April is still in Starter Villain
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Spaghetti is not a Pippi food, sadly, so she will content herself with the wet food. Perhaps one of these days Pippi will convince April to give her bacon, but today is clearly not that day. She tucks in happily. 


It's decent spaghetti. A fine reward for a job well done.

"So, same time next week?"


"If you're up for it, yeah!"


Pippi continues eating her food as though she does not understand what they're saying or when she can look forward to more pirate ship, as that would require a much greater understanding of human language than she could possibly possess. But with any luck, soon there will be more things for her to play with! She tucks into her food with renewed vigor. 


Daisy stays long enough to have a cup of tea after dinner (and pet the cat some more), then goes home, with a promise to be back next week for more piratical shenanigans.


Once Pippi is done enjoying Daisy's pets and once she has left, Pippi goes and finds April, and rubs up against her ankles, purring quite a lot. 


"Hey, you. Somebody likes her crow's nest, huh?"


Pippi purrs some more and wraps a tail around one of April's legs. 



See, the problem with this arrangement is that if she tries to pet Pippi she'll fall over. "Adorable little tripping hazard, you are."


After a few moments Pippi unwraps the leg and goes and brushes up against her other one. 


"I see my job is to stand here until you're done loving me." But she doesn't sound mad about it.


Cats cannot understand human speech, of course, but they can understand tone, and so it's perfectly reasonable that Pippi has no reaction to what April is saying other than to make a figure eight through her legs purring happily, brushing her tail against April's shins.


"At this rate I'm afraid to finish the pirate ship. I'll be trapped for a week. There will be no escape."


Pippi purrs again, does one more figure eight loop, and wanders off to go play with her new toy. 


"I'm glad you're having fun," April calls after her.


When April goes to go shopping this week, she'll find Pippi sitting by the door, casually cleaning herself. 


"Good morning." She hefts the cart into the air to get it past the cat.


The cat moves finishes cleaning herself and stands, walking around so she's standing behind April. 


"I see my little tripping hazard is in fine form today." But she still successfully wrestles the cart out the door.


Once the door is closed, Pippi pushes her way through the cat door that was installed just for her, and stands a foot or so behind April, waiting. 


She puts the cart down, locks the door behind her, and heads out.


If she looks behind her at any point as she travels, she will see a familiar orange-and-white striped cat following behind her. 



"I'm being followed," she remarks. "Tailed, you might say."


Pippi makes no response to this, and continues following her, a short distance behind. 


Sure, she can grocery shop like this. Why not.

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