Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"If you have my items I would like them right now. Failing that she certainly knows my last fixed address should she be overcome by a revelation about theft. Do you have anything else to tell me?"


Oh shit he misunderstood something the human said.

"We don't have any of your belongings which weren't in the room. The coin is from Adventurer Gazi, that's what I meant we would hold for her—I don't know anything else. She didn't leave any other instructions."


"Understood. I left the room unlocked if you wish to retrieve your employer's money. I recommend finding better employment."

And now he's going to step out the door.


He actually owns the inn, and despite that doesn't really have any say about what Gazi of Reim appropriates his establishment for, but he's absolutely not going to say that to the human.


It's a street. In a town. It looks small and impoverished. The ground is sandy dirt and the buildings are made of dirt or adobe. There are a few small stores and hawkers, but it's no thriving district. There's not that many people on the street, but the ones he sees are, same as the two he just met, dark-skinned, human-resembling, and sewn with stitches. They mostly wear simple clothing, rarely dyed. A lot of them are avoiding him, possibly on account of the armor.

The sky is dazzling blue and streaked far up with wispy cirrus clouds in great swirls and moving rivers. It's not quite midday. The sun blazes hot on bare skin, but the wind has a chilly bite.


Well, he's looking at an unpleasant while till he can prep an Endure Elements. So be it. Is there a government office of any kind that he can find?


Not that he can find! It's a very small town; he can walk from one end to the other in fifteen minutes. If he tries to follow the larger roads he'll find a town square, but there are no city-hall-looking places or anything that looks governmenty, just shops and homes. No Watch or town guards, either.


Signs indicating where the roads lead?


There are outgoing trails, and some of them even have signage!

It's in different script, though. So is all the other signage in the town. He can't read it.


...huh. The guy at the hotel spoke the language he's been learning. Are the pedestrians speaking that too or something else?


Yep, they're all speaking the same language as where he was before. Accented and a tiny bit of dialectic drift, but only a tiny bit. Fully mutually intelligible. Just the script's different.


Time to ask for directions, then. "Pardon me, where does this road lead and how far is it? I don't know the local letters."


A bit startled to be addressed by the armored human, but this is a normal interaction to have.

"That way's to Raelith, thirteen miles."


That will take almost five hours but it looks like he has that much daylight left. "Is Raelith the closest town?"


"Yes?" What a weird question to ask.


Could have been one in another direction only seven miles off.

He will go walk for the next five hours toward Raelith.


Yeah, but people are usually using roads to... get somewhere...


The wind is chilly and the sun is in his eyes and the trail fades in and out through rocks and sand, but if he keeps his bearings he'll eventually be able to to sight what is presumably Raelith in the distance, and make good pace towards it. Nobody shows up to re-kidnap him. He'll come across some giant scorpions nesting in some shade, but they won't bother him if he doesn't bother them.


He has no quarrel with scorpions.

In Raelith he will start asking around about buying lodging for the night with water or a channel. He is prepared to sit up all night staring at the scorpions failing that, though. One night of sleep deprivation is less bad than four and much less bad when you're also on a dry fast.


Raelith is mostly similar to the town he came from, maybe a little bigger. People are very happy to give him stuff for water and channels, especially after they see the quality of his water. They'll actually pay him to fill up some cisterns with fresh water.

More people want in for channels than one would expect scaling the demand observed in Liscor to the local population. A lot of them have injuries partway through the natural healing process.


Well, in a bit they will no longer have those! - they're not undead, right, they are clearly something but is that thing undead.


They are not undead and take perfectly well to a channel! There's a lot of clapping and jumping. Someone asks him what his class is and how you get it.


He is a cleric and you can only get it if perceived across planar boundaries to be aligned with a patron who can grant such magic.

Do any of these people know where Liscor is?


That sounds like high magic nonsense no one from a dinky village is going to have a chance at, the asker doesn't say, so he lets it drop there.

"I haven't heard of Liscor."


"Drakes and gnolls live there, do you know where drakes and gnolls can be found?"


"...No. Do you want to ask the elder?"

He can point out an old stitch-man sitting at edge of the square.


He will go ask the elder, sure.

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