April is still in Starter Villain
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"Can I interest you in a katamari?" she asks the cat, fishing up the orb from beside the couch and giving it an enticing wiggle.


In theory Pippi is probably more interested in snuggles from Daisy than being distracted by the crocheted toy, but perhaps she shouldn't be entirely monopolizing April's friend. She perks up at the sight of the bumpy object, tracking it with her head. 


And lo, the orb was tossed.


And then it is pounced upon! After extricating herself from Daisy without hurting her, of course. Pippi bats the ball from side to side a bit, taking a step or two to grab it when it goes askew in one direction or another due to its unusual shape. 


"What is that thing?"


"I'll explain later."


Pippi bats the ball a few feet across the room, watches it unevenly roll across the floor, and then chases after it and pounces again, biting it and shaking it around a bit, before letting it go and doing it again. 


"So how've you been?"


"Oh I see, this was all a ploy to get my attention off the cat. Too bad, she's still adorable."


As proof of this, Pippi knocks the ball across the room again, scampering past them as the katamari rolls its way near to the way into the kitchen, her tail wagging a little for balance (and cuteness). 


Well, now she's giggling.


Pippi knocks the ball towards the kitchen, pauses, and then rolls the ball the other way, back into view, stalking after it like its an unaware creature that she's ready to pounce on. 


"I admit defeat. Nothing will save me from the cuteness."


She pats April's knee comfortingly. "There, there. It's a journey all pet owners must face."


Pippi bats the ball back the other way, and after a few more iterations of this, she has, by purely random chance, ended near the kitchen and so out of sight of April in Daisy, still playing with her toy. 


"Alas! Tragedy! Woe! I guess I'll have to entertain myself recounting office gossip after all."


"Yessss. Triumph at last."


Pippi continues playing with her toy for a bit while listening to the humans talk -- not that she can understand what they're saying as a perfectly normal cat, of course. After a while she takes a pause to head downstairs for a short bathroom break. 


By this time the humans have munched their way through the whole plate of cookies and gone to the kitchen to refill the plate. April is making tea.


Daisy is explaining why she thinks two of her coworkers are secretly dating, but gets distracted seeing the orb again. "You still haven't told me what that is. What'd you call it again?"


She hums a snatch of music under her breath and pours two cups of tea.

"Let's take this downstairs and I'll show you."


Heading back up the steps towards the kitchen, toy in tow, Pippi pauses partway up as she sees the humans descending the stairs. She stares up at them for several moments, and then heads back downstairs to see what they're up to, brushing past their shins affectionately once they've safely reached the bottom. 


They are up to: video games!


Oh, video games! Pippi knows what to do with those. She'll sit near the screen, looking up at it, tensed and ready to help out if her help is needed. Is April playing the Katamari game? 

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