April is still in Starter Villain
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April emerges from her office in the late evening and does in fact head downstairs to play video games. Her lap is perhaps not optimally amenable to cat while she's rolling around in We Love Katamari.


Unfortunately for her, there is a lap that Pippi has been cruelly and unaccountably denied entering all day, and she's not going to pass up the chance to worm her way into it now. 


🎶 This lap is full of elbows 🎶
🎶 And that's just what she'll do 🎶
🎶 If you insist on lap time now this girl will elbow you 🎶


Hmph. She's clearly not doing it on purpose, but clearly April is very into her video game and is not making proper allowances for cat. 

For entirely unrelated reasons, after a few minutes of being randomly elbowed by an enthusiastic April, Pippi will sidle out of the lap and sit next to April on the couch and give her paws a wash. 


"I am sorry, but also, you definitely brought this on yourself," she says, bouncing in place as her trash orb rolls its way to victory. "Woo!"


Brought what on herself? Pippi decided to get out of the lap and wash herself for entirely unrelated reasons. No elbows were involved in this decision. 

She does turn to look at the screen to watch April succeed at trash-ball-rolling though. 


Hers is the most successful trash ball. Woo.


It does seem be going rather well for her, at least as far as Pippi can tell. Which isn't very much because she's just a regular cat. But it does look like the sort of thing that Pippi might like to play, if she could bat the ball of Stuff around herself. She could do with a few things to play with in general, in fact. 

After a few minutes of watching Pippi hops up off the couch to crouch on the floor, so she can reach up and bat at the lopsided orb on screen. 


"You know, that's a good point," she says. "I wonder..."

A minute later when she's done with the level, she grabs her phone and looks up whether she can get a stuffed katamari. A stuffed katamari specifically designed as a cat toy may be a bit much to ask for—nope, Etsy's got her covered.


Pippi is too far away to see the screen, and probably couldn't understand what she was seeing even if she could since she's a normal cat, but it does seem like she probably communicated her desires successfully. She settles back into a loaf on the floor to watch the goings-on on the screen, only occasionally reaching up a paw to bat at the trash ball for a moment before going back to the relaxed loaf. 


The next level she plays is an outright race, which significantly increases ambient elbow hazard levels, but luckily Pippi is not in her lap anymore.


Pippi does her best to help by batting the ball back in the right direction whenever it gets too far away from where it's supposed to be (going off the track to pick up extra trash to become bigger is apparently okay, but going into the water not so much. At least not until the ball is big enough to start picking up boats). 


"It's a shame I can't trust you not to eat magnets," she remarks cryptically.


Pippi isn't sure what she means by this (not that she can understand what she's saying in the first place, of course), and so continues batting at the orb on the screen when her help is required. 


Okay, Cat-amari is April's new favourite game. She already liked this game a lot, but the 'help' just takes it to the next level.


Well if April is having a good time playing games with her, then Pippi is quite happy to keep helping her out when she needs it. 


Eventually she yawns.

"Okay, bedtime," she says, turning off the game. "Night, Pippi."

...Pippi is going to follow her upstairs, isn't she.


Yup. Pippi is a curious kitty, and wants to see what April is up to! Even if it is probably just brushing her teeth and things. 


Brushing her teeth, gently evicting the cat from the bathroom so she can pee...


Pippi can be evicted without much trouble. She washes herself outside the door waiting for April to leave. 


And lo, she returns! Straight across the hall and into the bedroom.


Straight there? Without stopping for a loving shinrub from her favorite kitty? 


Okay, okay, fine, feline affection will be grudgingly tolerated.


Well, good, because feline affection is going to be applied! With some purring once Pippi realizes she's stopped to allow her to show her affection, and not having to give walk-by affection. 


"I don't know what I did to get you to like me so much. I feel like I'm looking at a friend going 'your taste in men is gonna get you in trouble someday' only in this scenario I am also the men."

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