Blai in The Wandering Inn
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Sigh. Not having to carry him would be so much easier, but it's looking like it's not worth the effort, at this point.



Blai has five (5) hit dice.


It is a little surprising it didn't take, with how few levels he has. Related to his otherworldly origins, perhaps. Or perhaps he's not quite a human, despite every appearance.

She's going to dip into her stash of Nerrhavian poisons—she can restock, now she's back in Chandrar—and prick Blai with a dose of sedative that'll take down an elephant but not quite kill an ordinary man.



Down he goes.



Blai is going to wake up with a throbbing headache on a bed. He's in a simple, clean room with a bedside table, a chair and a cabinet, absent of any personalized touches. A window streams bright daylight onto a straw rug. There's a slight breeze just on the side of chilly.


Okay. How thoroughly enchanted is he, can he move, contemplate escape, speak, think mean things about his kidnapper...? Can he create water, just a little bit right in his mouth since there isn't a cup? Does he have his holy symbol, he doesn't need it for most of his orisons today but it's just the sort of thing one wants to know if one has or not.


Oh, he's completely unenchanted and unbound. He has his holy symbol.

His armor is actually on neatly set by the wall, and there's a small purse on the dresser.


...okay he'll open the purse to get an idea of what game is presently being played with him.


There's money in it! Two gold coins' worth in silver and copper. The coinage looks a bit different than the typical minting he's seen in Liscor.


Okay. Is he on the first floor? Does the window open? Is the door locked? If he keeps casting Guidance on himself can he make a fortitude save against this headache, it's that awkward amount of bad where it's intrusive enough to displace useful thoughts but not nearly agonizing enough to chase out the random anxiety.


That's not... how headaches... work?

But, uh, sure. The hangover-feeling subsides eventually after he stands up and gets his blood flowing.

He's on the second floor. The window isn't locked. The door isn't locked.


He'd walk away from letting himself out the window but he'll in fact try the door first.


There's a short corridor outside with closed doors that look the same as this one. There are stairs going down at the end. There's no one in sight.


Yeah-huh. He will try all the other doors, then the stairs.


Two of the other doors are locked. One of the ones farther away opens.

It's a room like the one he came from. There's what looks like a dark-skinned human woman sitting at the small table, except there are stitches running over her body, down her arms and back and hands in red thread. Her forearm, resting on the table, is split down the inner seam, and if he's paying attention, there's gray cotton stuffing inside, the same that there are clumps of on the desk. She's stitching it back up with her other hand, humming to herself.

When she notices Blai, she yelps and jumps out of her seat, backpedaling towards the window, needle and thread still in hand.


"Excuse me." He steps back and shuts the door. Self-repairing... golem...?


He hears hurried footsteps, and then the sound of the door locking, and then footsteps away.

None of the other doors are unlocked, if he still wants to try them.


Yes, he does.


All locked. There's a storage closet at the end with a broom and dustpan, some old clay pots, and a duster.

Footsteps coming up from downstairs!


Time to go meet whoever's on the stairs. It's not necessarily the kidnapper or her allies. He could in theory have been rescued while unconscious. But it's not the way to bet.


They'll run into each other at the stairs. It's a dark-skinned human(?)-but-with-stitches in a simple robe and a small hat. He's clearly here there for for Blai, but looks slightly afraid, and backs down to the ground floor so they're not trying to talk on the stairs.

(The ground floor is a small lobby with a reception desk and a few chairs. The exit's right there; he can see the street.)


Blai considers just going directly for the door. He put his armor on but is still missing any other things that were stolen and he didn't take the money, that wasn't his. He doesn't know where he is but he didn't know where he was a month ago and did all right. But if they have some brilliant explanation he might as well hear it. What does the golem have to say?


"...Sire. La—Adventurer Gazi, I mean—requested that I convey to you that your room is paid for for five days, and that you are free to avail yourself of the coin and belongings in your room." He looks nervous!


"That would be very generous if I had not been kidnapped but unfortunately as a matter of principle I do not wish to be convenient to kidnap. I must decline the hospitality and coin and demand the return of those of my belongings which I did not find in the room. The proprietor of this inn if that's where it is may wish to be informed that his place of business is being used for illicit abductions."


"...I... was not aware that you had been kidnapped." He looks additionally terrified now. "I apologize for the misunderstanding. Adventurer Gazi did not leave additional instructions for her contact, but we can hold the objects to be returned if she ever comes back?"

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