—and your gods. I will compensate you for your time."


"Of course. Will my office be comfortable for you?"


"Of course. Klbkch will have to accompany us; your Watch Captain has mandated that I be chaperoned for the duration of my stay." There's a touch of humor, on the verge of slipping into mocking, in her voice.

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