April is still in Starter Villain
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Pippi continues to test the additions to her kingdom, peeking through the staircase at the humans when they come into view. 


Daisy pours the tea.


April leans across the kitchen table to get a good look at Pippi, and smiles to see her having fun up there.


After several minutes of exploring the pirate ship and climbing the rigging in several different ways, Pippi hops down off a sail onto the floor, and pads into the kitchen, looks around, and heads straight for April. She rubs herself against April's shins and purrs. 


"I see we have the feline seal of approval."


Pippi heads over to Daisy, brushes past her legs while purring, and then heads to her bowls to have a big drink and eat some of the kibble. 


"I am blessed," she proclaims dramatically, holding her hand to her heart.


Pippi continues to nibble her kibble. When she's done, she'll have another drink, and then brush past all their legs on the way back to the pirate ship, where she finds a comfortable spot on the upper deck to curl up for a bit. 


The girls keep chatting.


Eventually Daisy has to leave. Passing by the pirate ship on the way out, she looks up at it and says, "I can't believe we actually did it."


"It's ridiculous. But in an awesome way."


Pippi perks her head up when Daisy pauses near the door, climbs down out of the structure, and heads over the Daisy to show her approval once more, before she leaves. Her approval, as usual, mostly consists of rubbing up against her legs while purring. 


"Blessed once more..."


April laughs at her, but in a good-natured sort of way.


Pippi, blessings granted, pads over to her couch to curl up comfortably and watch Daisy leave.


April meanders over to the couch and sits down next to her once she's seen Daisy off.

"It's kind of objectively absurd, isn't it," she says. "I dunno, I just want you to have nice things."


Pippi takes this opportunity to move closer to where April is sitting and put her head (and some of her body) in her lap. And purr softly. 


Well how about Pippi gets lil scritches then, how about that.


Pippi seems very content with scritches. 




Life goes on. Daisy visits semi-regularly to hang out with Pippi and deliver the latest workplace gossip to April. They make a few touch-ups to the pirate ship, including one partial disassembly to wrap rope around the uppermost timbers of the outer frame. April buys a nicer cat bed and puts it on the back end of the deck. Pirate-themed toys gradually accumulate.

April doesn't go out much except for groceries and very occasional visits to friends, so it's pretty out of the ordinary when one Saturday morning she fills Pippi's bowl with kibble after breakfast and says, "High school reunion. Gonna be out at the science museum all day. Stay out of trouble, yeah?"


Pippi, who is currently batting a stuffed parrot around on the floor, looks up at April for a moment as she's talking, and then turns back to her very important task. 


"Enjoy your miniature atrocities!"

And she's off.


Pippi is flopped on the porch swing when April returns, clearly having done perfectly normal cat things all day. She opens one eye when she hears her approach. 


She trudges up to the house looking like someone who did not enjoy her high school reunion.

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