Blai in The Wandering Inn
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Keisha shrugs. "I wouldn't be surprised. You are pretty interesting, objectively speaking. Unusual visitor?"

She's sort of wondering if Gazi has any travel-related advice, but it's probably not Good advice even if it's good advice, since she... worked for someone called the 'King of Destruction'. Rather big red flag there.


"I'd mangle the pronunciation. An Antinium."


"Xrn?" She also mangles the pronunciation. "Okay, that's obvious now that you say it. That's another wild thing that happened today. It explains why she's here, anyway, and stole Klbkch. Kind of weird, though. I always heard that the other Antinium don't... socialize."


"Stole him?"


"Metaphorically. The Watch Captain wouldn't let her enter the city without Klbkch chaperoning her, and she was pretty insistent on doing that, and if Klbkch had gone with her we would've had to delay the expedition, because Klbkch is one our big heavy hitters, but Gazi decided to show up earlier so we were actually okay on firepower, but also no one there had worked with her so it was a bit sketchy... anyway, there was a bit of an argument I didn't really follow, and it ended up with Klbkch and Xrn heading off."


"I don't think I understand the social status of the Antinium. Actually, I don't understand the relative status of the gnolls and drakes either, but it seems less dramatic."


Keisha makes a face about "relative status of gnolls and drakes". More in a "this is hard to explain" way than "sensitive topic" way.

"You know there was a war with the Antinium ten years ago?"


"I'm afraid not, I don't have great retention for history facts even when I have more context."


"Well, there was a war with the Antinium ten years ago, and that was the Second Antinium Wars, actually, there was a First one eight more years before that, and that was when they first arrived in Izril. Which really sets the tone for interspecies relations. And relations never really... what's the word, normalized, with them?

"The Antinium have a territory southwest of here, and there's some trade with the Drakes, but mostly they do their own thing, they don't send ambassadors, the Antinium never leave their hives, and as far as I understand, most Drakes and Gnolls outside Liscor have never seen an Antinium—outside war, that is.

"Many people from Liscor haven't seen any Antinium other than Klbkch outside war... until the day before yesterday, at least."


"The wars ended in - treaties? One side or the other declaring victory?"


"Yes, there were treaties. The particular relevant one here is—so, backing up a bit, there were actually four... no, five sides in the Second Antinium War." She counts off her fingers. "The humans, the Drake cities, the Necromancer, the Goblin King, and the Antinium. I'd have to find a book and draw a chart to say which sides were fighting which sides at different times.

"But long story short, the Necromancer and the Goblin King got killed, and the humans, Antinum and the Drakes signed for peace."


"Necromancers are usually bad news at least on Golarion."


"Here too. I mean, the fact that a single person qualifies as a faction all by his own tells you a lot.

"That actually takes me to the relevant point, which is that the Drakes were fighting the Antinium in the south, when the Necromancer attacked from the north, and the Drakes pulled their forces away to reinforce Liscor, which holds the pass the Necromancer was trying to invade by. But the coalition army was losing, which, again, tells you a lot about how bad news the Necromancer was."

She knows this part better than the rest of the war because she lived through it as a child!

"What happened is Drake High Command figured out a treaty with the Antinium, and asked Antinium came to reinforce us. With their help, we won and Zel Shivertail killed the Necromancer. But part of the concessions the Antinium got for this was they established the Free Hive under Liscor, as an effort to normalize relations. And that's how we got here."


"They were greatly helpful when the undead attacked."


"Kind of a theme, now that I think of it, huh. Two doesn't really make a pattern, but I wonder if they have anything against undead somehow.

"But, well... the Watch Captain was nervous about Xrn because she's from one of the other Hives, not the Free Hive allied with Liscor after the treaties were signed after the war. In theory we're at peace, but the other Hives are still considered hostile, sort of? And Klbkch didn't have the easiest time assimilating into Liscor when he first became a Guardsman, and even from the Free Hive it's really only Klbkch that comes out to interact with the city, so it's not too unreasonable to be cautious that Xrn might accidentally offend or hurt someone if there isn't anyone watching her?"

She's sort of guessing here.


"She seemed personable enough to me but everyone here is equally foreign from my perspective."





"Okay, the other reason the Watch might be nervous is that she might be the most powerful [Mage] on the continent and could probably destroy Liscor if she wanted to. And she did destroy armies in the war. So probably they are overcautious because of that."


"Ah. She didn't mention that."


"...So the Antinium have these 'Prognugators', basically special generals, I think, that led their armies, and were—a big deal. The Drakes tried really hard to kill them in the Antinium Wars. There were six of them at first, and there were three left after the Second War, I think. Xrn is one of them, and Klbkch is another one."


"They don't - behave the way I expect people of that status to do based on Golarion patterns, and I'm not sure what about them or here would be affecting that."


"I think everyone thinks it's super weird that Klbkch decided to become a city guardsman after conquering a quarter of Izril, and we just sort of don't talk about it, but I don't have an explanation."

"I do remember that supposedly Klbkch and Zel Shivertail—uh, that's a famous Drake general—tried to kill each other immediately after the newly allied armies repelled the Necromancer. So maybe he just mellowed out. I don't know about Xrn, though."


"Did General Shivertail survive also, or..."


"Yes, he went on to fight the goblins and I think he's still alive and kicking now."


"What's the present goblin situation?"


"They're just kind of... wild. Small groups or tribes, they live in the plains and mountains, attack travelers and livestock, adventurers kill them. My understanding is that without a Goblin King, goblins don't organize into anything complex, and he was scary because he could unite all the goblins. I heard when the Goblin King died, the goblin army dispersed."

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