April is still in Starter Villain
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Indeed she is!


Oh good! Then Pippi can help out by batting the ball of rolled up things back the right way when it bounces off of something or heads too close to a cliff or the water and stuff like that.


"This is the cutest thing I have ever seen."


Pippi is over here making sure that the trash-collecting orb is going the right directions, and not the wrong ones. She's not doing it constantly, most of the time she's on the ground watching carefully, ready to pounce, but when things start to go the wrong way she'll leap up and paw at the ball until it's going the right way again. 


"Woo! Go Pippi! You're a star!"



With her tail swishing enthusiastically at her new cheering section, Pippi continues to help, guiding the lopsided ball over a particularly narrow bridge so it doesn't fall off. 


"Whew, we did it!" she says when she reaches the end of the bridge. "Anyway, yes, now you understand about the katamari."


"I may never understand the katamari. But at least now I've seen it."


Pippi is still watching, ready to intervene when her help is required.


At the moment she is mostly rolling up miscellaneous debris, but - oop, there, she bounced off something that was a little too big to grab and now she's spinning out of control in the wrong direction.


Then Pippi can pounce and steady the ball with her paws, and get it rolling the right way again. 


Her totally ineffective assistance is deeply appreciated.


Pippi is glad to help! And is clearly enjoying it very much. 


"So, just to be clear, the game doesn't actually accept cat input, right? Are there video games for cats?"


"I don't know if there are video games for cats but this isn't one. If there are video games for cats maybe I should get some."


Pippi has no way to understand what they're talking about, of course, so she will continue to help guide this ball in the right directions when necessary instead of being curious about what games they could even have for cats. 


Daisy is now looking up cat video games on her phone.

"Good news: cat video games are real," she reports. "Bad news: the reviews of this one say that it interrupts the gameplay with ads. Why?? Why advertise to a cat??? Truly we live in a fallen world."


"Ads?? Is this a phone game? Maybe they're hoping the cat will accidentally paw up some purchases while the owner isn't looking."


Pippi's tail stops swishing for a moment for unrelated reasons. After a moment it goes back to swishing, with just as much enthusiasm as before as she keeps the katamari from rolling off the edge of a cliff.


"Absolutely despicable," Daisy concludes. "Ooh, nice save!"


"Thank you. Wait, you were talking to the cat."


Pippi certainly has no way to understand what words they're saying, of course, but she can understand that Daisy is happy about something, and so of course it's about Pippi, clearly. She continues watching for more scenarios where her help is needed.


Daisy continues to cheer for Pippi whenever something cool happens.


April continues to affectionately tolerate this.

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