April is still in Starter Villain
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Pippi purrs, and rubs up against her shins a few more times, softly brushing her with her tail, before stalking off to catch a patch of sunlight. 


It's a couple days later when April, having observed the success of moving the pirate ship, tries moving Pippi's bed into the front room. She makes sure Pippi can see her do it, on the theory that surely an object being in a different place is less confusing if you watched it go there, and also if Pippi doesn't want April touching her bed she can probably complain about it and then April won't touch her bed and it'll stay where it is.


Pippi watches her move the bed with apparent curiosity and no complaints, stalking a short distance behind her as she moves the carboard box with blanket to the living room that is essentially her own room now. Once April has put the bed into place, Pippi brushes past her shins affectionately, and plops into place, kneading the blankets around a bit before settling in for a short relaxing nap. 


So far so good!

"Daisy's coming over tonight," she mentions as she steps away. "I don't know why I'm telling you this."


Pippi is still a normal cat that cannot understand human speech, and so has no reason to be mildly excited about the words that April is saying. She still perks her head up a bit, but that's because April is talking to her. No other reason. 


April, who unironically believes this, just smiles to herself as she heads upstairs to get some post-lunch work done.

Later in the afternoon, she comes back downstairs and announces, "Impromptu grocery trip, I wanna bake cookies. You probably can't have any."


Cookies are in fact not a cat-friendly food! Not that Pippi in any way knows this, or that April is intending to make cookies, of course, but she's still going to perk up and watch her leave with her cart, before settling back into her newly-moved bed. She'll inspect the groceries when April returns. 


She returns with cookie ingredients, cookie decorating supplies, and a few cans of beans. Nothing very enticing.


Pippi watches from her usual corner with interest, and while she perks up slightly at the cans of beans, she slinks back down when she realizes that they are not cat food. A pity. Eventually, when the groceries are all put away (or put on surfaces for imminent cookie creation), Pippi stretches, lifts herself up, and imperiously stalks off, passing by April for a moment to brush past her legs. 


"Figures. See you later, Pippi."

Cookie time! She is going to draw dumb little cat faces on all the cookies, because she can. Her enthusiasm outpaces her skill but it's fine, that's part of the charm.


The doorbell rings partway through the decorating process.


Pippi goes to answer the door. She cannot open the door herself, of course, but she can hop out the recently installed cat door and say hello to Daisy. 


Daisy laughs. "Oh hey, you!" She leans down to find out if Pippi would like scritches.


Oh, Pippi would very much like scritches. 


"I am being supplanted in my own home," says April, opening the door. "I made cookies! You're just in time to help decorate!"


"In my defense, you're not nearly as fluffy," says Daisy. "How much creative freedom do I have over these cookies?"


"You're just gonna draw dicks on them, aren't you. Get in here already."


Pippi looks forlornly at Daisy's hand for a moment when she stops providing the pleasurable scritches, and then follows the both of them inside through the now open human door. 


"This is now Pippi's room, by the way," she adds as she leads Daisy through the front room toward the kitchen. "I sit on the couch when I want to hang out with her."


"I don't know why you told me that when you want my help decorating cookies," says Daisy, beelining for the couch.


If she's on the couch, that probably means more scritches, right? Pippi hops up next to where Daisy is sitting and looks at her and the awaiting lap. Is this lap for her? 


It is! It is for her!


"You two have fun, then. I'm going to be over here eating all these cookies by myself once I finish drawing very stupid-looking cats on them."


Daisy snickers, but, importantly, doesn't stop petting Pippi.


Pippi is perfectly happy to continue to be pet. There may also be some purring involved. 

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