April is still in Starter Villain
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Partway through The Winding, April leaves Daisy standing on the coffee table continuing to wind and heads downstairs to drag out the stepladder. That lets her get up to the very top of the pole and keep winding the twine past the floor of the crow's nest. At that point they can give it the final tie-off.

"Well," she says, standing back, "it looks better than I expected but worse than I hoped. —oh, we forgot the mat, Daisy gimme a hand—"


They shuffle a rubber mat under the base frame to add some friction and protect the floor.


April starts grabbing miscellaneous debris off the floor, empty rolls of twine and so on, and shoving it back into the shopping bags while Daisy admires their handiwork.


Pippi jumps to the floor, and paces back and forth, and once it's clear that the actual construction work is done and no more work is going to go into the pole, Pippi takes a bit of a run up and scampers halfway up the pole, holding on with her claws. She pauses, looks around, and then climbs the rest of the way, only slightly slower than she did to begin with. Before long she's at the top in the crow's nest, looking down at the humans from her perch. 




"You know, on a real pirate ship, the mast would have sails. And rigging."


"Sails and rigging are in the works! But I'm okay with this mast specifically not having them. It doesn't need to be a flawlessly accurate pirate ship."

Having finished cleaning up, she is now getting out a measuring tape.


Daisy is quickly drawn into April's efforts to plan out the rest of the ship.


And from her high-up perch, Pippi watches. 


After being up there for a couple of minutes, she jumps down, brushes up against both of their shins, purring a lot.


"Awwww." Scritches for Pippi?


Pippi will happily accept scritches! She will continue to purr whilst being scritched. 


Cannot scritch, too busy designing kitty architecture.


Too bad for April! Daisy will be over here with the fuzzy friend.


After a minute or so of getting scritched, Pippi will scamper off to climb the pole once more. This time she gets about halfway up, turns sideways, and jumps off the pole, landing on the soft couch cushions. Hopping down onto the floor, Pippi pads over to where April is carefully at work, brushes past her affectionately when she's not literally in the middle of doing something, and then goes back over to get more scritches from Daisy. 


"Hello to you too," she says as Pippi passes by.


Cat? Cat! Cat. <3


Pippi flops into a loaf on the floor next to Daisy so she can pet her easily, watching April as she measures and designs. 


What a good and cozy loaf, perfect for petting!


April is filled with Thoughts and Plans and Ambitions. And measuring tapes. Okay, the measuring tapes remain outside of the April, for now.


Pippi cannot see the Thoughts or Plans or Ambitions directly, but she can certainly see that April is having a good time figuring out something to do with the room, and Pippi is certainly happy about more things to play with too. She observes with interest. While being petting and purring, of course. The pets are very important. 


"All right," she says eventually, "I think I've got a plan mostly put together. Who wants dinner?"


"But you see, in order to eat dinner, I must stop petting this cat."


"Suit yourself." Up she hups.


When April heads into the kitchen for food, then it's time for Pippi's food as well. So, leaving Daisy behind, Pippi stretches and heads over to the kitchen and waits by her bowl. Which admittedly is half-full of kibble, but still, maybe she'll be getting something nicer? 


Spaghetti for the humans in the room, and— "that looks like a cat who wants me to dump that out and get her some real food." So, wet food for Pippi.

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