April is still in Starter Villain
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Pippi follows her all the way to the grocery store. Does it look like the sort of place that will allow pets inside at all? 


April has no idea but is planning to find out by trying it.


Well, Pippi is just going to follow April into the store then. 


They definitely get some funny looks, but it turns out that it's surprisingly hard to go up to a stranger in the grocery store and ask why she brought her cat. Pippi therefore gets to see April trundling through the aisles picking out food for the week. She does grab both eggs and bacon.


Pippi is mostly just following behind, though she does react positively when April puts both of these things in her cart.  

She does run ahead a little bit to eye the food at the meat-and-fish department, when they get there. She stands below, staring up at all of it. 


"Greedy kitty. I don't even know how to cook half that stuff!"


"No. I'd say 'if you want fish you can pay for it yourself' but that would be cruel. I guess 'if you want fish, too bad' isn't that much less cruel, but it feels less oppressive, you know?"



Pippi is hanging her head a little bit, though, as though she can tell this is a lost cause. 


"It's like she understands everything I say." Onward to Pop-Tarts.


Pippi meows one more time, then follows gracefully behind. 


Anybody at the cash register going to complain about the cat? No? Good. Homeward!


Pippi trots happily behind, tail in the air. 


"Well, at least you're not wallowing in disappointment."


Pippi cannot understand April, and simply follows her, keeping her eyes on the grocery cart. 


"Since the groceries are pre-inspected do I get to put them away undisturbed? Guess I'll find out."


When they get close to the house, Pippi runs ahead a bit, and goes in first through the cat door. 

When April enters the house, she'll find Pippi in her customary spot, cleaning herself, ready to watch the groceries go away. 



The usual grocery ritual ensues.


Pippi watches, perking up as the eggs and bacon go past. When the bacon goes by she meows softly. 


"Am I hearing a request to the chef?"


"Maybe for breakfast tomorrow, if I remember."

She finishes putting the groceries away and sets the cart back in its spot.


Pippi looks away for a moment to wash herself when the bacon is put away, since she has no way of understanding the words that April is saying, as she's just a normal cat. But when April is done putting the cart away, she still goes and brushes past her legs in an affectionate manner before heading to her room to climb up her crow's nest once more. 




She does, in fact, make bacon the next morning.


Pippi hops up on the kitchen table to watch her work as she's cooking. 

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